Chapter 19

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Before you end up giving yourself a concussion, your former boss decides to teach you about murder. However, you both end up talking about trauma. Now it seems that another fool has fallen into Snatcher's trap...

A familiar purple sky hung over you as you hid behind Snatcher, who was attempting to go through his usual monologue. However, today's customer was being a bit difficult.

"God, this is so cliche!" The girl groaned. "I've seen this done thousands of times on TV. This isn't even close to original." Holy crap, she's right. You had to hold back you laughter.
Snatcher rolled his eyes. "Wow, okay. Not only do you intrude in my domain, but you also insult it." You let out a snicker from behind him.

The victim raised an eyebrow and leaned to the side, trying to look around the phantom before her. "Hey, hey! Eyes on me." Snatcher snapped at the girl. "God, do— do you even know what I do with small children? I eat them for lunch."

You laughed some more before clasping your hands over your mouth. "Okay, what the heck. Who are you hiding?" The girl asked, crossing her arms. You peaked out from behind Snatcher, who facepalmed. "I told you to stay quiet!"

"Sorry, bud. I just realized that she's right." You said with a coy smile. The girl seemed to take pleasure in the fact that you agreed with her, although she seemed to lack respect. She turned to you cockily. "Who are you supposed to be, anyway? A zombie? A little pet?" She mocked.

You narrowed your eyes. "I hope you realize that you aren't in a good position to be insulting either of us. You aren't the one with an axe, missy." You said. "Ugh, ok boomer. I'm just here to snatch some time pieces." The girl crossed her arms.

"Okay, EXCUSE ME. If anyone is snatching anything it's me- wait a minute. Did you just say 'time pieces'?" Snatcher asked. The girl nodded.
"Oh! You're the one Hat Kid told us about!" You chimed in.

"You're with... Hat Kid?" The girl asked.
"Yeah. You've been causing everyone a lot of trouble." Snatcher said. "Listen, if she doesn't have enough time pieces, she can't go home and leave us alone. So how's about you give back the stolen-"

"NO!" The girl screamed. She reached into her cloak and pulled out another timepiece, which radiated a familiar hypnotic light. Before she smashed it on the ground, she gave you a little wink. "Enjoy my reality."

Light exploded around you.


Suddenly, you weren't standing in the forest anymore. Instead, you stood on a cobblestone bridge held over a sea of lava. You looked around to find that Snatcher had gone ahead of you already. You tried to catch up.

"Hey, Boss! Wait up-" you were cut off by a slight tug on your shirt. Steve stood before you, looking around nervously. "Hey, uh, where are we?" Behind him stood an army of minions and dwellers alike, all looking scared and confused. You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm not sure, but I think we're about to find out." You gestured for the group to follow you as you chased Snatcher up the pathway.

He had been standing at a ticket dispenser, pulling out tickets and throwing them in the lava below you. He didn't acknowledge your presence. "Boss, no! It says to take one." Minichimichanga cried from the crowd. Snatcher laughed darkly. "Fuck that."

You all stood there for five minutes straight, watching him pull out ticket after ticket. "It's not going to run out." You told him. His shoulders slumped in defeat and he floated away, grumbling obscenities under his breath. You were left to deal with his subjects.

"Okay, listen up!" You announced. "Everyone take one ticket! Minions, find yourself one or two dweller buddies and pull tickets for them, too. Everything is going to be fine." You stepped aside and nodded at Steve, who quickly found a dweller you recognized as Paul. They pulled their tickets and started to line up behind some... bird people?

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