The Gay Mafia Leader's Twins

Depressed-Stressed által

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Oliver and Jay are two polar opposite 15 year old twins. Well, one of them is, you see Oliver is a tomboy wit... Több

Copyright/about the book/Characters
Chapter (1) School and Work
Chapter(2) I was Tailed
Chapter(3) Thank you Jay, Thank You
Chapter(4) Moving day I guess
Chapter(5) Rules
Chapter(6) Nightmares and Bandages
Chapter(7) Tampons and Chocolate
Chapter(8) Move in Everybody
Chapter(9) The Doc Said
Chapter(10) Aw Shit
Chapter(11) "Our Babies..."
Chapter(12) We're Here Now
Chapter(13) The Doctor
Chapter(14) Nightmares
Chapter(15) The Party
Chapter(16) Date Night
Chapter(17) School?
Chapter(19) Fights all around!
Chapter(20) The Boyfriend
Chapter(21) Davie what the hell?
Chapter(22) The Doctor
New book!!

Chapter(18) School Forms/Gym

134 2 2
Depressed-Stressed által

Recap: Gerardo's POV
"I don't think I'm ready to call you and Davie dad and papà. I'm sorry," she says holding my hand. I pull her on to my lap and hug her tight. "That's okay kid, now let's play the 'I'm hurt and need Chinese food card' okay?" I ask her, she nods and gets excited.

So at the same time, we yell, "DAVIE!"

Currently: Davie's POV
I wake up to us all sleeping on the couch. We really have to get into a better routine, I think to myself as I get up. Everyone else is already awake and sitting in the kitchen waiting for breakfast. I walk into the room and they all start cheering, the girls jump right up and hug me tight.

"We're starving!!" Jay says before letting go and walking back over to the barstools she and her twin were just sitting on. Oliver doesn't let go of me though, which I don't mind. I just bridal style carry her into the kitchen and give her a bowl with some cracked eggs in them that need to be mixed together.

That gains me a small smile from her, but I can tell that she had a rough night and had already been up for a little while.

"Okay so, I have a doctor's appointment to go to today and so does Oliver so I can take her and myself. Davie, can you take Jay to her school and get her re-registered? I already called ahead and said that you'd be going in, so they know to have the papers ready." My lovely husband tells me. I nod in agreement with his plan, before finishing off the eggs and pouring them on to plates.

We all sit down and eat but soon enough we're all off to our different destinations. Gerardo and Oliver are being picked up by one of the mafia's chauffeurs while Jay and I go to her school.

We pull up to the school and start our walk in. Jay seems to be searching for somebody but doesn't want to go properly look. "Oh! Papà I found one of my friends can I go say hi?" She asks me while she points out her friend that's sitting under a tree reading.

I nod and she gives me a quick hug before running over to her and calling her name. I walk into the school, not waiting for Jay so she can be with her friends for a little while. I walk up to the desk and ask the secretary for the proper forms.

"Hi, my name is Davie, my husband called in earlier about some forms that I need to fill out for our daughter to go here?" I ask her nicely, trying to look nice as possible even though she glared at me when I said, husband.

But she remains professional, which I'm thankful for and grabs the papers I have-to fill out. She points to a place I can sit down, and I thank her before going to sit and fill out the basic papers.

Within an hour I'm done, but Jay still hasn't shown up anywhere. She must've last track of time while she was with her friends, so I hand the papers to the secretary and after getting her nod of approval after loosely checking over the forms I leave and head back to the car.

I take out my phone and call Jay quickly so we can get out of here and get ice cream.

"Hey Jay, let's go! I want ice cream." I tell her when she picks up, her phone. I hear her laugh before she hangs up and I see her heading towards the car... after kissing a boy. On the lips.

Gerardo's POV
Oliver and I leave the bar, with a bottle of liquor in one hand and her hand in mine as we walk. We abandoned the crutches as we walked and gave them to some homeless person. I'm only holding her hand right now because there are people everywhere and we aren't a good part of the city, so I don't want her getting grabbed or lost.

We hop into my friend's car, who immediately starts the car and we're off as soon as possible. His nice car in this type of neighbourhood puts us at risk (along with his car) and he didn't like that.

"So the plan is your going to bribe your doctor with expensive liquor, so he'll take the walking boot -that you still probably need- off your leg because you want to go back to work?" He questions me as he gives me a quick glance before looking back at the road again.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do! Then Oliver can go to the gym that she so desperately has wanted to see, while I get some work done." I tell him, he lets out a disapproving huff but doesn't say anything about it. We pull up to the home base for the mafia and I get very excited suddenly.

"Okay, thanks for the ride dude!" I say as Oliver and I climb out of the car. He gives me the peace out sign with his two fingers and he pulls away from the house to go park his car. "Alright, kid are you ready for this?" I ask my new partner in crime she nods excitedly, and we head into the base. She and I are very similar in the points we hate doctors and not being able to take care of ourselves without the help of other people.

One therapist that I went (forced to go) to, told me that my hatred of being hurt or being seen hurt is the result of my trust issues. So I told her to, and I quote, 'go to hell with her assumptions.' To which she called my husband in and he made me apologize to the therapist, but on the bright side, he never made me go again.

We walk into the hospital part of the building and I see my doctor immediately, so I wave him over. He doesn't look very happy that we're walking around without our crutches. As he walks over to us, I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Oliver. Gerardo. The hell do you two think you're doing here without your crutches?" The doc says trying to restrain himself from beating us senseless. "Well, we wanted to show you that our legs are fine and if you let us take the walking boots off, we'll give you some expensive tequila!" I say holding up the bottle so he can see it better.

I've done this before with him and sometimes as-long-as I'm halfway through the recovery and the injury wasn't too serious, he takes the liquor and lets the whole thing slide. He takes the tequila and says, "Alright fine I'll let you two off this time. But if Davie finds out about any of this, I had no association with you two and this conversation never happened. Now I need a drink you want one?" He asks me.

I nod and fist bump Oliver as we walk and take off the straps of our walking boots. We wander over to the other side of the base, where the bar is, and we all sit down as he pours me a drink. "Can I have one to please?" Oliver asks giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"How old are you again?" I ask her, not trying to be snarky or anything just actually wondering. The doctor pours me my drink and pours himself one as well.

"Fifteen," She says proudly. I take my first sip of many of the tequila before standing up and grabbing a beer for her.

"No Alexander Smiths please, I prefer tequila." She says to me I nod in agreement with her great choice of liquor and pour her a drink of tequila.

She takes the glass of tequila from me quickly and downs it like a shot. I laugh at her, expecting her to throw up or gag on the strong taste. I see a smile cross over the doctor's faces, he expects the same thing as what I do. But she doesn't throw up or gag, she just looks at us with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"You two asses thought my ass was going to throw up didn't ya?" She questions us, we both nod at her. Still in shock that she downed it and isn't a lightweight. From what I can tell, she's barely tipsy and a glass taken like that would've knocked a lightweight on their ass. It's kind of worrying that it didn't knock her on her ass, how much has this girl drank before? Davie still can barely finish four shots before passing out on the floor.

"I'm not a lightweight friend, now where is that gym? I miss the feeling of blood on my knuckles from punching the punching bag too much and breaking the skin on my hands." She says, I finish off my drink and slide off my chair as I follow her down to the gym where she could punch and train in peace.

She's the perfect person to inherit the mafia. One of the main things you need to have to inherit the mafia is to be a good drinker. People make the worst deals when they're drunk, so if you can get them drunk when you're not, you're most likely to come out on top.

The list of things you've got to have isn't very long, just about 10 things, not a long list at all.

1. Be a good drinker

2. Decent hand to hand combat

3. You have to be somewhat fit

4. Good leader

5. Be able to hear people out

6. Fair

7. Not afraid of anything/anyone

8. Cool under pressure

9. Good aim (for shooting)

10. Strong will (in case you get caught by an enemy.)

We reach the entrance of the training room and she looks around the room in total disbelief. There's a shooting range, punching bags, weights, uneven (gymnastic) bars, a rock wall, wrestling ring, a balance beam, a room off to the side for changing, showering, and bathroom breaks and the ceilings are high with exposed beams so people can flip around on the rafters.

I go over to the shooting range and pick up a handgun, while Oliver goes into the side rooms and changes into some baggy shorts and an undershirt that floats on her. They're all too big for her because the clothing is mostly for the other mafia members who forget their workout clothes. But she doesn't seem to mind as she walks over to the punching bags and without wrapping her hands starts hitting the bag.

I take aim on the target, aim and fire. I do the same thing over and over before I get bored and head over to the wrestling ring and practice my hand to hand combat.

Then in what feels like ten minutes after I start my husband comes over to me and has-to jump on my back before I realize that it's just him and relax. "What are you doing! I could've hurt you!" I say checking over his face and neck for possible bruises or red marks that I might've put there. When I don't see any, I lift his shirt a little and check if there are any marks.

When he slaps my hands away from him and says, "I'm fine honey, but Oliver and you have been here for four and a half hours. You need to come home!" He says, "oh shit whoopsie?" I ask hoping he's not mad. He just shakes his head and throws me over his shoulder, so I wrap my hands around his waist and let my head rest on his ass. He walks out of the gym and to the car, with me on his shoulder.

2017 words

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