Chapter 14

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While you're out finishing the last of the chores your contract, Hat Kid actively aggravates a soul eating poltergeist, which surprisingly ends well for her. And because of her, Snatcher (finally) understands the dreaded feelings that he has towards his employee...

You, being a very fit and healthy person, are stuffing candy of all shapes and sizes down your gullet. This candy was in the small bag you somehow recovered after crashing onto this wretched planet, where a sketchbook and pencil also resided. You had the day off, but didn't quite know how to spend this time.

As you inhaled these sweets, Hat Kid suddenly bolted out of Snatcher's home, laughing loudly. Upon her spontaneous departure, a large book was thrown in her direction, landing with a thump. Your chewing slowed at this comical scene. 'What just happened?' You asked yourself, watching as Hat Kid blew a raspberry at the hut.

Things soon settled down and you continued to stuff your face. Suddenly-

"HEY (Y/N)!" You nearly choked. You were suddenly thrust into a coughing fit. "Stop dying!" Hat Kid told you, amused. You looked back up at her, glaring.

"Ha ha. Very funny." You said. "What was that all about?" Hat Kid shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno..." she smirked. "I just told Snatcher how surprised I was about how long you've been employed..." Oh no. You'd forgotten about how your life is on the line.

You instinctively looked up, trying to see through one of the small house's windows, only to see that Snatcher had installed purple curtains. You weren't sure if they would match the carpet, but who cares about that anyway?

"He must like you around if you've been alive for so long. How long has it been, like, a month?" Hat Kid stated. "Pretty sure he has a crush on you, too."

"Yeah... wait what?!"
Hat Kid giggled childishly. The look on your face was absolutely priceless, as your eyes were wide and your cheeks were flushed. "Take that back!" You shouted, embarrassed. "Never!"
She stood up and ran away and in turn, you chased her.

This, however, was all part of Hat Kid's master plan. All she had to do was run into Snatcher's little house, as you were running blindly without any idea where you were going. Soon enough, you both burst into Snatcher's home.

Snatcher nearly spilled his drink when both Hat Kid and (Y/N) burst in. It was annoying enough to have her teasing him about these... feelings. And now they're here, too? What a day!

Upon entering his home, you tackled Hat Kid to the ground. "Take it-" you were cut off by your arm being twisted behind your back. You yelped at the sudden pain, clenching your jaw. Hat Kid was no longer in your hold, but the other way around. At that moment, you finally realized how she beat up such a powerful entity.

Hat Kid laughed playfully. "Got 'cha!" You struggled against her. She the. pushed her boot into your back, slamming your body into the carpet. Your body wrenched in the sudden pain. "Huh, the curtains do match the carpet..." you stated, dazed. Hat Kid looked at you strangely, but you paid her no mind. You knew exactly what you had said, a found a small victory in her pained expression.

"I- okay, kiddo, how about you let go of poor (Y/N)'s arm..." Snatcher spoke so suddenly, you whipped your head around to look at him, causing you to bump your head on the ground. Snatcher had been watching intensely, almost like how one would watch a movie. He sipped off of a glass beaker, filled to the brim with blue liquid.

As he said this, the pressure on your back subsided and you were suddenly released, your arm falling limply to your side.
Hat Kid smirks down at you.
Heat rushes to your face as you shakily stand up and shuffle towards the edge of the room.

Time for Phase Two of Hat Kid's master plan! "Hey, Snatcher, guess what!" Hat Kid calls. The phantom perks up. After this whole situation, he would think Hat Kid is done humiliating them both by now.

Whatever she was about to say shouldn't be too important, right? Probably just a suggestive comment he can brush off. He takes another sip of his drink. "Hmm?"

"(Y/N) only has four fingers!" Hat Kid shouted. If it was even possible, your face flushed even more. Snatcher glared at the child. "Come on, kid!" He said, frustrated. "What're you trying to do now? Make us hold hands?"

"Well yeah, but-"
"No! I don't want to heads your stupid excuses! You run into my house, beat up my only employee, and now attempt to humiliate me more? I cannot let this stand!" Hat Kid only smirked.

"You're getting pretty defensive-" "SHUT UP, YOU INSOLENT PEICE OF-" you cut him off.

"Boss!" You held up your hand. "I actually do have four fingers." Snatcher was, more or less, surprised and Hat Kid burst into a fit of laughter. 'She really likes messing with us doesn't she?'

"" The ghost asked, confused. He floated over, closely inspecting your hand. "I've never seen a human with a hand like this..." he muttered

"That's because I'm not exactly human." You said. "In fact, neither me or Hat Kid are." Snatcher curiously glanced up at you. "Go on." He urged.

You sighed, and began your explanation. "Humans have spread all across the galaxies and have claimed many planets. Some planets were captured through pure genocide, but most were and still are shared between races. In those colonies, hybrids were born.

"These hybrids make up most of the population on these planets, although as the generations go on, the traits you gain from your family fades. My great- great grandfather was a Runite, but since he is three generations behind me, I've only inherited two of these traits."

Both Hat Kid and Snatcher were now intently listening to your little history lesson. "And that is...?" Hat Kid asked. "I have four fingers, and I have a very long life span." You replied. "As of this year, I am 87 years old."

"WHAT." Hat kid yelled. "You don't look it...!" Snatcher remarked. You laughed at their reaction. "I could live up to two hundred years and I would look, like, forty."

"Now, I want to know something about you, Snatcher." You stated. The phantom's eyes widened. "Me? What could you possibly want to know?" He laughed nervously. "That pretty random, kid."

You shrugged your shoulders. "Your real name?" Hat kid suggested. You nodded. Snatcher's face dimmed. God, why'd it have to be that of all things? "...fine. But don't laugh!" You both leaned in, waiting.

"My name was...Jamie." You snorted, while Hat Kid burst into a fit of laughter. "Jamie..." She wheezed and continued to laughed hysterically. You nudged him with your elbow. "Pretty cute name for such a grim, grinning ghost!" You teased before laughing a bit yourself.

Somewhere on the Horizon, yet another entity realizes wounds may be beginning to heal.

And he can't let that happen.

Hat Kid: You've activated my trap card!
(Y/N) and Snatcher: Noooo not the overly cartoonish order of events that leads to the overall romance!

I'm sorry for this crappy filler chapter hahahahaha
I reread some other chapters and realized there were Plotholes ™ so I thought I'd clear all that shit up

Jerk Face (Snatcher x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora