Chapter 16

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Your existence had begun to lose meaning. Afraid and frustrated, you head to somewhere familiar and find that your love ones haven't given up on you yet. However, that joy is halted abruptly by an intruder...

You awoke to a sudden melody.

To your surprise, you weren't dead yet. You were, however, tied up with red cord and propped up in a very large chair. A gramophone was set on a small table at the other side of the room, playing a very familiar tune.

It was a rendition of "Mr. Sandman", but it just sounded... dejected. It amazed you how someone could make such a happy song so sad.

The room itself was much like Snatcher's home, but with different decor and color scheme. It was not warm like your friend's home at all. It didn't even feel like much of a home. The furniture was fancy and large and paintings that lined the walls were monotonous and dull. Almost everything was a shade of blue or polished to a mirror shine. A few red accents were here or there, but it was mostly all blue.

Everything about this room felt rather cold and foreboding, especially the corner where glass jars were stacked ceiling-high. In each jar flickered a soul. Your thought tightened as the dreaded realization ran through your head "I'm going to die....?" you whispered. Your voice sounded different, shakier and more afraid. I guess that made sense to your current situation.

Suddenly, the blue door opened to reveal a very annoyed ghost. What was his name again? You couldn't remember. Shackles you hadn't notice before trailed behind him, haphazardly clanging together.

He floated off to the gramophone to turn it off, then he floated to a nearby table to spread cheese onto crackers. He then put a kettle on a small stove at the far side of the room. He busied himself with random things around the room, and you watched him. After ten minutes of this stupidly mundane display, you cleared your throat. This got his attention.

"Ah, yes! I almost forgot about you. You're very quiet when you're afraid..." he laughed and again floated away to pour some tea.

God, this guy reminded you of someone.
"Where am I?" You asked him. He laughed again and sipped on his tea. "You're on the Horizon, my dear! And what a wonderful place it is to be." His Cheshire grin widened, revealing sharp teeth. You stayed quiet.

" seem confused. Do you know who I am, friend?" He asked, leaning in close. You nodded your head firmly, trying not to show fear. Your eyes have already revealed enough. "I recognize you—" you weren't able to finish.

"Ah, so you remember me. But you do not know my name, correct? They call me the Moonjumper, so that is who I am! A strange world we live in." He said whimsically, dancing around you. "No need to tell me who you are. Oh, I know all about you!"

"What." You exclaimed flatly. Moonjumper giggled childishly. When you first met him, you took him for a guy who meant business. God, how wrong you were. "My dear (Y/N), you've no idea how much trouble you have caused me just by being here!" He said in a sing-song voice. "My other half has been so distracted with you around~"

"Your 'other half'?"
"Ah, yes, two halves of a whole. An unfortunate Prince... split, forgotten, lost, then found. Quite a strange process, really." Moonjumper said, adjusting his broken monocle. Where did his teacup go?
"One is James, the other Jamie. You follow me, yes?"

You didn't follow him. If anything, you were more concerned about where the fuck his tea went. "What are you on, dude?" You asked.

Moonjumper's smile fell. "Someone needs to teach you some manners!" He huffed. "Alright, think of it was two sides of one personality. 'Snatcher' and I are two halves of a whole, understand?"

Okay, you were beginning to see it. The 'Prince' is split in this life. "So one is a salty asshole with a thing for contracts and the other is some cryptic string guy?"
"Hmm. I guess you could put it that way." Moonjumper said. "Or you could say one is angry and the other in love?"

"Then... who's who?" You asked. Moonjumper laughed sinisterly. "Oh, I do believe our roles have switched! Isn't that funny? That is actually why you're here. Why don't we go over the reasons behind my annoyance?"

There were two things going through your head right now:

#1 I'm literally about to die right now. I'm calling it, my life is going to end right here.

2# Snatcher's in love? oOoOooOooOh~

Yeah, you're an idiot.
Moonjumper narrowed his eyes. "The first time it happened was when my double saw you as our last love. I thought the reason he didn't eat your soul when he was facing his hunger was because you reminded you of dear Vannie, but no!" He threw his arms up in frustration.

"When you listened to his worries, kept him company during the rainstorm, when you told him about your heritage-" He pointed to you. "You— You are helping him move on. I can't have you ruin my afterlife's work, my effort to get back to my love."

Well, that escalated quickly. "I'm sorry,
(Y/N), but this cannot be helped. You must die."
Yup, really fast.
"I...uh, I don't think this is really necessary..." you said meekly. "Wasn't this Vannie person abusive or some shit?" Moonjumper whipped around angrily. "DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY LOVE WITH SUCH A FILTHY MOUTH!" He screamed.

You lurched in your seat. The specter put a hand up to his face and sighed. "I believe it is time that you go back to sleep." He said darkly. Your breathing sped up as you frantically struggled against your bonds.

"Nighty night~"

With a clap of his hands, everything went dark.

With a clap of his hands, everything went dark

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