Gaze into the Future [ My Her...

By EvoJaden

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[ This book will Follow the story but things will become altered as time goes won't truly effect the story un... More

Forms [ Limited Time ]
Kagura Jaden
Chapter 1 Part 2: Kamen Rider.........
Chapter 1 Finale: IWAE! THE KING!
Chapter 2: Past and Future
Chapter 3: Building the stage
Chapter 4: November 2017
Chapter 5: Reliving the past
Chapter 5 part 2: Build Finale! Be The One!
Chapter 6: The Unbeattable game
Chapter 7: Promises
Chapter 8: The man behind it all
Chapter 9: Two plans
Chapter 10: Don't let fear hold you down

Chapter 1 part 1: The Beginning

1.4K 9 5
By EvoJaden

" Foolish Mortals.....You still try this futile effort. You shall never succeed in defeating me, for I am your King, your Overlord "

A tall man, within an ' pharaoh's ' armor stood taller in front of a large monument. This monument held 19 statues of many amours within stone, with year dates under, dating from 2000 being the earliest, to 2017 being the latest:'The past defenders of Earth, their legacy, each and everyone given praise......that was what humanity would have hoped for....but instead — A king, no, an overlord, the tyrant of all, stood tall at the very center of the large monument.Raising his head, his red visor glistened from the sun's reflection: He simply starred towards the horizon, waiting, as if time abided to him and his will. He knew what he was waiting for, the day of retaliation, where his subjects would attempt to defeat him, but unfortunately for them...........They stood no chance. Upon the ground, the small pebbles and stones had rumbled around: yes a storm was coming. He could hear it, the battle cry, the treading of the tanks through the barren seas of dirt, the roaring engines of the helicopters routers setting the sky ablaze with sound. Those motorcycle engines revving with determination, and the march of men and woman with the fearsome instinct: Flight or fight. Armies of countless tanks, helicopters, troops, everything this humane military had to offer, all heading towards the way of this overlord, as if they were thankful for his patience and hoped it spelled his demise; soon the motorcycles took lead and the soldiers on foot began to stampede in after them shouting in unison " TOGETHER!!! " What a strange battle cry for those to experience a swift death. Bags filed tonteh brim with explosives: dangling from the sides of the motorized bikes, the riders pushed themselves forward on their bikes crying out louder their battle cry. All the got in response of a slight head moment from the pharaoh who raised his right hand, setting of a chain reaction of explosions that sent the riders bikes up in ablaze causing their explosives to exploded in series. These series of detonations began to purge their own ground soldiers as well. Some fortunate to die instantly, others, suffering the cruel fate of death by fire. " Hmph...." he looked above him to see several machines towering above him: One was diving its arm towards the pharaoh, another attempting to stomp, the others aiding in the assault. The overlord unfazed, and snapped his fingers creating a surge of golden energy around him; a barrier, that paused all movement around him, the very flow of time halted at his will.

" mortals could have never hope to defeat me...." he forced his left hand outwards, forcing time to resume, and sending the charge of gold throughout the lands around him disintegrating the mortals and their machines upon contact. " I was born to become this: To become king!"

That's the last thing a screen previewed to two spectators: an older woman who starred at a young male high school students " This is what you become......a tyrant overlord, that persecutes the human race...." the woman spoke which the male's eyes had spawned concern in his own existence.

Present Day


" Kagura! Your late! " yelled a blonde from the bottom of the stairs, obviously in her early twenties: Yu Takeyama, better known by her alias, Mt Lady. She sighed hearing an alarm coming from her adopted nephew's room and began starting up the stairs with a sigh. Upon reaching the top of the stairs she found her nephew's door up and him hanging off he side of the bed sleeping, probably a heavy slumber possibly due to the factual all nighter he pulled while working on his school project. Yu could only smile at her nephew " Hm, I guess he can stay home this once " she said to herself before into his room and setting him back in his bed. Yu then proceeded back down stairs,where her brother Bakura was sitting at the kitchen table with coffee in hand. He had long snow white hair, purple eyes, pale skin just like her's, slightly taller than her, and very well built. Currently he was wearing a blue polo shirt, jeans, with his white socks and house slippers. He yawned quietly before seeing his sister " Morning Yo-Yo" he waved to her using the nickname he gave her when he was five causing her to sigh " Bakura we're grown ass adults, can you at least use my name " Yu sighed as her brother yawned once more " Maybe " he replied laying his head on the table and watching Yu pick up the house phone from the corner of the counter within the kitchen, dialing several numbers before it began to ring" Who are you calling this early in the morning? " her brother asked " The school " Yu whispered back towards Bakura as she began to talk to one of the attendance offices workers informing them Kagura wouldn't be coming into school. After the talk she hung up the phone and sat down at the table across from Bakura" I shouldn't be too busy at shop today " Bakura muttered as Yu hummed in response " Might have Kagura run a few packages out to some customers when he wakes up " Bakura added to which his sister eyed him from her seat" Don't over work him, the boy needs his rest " Yu told him sternly " I won't have him do more than three, promise " He smiled sheepishly which Yu flicked his forehead gaining a small pout from him after getting from her seat. She then proceeded back to the counter and going through the pantries: Her brother spoke up " So.......Have you gotten through to him? You know about being King?" Yu paused in her actions and looked to the window where there was a picture of her,Bakura, and a five year-old Kagura. She sighed softly as she responded " He's still same even after all these years, so its best to let him be him....." silence fell upon the room and Yu proceeded to pick up the picture " Sometimes I think he would've be better off staying with Midnight...i was too young and still young to be a mother....she would've been a better suited woman for the role..." she placed the framed picture back against the glass. Bakura glanced towards her" Sis you know I was old enough to adopt him: Midnight said it herself she didn't want him picking up her habits and wanted him to live a normal life. We tried to get him to become interested in becoming a hero with that quirk of us but the truth is plain simple with that boy. He won't try to become a hero.....that's not who he is....he can't control his quirk and his fantasies cloud his judgement to see reality for what it is. He wants to become a King. He's a boy with a child's brain. We can't do much for him but keep him happy and I intend to do just that with what ever time I have left with him" Bakura told her and Yu exhaled softly " I know....I know..." she replied " Don't worry's just all we can do "


" He said make a right when I got to the thrift store...." A young light skinned teen was holding his bike stationary while looking at a map " A-Ha! " he looked up to find his direction with ease and heading down the street riding his bike to a rather familiar house. Unknowingly of the residency, the boy quickly ran up the steps and rang the doorbell while holding a small box. After a couple seconds the door opened and revealed none other than Kyoka Jirou's Father " Oh, Kagura what a surprise! " he smiled and the boy, Kagura blinked before returning the smile " I didn't notice this was your home Mr. Kyotoku " He smiled before holding the box forehead " Uncle Bakura finished your clock's repairs by the way " Kagura said which Kyotoku gratefully accepted the box and ruffled Kagura's hair " Stop by again sometime, ya know your sis has been dying to see you after all these weeks " Kyotoku chuckled as Kagura waved off " I'll come visit tomorrow for sure!" Jaden smiled happily the two parted ways. Kagura came back to his bike only to find a surprise awaiting him. Upon his bicycle's seat he found a strange black watch.

" Huh...who left this here " Kagura blinked softly " it couldn't have been me....Wait was it me?" He questioned himself before shaking his head quickly " Its like what Mother says, if you don't know what it is or if you found it, put it back and leave it be " and he did just that, placing the watch on the ground and beginning to walk off with his bike. He continued up the road towards an intersection that would allow him cross roads. However when he reached the road a sudden cloaked man walked out in front of him with a book labeled ' Oma Advent Calendar ' he glanced towards Kagura: dressed in a full robe, his hood covering his head and eyes, limiting what facial features that could've been seen. " Congratulations.....according to this book today is a very special day for you..."the man spoke as he turned his head towards Kagura " be a lad......and beware of the red machine " he closed his book and began to cross the street. Kagura stood rather astonished before shaking his head and hoping onto his bike and beginning to quickly pedal home.

A couple hours passed and he soon found himself cycling alongside the side that was beside the beach. Taking a small stop, he took in the sight of the sunset. " Hm....I should probably try to get ahold Jirou soon.." he spoke aloud to himself, resting his arms on the handles of his bike. Kagura closed his eyes and began to think about that cloaked man from earlier " What did he mean today is a special day for me......I feel normal, and everything seems normal " he simply exhaled for hearing a faint sound. Opening his eyes he turned his head towards the ocean to catch glimpse of the bubbling water slowly rise: a roaring sound a jet engine storming the sky, before a whole aircraft of some sort turned his way above the water. Is it rose from the ocean, a loud voice spoke over the roaring engine:


Kagura blinked in amazement while starring at this machine " I finally found you.....Oma Zi-O..." Another male voice was heard from inside the machine: using a megaphone " Today is your final day of life!" The aircraft soon boosted towards Kagura who instinctively began cycling as he could down the road." CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP!!!" He shouted as he came to a downhill and pedaled even faster. It took a couple minutes before building up the courage to look behind himself " He's gone....thank good-" the lack of awareness of his surroundings soon caused him to crash into a group of dumpsters. Groaning while sitting up, he rubbed the side of his back " Kagura?!" He heard someone call his name and when he looked up he saw Jirou starring at him " Onee-Chan?!" He quickly jumped up " What are you doing out this late?" She asked rather quickly " funny story, see there is this giant thing chasing me an-" " ZI-O!!" As if on cue the red machine from earlier found its way to Kagura. Jirou looked shocked by the size of the machine before Kagura grabbed her wrist quickly " time to go!" He quickly ran into a nearby flea market that happened to be in an enclosed space with a glass ceiling able to let sunlight pass into the complex " Don't think your getting away!" The machine had transformed into a large robot

This Mecha began punching through the glass trying to grab Kagura; although he wasn't as agile, Jirou swept Kagura off his feet and had dodged these attempts of the machine to snatch Kagura away. " The exit is to the left! We're almost there!" Kagura told Jirou who nodded and ran straight for the exit although they were blocked off by the red machine ending up by the exiting " Your cornered!"


Another aircraft had knocked the robot onto its back and landed " Get in!" A female voice called to the two teens. Jirou looked at Kagura who could only nodded quickly " Alright..." Jirou quickly carried Kagura inside the aircraft as it began to take flight into the air, boosting intoa small wormhole of sorts. Inside was Tsukuyomi who starred at the two while they traveled through the wormhole " It seems I came just in the nick of time " she sighed to herself " Uh....who are you exactly?" Jirou asked as she protectively stood in front of Kagura who was hugging her hand from behind " Introductions van wait, firstly are you injured? " she asked she stood up starring at the teens " We're fine,but I'd rather you explain what exactly is happening! My brother was almost killed by machine! And I'm just getting out school!! " Jirou rubbed her temples " I don't know what's worse an explosive blonde or this entire day.." She muttered to which Tsukuyomi pointed towards a screen towards the side which displayed a masculine figure cladded in pharaoh's armor: The Overlord who brought utter destruction upon masses.

The Cretaceous period: where the story continued from previous tale. Jirou stood outside trying to process what she had learned of Kagura's feature while Kagura was sitting on a stone looking absolutely blown from reality, as if someone took his dreams and completely shattered them like glass. " I can't believe that was the future......." Kagura starred towards the grassy surface below his feet" Bro...." Jirou looked towards him as he raised his head with some sort of smile " I'm fine Onee-Chan " he told her to which Jirou only sighed softly before both were startled by a loud roar, and looking out towards the distance they saw none other a tyrannosaurus headed their way " WHAT THE HELL?!" Jirou quickly pulled Kagura behind herself, preparing to do whatever she could to keep her ' brother ' safe from the beast ahead. Although before it could even get remotely closer towards the two, they were yanked back inside of the Time Majin by Tsukuyomi " I'm surprised you didn't notice we landed in the Cretaceous period, it was the only place I could think of to get away from Geiz!" She had set another time period for them to rest, a more peaceful area: 1850, the Edo Era.

Sitting outside a ' restaurant ' awaiting to be severed their food. They sat on a small step as Jirou interacted my with Tsukuyomi learning more of who Kagura who to become but denied all of it. Kagura was beside Jirou as while the two girls were talking he had felt something in his pocket and pulled out whatever object it was: that black watch again was in his hands except this time he simply starred at it as he spoke up and cut the girls off " You know....I kinda see this as a win for me, bummer that I become all evil and all though...." he spoke as Tsukuyomi stood quickly, snatching the watch from him instantly almost as if she were his mother " where did you get this?" She asked sounding rather alarmed. Kagura has poked his fingers together and looked down " kinda showed up on my bike, I put it off to the side and left it but it showed up in my pocket somehow..." Kagura muttered to which Tsukuyomi sighed and crouched to his level " this is what makes you powerful and causes you go evil " she told him softly to which Jirou simply patted Kagura's head softly. A noose started to stir up down the street catching the group's attention. Tsukuyomi stood up and crossed her eyes " Most likely a fight..."she muttered to which Kagura had went over to the back of the crowd: jumping up and down he caught glimpse of what was in the center of the circle of citizens. Jirou followed after with Tsukuyomi as the small male nodded " Seems like it is a fight " Kagura told them to which both teens glanced at one another while Tsukuyomi began to think of something devious to prove a theory of her's " Kagura forgive me for this....": Somehow, Kagura ended up inside the circle with the two combatants and was waving his hands in front of him frantically not knowing what to do but spoke " C-Can you guys stop fighting? I'm sure we can s-s-settle this in a orderly manner right ?" He asked them. He soon found himself thrown into a lake by the two fighters which the crowd followed after as well. Although their issues weren't technically fixed, they at least got a good laugh outta the humiliation that befell Kagura, who oddly seemed ok with this. Jirou has helped him to his feet while crowd walked away, Tsukuyomi sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose " I'm starting to believe you may not be an evil overlord after all...." She said to which Kagura tilted his head " I you have the right person? " Jirou narrowed her eyes as she placed her jacket around Kagura's arms, even wrapping her left arm around him and holding him close. Tsukuyomi has held a tablet and began scrolling " Kagura Jaden Takeyama: age fifteen, an orphan currently under the parental guardians: Yu Takeyama And Bakura Takeyama. Has a decent record within school, sciences aren't exactly the strong suit but you excel well in history and math. " she starred at Kagura who had a rather wide smile which Jirou looked to the side " Yeah.......we don't talk about school with this one " Jirou mumbled. Tsukuyomi couldn't help but giggle just slightly. Though the sweet moment would be interrupted once more by their pursuer, pushing past civilians: A masculine figure cladded in red armor began to approach them

" Is that-" " Yes Kagura thats who's been after you all this time: That's Geiz when he's transformed" Tsukuyomi grabbed Kagura's wrist and pulled him and Jirou along back to the Time Majin, entering the wormhole once more in an attempt to flee Geiz. " I don't think so...." Geiz's Time Majin gave chase after the three: catching up to them, he rammed his Time Majin into Tsukuyomi's with enough force to send both Kagura and Jirou flying out the hatch and into the time space.



" Dam that hurt..." Jirou rubbed the back of her neck as Kagura sat up rubbing his arms " O-Onee-Chan " he shivered as she looked around seeing the flurry of snow coming down and slowly feeling the cold herself. She stood up and held Kagura close to her as she began to proceed towards the only building ahead. A warehouse luckily, rather heated as well. The two had sat near the door they entered as they tried to keep warm. " This is all so crazy....I thought the U.A. Was insane this is just batshit crazy..." Jirou muttered as she kept her arm around Kagura whose exhales were rather harsh. The two sat in silence before Jirou asked " I'm guessing you've been pretty busy lately huh?...." She asked as Kagura replied "....practically....ya, clubs and helping my uncle...." Kagura spoke in between breaths to which Jirou held him closer " Yeah I know....your still the same hard working boys as ever...maybe you should consider some breaks or you'll over work yourself " she pinched his nose getting a small giggle from him. They sat in silence for a bit more Kagura rested his head on Jirou's shoulder closing his eyes " Hey Kyoka......" " Yeah?......" " I missed you....." " I know....and I missed you too..."

The following morning Jirou had awoken in a bed: eyes adjusting, she groaned as the light of the room bothered her just a bit, she noticed a slight weight on her chest and looking down she saw Kagura laying beside her in bed with his head on her chest. She smiled, leaving a kiss upon his head: They hadn't been this close with one another since they were younger, so having a peaceful moment meant a lot to Jirou, especially with everything the two had been through. " Aw, your awake! " A black haired male, probably in his early twenties: Sento Kiryu

Truly his appearance seemed to be the embodiment of science. " Um who are you? And where are we?" Jirou asked quickly " what timeline is this?" She added to which Sento blinked slightly " Ok, your an odd one...." Sento sighed. The following minutes Sento explained to Jirou that she and Kagura were currently in November 2017, in his lab and told her who he was. Kagura was still asleep while Jirou held an arm around him so he didn't fall over while she sat up: she in turn explained to Sento all that had happened for them today. During the explanation another male had cane down the long spiral stair case and listened in midway. This one had brown like hair, with the appearance of a clear musclebrain, he was the one and only Ryuga Banjou

" Oi, your saying your from the future?! " Ryuga asked starring at Jirou rather lively to which Kagura had made a small pout as he rubbed his eyes causing Jirou to sigh just a bit " We to be fair we're only from a year into the future so that's barely even saying something " she said as Kagura had nuzzled more into Jirou's arms not even bothering to wake up "Even so, I'm not sure how you two ended up in a warehouse " Sento said to which Jirou looked at Kagura as she spoke, stroking his hair softly as he slumbered " We we're simply looking for something warm to stay in " as she was explaining Sento had turned around in his chair noticing Banjou's unusual silence only to find Banjou unconscious on the floor. Before he could speak he to was knocked unconscious by a strange force. When Jirou looked up after realizing the silence in the room, her eyes met Tsukuyomi who had aimed her faizphone X in gun form taking a shot before Jirou could react knocking her out as well.

" Don't stay out too long now! "

" Alright ma! "

A senior high schooler replied to his mother, still that same November day in a part of Japan that didn't really seem to be snowing heavily, more faintly as he dribbled a basketball practicing for his upcoming game that same day. Raising the ball in his hands, he went for a swift jump shot but his form lacked the right angle which cause the ball to hit rim and go rolling into the street. He jogged after the ball, grabbing it, not realizing his positioning in the middle of the street. Turning his head, falling into his back: a scream, the skidding of tires. That was all that was heard...........

" Hm~hm~ Today's a very very tragic day for you ya know " A rather short male squatted upon the roof of the car that should've hit this unfortunate boy. This male had black shirt hair, dressed in an oversized trench coat " Your supposed to be dead see " he pointed towards the stop vehicle , as he giggled " W-What's happening? " the senior replied obviously frightened " Oh~? You see, I saved your life by stopping time.....I could end your life here or-" he jumped off the car and landed beside the senior holding a blank black watch " You could do me a favor " " In exchange for saving my life? " " Exactly~! Very smart indeed " " F-Fine I accept " the senior said as the boy giggled as the watch was surrounded by a black aura before unveiling a new form, a picture that resembled Kamen Rider Build yet altered.


A deep voice announced the watch. The boy then stuck the watch into the Senior's chest causing him to start yelling in pain, a black aura surrounding his body before transforming him into a monster-themed version of Kamen Rider Build

Time resumed and the car smashed into this Build Monster. The car looked as if hit had smashed into a wall, as Another Build stood there exhaling slowly " Best Match......." he mumbled before walking down the road slowly to find its first victim........

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