Chapter 1

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Despite being covered in the remains of your destroyed ship, you managed to choke out a loud "Ow." You use your arms to claw your way out of the wrecked vehicle. Almost everything is gone. The only thing you have saved is a sketchbook, a pencil, and a bunch of candy (all stored in a small bag you managed to grab before crashing). Perfect.

You plop down in front of the ship, or Bee, as you've taken to calling it. Bee was an old ship. In fact, one might consider it an antique. It sported the old "Flying Saucer" style. Other space explorers have told you how it would break down at some point and pestered you to get a new ship. "Save the heirloom, (Y/N)." They said.

Well, I guess they were right.
There isn't much to what you do. You travel around because you can. End of story. But now, you just lost your only means of transportation, plus all of your belongings. "Maybe I can recover some-" you're cut off when Bee explodes into flames, causing you to hold up your arms in defense. Whoops. Spoke too soon.

You stand up. There are now 1st degree burns to add onto the cuts and bruises. Well isn't that just dandy.

"This is a really bad day..." you mumble to yourself, pressing down on a bleeding cut on your leg. "I agree!" Said a small voice. Your head turned so quickly your neck hurt. To your right was a small being with a hood and one, large, glowing eye. Your eyes widen in surprise and you reach out towards the...thing.

"What the-" you start but are unable to finish as it runs away. "W-wait!" You call out to it. You stand up, using a tree as a brace. The l creature was standing at a crossroads, still staring at you. Limping your way down the road, the creature starts to run again. 'This place sucks. This thing sucks. Everything fucking sucks.' you think as you get closer.

You lose the small creature's trail after a couple turns in the road. Your legs are begging you to stop moving and your burns sting. A half an hour of this aimless wandering and you see the creature again. By now most of your cuts had scabbed over and you were able to walk a bit better. You limp full speed towards it, despite the pain shooting through your legs.

Suddenly, you trip over what seems to be rope. But before you can fall into the dirt, a large piece of cloth picks you up. The makeshift bag you are now incased in swings back in forth, as it is most likely suspended up high. It was a trap. You flail around inside, hoping to get out. "HELP!" you scream. You continue to thrash around until someone comes and slashes the bag open.

You fall to the ground with a thud. The wind blows some more as the background changes. Trees turn into staring shadows and black sky turns a bright purple.

"AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" bellowed a voice.

Sorry for the short chapter. My normal update schedule will be updated Mondays. If I miss that deadline, there will hopefully be an explanation. Also, TW for strong language and mention of abusive relationships and use of alcohol(lol). Enjoy the story!

Jerk Face (Snatcher x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora