The Salvatore Sister • Ava Ro...

By moonlightbabesx

1.6M 34.3K 27.1K

Stefan and Damon's sister, Ava, arrives in town unannounced with secrets. Secrets that will destroy their fam... More



13.2K 305 319
By moonlightbabesx

After School Special
Season 4 Episode 10

Its been two months since everything. We went to Croatia for my birthday like we planned. We left Christmas weekend and stayed there for almost three weeks. It was magical. We spent the night before on a yacht. The room was filled with rose pedals. When the clock struck midnight the fireworks went off and it was amazing. He gave me this huge painting of me, a beautiful diamond necklace paid with a diamond bracelet and an anklet with small diamonds, he also gave me a large bouquet of roses. I think there were over a hundred roses. He always gives me a large bouquet of roses on my birthday. Then the last three days we were in Paris. I got a call from both Elijah, Kol, and Hayley on my birthday. Stefan also called. I was surprised to hear from Elijah. It's been months since I last saw and talked to him.

Stefan and I are on good terms. Damon and I haven't talked at all and I don't want to speak to him. Caroline has been keeping up to date on everything that was happening in Mystic Falls. I haven't heard from her because I've had my phone off for a whole week to not deal with anything. I talked to Hayley a couple of times. Last I heard from her she was in Washington.

Nik and I are back in Mystic Falls. We walked up the steps of the mansion when we both smell something. "My house smells." He says and it does.

Stefan has been staying here for the three weeks while we were gone. Nik opens the door and it smells even worse. Stefan walks in the living room to see us and he looks normal.

"Where's the maid?" Nik immediately asks.

"Oh, I gave her the month off. What is she going to clean if there's no one to clean after?" Stefan asks.

Clearly, he's gotten use to the smell. Nik opens his mouth to say something but I spoke up first.

"Were you just leaving?"

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. I'm going to see Caroline." He says before leaving.

Once Stefan closes the door and Nik turns to look at me. "Remind me not to ever let any of your brothers stay here. I'm going to call the maid."


It's been a couple of hours and the house smells normal. Nik and I are in the living room. He's sitting and I laid down with my head on his lap.

"What are we doing today?" I asked him.

"Kol is supposed to be coming today."

"Kol?" I ask surprised because I haven't seen in him in months. "What time?"

"In an hour or so." He says and I looked at the time and it's only 10:43 a.m.

"We should go have breakfast. Like a date."

"A date?" Nik asks smiling.

"Maybe the Grill or something." I said and he gives me a look like the Grill is the last place where he would have a date.

"Something." He says. "There's a small restaurant just out of town. We can go there and have breakfast there."

"Yeah?" I ask and he nods, smiling. "Let's go." I said getting off the couch.

We walked towards the front door and Nik grabs his car keys just as I opened the front door to see Kol was about to open it.

"Hello, darling." Kol smiles.

"I thought you were going to be here in an hour."

"Surprise...?" He smiles causing me to chuckle. "Were you just leaving?"

"We're going to go get breakfast." Nik says.

"I'm coming with." Kol says and starts to walk towards the driveway.

"Date reserved for next time. We're going to the Grill." I whispered to Nik and he smiles.


Its the next day. I think Stefan stayed at Caroline's house. He didn't want to stay here anymore because Kol was back. Kol left early in the morning. Probably off to kill someone. Nik and I are in our room planning for our date because yesterday date was ambushed by Kol.

"I was thinking our date should be on Friday. Typical Friday night date." I said to Nik.

"I was thinking about tomorrow morning."

"Wednesday morning date. Like we used to." I said and he smiles because we used to always have breakfast every Wednesday morning at this restaurant just outside of New Orleans and he used to always take me to dinner to a place I never went to every Saturday night. "Maybe we can..."

I get cut off when I heard my brother yelling my name. He sounds pissed.

"Ava?! Ava! AVA?! AVA?!"

Nik and I looked at each other confused and I rushed downstairs to see my brother with a journal in his hands and instantly my heart starts racing. It looks like he found my hiding spot... the air vent.

"Damon..." I said as I knew he read the journal. I should've burned this town when I had the chance.

"You were the one who killed Dominic?"

I don't even have to answer. It's written all in the journal. I completely forgot I hid it in the air vent.

"This whole time! I thought he died in battle when in reality you killed him!" He yells at me and I don't know what to say. "You had two kids with him when he was getting married to someone else. You were right. You're just like mother. Sleeping with any guy that comes your way."

Suddenly out of nowhere, Nik punches Damon and he falls on the floor as I look shocked. Damon quickly gets up and he's about to punch Nik when I got in the middle and he punches me instead. I touch the corner of my mouth to see blood. Flashes of memories come into my mind when I told my father I was pregnant.

It was like my top blew off and anger is fueling me. I looked at Damon as my fangs, bloodshot eyes, and under-eye veins appear. I grabbed Damon by the neck and slammed him against the wall and hissed at him. I squeezed his neck tighter as he tries to move my hand but can't.

"You don't get to come here and insult me! You don't get to come here and judge me for the things I've done when you're over there screwing Elena a day after she and Stefan broke up! I lost two children! You have no idea the pain I went through! You have no idea the amount of things I went through putting up with Dominic. The amount of crap I was put through. You didn't know anything that happened because you never cared enough to notice! Get out of here." I shouted as I let him go. "Get out of here because right now there is nothing stopping me from killing you and that's all I'm thinking about."

I'm breathing so heavily and my anger is rising as Damon is standing there. "GET OUT!" I yelled and he speeds away.

I felt someone hand on my shoulder and I turned around ready to attack and I forgot it Nik was there.

"Sorry, I..."

"It's okay." He whispers as he leans forward against mines. I kissed him and he instantly pulls away. "You're still bleeding." He whispers as he turns my face to the side to get a better look at it. It was supposed to heal a minute ago. "It's healing now."

He pulls me into a hug. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am." I said pulling away from the hug and I walked away from him as I went upstairs to our bedroom.

I'm sitting on the bed when he walks in. "I knew it would eventually happen but I didn't expect him to find out so soon." I said and Nik sits next to me. "When I came home after losing my daughter I stayed in bed for weeks. I had no energy to get up and do a basic task like taking a bath or going downstairs to eat. It was like I had nothing to live for that was until Stefan."


"Yeah. He was like 12 or 13 years old at the time."

Flashback 1860
It's been six months since I lost my daughter. I barely go anywhere. My father doesn't bother to check on my well-being he only cares if I'm going to tell Stefan and Damon. I sleep all day and cry all night with nothing better to do. Every morning I watch the sunrise then I sleep through the day.

Today was different and I couldn't sleep. I'm just laying on the bed on my side. I heard my door being open and I don't bother to look. "Sister?" I heard that it was my younger brother but I'm so tired I don't even want to turn to look at him. "Ava?"

Stefan goes to the other side of the bed so he can look at me and he sits on the bed and holds my hand.

"Are you sick... like mother?" He asks slowly as if he's afraid of the answer and I looked at him confusingly.

"Why would you think that?" I manage to ask.

"You're in bed all day and you don't come out of the room for anything not even to eat. I'm worried for you. It's the first time father let me see you in months. I don't want to lose, Ava. I don't want you to die." He says shedding a tear and it broke my heart to see him like this.

"I'm not going to die or sick. I've just been sad. Really sad." I said as I forced myself to sit up.

"Is this about the boy?" He asks and I looked at him confusingly.

"What boy?"

"The boy you've been arguing with at night." He answered and I realize he's talking about Dominic.

No matter how hard I try to make it clear to Dominic that we are over he doesn't get it through his head and still thinks we're together when we're not. I don't even know how he finds a way to go up the stairs into my room at night without anyone noticing and it's creeping me out at this point. Dealing with him is draining the life out of me... what's left of it at least.

"Yes." I said which is partially true.

"Who is he? We can tell Damon and he'll put the boy in his place." Stefan says and I smiled.

"We can't. If father finds out he'll be very angry with me and Damon. Promise me you won't mention anything to Damon or father. Promise me, Stefan."

"I want to protect you."

"It's not your job to protect me. It's my job to protect you. I will always put you first." I said and he smiles. "Promise me, Stefan, that you won't tell anyone about the boy."

"I promise." He says and gives me a hug. It was just the hug I needed. Somehow the hug made the pain ease a bit.

"Let go get some breakfast just me and you like before." I said as I pulled away from the hug. Every morning since as long as I remember Stefan and I used to always eat breakfast outside. We haven't done that in over a year.

"Really?" He grins happily.

"I'm starving. We have apple pie your favorite."

"Okay, let's go." Stefan says as he grabs my hand basically dragging me out of me. I smiled as we ran downstairs to eat breakfast.
End of Flashback

"Where was Damon in all this?" Nik asks.

"I don't know. I didn't even see him once in those six months. I heard him around the house. If father didn't let him see me he would have found a way to see me. We used to sneak out of the house all the time."

"You did?" Nik asks surprised.

"Only at night. It had to be after midnight. I was the mastermind to everything we ever did. Damon was like yes let's do it and Stefan was like no we might get caught. We didn't want to leave Stefan out so we always took him with us."

"You never talked about your childhood." Nik says.

"Before everything I was an impulsive and hyper child. The things I did are things you would have never imagined. They would have gotten me in trouble but I never got caught. I think I did it because of the thrill of being caught and chase. But after my mother died I calmed down."

I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.


It's later in the afternoon and Nik is getting ready to go to the Gilbert Lake House. "Are you sure, love? I can stay here with you."

"I will be fine. I just don't want to see Damon. I'll meet up with Kol."

"Okay." He says and sits on the edge of the bed as he puts on his shoes. "Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?"

I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into a longing kiss. His smile turns into a smirk and I fix his shirt for him. "I'm sure."


After Nik left I stayed in the house because I really didn't want to go anymore so I came into his study to read his journals specifically the ones from 1863.

'I wasn't supposed to love her but I did.' Is the first line at the top of the journal. I began reading every page.

'She has a smile that lights up the world and a laugh that made you laugh. She's the most beautiful woman I've seen in my entire immortal life.'

'She speaks of pain that she feels all over her body. She asked me if I ever felt pain like that and I told her no. I wonder what caused her to feel pain. I haven't gained her trust yet.'

'I tried to kiss her but she did not let me. She looked at ground and smile. She said it was impolite because we were in front of my siblings who are daggered'

That's a surprise. Why wouldn't I let him? I just continue reading.

'She told me she was leaving town today and that she has no reason to stay. I was afraid of losing her even though I knew her for only a few months. I told her to give me a chance to give her a reason to stay in New Orleans and she did. I showed her everything New Orleans has to offer and she loved it.'

'Today I think I've gained an ounce of her trust. She told me about a boy named Dominic she was with when she was human. Even though I didn't know her then I felt a ping of jealousy. Then she told me the love turned into an obsession. An obsession where he would watch her sleep or sneak into her room at night when she didn't want anything to do with him. I don't think he's the cause of her pain.'

Apparently, I told him about Dominic.

"Hello, darling."

I looked up to see Kol and I quickly close the journal. Kol is that overprotective best friend/brother. He'd probably punch Nik for compelling me then Kol would end up daggered.

"What is that?" Kol says as he snatches the book from me and he looks as if he's about to read it. I quickly thought of something.

"Its mines and Nik's sex life... in detail." I said and he makes a face.

"Throw that into the fire pit." He says tossing the book on the desk. "Come on. We're going to meet Bexs at the school." He says and I looked at him confusingly. "She isn't daggered anymore not since, I think, the night Nik killed his hybrids. She wanted me to get Professor Shane and he's in my trunk right now."


"He knows where the cure is at. She asks and I deliver. Now let's go."


Kol and I walked into the library Mystic Falls High with Professor Shane and I see Elena, Stefan, and Caroline. I doubt they're here on their own voluntarily will which means they're compelled. I would have gotten Stefan out but then my plan for later tonight won't work.

"Sister...Look at this! You're even worse than Klaus." Kol smirks.

"Kol, finally. Did you bring what I asked for?" She asks and Kol shoves Shane into the library.

"You must be Shane."

"Ava." Stefan says and I don't even look at him.

"Sorry, mate. She's pissed at your brother which means she's pissed at you too." Kol says with a smirk.

I walked out library dragging Shane out with me as Rebekah and Kol follow me.

Kol shoves Shane into a custodial closet, Rebekah and I are close behind them.

"Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson...two members of the Original vampire family. This is such a trip." Professor Shane says and he sounds just as amused as when he met me.

"Where's the cure?" Rebekah compels him.

"Compulsion won't work. It's a little trick I picked up in Tibet." The Professor says and we all look at each other confusingly.

"Right. Well, we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way." Rebekah says and Kol smiles. "Beat him until he tells you where to find it."

"Rebekah." I said and she looks at me. "I need you to do something for me."

She looks at me like she's deciding to whether or not to do this favor for me before nodding and I begin telling her exactly what to do. She then walks out of the room going back to the library.


Kol is trying to get the professor to talk but he isn't budging.

"WHERE IS THE CURE?!" Kol shouts and shoves Shane's head into a sink filled with water, holding him there for several seconds. Kol yanks Shane's head back up, and Shane gasps for air. "Where is the cure?"

Shane is breathing heavily and doesn't reply as Rebekah walks in. Kol smirks and shoves Shane under again. He yanks Shane up and Shane is gasping for air.

"You're human. Why do you want it anyway?" Rebekah asks curiously.

"That's the beauty of this. You can have it. I just want Silas." The Professor says and I have no idea who Silas is.

Kol holds Shane up by his shirt. "No. What do you know about Silas?"

"He's the world's first immortal being, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure...and I want to free him."

"No." Kol shoves Shane under the water again.

"Stop!" Rebekah says and Kol brings Shane back up for air. Kol lets go of Shane. "He's of no use dead."

"Did you not just hear what he said? Silas will kill us all, sister." Kol says and he sounds afraid. I've never seen him like this.

"Silas does not exist. He is a-a fairytale made up to scare children into eating their vegetables."

"Silas is very real. I know where he's buried, and soon I will have the spell that wakes him." Shane says.

"Wait a second, you're lying. You can't get to him."

"Without his tombstone? Dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know. I've done it. Those massacres are a pain to engineer." Shane says and I realize this is the sacrifice Hayley was talking about.

"You're the one who got the council blown up."

"It was a noble sacrifice...and temporary, because once I raise Silas, Silas will raise the dead. He will bring back every last soul who died on his behalf." Shane says and Kol picks up a thin metal pipe and drives it through Shane's stomach and he dies.

"Kol! What was that?!" Rebekah shouts.

"You should be thanking me."

"You killed my only chance at finding the cure."

"Silas on the loose would be hell on Earth. Frankly, sister, I don't think you could handle it." Kol says as he pulls out the white oak stake and my eyes widen in shock.

"Where did you get that?" I asked at the same time Rebekah asks, "How did you get that?"

"Way too easily." Kol says and walks out of the closet and I follow him.


"Trust me, Ava Rose. You don't want Silas on the loose." He says leaving me there standing.


I walked up the steps of the Gilbert house and knocked on the door and Elena opens it.


"I wasn't going to kill you but Damon pissed me off. So here I am to kill you. You can thank him for that. Oh, wait. You're gonna be dead. I'll be sure to tell him."

"You c-c-c-can't g-get in. Y-you're not invited in." She stutters.

"Oh, but I have been invited just a couple of hours ago. Thanks to Rebekah's compulsion." I said as I put one foot through the door. "You must've forgotten the phone call with your brother telling him to invite me in." I smirk and she immediately vamp-speeds somewhere in the house. "I love it when they run."

A/N: Next chapter will be posted on September 13.

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