Chapter 2

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A space traveler crash lands in a dark forest. Their ship is destroyed and they are left with nothing but a small bag of (useless) supplies and the clothes on their back. Injured and afraid, they are led by a small creature into a trap, where everything is about to get much worse...

NOTE: I was trying to keep Snatcher in character. In the game, I felt he was less hard on Hat Kid because he needed a new servant. This chapter is purely Snatcher improvising based on what he sees. AKA he is a CREEP and an ASS in this chapter. What were you expecting?

You flinched at the sudden noise, but did not stand or look up. In fact, you squeezed your eyes shut.

"You blew it! You've totally screwed yourself! Nobody enters my home and leaves in one piece!" The voice boomed. Your ears were ringing. There was a small hesitation before they spoke again. You felt them stare, making you even more nervous. 'Shit, shit, shit...!' you thought. You heard the voice mumble a bit before getting closer.

You felt them circle your shaking frame. Sometimes feeling a cold breath on you neck, other times a claw grazing your arm. Suddenly, you here the voice in your ear.

"Lookin' a little roughed up there, kiddo." they said quietly. You shiver in absolute fear, afraid of what's to come. They continue to taunt you, calling you names and pushing you around. This went on for a few minutes.

Then, everything suddenly got quiet. No shoving or whispering. Just dead silence.

"Kid..." they finally said, sounding a bit fed up. Oh boy, what an understatement. You felt a claw grab you around your neck and pin you to the ground. You gasped as your eyes shot open to see a dark phantom tower before you. He squeezed a bit tighter. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU!"

Now that you saw him yourself, you couldn't help but feel a bit more at ease. Sure, he was a ghost, but he had a jack o' lantern Face and noodle arms.

The arms, however, were surprisingly strong and have very sharp claws on the other end, which were still gripping your neck tightly. 'That's going to leave a mark...'

Despite these truths, you willed your arm to grasp his wrist. "Get. Off." You managed to say, looking him straight in his glowing eyes.

He seemed surprised by your sudden confidence and loosened his grip, but didn't let you sit up. "Interesting." He said, raising an eyebrow. You tried to pry off his claws with your hand, which was still on his. It didn't budge.

"My, my! I believe we have a feisty one here." He continued. "Maybe you would be of some use to me..." You narrowed your eyes and snarled. "GO. TO. HELL." You seethed, trying to sit up against his claw.

"But I don't know about all those cuts... maybe I should just eat your soul and be done with it."
Getting an idea of where this is going, you started to kick, but your legs went straight through his body. "Shut up, kid. You're causing a ruckus." He said with a frown.

'What the hell is this guy's deal?' You think.

"Maybe I should just leave it up to you." He says, finally letting you go. You let out a gasp and touch you neck, which will have bruises ringing around it, if not already. He looked at you with a sly grin. "Pick your poison! Would you rather A) become my mindless servant and live or B) have me eat your soul and die?"

Your eyes went wide. Neither outcome seemed very...desirable. You actually needed to think about this. You don't know whether or not he is trying to trick you. You look up at the phantom. His expression remains the same. 'Damn, I can't tell what he's thinking!' You finally choke out an answer. "Option A." You say.

"Wonderful!" says the spirit. "Here you go! I've got a piece of paper here. All you need to do is sign." A contract appears in front if you in a puff of smoke. You looked over the contract carefully. "Is this handmade?" You asked him. "Ah, yes! I work very hard on them." He replied.
"Do it?" He asked almost hopefully. 'Weird..." you think. 'At one point threatening my life and another fishing for compliments.'

"Yeah. The calligraphy is well done." You say. He seems to like this answer, as his face glows just a bit brighter. You looked over the tasks. It seems that you need to chop wood, get rid of some type of fire spirit, and report any signs ice and frost around the forest. Then you look at the back.

Neat calligraphy was scrawled across the page. It was difficult to perceive at first, but you managed. It said "I hereby totally agree to do this Snatcher dude's dirty work. And also absolve him of all injuries I will most likely sustain from this work. Also, I'll give up my soul. No takey backsies."

What an ass.

You turn the page back over and took the quill, which had been floating in the air for that last five minutes. "Not like I have any other choice." You say as you scribble your name on the dotted line. "That's the spirit! Isn't it thrilling to sign your life away?"

You look up the "Snatcher" with a nasty look. "I would use a different word to describe it."
Snatcher shrugged. "You humans are no fun." A wax stamp appears on the paper, donning Snatcher's face.
His eyes narrow as his grin widens. "I'll be taking that soul now..."

He snaps, making a sudden and distinct sound, almost like fire crackling. You suddenly feel dizzy, causing you to look up in a daze. In front of you is a mirror reflection of yourself being pulled from your chest. It looks distressed, as it reaches out towards you. You try to do the same, but to no avail. Your arm falls to your side.

It slowly floats into Snatcher's grasp and shifts into a small, pocket sized orb. You suddenly feel more empty that you ever thought was possible.

Your soul is gently handled in the phantom's hands, almost caged in his fingers. He looks down at your lopsided form with a smirk. "By the way, your leg is bleeding." You look down. It wasn't. "Made ya look!" Snatcher laughs. "Smell you later!" He say as he disappears in a sudden puff of purple smoke.

'Well shit.'

The Creep factor will be much lower in future chapters. I am not sure about the Ass factor though...

Jerk Face (Snatcher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now