The Sun Will Shine ➸ LOKI

By _angeltipz

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❝ I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again. ❞ [loki odinson fic] [avengers infinity war fix] ➣... More



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By _angeltipz

The sorceress noticed that her friend was just staring out the window and decided to walk towards him, she hugged herself and stood beside him, she was a bit jealous that he practically had the best view in the whole tower aside from Stark, they surely did want to earn his favor, well after seeing what he can do, they probably should. 

Suddenly she was reminded of what she was supposed to do, what she and Thor talked about, she had to go and handle it before Loki starts to become suspicious, she breathed deeply and plastered a smile before looking up at the god just beside her

"I have to go to my room, I just remembered that I have to pass by SHIELD to meet Fury." She started, she wasn't lying entirely since it was true, she's coming to the meet the eye-patched director at the SHIELD base, she then thought of something to cover up the real reason why she should go, she was lying to the god of lies himself, it wasn't her fault that she's absolute shit in it "I've been on the run for too long, I have to clear my name and all that, you know?" 

Loki looked down at the sorceress and raised one of his eyebrows as if questioning her, he noticed the quiver in her voice and gulp as she voiced out the reason why she had to go, including the fact that her heartbeat was starting to race, she was definitely lying, or maybe lying about something, though he had to give her credit for trying, he considered telling her that he knew she was lying but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, so he smirked and crossed his arms,

"I should come with," He offered, so much for being friends "I'd rather not rot here alone." 

Her eyes immediately widened  as she shook her head firmly, "No, Fury told me not to bring anyone, I don't want to start off clearing my name by ruining his trust." 

Yet you have no problem with ruining mine. The voice in his head sounded like a whisper, yet he shrugged it off and decided to play along, he's going to find out what she and Thor talked about sooner or later, he wanted to play, and for him, this was a rather nice game.

"Ah, I see." He nodded "How will you go there then?" 

"Borrow one of Stark's car, I can drive don't worry." She replied and started to walk towards the door, he noticed how eager she was to get away from him at the moment, he couldn't blame her, it was hard lying to the god of it, "I'll be home before Lunch, see you later!" 

And with that, she slammed the door creating an echo in the enormous room, this day was surely getting interesting. He raised an eyebrow before his things appeared on his hands along with Wanda's bags, he sighed and realized that he forgot to give it to her, despite his irritated mood, he still made sure to remember to pass by her room and drop it off. He started to fix everything and arranged it to the way he liked, he placed his Midgardian clothes inside the closet but kept his Asgardian armor inside his pocket dimension should any danger occur. 

His eyes trailed to the bed and saw a small box, he scrunched his eyebrows and read the note placed on top of it.

'This is a Stark Phone and I figured you would already know how to use it, If you're reading this now then I surely forgot to show it to you in person, but you're smart so I think you can handle it. If you have any questions just ask FRIDAY, she'll answer everything. Have a great stay Rock of Ages' 

- Tony

He stuck the note under the box and opened it revealing a thin phone that was transparent as usual, the first time he got to Midgard AKA when Thanos sent him, he had to learn all of their ways, their weakness and strengths including their whole civilization and advancements and all that, it included the device he was now holding in his hands so he had no trouble working it unlike his brother. The contacts had the number of every Avenger in case of an emergency, he shrugged and thought it handy before storing it in his dimension once again. 

The god sighed and looked around thinking about what he should do, just then he realized he wanted privacy so he raised his hands, green mist forming as he cast a spell to protect and guard his room, informing him of anyone who would step foot without his consent, seeing them from where he is, he enchanted his door with a spell to keep people away when he doesn't want them, he made sure that not even Thor could open it if he didn't want to. As soon as it was all done he looked around and felt the room oozing with seidr, now this felt like home, though he missed all his stuff, enchanted relics that possessed lots of magic inside, most of it was given by his mother and it meant a lot to him

He looked at Wanda's bag just on top of his bed and decided to bring it to her, he grabbed it like it was nothing and walked out his door only to stop by just in front of it, he looked left and right but had no idea where to go

The god sighed, "FRIDAY, If you may point me to Wanda's chambers?" 

At first, no one replied and he started to think if he misheard the instructions he was given, but his doubt was lifted when a female robotic voice decided to answer, "Go left and the second door you see will be Ms. Maximoff's." 

So he did and started walking across the hall, this looked entirely like the Asgardian Royal Academy, it was a tough school to get into, only the finest, smartest and richest people of Asgard could get in. Being able to do so will immediately grant you a rank higher than most people, and if you fail then you will surely get no rank at all and be lower than commoners. The school was located just beside the palace, it was enormous in size, he for one considered staying in one of the dormitories so he could interact with other mages, scholars and not just warriors but his father wouldn't let him, he was but a young boy being toured by his parents since Thor decided to hunt and leave him, he tried to convince his father to have him stay but he would not despite his reasonings, his mother though tried to help him but ended up failing all the same, so as he grew up and tried to bring it back, his mother would remind him that the All-Father would never approve, oh he remembered those times:

"But Father!" 

Young Loki exclaimed as he walked in between the King and Queen with his small little hands both held in theirs, he looked up at his father and pulled his hand, he stopped walking in the middle of the Academy's halls that made both parents stop too, no matter how young he was, he always was gifted in persuasion, he pouted at the King and removed his hands from theirs, he crossed it across his chest and knitted his eyebrows. Young as he was, he thought that he looked angry yet it was the entire opposite, for the two royals he looked absolutely adorable, with those shimmering green eyes and slicked back raven hair, it was hard not to look at him and not pinch his cheeks,

"I want to stay here!" He voiced out without shifting his stance, Odin and Frigga looked at each other before sighing, their little boy was easily amused by things, when he finds something that piqued his curiosity he would always dive in, it was hard to make him believe in anything without facts, and of course there was always a 'why'

"Listen, my son." 

His father started as he grabbed his son's little hands in his which Little Loki reluctantly gave, they walked towards the large arc just on the side of the halls and decided to sit, the King placed his son on his lap while Frigga sat to his left, her arms resting on her husband's shoulder as she flashed a warm smile while staring at their son who still had his eyebrow knitted together, oh how much she would love to sweep him away from Odin and hug him 'till he smiles again, but apparently, this was one of the days they had to answer his questions.

Odin was aware of his youngest son's attitude, unlike Thor who would just follow everything he said, Loki was the one who always questioned it, he understood his curiosity until it became too much, he figured since then that he was intelligent and cunning, always had a plan. Though the hard part was explaining things, it needed to be precise or else he'd point out your mistake, no one wants to be embarrassed by a child, which has occurred many times, so when something you say is opposed to what he wants or believes in, you have to explain why, or else he'd nag you too much.

"You are a small boy, you can not stay here." He calmly said as he tucked a strand of his raven hair behind his ears

Loki started to slump back, his eyebrows slowly unknitting while his hands dropped just on top of his lap, he glanced back and forth between his parents before answering, "Not yet at least? Maybe when I am as big as Thor? or even a few more years than him! Then, would you let me?" 

His voice was hopeful as he awaited either one of his parent's reply, Odin glanced at Frigga and gave her a nod as an indication to be the one to explain it to him, the Queen sighed and nodded as he stroked her son's hands in hers,

"You see, Loki." She started and maintained eye contact "You are not just a boy, but a prince. A King has many enemies and they linger everywhere, maybe even here. And you, my love, is a son of a King, you do know how revenge works, yes?" 

The little prince nodded as he continued listening, "That is why you can't, we do not want to see you harmed, you are our son, it would kill us to see any infliction placed upon you." 

Loki let his head fall down as he fiddled with his fingers, a trait he inherited from his mother, she noticed this and realized that her son had more to say but still understood her words, 

"But why does Thor get to be where he wants and do what he wants?" He asked, his face now scrunched in a sympathetic sort of way, "He's also a prince." 

Frigga then shot her husband a look, it was now his turn to explain why, Odin sighed and adjusted his legs, his hands placed as support behind his son's back, he started to caress his hair as he thought of how to answer his question,

"Your brother trains, he knows how to protect himself," Odin replied as he looked down at Loki who was now leaning his head on his chest

"So do I!" The green-eyed boy exclaimed as he sat straight and looked his father in the eye, "Mother told me that I far exceeded what she could do at her age, Thor has his hammer and I have my seidr, is that not the same?"

This was what they were saying, he comes up with a question to back up his question until it never ends, the only way it does is when you prove him wrong or just give in. Odin knew his son had a point, Mjolnir and Seidr are powerful in their own way, his eldest son's hammer was merely a tool to help Thor, it was why he never had a hard time dealing with his powers while growing up. Loki, on the other hand, had seidr, such powerful seidr that can power up even the most impossible of spells, to level a planet, heal severe wounds, and even cast the unbreakable, yet it came with a lot of suffering and control, one wrong move and he feared that he may be able to uncast the spell he placed upon him, one to hide his true heritage, he didn't want it to come to that. They needed to be near him at all times in order to make sure he doesn't lose control, because if he does then who knows what'll happen to him. Though it was quite clear he couldn't use that as an answer, so he thought more: 

"Thor's hammer is used for control, it was a way to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or others." Odin answered as Loki listened attentively, "While you, my boy, have seidr that is very powerful, and the only way to control it is to learn how, we can not do that when you are far, how will we know if you are suffering from nightmares? how will we save you?"

Loki shrugged, "Mother and you could teleport."

Frigga chuckled as he placed a small kiss on her boy's hand, "You know it's not as easy for us as it is for you, my love." 

This made Loki chuckle, he was gifted in many things including that so it came to him easier and naturally, "But I will learn control here, would I not?"

Odin nodded and smiled, "Yes, but you can not stay here, do you understand?" 

As much as it pained Loki to give in he still nodded, the good thing about him was that he knew how to accept defeat and reasoning, it was a balance to the curiosity he possessed. 

"Yes." He said in a low tone, "I just want to have friends like Thor has. He has warrior friends so I want to have mage friends." 

Frigga smiled genuinely and went closer to her son whose eyes were starting to droop as he leaned on his Father, "And you will! Once you are old enough to enter the Academy, but for now, you have to listen to your tutors and pass it all, hmm?" 

This made him smile as he nodded, "Aye." 

If only he knew the real reason, that they were afraid he'd reveal his true Jotun form, thinking back to the memory now it stirred something inside him. He hated the way people act as if they care for him, how they do not tell him anything in order to keep him safe and guarded when the real reason is that they are afraid of him and would rather have him in their side than not, this secret Wanda and his brother was keeping from him sure did remind him of that memory, though a little part of him hoped that in this case, they'd actually tell him the truth, if not then he surely had to change his title to the God of Being Lied To. 

He realized he was already standing in front of the sorceress' room for quite some time. 'Wanda' was written across the steel plate on the door indicating that this room is indeed hers, he blinked twice and cleared his throat before finally knocking, he waited for someone to answer but the only thing he received was silence, he knocked once more yet there was still no reply so he sighed looked the door up and down, she just left a few minutes ago, he was sure she'd pass by her room and he'd catch her, 


No answer. Seems like the sorceress decided to abandon her trip back to her room out of nervousness which was likely caused by the lying, he sighed and stared at the small scanner beside her room, if his memory served him right then that meant he can't open the door without her card, he then rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, his card slowly appeared in his hand as he eyed it, it wouldn't hurt if he tried though, no one would see him if he ever fails or make an idiot out of himself, except for the computer, of course. 

He placed his card in front of the scanner and heard a beeping sound, to his surprise the door opened revealing her room. The god's jaw was ajar as he slowly stepped foot inside her room, he was sure it wouldn't work yet somehow it did, he was also sure he didn't use any kind of magic,

"How did I manage to open this door, FRIDAY?" He asked as he gently placed Wanda's bag on top of the velvet bed, his eyes roamed the large room, it was a bit smaller than his but it surely did scream her name in every style possible 

"You are in Ms. Maximoff's trusted list, including Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanoff." FRIDAY replied as the god closed the door and started pacing around, "It means that you are allowed to enter her room when she is away. When she is here then you will not be able to enter unless she says so."

Trusted List, ooh the irony. He nodded in understanding until he reached her bedside table, his eyes caught the small picture frame on top of it. It was a picture of Wanda, before everything that happened to her, she looked so normal, and happy. Beside her was a tall brunette man, his arms draped around her shoulder while both of them were laughing. He grabbed the frame and turned it around, his face softened the moment he read what was written behind it, 

Pietro, A reminder that we were once normal.

So this was her brother, her twin brother, the one she lost to the fight with Ultron. He thought him to have white hair but then remembered that this was before they got experimented on, he felt a pang of sympathy for the siblings, unlike him they had a chance of a normal life, they could have remained normal. 

He placed the frame down back to its original spot and continued to walk around, seems like a lot of her stuff are still here, he saw a small bookshelf too but it surprised him to see her own some spell books, he always thought she was clueless but it looked like she did some research on her own and managed to find books that would help her. A book, in particular, caught his eye, unlike most of it which he already saw and read back in the Great Library of Asgard, this was a new one, he grabbed it from the shelf and read the title:

'The Administration of Chaos Magic Vol. 1'

Chaos Magic, he knew that alright and he read a lot of books about it, just not this particular one. This was either new or something that wasn't discovered by Asgard, though what seemed peculiar was the fact that in all the books he read about Chaos Magic, he never came across something that would actually teach you control, it was all about how to do it and what happens when you let it go, he knew it for the magic itself, it was uncertain and had no control, yet somehow this book existed, had he known about it then he wouldn't have suffered years trying to come up with his own way to master it. 

Before he could even flip it open he started to feel magic approaching, he closed the book and turned himself invisible making sure he left no trace except for her bag that was placed on top of her bed. He stood next to the shelf as Wanda entered, a sigh immediately leaving her mouth. She closed the door behind her and noticed her bag, it was clear enough to him the way the sorceress smiled when she saw her bag, it made the prince soft but didn't brush off the fact that she was lying about something. She was about to open it when her phone began ringing, this raised the god's eyebrows as he stared at her intently, his hearing sharp so he would know who she was talking to, 

"Hello." She answered with a sigh 

The god was expecting it to be a voice he didn't hear before but was proven wrong when he heard who the voice belonged to, "Ms. Maximoff." 

The sorceress sighed "Fury." 

Loki pulled his head back, one of his eyebrows raised. She was actually talking to the director like she told him, it made him doubt his own judgment, maybe he was just overthinking or was too afraid to trust anyone, yet his instincts never failed him. His eyebrows scrunched as he decided to listen more attentively to make sure he would get it all, it was the first time he hoped that his instincts were surely wrong, Wanda became a close friend and if she did break his trust, he wouldn't know what to do. 

"You're running late." 

The prince rolled his eyes, he never liked that director anyway, he felt too entitled and in control which is something he hated. He crossed his arms across his chest and then felt his chest starting to grow loose, his doubts starting to go away, maybe she is telling the truth and it was he who had some problems, and if she discovered he was snooping around and accused her of being a traitor then it would be him in trouble. The idea of him ruining their friendship caused him to feel guilty, he knew he shouldn't be here, besides, Wanda would never betray him.

"I was with Loki and went to Stark to borrow a car, I'm on my way now." 

A small smile appeared on the side of his face, he started walking away from the shelf as the fear of Wanda's betrayal slowly vanished. He was going to pass through the door when he suddenly heard something he wished he hadn't, his hands froze on his side as his chest tightened instantly,

"And does he know why you're coming here? You know he shouldn't, Maximoff."

Wanda sighed as she scrambled through her stuff, "He doesn't. It's already hard for me to lie to him about this, he's my friend." 

"He's a criminal, a psychopathic god, he's not a friend."

"Insult him like that again and I'll make sure to drop all of this, even if I promised it to Thor." 

Wanda hated the way Fury acted, she hated him. It was hard for Thor to convince her into doing this and now she had to endure talking to this man who cares for nothing else but the fall of her friend.

Loki, on the other hand, kept still, he could feel his seidr spreading through his body like a wave. He felt as if he could shake New York but decided to keep it intact. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his skin, oh how he felt so betrayed. 

To actually think that she trusted him and thought of him as a friend, and also his brother who he decided to trust once more, he was starting to question why he was named the God of Lies. Though no matter how mad he was, he couldn't bring himself to harm or shout at the woman, he didn't even know why. He now had all he needs, she was lying to him, she betrayed him, yet he couldn't even raise his voice at her, so he did what he thought was best and left. 

What a great first day as an Avenger.

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