
By MissusSlimShady

4.2K 148 57

Rin finally got her big break in the music industry, but stardom may not be all it's cut out to be. Rated M f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 20

89 3 0
By MissusSlimShady

 Miku and Luka's apartment was a mess from our day together. All the girls were gathered in their living room, watching TV, eating junk food, and talking all day. Luka and I were in the middle of attempting a song amidst the chaos in the room.

"Let's make it, like, super girly," Luka chuckled.

I grinned. "I'm down."

"And then, he was like, 'dare me to spike the punch and I'll do it,'" Gumi was talking to the others. "And I was like, dude, no, you can't do that. Like, it's fucked."

"Did he do it?" Miku asked.

"I don't think so."

Meiko leaned back into the couch. "I hope not. I drank that shit."

Gumi laughed. "Did it taste like vodka?"


"Well, there's your answer."

My phone, sitting on the coffee table in front of us, vibrated. I set my notebook down for a moment to check it. I smiled like an idiot.

"Who's that?" Luka asked.

"Oh, what, Rin didn't tell you? She's got her first boy toy." Gumi nudged me with her elbow. "My little girl is growing up."

"Oh, shut up," I laughed at her.

"Who is it?" Luka leaned over my phone, trying to read my texts with Yuma. We'd been talking nonstop since the night of the party.

"This guy from that party at Erik's place."

"It's Yuma," Miku told the girl next to me.

Luka recoiled. "Yuma? If you were into pink hair, you should have gone to the gym with me," she sneered in fake jealousy.

"Whatever! Your hair is way nicer than his," I told her in an attempt to calm her down. My thumbs padded against the screen as I typed a response to him. I grabbed one of the chocolates on the table.

Luka swiped our notepad from the table, looking it over. I set my phone down, picking it up once again the next moment as it rang right away. She eyed my phone suspiciously. "Is that why Len has been so bitchy lately?"

I sighed in exasperation. "I really don't get it. Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I need someone breathing down my back the whole time. I can do what I want."

There was an awkward silence that filled the room. I looked up from my phone to find everyone staring at me. "What?" My hand flew instinctively to my cheek. "Is there chocolate on my face?"

Luka shook her head next to me. "Let's just get back to writing."

Too excited to wait, Luka dragged me to the studio the very next day for our new song. We weren't the only ones with new songs to record, either, so everyone else came with us.

"Why would you let people party at your house?" I asked Erik the question that had burning in my mind since that night.

He shrugged, pulling up his chair to the soundboard. The recording room was empty. "I have people who do the cleaning for me, and the kids just always ask."

"Because your place is, like, the coolest place ever," Miku explained to him as she sat in the chair next to him. The others had settled onto the couch behind us. Luka stood next to me, nearly jumping out of her skin in anticipation.

Erik just shrugged. "It's alright, I guess." He motioned to Luka and I. "You two ready?"

Luka nodded furiously, pushing open the door to the studio. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, set it on the counter, and followed her.

It took a few tries, but we finally produced a track that seemed flawless and came out exactly as we planned. I sang each time with my eyes closed, opening them after our second attempt to find Len had disappeared out of the viewing room. After a couple more tries, he had still not returned.

I didn't think much of it until we exited, and I noticed my phone missing from it's spot on the counter.

"It kept ringing," Erik told me, swinging his chair to face us. "So Len took it outside."

"Okay," I huffed.

"We didn't want it to be on the track-"

"No, it's okay.I forgot to turn off the vibrate. My fault." I pushed my way out of the studio.

Len was standing just outside the door, my phone in his lowered hand. He shot me a dirty look as I came out.

I held my hand out. "Sorry," I told him flatly.

He made no indication to give me the phone back. "You don't need it."

"What?" I pushed my hand toward him again. "Give it."

"So it can ruin everyone else's tracks, too?" To my fury, he pocketed it. "Your boyfriend can wait."

My face flushed, and fury rose up in me. "Len, you have no authority to take my fucking phone away from me. I'm not a child." I crossed my arms. "And he's not my boyfriend."

He kept his hands in his pockets. "Then you should have no problem waiting 'till we get home to text him."

"Give me my fucking phone," I sneered, my hands balling into fists at my side.

"Technically," he smirked, "You are still a child."

I heavy breath flew out of my nose. "Well, as of next week, I won't be."

This seemed to catch his attention.

"Give it."


"What the fuck makes you think you can tell me what to do?" I asked, taking a step closer to him. It was hard to be threatening when he was a good four or five inches taller than me.

He stared down at me, not speaking. I was close enough to headbutt him, and I really wanted to, but he finally sighed in defeat and pulled my phone out of his pocket. I snatched it from him with one more nasty look, and silenced it as I pushed my way back in the room.

Only a few songs later, we were ready to go. The nine of us, including Erik, pushed our way into the lobby.

"I think we should do another cover contest," Erik suggested as they chatted about our next concert.

I grinned. I knew of these from back in the day.

"It's kind of soon, don't you think? Like, the concert is next week." Meiko pointed out.

Erik grinned. "Better work fast, then."

I already knew exactly the song I was going to do.

This venue was another close to home, thankfully. It was indoors, and I could barely hear myself think as the cheers and screams bounced off of the walls.

This stage was much smaller than any other we had performed on. It was tiered, like a cake, and we returned to the platforms one by one when we were done with our intro songs. We were facing the crowd directly the entire show. It was a change from every previous place, and I enjoyed constantly seeing the singing, grinning, and laughing faces of the crowd the whole time. The platform was really high up for me, and I had to jump onto it every time I returned to it. I watched the others hop onto the stage with ease, and shot them annoyed glances. Everyone, including the crowd, was enjoying my struggle of being incredibly short.

It was like the party, but with my best friends. We dancing from our seats, swaying and laughing with the music of whoever was singing. Len somehow ended up next to me every time. Our repertoire had greatly grown. I almost had as much stage time as everyone else, now. He seemed to be filled with ideas for new songs in the past week or two. Found some inspiration somewhere, I guess.

"Guess what guys!" Miku jumped down from the stage. We were deep into the show at this point, far enough in for my head to be spinning with excitement. "We have a bit of a surprise." She gave them a sly look, turning in our direction. Everything about her movements were animated and exaggerated. "Cover contest!" She yelled, throwing her hands into the air.

My fingers tapped impatiently against the stage. I was ready.

Miku covered one of my songs, and absolutely killed it. That song is yours now, I remembered Luka saying to me. I cheered the loudest for her out of those on stage, and Luka went next. Hers was equally amazing. I hope I don't have to vote in this. I'd never be able to choose between them. Luka's Brain Revolution Girl was to die for. Kaito and Gaku, to Luka and I's great amusement, covered our new song, which really got the girls screaming. Len thought it was hilarious, them singing Drop Pop Candy, and even more hilarious the way they flaunted themselves while doing it. Gumi ran around stage screaming the lyrics of Donut Hole, and Meiko covered Lost One's Weeping.

Of course, as always, Len and I were left last. I had no idea how I was going to follow any of those performances, but I still had my song going for me. No one else remixed the instrumentals. In the back of my head was the worry that we weren't allowed to, but no one had told me that, and I figured I had nothing else prepared. I took a deep breath as Len scooted off of the stage next to me.

As always with his appearance, the crowd went wild. Ever since we had teamed up, it seemed like his popularity had only grown.

The music kicked in, and Miku, who had found a spot next to me, clutched at my arm in surprise. With her microphone off, she leaned over to me. "Dude!" She still had to shout to have any hope of me hearing her. "Is he doing a love song by his own free will?!"

I laughed hysterically at the idea, fueled by the adrenaline in my blood. We looked over at the others, who shot us very animated gestures in equal surprise. Gumi threw her hands in the air, mouthing the word "What?!" to us several times, even standing for emphasis. The crowd watched our exchange with amusement. Len had his back to us, but no doubt he knew what we were thinking. This really wasn't his thing.

I leaned back onto my hands, watching with a goofy smile on my face as he centered himself on stage, and sang.

"Azayaka ni hikaru sono iro ni torware te ayumi o tometa-"

(Held captive by a brilliantly shining color, I stopped walking)

I shook my head in disbelief, an unwavering grin covering my face. Miku was freaking out next to me, and the others as well. I was glad to see I wasn't the only one who was drastically overreacting for no reason.

The stage was small, with no extra walkways leading out into the crowd. But, surprisingly enough, Len took advantage of all the space he had. It went against his usual style of moving within the same five-foot radius, but, then again, it was against his usual style to sing a song like Kimi no Taion.

Throughout the first verse and the chorus, he paced back and forth, singing loudly. I couldn't see his face, but I could see by the way he gestured that he was really getting into it. He sang with his hands, just like I had during the last show. I laughed again at the realization. My eyes were glued to the boy in front of me.

"Moshimo nante sa kuchi ni shita te kawaranai mirai ga aru dake to-"

(What if I had said "There's only a fixed future for us-")

"Kizui teru noni te o nobashite mata kanashii uso o tsuku-"

(But if you notice when you reach out your hands, I would've said a sad lie again-)

I bounced along as the lyrics cut out, and the solo kicked in. Len had found himself center stage once again for his final few lines. More laughs escaped me as he threw his hands in the air, completely encased in his performance.

"Itsumade mo, Itsumade mo, kimi to waratte itakatta yo-"

(Always, Always, I've wanted to laugh with you-)

To my surprise, I saw many pairs of eyes flash towards me. It only took one look over my shoulder to find Gumi, who had apparently ran across the stage to sit next to me. She smiled sweetly at me, and I returned it.

"Sabishii yoru mo futari no asa mo dareka go boku o nurikae te-"

(In the lonely nights, or the mornings with another, somebody repaints me-)

"Sore de ii yo kimi no taion wasure te itsuke nemutte-"

(That's okay, Your heat, I'll forget it and sleep someday)

I never really listened to the sad nature of this song. With the music was so upbeat and fast, it was hard to really hear it. But something about seeing Len so passionately perform a song with such a depressing meaning hit me with enough force to waver the euphoria I was in from the stage, something nothing else had been able to do before. My smile faltered for a moment, before Gumi punched me in the arm out of excitement. It hurt.

"Sayoonara itoshi kimi yo modore nai nara boku kara kiete yo-"

(Goodbye, My dear - If things won't return, you'll fade away from me.)

He ended with a bang, jumping at the conclusion of the instrumentals for emphasis. The crowd went wild. My smile returned once I caught sight of his thrilled smile. I wondered if he was looking at the crowd as his single group, or my thousands of individuals.

I turned my microphone on. "I think you win," I told him, eliciting laughter from my friends and the crowd.

"Oh, no, Rinny," Gumi shoved me off stage. I gave Len a sweet smile, trying to tell him how amazing he did through just our eye contact. Whether he understood or not, he smiled right back at me before returning to the platform. "You're not getting out of your first contest that easily."

"I know, I know," I muttered as she pushed me center stage. "One second though!" I quickly escaped from her grasp, running to the side of the stage and disappearing out of sight for a few moments. The others were shooting odd looks at each other as I returned, my guitar hung over my shoulders.

Gumi widened her eyes. She was still standing where I had left her. "Ah, a rock song." She eyes me suspiciously. "Are you trying to steal one of my songs now?"

"No, actually."

She waited for more, but I didn't give it to her. The crowd was waiting anxiously, and she winked at me before running to her seat.

With my earpiece on, I walked center stage. The rest of the band was behind us; behind all of us, and they were ready. I took a deep breath, and smiled at the crowd.

The backing track, and it took a moment for everyone to recognize it.

"Mou, ikiba ga nai wa kono koi no netsuryou-"

(Now there's no where to go in the head of this love-"


Once they recognized it, they roared. I could hear the shouts in front of me deafening my ears, nearling drowning out the drums as they kicked in. The others behind me had the same reaction, and I could even hear their individual cheers.

"Aa, sekai ga nigin da, sore demo suki de irareru ka nante-"

(Ah, the world is blurred, even so will I still love you?)

"Wakatteru, kedo dou sureba ii no-"

(I know this, though what should I do?)

"Doushitara, sou sureba... baka da na watashi-"

(What can I... How can I... What an idiot I am-"

My movement was limited with the guitar, but I still found my way to nod my head to the drums behind me. My fingers few across the neck of the guitar, switching between the chords flawlessly and speedily. The stage-high made me invincible.

"Hajimeru no yo, kore wa sensou!"

(Let's begin, this is war!)

I screamed out the lyrics with all my heart, hoping for at least half the response of the others.

I sang through my huge smile. That was the point of it, right? To have fun? Plus, this beat was to die for. I was much more proud of the music than the vocals for this one. Even a braindead person would be tapping their foot to this jam. Somehow, I managed to dance, sing, and play at the same time, unaware of any mistakes or missteps. It was a party both on stage and off.

"As, itsunomanika hareta sora, zenzen niawanai~"

(Ah, a clear sky slid by, but it doesn't fit at all-"

"Kimochi ga osaenare nakute doushitara, dou sureba?"

(I couldn't get ahole of my feelings, How can I... What can I?)

I lowered myself with the fading of the band, singing with everything I had.

"Naite nanka, nain dakara ne..."

(Crying, no, I'm not...)


(I love you-)

I exploded up with the instruments, bursting with energy. Now I restricted myself to no limits. The stage was my own. My hands played with their own mind, my mouth sang with another. Energy coursed through me, and I felt alive.

And, as always, before I knew it, I had powered through the last of the songs.

"Kimi no kuchizuke de me ga sameru no!"

(Yes, I'll be awakened by your kiss.)

The drummer hit a few more cymbals before smashing into them one more time, completely synchronized with the last of my chords. This was the first time I had used the guitar Len bought me on stage. And she sounded amazing. I needed to use this thing more often.

"Okay, Rin," Len's voice appeared next to me, snapping me out of my haze. "I was going to give the win to you as a birthday present," he continued, "but I think you earned it anyway."

The others had turned their mics on, as well, and were rushing down the stage.

"It's your birthday?!" The girls shouted in unison.

I blushed. "I guess I forgot to mention it."

My song had concluded the concert, and we were herded backstage for autographs. To my delight, everyone followed me to the signing area backstage, which was much bigger than any other concert. Everyone was grinning ear to ear, everyone was laughing and talking.

And no one had acted like an asshole the entire night.

"Happy Birthday!" Another fan excitedly chirped to me. She bounced when she talked, her brown hair flowing past her in waves.

"Thank you!" I told her before she ran away. "Why did you have to tell them that?" I asked Len, who was chatting and smiling next to me. I wasn't mad or anything, I had just hoped to keep it a secret.

"It's the big one eight," he told me with a grin. "You gotta celebrate. Remember our interview?" He raised his hand in a fist pump. "You need to party!"

"You look ridiculous," I laughed at him. "Put your hand down."

Len flashed a look at Miku, who stood on my other side. He leaned down, lowering his voice. "You know, I think you sang that song better than she did."

"Don't say that!" I hit him in the shoulder.

"It's true!"

"Well, I still think you won that."

"With my shitty song? Nah."

"As if!" I beamed at him. "That was so good! Powerful enough to make me tear up a bit." I wiped a fake tear underneath my eye.

He laughed. Laughed like I had only seen once before. It reached his eyes.

"Excuse me," a voice sounded from behind us. "Can I have an autograph?"

I turned around, along with the others, my heart lighting up to see Yuma behind us. He held a giant bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Yuma!" I yelled in delight, running from the fans and throwing my arms around him. I had only seen him once since the party, and that had been during our badass laser tag fight a couple days ago. We had been talking nonstop since we met.

"I thought you'd like these," he told me, holding out the flowers.

I flushed red. "You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to."

"What are you doing here?"

"That was a badass song," he explained. "I needed to come tell you in person." He grinned at me. "You doing anything after the show?"

Looking back at my friends, I saw that everyone had returned to their autographs except for Gumi and Miku, who smiled after me. I couldn't help but notice, however, that they did not seem as excited to see us together as they had the night of the party. "I don't think so," I answered, turning back to him.

He nodded his head back to my empty spot at the metal fence separating us from the fans. "You go do your signing, and I'll wait for you outside."

The thought of another date caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "Okay," I giggled, before running back to the gate.

"Well," Miku told me. "Since your ditching us for your dude, we'll have to do dinner tomorrow night."

"Dinner?" I asked her, greeting another fan.
"Birthday dinner, duh." 

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