Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barne...

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

453K 14.6K 1.5K

Roswell is Sam and Dean Winchesters adoptive little sister. Saved by John at a young age she was raised with... More

Epi: 2 years later


4.5K 212 12
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

Bucky wakes to the smell off fresh coffee and a warmth at his back. It's nice...until he realises that Roswell isn't that big and definitely does not have what is pressed against him. Which means it's Steve. Steve is attempting to sleep cuddle him with morning wood. Bucky's eyes widen.

"Dude, what the hell?!" Bucky scolds pushing himself back, Steve wakes instantly and pulls a face turning away.

"I thought you were Roswell" he grumbles sitting up. Bucky stares at him and then looks down at himself.

"Because that is so my body type" he points out.

"I was asleep" Steve argues. "I can't control it"

"It was pressed up against my ass" Bucky snaps shuddering before standing from the bed. Roswell chuckles from the doorway watching the two of them bicker.

"You think this is funny?" Steve asks her but he's smiling. Neither of them can be mad at her.

"It think it's hilarious" Roswell answers holding out the two coffees. "I made coffee" she smiles sweetly at them. Bucky moves to her, his fingers threading through her hair to pull her closer. He kisses her softly.

"Morning" he whispers softly pulling back. "I'm going to take a shower" he takes the coffee from her. "I'm suddenly feeling very soiled"

"It was an accident" Steve points out as Bucky leaves the room. Roswell moves closer to Steve, he smiles up at her. "Morning, honey" he wraps his arm around her waist and helps her sit in his lap, careful of the coffee in her hand. She wraps her free hand around his neck to stroke at the hair at the back of his head. He is so adorable first thing in the morning. His hair all messy and real. When he's all Steve and no Captain America.

"Miss Winchester?" Friday interrupts, Steve groans setting his forehead on her shoulder, nuzzling into the fabric of the shirt she's wearing.

"Yes, Friday" Roswell offers.

"Thor and Loki have returned" Steve pulls his head back and nods a little.

"Yeah, we should get on that" he states. "Set some ground rules" he stroke her thigh.

"I know you guys don't trust him" she starts. "But I need his help on's his feikinstafir hirða, he's the only one that can help me figure this out" Steve sighs and nods.

"I trust you....don't trust him"

"You'll be with me, right?" she asks. "You and Bucky?"

"Of course" he assures her. "Of course we will be, we're not going to leave you unprotected" she smiles lovingly at him. "And you're still okay with this...Bucky thing?" he asks, she nods.

"If you are" she assures him. "If it gets too uncomfortable for you...tell more secrets, no more going behind each others backs..."

"I know" he tells her softly. "I know....I was just" he sighs and closes his eyes. "Scared" he admits opening his eyes.

"I love you" she offers warmly, firmly. "I love you so much, Steve, when I read that you wanted me and Bucky to....I thought, my first thought, was you, wanting to break up"

"No" he shakes his head. "Never" he promises. "I don't want that....neither of us do" she leans closer and kisses him. "I love you too" he whispers against her lips. "More than anyone ever" he assures her. "I hope you know that" she nods.


Steve and Bucky stand in front of Roswell, between her and Loki who stands behind Thor. He may have been invited but he knows that he's needed and not wanted. Thor smiles at Roswell who smiles back at him. She's really grateful he did this for her.

"Loki" Thor starts. "You remember Captain Rogers" Loki nods. "This is his friend, Sergeant Barnes and his girlfriend, Roswell Winchester" Loki peers around them to look at Roswell.

"No unsanctioned magic" Steve warns. "The magic you use will be approved by Thor and by Roswell.....No weapons, with Barton or Romanoff.....and you must not leave your brother's side" Loki looks to Thor who shoots him a look.

"Understood" Loki tell Steve, Steve nods in response and turns to Roswell.

"All yours, honey" he whispers softly. She nods and moves around her two boyfriends. She sets the box in her hands down on the table between them. Loki nods impressed. It was smart of her to put the vase into a hex box. Roswell unlocks latches the box and opens it to reveal the feikinstafir hirða inside. Loki wraps his fingers around it carefully and then lifts it from the box. Loki frowns a little and lifts his eyes to Roswell.

"Is this a joke?" he asks her, she frowns at him. "This has been opened, it's empty" he touches the seal around the lid.

"No" she shakes her head taking it from him. "No, it wasn't...." she argues. "It was sealed" she counters looking over the vase. It was definitely sealed. "I checked"

"Oh no" Bucky whispers, they turn to him.

"Bucky, no" Roswell scolds slightly. "You opened it?"

"I was looking for candy" he admits. "I mean....I know you said not to touch it, but I didn't believe you when you said there was something inside of it"

"You thought I hide candy in it?" Roswell asks him, Bucky nods like a scolded child.

"You utter buffoon" Loki scolds with a sigh. "How long has it been freed?" He asks Bucky.

"It was about 5am" Bucky answers, Steve and Roswell give him a look.

"You were eating candy at 5am?" Steve asks.

"No, I was looking for it..." Bucky answers. Steve sighs a little.

"We have to find it and get it back in the feikinstafir hirða" Loki tells Roswell. "Before it does some serious damage"

"You said it's a mischief based creature" Steve offers. "How bad can it get?"

"There is a reason I trapped it in here to begin with" Loki points out. "It killed three maids and twelve Einherjar"

"Oh" Steve breathes. "How do we find it?" Loki looks down at Roswell.

"How do we trap fae?" he asks her, she looks up at him.

"How would I know?" she counters, he raises an eyebrow back at her, takes a step closer. Bucky and Steve moving almost instantly, Roswell holds out her hand to stop them.

"You don't think I would recognise a little huntress when I see one?" he asks her.

"What's he talking about?" Steve asks, Roswell sighs a little.

"I apologise, I wasn't aware it was a secret" Loki tells her.

"It's not, I just...haven't told them yet, I was waiting for the right moment" she turns to Steve who looks down at her softly, questioningly. "Do you remember when we talked about the supernatural?" She asks Steve who nods. "And you asked me if I believed in it"

"Yeah, I remember" Steve assures her.

"Well, it's less about belief and more about....knowing they're real" she admits. "My brothers, Sam and Dean, and my father....well they're hunters, they hunt the supernatural....vampires, ghost, werewolves, demons....and they kill them, or they did..." Bucky starts laughing. Steve shoots him a look.

"Oh" Bucky realises. "You're being serious" he looks down.

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