Chapter 3

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After getting caught in a trap, the traveler has a rather disturbing meeting with a ghost of malicious intent. This ghost, who calls himself the "Snatcher", threatens their life. However, with a bit of persuasion, he allows them to sign away their soul in a desperate attempt to live...

You wandered the roads blindly, trying to find this so called "Subcon Village". You thought hard about your unfortunate situation. You were bruised from top to bottom with only set of practically shredded pajamas sheltering you from the cold night air. Your sweat pants were now unevenly cut shorts and your long sleeved shirt was practically a tank top now.
And to top it all off, you are now without a soul.

You sighed at this fact, hoping that somehow you would be able to go home. Looking around, you notice a cluster of large tree stumps and those strange hooded creatures. You continued to limp onwards until you came to a bench. Sitting down, you feel the utter exhaustion overcome you.

It felt like minutes before one of those hooded creatures decided to pay you a visit. "Hey! Hey, Newbie!" it said, shaking your knee slightly. You opened one eye to look at it, humming in response. It put it's hands on it's hips and began to tap it's toe impatiently.

"You've been asleep for hours! It's time to get to work." It said. "The Boss will get mad if you don't!" You sighed in annoyance, wishing that it would just go away. "Alright." You reply groggily. You stand up stiffly, as everything still hurts like hell. You look down at the creature. "Do you guys have a first aid kit?" You ask.

It shakes it's head no. You groan at the answer. How are you going to clean your wounds? You look around the clearing, hoping to find some way to help yourself. Then you saw them.

There was a person wearing a porcelain mask standing by one of the humongous stumps, which have been fashioned into little homes. You cautiously limp over to this mysterious figure. It seems that the closer you get the them, the more unnerving their gestures became. Their body twisted into shapes that you wouldn't imagine possible. However this was your only choice.

"E-excuse me, sir?" You ask, your voice wavering. They turned to you, twitching once more. "Hello." They say. You nod in acknowledgement.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but do you, um—do you by chance have any bandages on you?" You asked politely, trying not to stutter. "Why yes I do!" They say, a smile in their voice. This puts you slightly at ease. They seem kind, despite their unsettling appearance. "Just give me a moment."

They take off their large backpack, and kneel down to go through it. As they take out the bandages, they look up at you.
"If you wouldn't mind me asking, where did you get all these scrapes?" You thought for a moment, trying to put your answer into words without it sounding weird or suspicious. "Let's just stay that... I got into an accident."

The mysterious figure laughed. "Well I'll say!"
They look you up and down, their head twitching to the side. You furrowed your eyebrows in slight confusion, leftover anxiety boiling up slowly over their silence. "I suggest you clean out your wounds." They say. "Here. Take these. When you're done tending to your injuries, come back here to see me." You nod your head and leave. Looking around you find a small pond surrounded by glowing mushrooms, full of clear water.

You scoop the water up in your hands and drench you legs and arms with it, in an attempt to clean the scratches. It worked fairly well, so you continued to wrap your arms in legs with the linen bandages. In the end, there were no bandages leftover.

Everything still hurt, but the pain wasn't as intense. You were now able to walk (mostly) normally. That's progress, right?

You made your way back to the twitching figure. "Sir?" You asked. They looked at you. "Ah yes. Come, child." They said, gesturing you to come forward. You did so and he gave you a small stacked pile of clothes, with a pair of shoes carefully placed on top.

Jerk Face (Snatcher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now