Chapter 12

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Snatcher comes to a startling realization, causing him to panic. You witnessed this, and decided to confront him about it. This action led to an emotional conversation and an awkward moment, which was a strange mix of uncomfortable and heartwarming. Little did you both know that someone witnessed the whole thing (bruh)...

A voice chimed playfully over metallic clanks and buzzes.

"Don't you want to be a part of me, too? He asked. You look at him, the monstrous machine rumbling behind him. "W-well, it's not that I don't want to it's just-"

"Please become one with me," He told you again. "I can't live without you..." you back away. His eyes were utterly insane, dilated and twitching. You back up against the wall, as he cornered you.

He suddenly embraced you tightly, but it wasn't a warm gesture. It was a cold, violation of a hug. You struggled again him, trying to break free. "Lets be a-"

His command is cut off by your wake. Your eyes open slowly to small raindrops falling on your cheeks. Without sitting up, you recognized the wooden bench you've taken to sleeping at. Over time, the drops became more frequent, until you were soaked in the pouring rain. You lay there for awhile, closing your eyes.

You don't know why, but you just don't care that your only clothes are being soaked. You don't care that you may catch a cold. You just don't. Maybe the emptiness is getting to you. Maybe you're starting to feel lonely. Or that dream...

No. We're not thinking of that man.

So there you lay, drenched. That is, until a certain poltergeist decides to state the obvious. "Kid, you're going to get yourself sick." Snatcher deadpanned. You simply turned away from him. You can hear him sigh before picking you up abruptly, carefully making his way up to his hut.

You were dripping water all over the carpet once you got inside. You boss seemed very displeased at this fact, as he quickly got out a towel for you to stand on. "You really didn't have to do this, Snatcher." You told your boss. He looked at you like you had said something absolutely outlandish. "Kid, if you got sick who would do those contracts?" He scolded. "Not you, thats for sure!"

You looked down at your feet, not knowing what to do in this situation. You are restricted to one part of of the room, soaked to the bone. 'I guess it's my own fault...'

"Heads up, kiddo!" Snatcher suddenly yelled. You looked up, causing your face to come in direct contact with another (larger) towel. You peeled it off your face and wrapped it around your body. "Where did you even get these?" You asked him.

Snatcher seems to grimace at your question. "'Hat Kid came into my house covered in mud, telling me she was an 'Alien Monster' in a terrible Russian accent. And I mean terrible."
You chuckled at his response. 'What a goofball.' You thought. You slide off your boots before hopping back up onto the armrest, towel still wrapping tightly around your shoulders.

Snatcher was rather surprised at your eagerness to sit by him, but concluded that he was looking too far into your actions. You both sat there quietly, the only sound being the pitter- patter of the rain outside and the turning pages of Snatchers book. You read the book along with him, learning new, gruesome ways to kill people. As strange as it is, you almost found this intriguing.

After awhile, however, you became aware of the quiet. Now, there is nothing wrong with silence. In fact, silence can be nice. But just for right now, you need a bit more of a distraction.

Snatcher seemed to notice that you seemed bothered. "You okay, kiddo?" He asked. You nodded. "May I please put some music on?" You asked, gesturing to the record player.

Snatcher promptly got up and opened a huge cabinet from across the room, which was filled with triangular bottles filled some kind of blue substance. "What's that blue stuff?" You asked curiosity.

"Ghost vodka." He answered bluntly. You were slightly curious as to how ghost would get drunk, but decided not to question it.

At last, Snatcher held up a wooden box full of records. "You seem to have quite the collection." You told him. He only huffed in response. "What would ya like, kid?" He asked. "I've got Phantom of the Opera, Bees Gees, Queen-" you cut him off at that.

"Killer Queen!" You exclaimed, excitedly. That had been one of your favorites for a long time. Honestly, who couldn't like that song?
Snatcher seemed surprised at your sudden response, but gladly pulled out the record, gingerly setting it on the record player.

With that, the rhythmic snapping began.
You nodded your head to the beat, the lyrics flowing out rather smoothly from the device, despite the slight crackling in the background.

"She's a Killer Queen! Gunpowder, gelatine.
Dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind." You sang. "Anytime~"

Snatcher seemed to be enjoying himself, too. He playfully tapped one of his claws against the armrest of his chair, nodding his head to the music. "Drop of a hat she's as willing as-
Playful as a pussy cat," he sang quietly.

Your smile widened at this, finally sure you weren't enjoying this alone. The music continued to play, both of you taking turns belting out the last few verses. When the record player finally went quiet, you realized the rain had also stopped. So, you simply jumped off the armrest and made you way to the front door, squeezing out the towel on the doorstep.

"Thanks, boss." You told Snatcher gratefully. "I've got work to do."
And you left.

The phantom sat there silently, slowly realizing in horror what he had done. Now these feelings are going to complicate everything, aren't they?

No this is not a Jojos reference-

Also real conversation:

Me: I think I have a problem
Friend: what?
Me: I think I have a specific taste in, like, people I'd date...
Friend: Oh god-
Me: I like them noodly for some reason
and then I watched the Steven Universe movie- now I'm bisexual, I guess.

And that's how you come out the the closet.
Take notes kids

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