Of Pink-Haired Girls and Horm...

By YourLuckyClover0912

14.8K 524 286

Sakura Haruno assumes Konoha high school will be just like her previous one in Amegakure. Except for one thin... More

Started Off On The Wrong Foot
Odd Ball Blondes and Dog Lovers
Strange Teachers
Annoying and Vulgar Seniors
Crazy Artists and an Entertaining Lunch
The Math Class from Hell
Biology with a Snake
The End to an Oddly Exciting Day

The Duo of Green Spandex

1.2K 59 50
By YourLuckyClover0912

Sakura was ecstatic once the bell rang signaling the end of that excruciatingly uncomfortable class with her snake-like teacher and was one hundred percent ready to go, she just had to make it through gym. Which, according to Sakura's class schedule was a junior-senior combined class.

'Great another class with those morons.' Sakura bemoaned at her horrible luck. 'At least it's only gym.'

"Come on Sakura. Let's go to gym, then we can finally go home." Naruto cheered grabbing her hand to pull her down the hallway.

"Hold up, Dobe," Sasuke drawled as he tried to catch up to his high energy blonde best friend. Sakura just chuckled when Naruto turned his head to face the younger Uchiha, "No way am I slowing down for you. You will just have to walk faster."

Sasuke rolled his eyes but did increase his speed until he caught up and was now walking next to Sakura who was still holding hands with Naruto. His eyebrow twitched in mild annoyance but he ignored it and walked alongside the couple.

The trio made their way into the gym and Sakura's viridian orbs landed and her girlfriends from earlier. She broke out into a jog to catch up to them.


"Hey guys! Long time no see." She said as she followed them into the girl's locker room to change into the gym uniform which was a plain white tee-shirt with the school's logo and 'KHS' printed on the left side of the chest, and a pair of green basketball shorts.

As Sakura was changing, she had the itching feeling that she was being watched, she lifted her head up and noticed that most of the girls were staring at her with either disgusted or irritated looks on their faces.

She was about to ask them what was the matter when one girl came out from behind Sakura and yanked hard on her soft pink tresses. "How dare you show up here and create such a mess?!"

Sakura stepped away from the violet haired girl taken aback by her blatant animosity of her, as far as she knew Sakura had never met this girl.

"Yeah! I heard you've been sleeping around and that's why all the Akatsuki members and the other attractive guys here are all following you around like lost puppies." Another girl with light red hair added. "You've been fucking them on the side before school started. Not to mention you were horrible to our sweet Karin."

Sakura bit her lip and clenched her fists trying to calm herself down. She couldn't believe these girls were calling her a slut when they didn't even know her all because she wounded their friend's pride and had a couple of handsome guys that were being nice to her. She was about to go off on them when someone came to her rescue.

"Oh, be quiet Ami!" Temari interjected throwing her arm around Sakura's small frame. "I know you and Tayuya worship the ground that Karin walks on, but Sakura acted in self-defense. Karin shouldn't have grabbed her the way she did."

"Yeah, you two are just jealous at how much attention Sakura seems to be getting on her first day." Ino agreed with the other blonde girl. "She is more popular in one day than you all have been in eleven years."

"Now, I suggest you leave Sakura alone for now, otherwise you'll have to answer to us." Temari stated removing her hand from Sakura's shoulder and curling it into a fist as she menacingly stalked up to the two girls.

Ami and Tayuya backed away from the seething blonde girl sending Sakura a final glare before storming off to the other side of the locker room to pout that their tactics to scare the new hadn't worked.

"Thanks guys." Sakura said as Temari turned around. "You didn't have to do that though. I wouldn't walk you getting in trouble because of me."

Ino and Temari broke out in a fit of laughter. "Oh honey, please, we were getting into trouble way before you came along."

Sakura started giggling along with them, which is how Hinata, Tenten and another girl Sakura didn't know found the trio.

The new girl had shoulder length sapphire locks with an origami flower as a head piece. She also had light, hazel colored eyes and thick black eyeliner on. Sakura concluded that she was very pretty, in fact, most of her new girlfriends were beautiful.

'I am surprised none of them seem to have a boyfriend.' Sakura contemplated as she walked up to the azure haired girl.

"Hi, my name is Sakura Haruno!" she greeted a large smile spreading out across her face.

The blunette smiled back shaking Sakura's hand, "nice to meet you Sakura. I have heard quite a bit about you. My name is Konan."

Sakura's brows knit together in confusion, 'what does she mean she's heard a lot of about me?'

Before Sakura got the chance to question the Konan on what she had said, the bell rang signaling that it was time for class. The girls filed out of the locker room one by one back into the gym. The junior girls waved goodbye to Konan who had walked over to the senior side.

Sakura had almost made it to the junior side without anyone taking notice if her when, "Hey! Pink Bitch! You make the gym uniform looking fucking sexy!" echoed through the gym.

Sakura groaned sending Hidan a fierce glare as the other guys in class began to take notice of the pinkette. Boys all over were wolf whistling, or making lewd comments about "getting in her pants" or doing things that mimicked bedroom actions. Sakura could feel her face burning in both embarrassment and anger at Hidan for putting all of that attention on her.

Kiba came up to Sakura who was still getting several obscene comments made towards her and placed an arm around her shoulder, steering her towards the bleachers. She sat down next to Neji and Shikamaru who were both scowling at the silver haired jashinist.

'I swear to god I am going strangle Hidan! He made all of these guys stare at me like I'm a steak and they're a pack of hungry wolves!'

"As much as I hate that he had to be so loud and vulgar about it," Naruto began rubbing Sakura's back from behind her, "he's not wrong. You do look really good in those sweats." The other boys around them nodded their heads in agreement.

Sakura sent her friends a small smile, "thanks everyone." Her eyes turned back towards the senior side seeing all of them members of the Akatsuki sitting together along with Konan which Sakura thought was odd.

"Hey, Shikamaru? Why is Konan sitting over there with the Akatsuki?" she inquired leaning into the lazy black haired genius.

Shikamaru sighed cracking open one of his eyes, "Because she's a member as well. She and the leader Pein go way back, they were friends before the gang was even founded." He clarified yawning.

Sakura nodded her head and secretly wondered in Pein and Konan were more than just friends. However, that thought seemed to bother Sakura although she couldn't figure out why. It's not like she could be jealous, right?

Lost in her thoughts, Sakura hadn't noticed that a green blur and crossed pass her field of vision into the center of the gym.


Sakura narrowly avoided shrieking as her virgin eyes were raped at the sight before her. In the center of the basketball court was a tall tanned man wearing the ugliest green spandex jumpsuit to ever grace the earth. It looked tight and hugged particular areas a little too closely for Sakura's comfort. The man had a horrible ebony hairstyle to match. The strands had been cut into a bowl cut falling into his ginormous eyebrows, 'I thought those died off like mullets' she mentally said.

"I have some wonderful news pupils!' the man hollered looking around the gym. He spotted what he was looking for and he was about to point to the girl but he was interrupted by another viridian blur. Stopping in front of the teacher was a freaking DUPLICATE!

"Guess what youthful news I heard today Gai-sensei?!" the smaller clone shouted his black eyes sparkling in excitement.

"What?! What news did you bring the class today?!" the older man asked staring at his mini-me.

"I heard that we have a new student today!" the boy clamored as he jogged around the gym trying to pinpoint the new student.

'OH NO! They couldn't be talking about me now could they? There is no way!' Sakura mused a gasp escaping from her full pink lips. She began to pray madly hoping that was some other unfortunate person whose first was today.

"I know Lee, her name is Sakura Haruno and she is sitting the front row next to Neji and Shikamaru!" he exclaimed pointing at the petal headed girl. "Come, Sakura-chan, introduce yourself to the class." Gai encouraged waving her to the center of the court.

'God Dammit! I am really starting to hate my luck today...' Sakura whined as she shuffled over to the green beasts. She turned to face the class to introduce herself for what she hoped would be her last time for the day.

"Hello everyone. My name is Sakura Haruno, I'm sixteen years old and just moved here from Amegakure where I've lived my entire life. I enjoy reading and writing in my spare time and have a love for anime and Korean dramas and K-pop." She finished with an enchanting smile.

Sakura was heading back to her side of the gym when Lee ran up to her and grabbed ahold of her pale, small hand bringing it to his lips. "Sakura-san you are beautiful, a rebirth of our great cherry blossom. I would be honored if you would allow me to be your boyfriend." He complimented with a 'ping' of his blindingly shiny teeth.

The blossom haired girl awkwardly pried her hand away from Rock Lee's grasp and shook her head a small smile ghosting her lips. "Thank you, Lee. However, I am not really in the market for a relationship just yet."

The eccentric boy just nodded his head and stood unaware that the majority of the male population in class were burning holes into his skull with their intense looks. Sakura walked over to her seat and awaited further instruction from Gai-Sensei.

The tan man dismissed Lee and blew his whistle to alert everyone that the class was going to actually start now that they were done with the introduction of the dazzling pink haired girl. "ALL RIGHT STUDENTS! TODAY WE WILL BE PLAYING A YOUTHFUL GAME OF STEAL THE BACON," the enthusiastic gym teacher shouted holding up a foam football.

"I will give each one of you a number and when I call your number you will youthfully sprint to the football. The person to get in on their side first wins the point. However, if your opponent tags you before you reach your side their team will receive the point" Gai explained setting the football in the center of the court.

"This will be juniors vs seniors, Now, LINE UP!" The man with the bowl cut howled with another blow of his silver whistle. The students all climbed out of their seats on the bleachers and got into a line. Gai walked down the line giving each person a number to remember. Sakura's number was 4, she was right behind Ino. After numbering all of the students Gai blew his whistle once more, "Begin! Number 1!"

The first match up was Rock Lee against Kakazu and it was an almost immediate win for the juniors. Lee was insanely quick and gripped the foam ball and had dashed back towards his side before Kakazu had even reached the center of the gym. The juniors cheered and patted the green blur on his win.

"Youthful job, Lee." Gai congratulated with a blow of his whistle. "One point to the juniors. Now place the football back in the middle of the court so we may continue."

Round two was Hyuuga Neji versus Deidara, it was a more evenly matched pairing. Both boys were fairly fit and athletic and neither seemed to be much faster than the other. Neji got to the ball first and had begun to run back to the junior side when Deidara caught up to him tapping him on the shoulder before he could cross the line.

"A youthful point awarded to the seniors," Gai shouted as Deidara ran to put the football back so the next round could begin. The blonde man winked at Sakura blowing her a kiss as he passed her which Sakura sneered and rolled her emerald orbs at as she focused her attention on the next round.

The third match was between Ino and Konan. Both girls took off towards the football when Gai blew the whistle. Ino seemed to be holding back at first, so Konan got there first and was already sprinting to her side as Ino frowned pushing herself to go faster. The damage was already done though as the seniors won another round. Ino skulked back to the junior side and Sakura rubbed her back to console her friend until her number was called.

At the mention of the number four, Sakura's whole disposition flipped 180 degrees. She may not seem like it but Sakura did not lose. She crouched down in a low squat preparing for a quick launch to her sprint, on the other side of the gym she could see Uchiha Itachi getting into a similar position.

With the blow of the whistle, Sakura flew towards her prize nearly tearing the foam football to shreds when she small hands had ahold of it. The pinkette turned on her heel with the intention of bolting back to her side when she slipped and lost her balance and if that wasn't bad enough, Itachi had be just behind her and her falter had caused him to ram into her sending them both to the ground.

At some point the "bacon" had rolled to the junior's side giving the younger students the win but no one was paying attention to that. Everyone seemed more focused on the sight on entangled bodies in the center of the gymnasium. You could hear a pin drop as the classes eyes stared at the older Uchiha brother who was currently laying on top of the pretty pink haired new girl.

Sakura's face which was flushed from the running, now rivaled a tomato in color as she stared into the deep, dark, obsidian pools of Itachi's eyes. Her chest grazing against his with every intake of breath. 'Had he always been this attractive?'

The raven haired senior removed himself off of Sakura and extended his hand to assist her in getting up herself. Sakura graciously accepted his hand he cheeks still rosy from the semi-awkward situation. Coming to her senses, Sakura blanched as she noticed that most of the men in class were apparently trying to melt Itachi with the ferocity of the glares. She glanced back at the elder Uchiha, but he had already made his way back to the senior side. Shrugging at his nonchalance, Sakura placed the ball back so that the game could go on.


The rounds dragged on and on until the final match of the period: Gaara versus Sasori. Both were stoic redheads that honestly couldn't care less about winning. It was their respective teams that wanted the bragging rights since the juniors and seniors were currently tied. Neither had any real desire to put forth any work until Sakura spoke up.

"Come on, Gaara! I believe in you!" she cheered a bright grin painted on her lovely face. The tattooed boy nodded his head, now he had to win since Sakura was counting on him. On the other side of the court, Sasori scowled his face setting into one of determination, he wasn't going to let the junior win.

The two boys got into a sprinting stance and took off at the same time when the whistle was blown. Gaara reached the "bacon" first and raced to the junior side, Sasori right on his tail. The crimson headed senior's palm grazed Gaara's back as he stepped over the line earning the juniors the winning point.

The younger class cheered happily as they all patted Gaara on the back or high fived him, Sakura even came up and gave him a quick hug before running off to the girl's locker room to change. Leaving a surprised Sabuku and several irritated, jealous guys staring after her.

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