To Love a Victim( BWWM) [CURR...

By KassandraVivu

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Kassie Miller witnessed a girl getting raped and murdered. being at the wrong place and the wrong time she r... More

Chapter 1 For the worse
Chapter 2 This is crazy
Chapter 3 getting questioned
Chapter 4 the unexpected
Chapter 5 why is this happening
Chapter 6 She has secrets
Chapter 7 This is a Disaster
Chapter 8 You're stuck with me
Chapter 9 is this real?
Chapter 10 Why Her?
Chapter 11 My Thoughts
Chapter 12 My Plan
Ch. 13 time for action
Ch. 14 Only one winner
CH. 15 Her Protector, Her Knight
So here's the STITCH
ch. 16 Kassie Story PART 1
Ch. 16 Part 2 Kassie story and fight
Ch. 17 This is New
CH. 18 She's in for a ride
Ch. 19 But How?!
Ch. 20 I'll protect her
Ch. 21 Let's be strong
Ch. 22 He won't take you
Ch. 23 I better not die
CH. 24 Show no fear
Ch. 25 He's here
CH. 26 We will get you
CH. 27 Where's the guns
CH. 28 He thought
Ch. 29 They Wouldn't
CH. 30 He is really mad
CH. 31 Well, Fuck Sake
CH. 32 Oh now they show up
CH. 33 I'll do what you want
CH. 34 Going to catch you
CH. 35 Getting Answers
CH. 36 I'll show you
CH. 37 Mine Forever Baby
CH. 38 Figuring the Killer
CH. 39 The names on the board
CH. 40 We are not afraid
Watty Award
CH. 41 What needs to be done
CH. 42 How do you know her
CH. 43 This is the meetup
CH. 44 Are you sure?
CH. 45 I need you safe
CH.47 We are doing this
CH. 48 It's starting
CH. 49 This is the team?
CH. 50 We have to find them
CH. 51 We have to escape
CH. 52 We are almost there.
CH. 53 What is going to happen?
CH. 54 Everyone in the hospital
CH. 55 Let us get through it
CH. 56 Information on her
CH. 57 I can't believe it
CH. 58 She seems shocked
Ch. 59 Confronting
CH. 60 Do what needs to be done
CH. 61 Is he alive?
CH. 62 We are getting Closure
CH. 63 I'll tell her
CH.64 Being With Her
CH. 65 Guilty, Justice Served
CH. 66 Things are happening
CH. 67 Is it over?
CH. 68 How?
CH. 69 Operation
CH. 70 I need a break
CH. 71 This is what we need and want
CH. 72 Our Love is Forever

CH. 46 She wants to do what?

726 53 1
By KassandraVivu

CH. 46 She wants to do what?

(Chris POV)

It was when we started eating Dessert that Kassie told me about what she thinks they should do that would bring the psychopath out.

"Kassie we spoke about this," I said, but she raised her hand.

"You'll be with me, we'll also have the others there with us plus other FBI agents in the unit would be around. I just want to see who reacts differently. We are going to catch him, Chris. I can feel it." Kassie said.

I looked at her and let out a sigh.

"Okay, and have you decided what to do when you get to the FBI and they asked you who it is?" I asked her, curious if she thought about that part.

"Well." She started saying but didn't say anything else.

"Oh, Kassie," I said, not wanting to laugh but a chuckle came out.

"What?" She asked with a sour puss look on her face.

"We'll just remain quiet until we meet the director." She said.

"That would put tension on the agents and will help us figure out who it is before you ask. I already know it's not the director of the FBI." Kassie said.

"Okay, we can go with your plan. The reason I am agreeing to go with your plan is that I know that you're going to go through with it anyway." I said, which was true.

"Smart answer," Kassie said.

"I mean it, Kassie, this plan is going to go through with me in it okay?" I said to her.

"Okay. Chris." She said.

I let out a sigh.

"I just care about you, I don't want you to think of me as annoying. This is just how it feels when someone cares about you and is overprotective." I said.

Her eyes widened.

"I know Chris, I especially know how it felt today when you told me that you were being tailed." She said.

There was an understanding look on her face and I was glad that she finally understood where I was coming from.

"You know, it didn't even sound like you were worried either." She said.

I nodded my head.

"Well, when it comes to me. I'm not really worried, it just worries me when it comes to you that is." I said, being honest with my words.

She raised a brow to that.

"Why aren't you worried about that?" She asked me.

"Well, it's cause I know when push comes to shove, I'll be able to protect myself," I told her, looking at her.

"I'll be able to protect myself also." She said, and I nodded my head, not doubting that she would be able to protect herself but she had no idea about the psychopath strength.

"I know you can, but you don't know what this cruel person is capable of, especially when it comes to you. Think about it Kassie, you're the only one who he is unable to get. He's played games like this before with Melanie and Tiara but he was able to sadly get them at the end, but with you, he's unable to do that and of course, it's going to tick him off. You have no idea how long he's been playing this game with you." I said the whole thought disgusted me.

How long was he watching her?

Even I was intrigued by her, from a long time ago, I couldn't imagine how that freak must have felt for her and I didn't want to.

"You're right, but I am allowed to be worried about you and I know you know you can protect yourself but just enlighten me by being more conscious okay?" She said I raised a brow to that.

"Well, well, well look at how the tables have turned," I said watching as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"I get it now, I see where you've been coming from." She said.

"Good, the meal was delicious by the way and so was dessert," I said, she smiled at me.

"Thank you, I don't mind cooking for us." She said.

I smiled softly, grabbing her hand and entwining our fingers together.

"I don't mind cooking for us either, we could take turns cooking for each other," I said and she let out a giggle.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." She said.

"So, tell me what else happened today?" I asked her and she filled me in more, giving details about the place that Melanie would meet the FBI agent and how Melanie found out who the lunatic but that's when the car accident occurred and she was never able to finish her sentence.

"Well, knowing about Melanie from the past, when she had her memories. She's going to go with your plan and might even say she has her memories back. I hope she doesn't that would put your three in more danger." I said, watching as Kassie's eyes widened.

"I wouldn't let her do that, her and Tiara have been through a lot, even though it sounds tempting," Kassie said, I let out a sigh.

"He's definitely going to strike when he feels like you girls are getting close, it seems like you guys are getting closer than you think. Especially with him tailing me today. After I was with Dalton especially." I said I watched her nod her head.

"You and Dalton were following my chart?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Okay, so you guys must have seen that agent, the one who was working with Melanie," Kassie said.

"Yes, we were watching him and then he got up to leave, I guess that's when you guys contacted him, but I just knew he wasn't the guy. I've been talking to my brothers, I gave them the information and they're helping us also." I said.

"His sister is actually one of the captives also." She said, causing my eyes to widened and my mouth to drop open.

"How come that wasn't on the news, wait. Let me guess, it's because the Director of the FBI doesn't want it on the news. Fuck, so he was also working with Melanie to find his sister." I said and Kassie nodded her head with a sad look on her face.

"The fucker who's doing this probably is enjoying this. Him having a fellow FBI sister and having that power." I said with a disgusted tone to my voice.

Silence fell onto the dining room, I was watching Kassie twirl her fingers.

"What are you thinking about, you do that when you're thinking about something and trying to figure it out," I said, her eyes widened.

"Wow, you're good at observing." She said I nodded my head agreeing.

She had no idea how good I was at it, she just knew the gist of it.

"I was thinking what if he wasn't exactly a field agent, I mean there's a chance he could actually be one but what if he wasn't a field agent with the FBI but he did something else. I don't know just by the way he's able to do so many things and able to get the information he has, I don't think a field agent would exactly have the time or source to be able to do that." She said, taking my interest.

"You might be on to something about that," I said, agreeing with her because that sounded good.

"When is that you girls plan on going through with this plan?" I asked her.

She looked at me, not saying anything which caused me to shake my head.

Already knowing why she wasn't saying anything.

Kassie wanted this done and over with.

I let out a sigh as I said.

"This plan is going down tomorrow isn't it?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, we are doing this tomorrow."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

I can't wait to break down who the Psychopath is.

What do you Dolls think Chris meant when he said he was intrigued with Kassie a long time ago?

Also, any guess on who the Psychopath lunatic is?

Just wait on it. The breaking done chapters will be interesting and kind of more of a thriller vibe.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT

-Kassandra Vivu

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