
By DramaKelly

659K 30.2K 40.8K

Izuku Midoriya is a small and vulnerable quirkless boy, someone that needs to be protected from bullies and a... More

Chapter 1 - Reunion
Chapter 2 - Vip
Chapter 3 - Todoroki
Chapter 4 - Side Effects
Chapter 5 - Hosu
Chapter 6 - Shinsou
Chapter 7 - A Pit Called Love
Chapter 8 - Protective
Chapter 9 - First Job
Chapter 10 - Bakusquad
Chapter 11 - Truth Revealed
Chapter 12 - Compassion
Chapter 13 - Date
Chapter 14 - Kaminari
Chapter 15 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 16 - Heist
Chapter 17 - Practical Exam
Chapter 18 - Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter 19 - Training Camp
Chapter 20 - Kota
Chapter 21 - Rescued
Chapter 22 - Toya
Chapter 23 - Todoroki Sensei
Chapter 24 - Sero
Chapter 25 - I Know
Chapter 26 - Black-Out
Chapter 27 - Exposed
Chapter 28 - Kidnapped
Chapter 29 - Quirkless
Chapter 30 - Shittier Hair
Chapter 32 - Fucked Up
Chapter 33 - Regret
Chapter 34 - Licence Exam
Chapter 35 - Questions Without Answers
Chapter 36 - Meeting Up
Chapter 37 - Answers
Chapter 38 - Getting Help
Chapter 39 - Midoriya Hisashi
Chapter 40 - Scared
Chapter 41 - Back Together
Chapter 42 - Start of the Siege
Chapter 43 - The Rise of the Green Reaper
Chapter 44 - The Fall Of Izuku Midoriya
Had to do it to 'em

Chapter 31 - Cheating?!

10.6K 538 1.1K
By DramaKelly

Pov Bakugou
"Oi, shitty hair, we're here" I grunted as I nudged him awake. I can't believe this idiot actually fell asleep with that maniac driving the bus. He blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes and yawning before walking with me towards the dorms.
"Sorry I pushed you about your hair, I didn't know it was a sensitive topic to you" raccoon eyes sighed as she walked with us.

"It's...complicated" Kirishima muttered, looking down at the ground.
"I just don't want to talk about it okay?"
How the fuck can dying your hair be complicated? Tch, I guess he had his reasons though. It's probably not just to look cool or be more like that Crimson Riot dude he looks up to. I mean, if even he doesn't want to talk about it, it's pretty fucking serious.

"Come on! We need to celebrate this!" Sero exclaimed happily as Kirishima entered the dorm.
"Oh! We'll make cake!" round face smiled, pulling frog girl with her into the kitchen.
"I can do decorations" Yaoyorozu offered, her quirk already in action. I rolled my eyes. These fucking extra's... But fine, since it was Eijirou's welcome back party, I'll let it happen.
"U-uhm, that's really sweet a-and all but I'd rather just go rest up in my room..." shitty hair stuttered nervously, a small smile lingering uneasy on his lips.


He was never one to turn down a party, certainly not one thrown especially for him! I frowned at him as people tried to convince him otherwise. It just made him more nervous and stressed and even I know that can't be good with his current condition...
"Back the fuck away extra's! Can't you fucking accept no for an answer?! He doesn't want a damn party! How the hell would you feel when you just got kidnapped and some lame as villain erased your quirk completely?!"

"T-thanks Bakugou..." he whispered, keeping his head down as he walked towards the elevator. Jirou hit me on my arm, glaring as she silently gestured to the metal doors closing in on a depressed Eijirou.
"You just HAD to say that, don't you?" she hissed.
"Look what you did! You made him feel even worse about himself!"

"At least I don't try and act like nothing happened!" I shouted in anger.
"All you fucking shitheads are trying to sugarcoat it! Like his whole fucking future isn't destroyed! Like he isn't suffering! We dragged him out of the hospital only hours after he was freed. I don't know about you, but I remember how I felt when that happened to me, okay?"
"Dude, we'll never forget how broken you were..." tape dispenser whispered.

"It was the first time I'd seen you cry..."
"I told you to shut up about that" I grunted.
"Oh please, like you didn't break down for days just now" raccoon face groaned, tired of this shit.
"Well just imagine what shitty hair is going through right now! That shit is worse than what they did to me!"
"And if it even made you cry..." Jirou trailed off.

The class stood in silence for a while after some shocked gasps had echoed through the room. I let out a frustrated sigh before going to the kitchen and grabbing the fat ass cookie jar that stood on the counter. Nobody spoke as I dragged it with me into the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. A floor I shared with Kiri and previously Todoroki.

Anger rose up in me as I thought of that damn halfa. Trying to get close to me just to stab me in the back... To think that, for just a moment, I actually sympathized with him! To think that, if his façade had held a little longer, I would've probably taken him up on his offer to open up. I would've fucking shared my feelings with him! And he would've listened and think of me as pathetic. I bet he would've laughed about it with the Green Reaper afterwards.

I shook my head. No. I need to focus on shitty hair right now. He needs me more than ever. I stopped in front of his dorm door and took a deep breath before knocking. I could hear muffled crying from the other side and some shuffling on his bed. Not much later, the door creaked open, revealing the red puffy face of my best friend.
"Can I come in?" I asked, seeing him hesitate.

"Got comfort food" I added, gesturing to the cookie jar.
"I would've brought ice cream but we don't have any at the moment"
Cause I ate all of it during my own mental breakdown... Not that I said that out loud. He sniffled a little and wiped a tear away while opening the door a bit further.
"A-are the others coming too?"

"No, just me" I said, not wanting to push my luck by barging in. I need to wait for his permission.
"Oh... Close the door behind you" he whispered, stepping back from the door, allowing me to enter. I pushed it open and closed it behind me like he asked. His room didn't change a bit... Wild waves on the walls, fitness equipment dominating any free space he might have. It was a mess but I didn't complain.

The red head dropped face first on his bed, crying again. I sighed, sitting down on the bed next to him and patting his back. I put the jar down, opening it up and taking out a chocolate cookie.
"Here" I muttered, offering him the food. He glanced up, taking it with shaking hands before munching it down. I handed him another one, making him sit up right on his bed.

"You must think I'm pathetic or something..." he mumbled while taking small bites from the food.
"Tch. You should've seen the mess I was just a day ago..." I sighed, making his eyes widen in surprise.
"The class had to take turns babysitting me because they were scared of what I would do if I was left alone"
"Y-you were that out o-of c-control?" he asked in a whisper.

"I had to wear quirk eraser bracelets" I said, taking a cookie from the jar but now for myself.
"Cried in front of all those fucking extra's too... Yeah, you really missed the pity party"
He let out a dry chuckle, I've never hear him laugh with so little emotion. It was terrifying.
"All for me? Or for your boyfriend?"
"For the both of you, knucklehead" I scoffed, pushing him a little.

"Yeah right... Like I'm worth worrying about..." Kirishima muttered.
"Oi! Don't talk like that!" I hissed, glaring at him.
"You are worth the fucking world, you hear me? You're my damn best friend and without you I would never survive in this class full of morons!"
He teared up, looking at me like he has never looked at me before.

"Y-you really m-mean that? I-I... I'm your best friend?"

He started to wail and I pulled him to my chest, slowly rubbing his back in a comforting manner. And so he cried in my arms, sobbing, wailing. We stayed like that for a while, the only sound being shitty hair's crying. Suddenly he pulled back, staring me in the eye. He slowly placed a hand on my cheek, inching closer to me. His eyes slowly closed, being half lidded as they landed on my lips.

I didn't have time to react. Well, that's not entirely true. He came in slowly, as if to make sure I wanted the same. But I was frozen in place, unable to react at all, and before I knew it his lips were on mine. That's the moment my brain connected to my muscles and I pushed him off.
"E-Eijirou, I'm flattered b-but..."
"Oh God I'm so sorry! Y-you have a boyfriend a-and here I am t-taking advantage of you in m-my fragile state..." he cried, covering his face in shame.

"It's... It's okay" I breathed, pulling him back on my chest.
"Just don't do it again"
"I-I'm so sorry..." he cried.
"I've been crushing on you ever since the start of the year... B-but I stayed quiet... A-and now you're with M-Midoriya... I'm too late and I'm sorry!"

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm during his emotional love confession. My best friend has been in love with me since the beginning of the year... Fuck. I've been a total ass to him and everyone else and he still fell for me! How?! Do I need to tell Izuku about this..? No, he has enough on his plate as it is... He's still recovering from all this too.

Meanwhile shitty hair kept apologizing and sobbing into my chest, ruining my shirt. After he stopped crying we basically ate the whole cookie jar in dead silence. It was awkward for some time, until he spoke up again like nothing happened.
"You know what? I think I'm going to dye my hair black again"
I gave him a surprised look. He couldn't be the Red Riot if his hair was black you know.
"Maybe I'll get a haircut too? It's a little too long, don't you think?"

"What? Why? I thought you liked your shitty hair?" I frowned.
"Yeah, I did but... But it just reminds me of my own failure... I dyed my hair because I wanted to be confident, be a hero everyone looked up to, easy to get along with. I can't be that person anymore... Not now that I'm quirkless. I'll just fall back to being the shy and quiet kid in the back of the class..." he muttered, staring at the ground.

I didn't know what to say or how to respond to that... We sat in silence for a while before he pulled out the drawer of the small cabinet next to his bed. He pulled out a hair band and tied his hair together in a low pony tail. It's a hairstyle I've seen on Aizawa sensei once. It suits him.
"I'm dying my hair black again" he stated, now sure of himself. He glanced aside, shooting me a bright smile.

"You want to help me pack up? I'm going home for the weekend to stay with my family"
"Y-Yes... Yeah, of course I'll help you" I said and forced a grin. Act like nothing is wrong, act like nothing happened. It's obvious he doesn't want to talk about it, so I won't push him. That's not my style and he knows it.
"The others are gonna be pissed we ate all the cookies though" he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
"Tch. I'll kill anyone who dares say anything about it" I stated as he grabbed his suitcase. We started packing and I left when he said he was going to call his parents.

"How is he?" Ashido asked when I came back downstairs.
"He's holding up alright, I guess" I shrugged.
"Doesn't really want to talk about it... He thinks less of himself though... Being quirkless-"
I sighed, groaning as I threw my head back in frustration.
"It's really fucking annoying! He thinks he's weak and pathetic for losing his stupid fucking quirk and now he can't be a damn hero anymore!"

The room looked at me with frowns and pouts. They were all pretty sad and bumped out about this.
"Also, he's going home for the weekend, don't bother him about it"
"We should go do something with the squad to get his mind off of things!" Mina shouted, looking at me with begging eyes.

"I'm not paying for laser shooting again. Besides, we're uneven now so we can't team up against each other. And no, I'm not letting you bring another girl" I gritted through my teeth.
"Why don't you bring your boyfriend~?" headphones teased.
"Also, we don't need to go laser shooting. We can go bowling or something"
"Still not paying up for you poor fucks" I stated.

"I'll pay! I don't mind" raccoon eyes smiled.
"I just wanna see Kiri happy again! He looks so unhappy right now... It makes me sad"
"Alright, bowling on you if you can convince shitty hair to come out in public"
"You convince your boyfriend" Jirou smirked, backing up Ashido.
"We're gonna kick your ass! Shotgun Kirishima on our team!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll take the fucking tape dispenser" I groaned.
"Hey!" Sero pouted, getting patted on the back by Ojiro.
"It's okay dude... Just accept it"

Pov Midoriya
I was able to make things up with Shoto, which was great since he was one of my best friends. Also, he has nowhere else to run so... But I shrugged that off. It wasn't any of my concern right now either because I was going out with my amazing boyfriend! And his friends. But let's forget about those for a moment! We were going bowling to cheer up Kirishima, but I just saw it as quality time with Kacchan.

Why should I pity the red head? He's the one who snitched my personnel! He deserves his punishment. I smiled, happily swinging our intertwined hands back and forth as I looked at my ash blonde boyfriend. How long until I break his heart again by moving away? How much longer would I be able to look at his face up close like this? I'm not sure... It's why I must enjoy it while it lasts.

"Stop staring at me like that nerd, it's fucking creepy" he said with a small chuckle. I laughed a little as well, looking back ahead.
"Sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes... You're just so handsome!"
That comment made a pink blush appear on his cheeks before he gave me a confident grin.
"Of course I am! I'm the best looking fucker in this whole damn town!"

We both laughed at that and before I could stop myself, I stood up on my toes and kissed Kacchan. He kissed back, of course, and we melted together.
"Oi! Lovebirds! Keep it child friendly!" we heard Sero yell from a distance, making me chuckle as we pulled apart. Bakugou groaned, glaring at his black haired friend.
"You're just jealous cause you can't get a girlfriend!"

"Awch" Jirou laughed. Kirishima rolled his eyes with a playful smile, his hands in his pockets.
"Are we playing or what?!" Ashido shouted, throwing her arms around both Jirou and Kirishima while grinning widely.
"We're gonna crush you guys!"
"I'm not losing to a bunch of shitheads like you" Kacchan scoffed, his arm around my waist.

It made Kiri look away in an awkward manner. I frowned. Did something happen between the two of them? Did our relationship make him uncomfortable? Huh, it's strange since he never reacted like this before... Maybe... I pried myself out of Kacchan's grip and took his hand instead. He gave me a confused glance but shrugged it off as I smiled at him.

"Let's just have fun, okay?" I beamed, pulling my boyfriend with me as we entered.
"Yeah!" Sero and Ashido cheered, instantly running after us. And so our evening began. The conversations were light and happy, a positive atmosphere hung in the air as we bowled. There was some banter as we competed but nothing to serious. That was until Kirishima stood up abruptly and went to the bathroom.

Kacchan frowned, tracking him with his eyes until the red head left his sight.
"You think it's too forced? That he isn't having fun?" Mina asked with a pout.
"I'll go check up on him, just to be sure" Bakugou said, quickly pecking me on my cheek before walking off.
"Kill them for me Izu!"
"I'll try Kacchan!" I smiled, looking back at our lane.

We were only six points behind Mina's team, time to get my skills out in the open.
"Don't screw up again Midoriya" Sero sighed, leaning back while sipping from his coke. It's true that I've been playing badly, but that was just so Kacchan would help me. Now that he's out of the picture for a while I'll show them what I can really do!

I grabbed one of the balls, aiming at the white pins at the end of the lane. I smiled as I swung the ball back before letting it role over the wooden floor. Perfect strike, of course. I closed my eyes for a moment before letting out a squeal and happily jumping up and down while throwing my hands around in the air.

"I did it! Did you guys see that?!"
"Lucky shot" Jirou muttered, crossing her arms.
"I knew you could do it!" Mina squealed, hugging me as she ran up to me.
"Bakugou is going to kill you for touching his boyfriend like that" Sero snorted.

"I'm sure Mido-chan will protect me, right?" Ashido asked, smiling at me.
"Of course! I may not have a quirk but I am Kacchan's biggest weakness" I chuckled, scratching the back of my head. We continued to play after that. I frowned, staring at the bathroom door. They sure take long...
"I'm gonna check up on Kiri and Kacchan, be right back!" I smiled, hopping to the bathroom door.

But what I saw when I opened it, would crush my heart. My boyfriend, his hands pushed up against Kirishima's chest, whose arm was around Kacchan's frame. Another hand on his cheek, keeping them in place as their lips touched. In that moment, time seem to stop. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Kacchan...was cheating on me..?

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