Jerk Face (Snatcher x reader)

By ghoshty-ghosht

58.3K 1.3K 4.6K

"WHHHYYYYYYY HELLO THERE! You didn't forget about me, did you?! Don't tell me you forgot about me!" " yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank You!

Chapter 9

2.5K 65 82
By ghoshty-ghosht


Snatcher's hunger is spiraling out of control, as even the thought of souls is affecting his other senses. The traveler, looking better than ever, and their newly acquainted friend enter the scene just as I was beginning to fix the problem. Long story short, Snatcher throws a tantrum. Knowing something is wrong, Hat Kid attempts to investigate...

It's been a week since the incident. You have completed two more tasks on your contract, which consist of getting rid of more Fire Spirits, clearing out some "Glowshrooms" that had clustered around a minion's home, yada yada yada.

Now, to the juicy content.

Snatcher hasn't left is home in days. You were worried, but decided not to enter his home. Some people want to be alone sometimes and you can respect that. Although, it has been a full week...

Hat Kid continues to bring you food throughout the week, letting you board her ship to eat at the table. Finally, you ask about Snatcher's behavior. "Hey, Hat Kid?" You start while she's scarfing down a burger. She hummed in reply. "You've known Snatcher for awhile, right?" She looked up questioningly. "Yeah, why?"

"Well- I dunno it's just that..." you tried to start. "I'm just a bit worried. He hasn't left his hut in days and I'm afraid I did something or just- Wait, who the hell is Vanessa?!" You rambled, not knowing what to say exactly, but hoping that your point would get across. Hat Kid just watched you panic, listening to your jumbled words. When you finally ran out of breath, Hat Kid began explaining our story.

"Snatcher was once a fancy prince guy." Hat Kid began shakily. "He had a princess, too. I'm pretty sure they were dating. The princess's name was Vanessa. One day, Prince Snatcher was buying her flowers. But Vanessa walked in at the wrong time, so it looked like he was holding the flower girl's hand when he was just paying for the bouquet! The person who was selling flowers was a girl, by the way."

"I figured." You replied. Hat Kid continued.
"So, Vanessa got really mad and locked Snatcher up, even though he did nothing wrong! He froze to death in the dungeon and escaped as a ghost." Your eyes widened at the grotesque ending.

"Well that's fucked up..." you say. Hat Kid shoots you a dirty look. "Language!"
"Ok, sorry." You reply.

You took a moment to take the story in. "So, you're telling me," you started. "My boss mistook me for his murderous ex and got mad at me because of that...?" Hat Kid nodded. "You don't really look like her much..." she said. She shrugged before hopping off the chair she was sitting in. "I think I know what's wrong with him, though. Like, why he lost it."

You perked up a bit, curious. "Really?" You asked. Hat Kid nodded solemnly. "Yes. I've asked some of the minions about it." She began again. "Notice how they've been much quieter that usual? That's because they don't want to make Snatcher mad. He has a short temper right now because he hasn't eaten a soul on a long time. It can apparently get really dangerous."

You went pale. Doesn't he have your soul now, though? While you two are questioning everything, Snatcher himself is fighting his own battles.

His eyes are dilating and his claws are clenched around the arms of his chair, almost ripping the fabric. He lets out a quiet growl before stopping himself. Narrowing his eye, he pulls your soul out of a drawer, and continues to stare at it intently. Why don't you eat it, Snatcher?

Snatcher sets it down for the twenty seventh time, not giving into his temptations. "I can't." He says.
I look down at him slyly. Why not? What's stopping you? Snatcher looks up to me, seeming taken aback by my implication. "It's nothing like that. They still have a contract to fulfill."

Well, if you already have a soul available, then I guess there's no reason for me to give you any of mine. Snatcher suddenly looked up to my horizon, anger in his eyes. He knows I was only teasing, right? Apparently not.

He began to grow in size, claws sharpening and fangs growing. He snarled at me, although I am unsure what he said. It sounded as if he was speaking backwards. He turns away from me and bounds off into the forest, looking for a proper meal.

Uh oh. Looks like I let it get out of control.

Next time on We Want To Smooch Ghosts ™:

Snatcher: growl snarl bark die

(Y/N): I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me-

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