Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)

Gerlithequeen tarafından

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Flavia Van Der Woodsen is New York's It Girl #1. Flavia's life isn't as perfect as you might think. It's the... Daha Fazla

1.1 Back
1.2 "Give Me A Break"
1.3 Chucky
1.4 "Don't Dare Me, Chuck"
1.5 Caught Off Guard
1.6 "What Were You Thinking?"
1.7 "Love You, Brother"
1.8 Dropping A Bomb
1.9 Photo Shoot
1.10 Carter
1.11 "Mom"
1.12 Masquerade Ball
1.13 Sweet Dreams
1.14 "Who The Hell Was That?"
1.15 Thanksgiving
1.16 The Best Thanksgiving
1.17 Grams
1.18 Carter Baizen
1.19 The Ball
1.20 Special Gifts
1.21 The Key
1.22 "Truths"
1.23 "I'm Chuck Bass"
1.24 "He Was Your First"
1.25 "But you can keep it"
1.26 "G"
1.27 "What Has She Got On You?"
1.28 "We're Sisters"
1.29 "Let's Get You Outta Here"
1.30 "Let's get that Bitch"
1.31 No Saints
1.32 "You deserve it, G."
1.33. "What Are You Up To Now?"
1.34 Summer
1.35 "I'm no saint either"
1.36 White Party
1.37"Why am i even asking you?"
1.38 "I need a Break"
1.39 On Top
1.40 Fashion Week
1.41 "You Can't Lie To Me"
1.42 "I don't have to change for anyone"
1.43 Thanksgiving
A Double Win
Changing Partners
Snowflake ball
"We want you here"
The Will
The Brunch
"Under One Condition"
"Stay Here, Please"
The "Just Friends" Talk
Playing Games
"Relationship Problems"
A Scam
"She Doesn't Know All Of Us"
Arresting The Wrong Girl
"Don't Provoke Her"
"Then Let's Go"
"Right. 'Cause You're Stalking Me "
"I Want You, Carter"
"No More Excuses"
"Please Go, Carter"
"It's Complicated"
"Why Does It Hurt So Much?"
Complicated Love Lifes
"I Don't Know"
"We Should Take Things Slow"
"I'm Done With You"
"I Love You, Fla"
The Lost Empire
"Happy Birthday, Baby"
Relationship Problems
Trust Issues
Moving Back In
Sister Fight
An Emotional Evening
Saving The Relationship
" Where Are You?"
First Day Of School
Dangerous Rumors
Waldorf-Bass War
Game Over
"Please, Go"
Photo Shoot
A Busy Evening
"Spin The Globe"
Dan's Book
"You Used Me"
The Wedding Shower
Chuck And Blair
A Trapp
Wedding Crasher
"Fuck Loyalties"
The Wake
"I'm Back In Town "
"I Fucked Up"
One Half Of Gossip Girl
"Is That A Promise ?"
"Jealous, Fla?"
Fashion Show
The Spectator
Leaked Tape
Thanksgiving Drama
Bart Bass
Endings and Beginnings


5.5K 77 8
Gerlithequeen tarafından

A few weeks later. In Spain. At the airport. 

 I saw how the guys put my luggage in the private jet. 

Nate had to leave two weeks ago because of work which was sad. He nor i liked it but it was his job and who am i to tell him not to go. We grew so strong as a couple and i love it. 

My phone rang and i looked at it. 

I answered "hey mom"

Mom "hey, dear. Are you going to come to the Fashion's Night Out luncheon tomorrow?"

I nodded "of course i am."

Mom "does Nate know you're coming back tomorrow?"

I shook my head "no. And i would appreciate it if you could keep that little detail to yourself, please?"

She chuckled "of course, dear. But have heard from Charles?"

Yeah, Chuck left town after he confessed he slept with Jenny. I love him but sometimes i can't stand his decisions. Jenny had left town, good for her. Serena and Blair are in France, having fun. Eric's in Italy. Nate and i had visited him fro a weekend around 3 weeks ago. 

I shook my head "no, why?"

She sighed. 

Me "Mom, it's Chuck. And it's a normal summer, he's drunk on some island were he can live out his sexual fantasies. I know him and given with everything that happened, i wouldn't blame him for going rogue. Why are you interested?"

Mom "oh, no. If you don't know anything, i can find out myself. Keep having a good time"

Me "Well,  actually i was about to step into the jet when you called"

Mom "Have you decided if you wanna go to College this year?"

I sighed "Mom, i'm on the top of my modelling career at the moment."

Mom sighed "all right. See you tomorrow. Love you"

Me "love you too"

Then i hung up and got into the jet. 

Next day. At home. 

I walked inside and the luncheon was already going well. 

I looked around and saw Nate standing there. 

He turned around, taking a sip from his drink. 

His eyes widened when he saw me "no way"

I smiled and walked over to him "hey"

Nate smiled "hey, baby"

I hugged him.

Nate put his arms around me and lifted me off the ground. 

I giggled "Natey"

Nate put me down and kissed me. 

I kissed him back. 

I missed him so much. 

Nate"i missed you"

Me "and i missed you too"

Then i kissed him again. 

He smiled and put a hand around me. 

Suddenly i heard my mom "Flavia?"

I let go of Nate and looked at her "mom, hey?!"

She smiled and hugged me "hey"

I hugged her back. 

Mom "how was the flight?"

Me "long. very long. And you didn't tell him anything?"

She shook her head "Well, you told me not to"

I smiled.

Nate looked at mom "wait, you knew, Lilly?"

Yes, Mom made it clear that she really supports Nate and mine relationship. she likes him a lot so..yeah. i'm happy.

She nodded "of course i knew. She wanted it to be a surprise"

Nate put a hand on my lower back, nodding "Well, it was definitely a surprise"

Mom smiled "glad it worked. "

Then her smile dropped "But i was hoping you could look at Charles' papers and see if there was anything that you might find that i haven't. But steer  clear of Rufus, okay?"

He nodded "okay"

Then she smiled and walked away. 

I saw a woman turn around, waving at Nate with a smile. I brushed it off but it was still weird. 


Nate, mom and i were walking to the office when we ran into Georgina who was downing a glas of champagne. 

Nate sighed "oh, this is not good"

Yeah, turned out Dan had knocked up Georgina. And now she's back but i don't know where the baby is, though. 

Mom "Georgina, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Georgina handed her glass to one of the waitresses "you have 15 seconds. Top me off or you're fired"

I raised an eyebrow. 

Nate took a step to her and grabbed her arm to move her "Maybe you should come with me"

Georgina didn't move an inch "that's sweet, Archibald, but i don't like vanilla"

Nate "does Dan know you're here?"

Mom "why would Dan know?"

I looked down, sighed and looked at Georgina, annoyed "Georgina, get the hell out of here"

Suddenly a phone rang. 

Georgina took it out and answered "Hello, Dan. Yes, we did ,all the way across the bridge. "

Nate sighed "Georgina, don't do this"

Georgina "i just thought it was time everyone met. Would you like to talk to your dad? "

Rufus walked past us. 

Georgina smiled "Rufus"

He looked at her. 

Georgina "Dan's on the phone. He'd like to speak with you"

She handed him the phone. 

Rufus looked a bit confused but answered. 

Georgina walked away. 

Mom sighed. 

Rufus "Tell me what?"

Suddenly Georgina walked with her baby to us. 

Rufus "who's baby is that?"

Georgina smiled at her baby "That's your grandpa. This is Milo Humphrey, your grandson"

Rufus froze "Daniel? Dan? "

Mom's jaw dropped. 

I sighed and let my head drop onto Nate's shoulder who let out a sigh. 

Rufus hung up on the phone. 

Georgina "i think your daddy's on the way"


Mom was throwing the guests out  "um, unfortunately, something has come up"

They were all leaving.

I looked at Nate .

Nate put his hands on my forearms "I'm glad you're back, baby"

I fake smiled "if i had known i'd be walking straight into this drama i would've stayed in Spain"

Nate chuckled and put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me to him. 

I smiled and hugged him back "i love you, Nate"

Nate nodded "i love you, baby"

Suddenly Dan walked to us. 

Nate and i stayed like this.

Dan "who could have seen this coming?"

Nate asked him confused "you met Georgina?"

Dan nodded "good point. Where is she?"

Nate "she..."

He pointed in one direction and Dan stormed over there. 

I turned around so i was watching the show. 

Nate sill had his arms around my shoulders and pressed me to him. 

Rufus asked furiously "tell me this is just one of her ridiculous schemes. "

Dan "Dad-"

Mom "Why don't you talk in Serena's room?"

She was right. People were still on their way out. 

Dan and Rufus left. 

Nate let go of me. 

I looked at him confused"you okay?"

He nodded "yeah, i'd be right back"

I nodded. 

He walked over to the woman who waved at him earlier. I raised an eyebrow. 

Nate "Sorry all the drama ruined your luncheon today"

She smiled "That's okay"

Nate "Well, in case you're wondering my life's been pretty drama-free these days. "

God, i know who she is. Juliet.

Suddenly his phone rang and he answered. He tensed and turned to me. 

At the Empire. 

Nate and i walked into the suite and my jaw dropped. Half naked girls were dancing around playing guitar hero. Funny thing since Nate was the only one living here because Chuck was on vacation. 

 I looked at Nate and crossed my arms over my chest "You wanna tell me something?"

Nate asked one of the girls "what the hell is this?"

The girl turned to us "you wanna play "Rock Band 3" with us?"

I looked at Nate "yeah, Nate, you wanna play with a bunch of half naked girls?"

The girl smiled "i hope it's okay. We used your credit card"

I smiled at Nate "Nateyy?"

He looked at me "I-I can explain-"

I shook my head "You know what, i'm gonna crash in my room at Blair's. You clean up your mess and think of a bulletproof explanation"

He sighed "Fla"

I shook my head and gave him a peck on the cheek "i love you"

Then i walked out. 

At Blair's. my room. Night. 

There was a knock on my door and i opened it. Nate was standing there with a buch of roses in his hand.

I smiled a little. 

Nate "hey"

Me "you got rid of the ..what? 10 Angels for Nate?"

He smiled "okay listen, i love you"

I nodded "good way to start of an explanation"

Nate "would you believe me if i told you that i have no idea who these girls were?"

I shook my head "would you if things were different?"

Nate shook his head "probably not. But i love you, baby. And i really don't have any idea how these girls got there"

me "they knew your name"

Nate "Because they are girls that are in Chuck's blackbook. Chuck and i live together. Of course they know. But i have no idea how these girls got there"

I looked down. 

Nate sighed "baby, please, i love you, okay? i would never do that to you. "

I looked at him. 

Nate "besides, why would i do anything with those girls when i have a Victoria Secret model as my girlfriend? "

I smiled "Nate"

Nate smiled "there is that smile i love. "

I looked down, blushing. 

Nate "do you believe me?"

I looked at him and nodded "of course i do, handsome"

He smiled and kissed me. 

I smiled and kissed back. 

Okumaya devam et

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