Protect or Harm | A Mithross...

By FizzingInk

2K 35 22

In the offices Ross is a new video maker and finds out that Max and Adam are dating. However Ross realizes th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

74 2 0
By FizzingInk

Max's POV

I'm running through a dark gray corridor however everywhere I go, I keep hitting dead ends. The room is closing in on me and I don't know how to make it stop. My heartbeat quickens as I hear the shrill sound of laughter sound from behind me, I turn my head however there was nothing behind me- not even the shadow of a person. I breath in a quick gulp of air as I feel something seize me by my shoulders. I opened my jaw ready to scream however nothing came out, as I continued to try to scream the presence of the person got lower on my body. I wanted to cry but I couldn't- there was nothing I could do.

Suddenly the presence was gone- all that was left was a cold breeze I glanced around until I found a blade glaring back at me. What the hell? I thought to myself as I reached out towards the blade but as soon as my hand scrapped the edge of the blade the worst sound filled my ears- screaming. But it wasn't just anybody's screaming it was Ross's screaming and Ross sounded petrified. "ROSS?!" I yelled out as I glanced around the dark and empty room that surrounded me.

"MA-MAX!" A voice yelled as I felt the entire room around me shake. My heart beat quickened as I quickly reared out my fists until I punched out however something soft landed against my fist, "YOWCH!"

"I-huh?" I spoke as I found myself drifitng away from the dark room. I quickly blinked open my eyes to find myself back in my bedroom: Ross hovered over me, his hand sat over his nose where I must of punched him. "OH MY GOD, IM SO SORRY ROSS!" I yelled out as I quickly jumped out of my bed as I dived towards my friend. Ross chuckled as I grabbed ahold of him.

"Its ok Max!" Ross soothed as he embraced me into a hug, I felt my face burn a bright red as I quickly bit my cheek- why the hell is the cutest person in the world hugging someone as ugly as me? I wanted to scream- I wanted to cry but instead I plastered a fake smile on my face as I glanced down at Ross before I accepted his hug.

"Oh- and by the way we have an interview today in order to get a job at Bluejay!"

"WHAT!?" I yelled which made Ross let out a nervous squeak of fear, I sighed quietly before I rubbed my forehead in annoyence, "I-Im sorry Ross. Thanks for telling me- what time are the interviews?"

"Uhh- 11:00?" Ross responded before be slowly got off my bed. I let out a grunt in response as Ross stepped out of my room. Great I only have 1 hour to get ready for an interview- and I'm not even 100 percent certain that I want to even work with Jessica! All Jess does is scream in your ears or talk about shipping- fun right? No- no its absolutely not! I let out a groan at the thought of Jess's loud and yet obnoxious screaming but, I guess there were a few good parts about her- she is one of the few other people that I can rant on to about dogs. And I mean who doesn't like dogs?!

I smiled quickly before I sluggishly walked towards my closet where I grabbed out a black long sleeved- shirt and Jean's. As I pulled off my shirt I glanced down at my arms and I couldn't help but frown in disgust- I know I did this to myself but why can't I seem to ask anyone for help! Everytime I try to ask I always change the subject- I'm afraid that if I stack my problems ontop of Ross's problems then my sweet innocent Ross will just become like me- a depressed moron.

As I finnished getting dressed I quickly walked towards my door however as soon as I reached for my handle I realized that there was a piece of paper on the ground. My eyes darted around the room as I looked for my invisible intruder however nobody stood in the room with me. I quickly yanked the paper off of the ground before I unfolded the paper ready to read whatever was inside of it.

Hey Max,

So, I made Max-n-cheese and by the way I lied- mine was for 11:00 and yours is for 12:00. Anyways, enjoy the Max-N-Cheese good Squire!

-Ross Pal!~

Ps: You better leave me some otherwise I will make sure to spend all of this weeks savings on Mountain Dew!

I let out a small chuckle before I slid the paper into the pocket in my pants. The kid knows me to well and I love him for that. I let out a small sigh as I looked down at the ground even if he does make me happy can I ever return the favor to make him as happy as he does to me? I quickly frowned as I walked towards the kitchen ready to grab a bowl of Mac-N-Cheese: even if I did have to leave the crazy squirrel a bowl.

An hour or so passed as I end up falling asleep while playing Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo. However I was quickly awoken to a familiur voice that sounded anxious, "Are you sure this is a good idea- I mean what if he wakes up on the car ride there?" The voice asked, a sigh came from a second person before the entire area around me jolted to a halt. I felt myself fly forward but I was quickly caught by some sort of strap that was around my chest and legs.

"If you continue to complain then he will wake up Ross. Besides I've roomed with Max for 3 years and for what I can tell- that guy can't wake up to anything!" The second voice growled in amusement which made the first voice who was apparently Ross sigh in agreement.

I slowly opened my eyes into slits to find Ross and Tim sitting in car-seats infront of me. Tim was sitting in the drivers seat meanwhile Ross sat shotgun. I quickly jolted upwards before I brought out my arms towards Ross's neck. I don't know what I'm doing but- I also don't want to know what they are going to do to me. Ross glanced in the mirror and he must of noticed my sudden actions because he let out a shrill scream which caused Tim to swerve the car onto the side of the road.

My entire body jerked forward before I fell against the seat once more, I closed my eyes in pain as I heard the low whispers of Tim and Ross's astonished voices. I opened my eyes again to find Ross watching me in worry, "I'm sorry Max..." Ross whispered as Tim suddenly held up an old rag that was dampened with some sort of substance. I quickly bit my lip as I jerked my body around however the straps that held me down were to strong. Tim quickly put the rag against my face and I was slowly brought back into the darkness that will keep me away from realities grip.

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