N A N I ? I'm In Naruto? [Dis...


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(Naruto Various x Reader) With one night, (admittedly fraught with bad decisions) you find yourself in a plac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
smth for u
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
One-Shot: Yandere! King! Madara x Reader
Q&A Time Boys
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 34

1000 Heart Special

2.3K 66 53

that's me
 this chapter also pushes this story to over 300 pages so :')
I hope you enjoy!

This is from Quotev, but I can also use it as a 1000 vote special, which I missed really badly.

Heroes and Villains AU
This has multiple endings!
pages: 54.7
word count: 19087
*as of publishing

The wind howls around you, piercing screams echoing as you run as fast as you can. Your power couldn't really help in this instance, so the most you could do was use your training. As you continue running into the carnage, the number of civilians drastically falls, either from evacuation or death. The bodies litter the streets, many of their leathery faces twisted in agony eternally.

Smoke hangs in the air, the bright fire surrounding you consuming buildings greedily. You wince, whispering small condolences for the scattered dead. One was still holding a baby to her breast, trying to protect the child with all of her might. They both perished anyway, the night sky unhearing to their screams. A drop of sweat rolls down your face.

The shrieks and hollers fade as you head further into the heart of this chaos, only two figures still standing. They were nothing but shaky silhouettes in the growing flames, mostly hidden from your sight. 

Ducking behind a flipped car, you send a call for backup, deciding to try and figure out a plan while they arrive. Your back is against a broken light pole that stood about five feet from the nearest building. You cringe when you accidentally hit your elbow on the car, the sound loud enough to be heard from about 50 feet away. Hearing some footsteps crunching on the broken glass from a scorched building, coming from the direction of the two figures, you sweat more, whispering to yourself. 

"Wordplay: Stealth 100."

As the shadowed figure peers at your position, you take in a few things. One, he's male. Two, he was wearing a mask, like your team. Three, he had one eye, red in color.

His position on the car was quite aggravating to you, his body looming over you in a way that blocked your escape undetected. 

You hold your breath as he looks directly into your eyes, you both just staring at each other. He glances away as the other person calls for him, looking back at you. His eye narrows, suspicious.

"Hmph. Could've sworn I heard something."

His voice was low, scratchy in the kind of way that happens after damaging your throat with smoke, but was overall an almost perfect copy of the one that called out. That voice was familiar, though. He steps away, turning around and walking off silently. You sigh, hoping that backup shows soon. 

Peeking out from behind the car, you barely have enough time to raise your arms before getting punched. You slide back, getting to your feet and glaring at the hooded man who stood in front of you confidently. You could see the other guy beginning to walk over, probably curious as to what was going on. 

"I knew someone was still here, but to think it was a damn hero... You disgust me." He spits, enraged by the mere sight of you.

Your eyes narrow and you grit your teeth at his words. You lower into a crouch, whispering, "Wordplay: Dynamite With a Laser Beam."

You feel a small pistol form itself in your hands, you you hold it out, keeping both eyes open as you aim. You smirk, firing.
The pistol was flung back, a surprisingly large amount of recoil in it's small cylinder. Your shot flies through the air, hitting the ground right as the man steps forward. It's a strangely shaped stick of dynamite, lumpy in multiple places. He begins to laugh at it, probably seeing it as a flubbed weapon.

The actual dynamite explodes after less than a second of fuse time, and the lumps flash out, bright beams that hit the masked man in the right shoulder, the left forearm, and the left thigh. He was also burnt by the explosion, getting sent sprawling backwards.

This further alerted the man behind him, who began to run at you, snarling. He was perfectly content with showing his face, seemingly too prideful to hide it, or his mane of spiky hair. Your eyes widen as you see him, and you hesitate for a second. He takes this time to kick you in the stomach, his lips twitching up as you fly back, hitting a light pole. You slide down, hitting the ground with a thump. Lifting your mouthguard enough to see your lips, you wipe blood away from your chin. 

"Ah, yes, you're the main one on the hero team, arent you? The Wordplay Hero: Spell Tomb. To think all that hype was only for this? Disappointing." He speaks, his grin widening as he sees you stand up again, lowering your mouthguard.

"Dance for me, hero.

You stare at him, grimacing. Why, out of all people, him? 

Did you cause this? 

He frowns, taunting, "What, scared? I thought you were better than this. Well, if you're not moving..." He pauses, a wicked smirk crawling on his face.

"Then I will!"

"I..." You pause, unable to put your thoughts into words. Guilt spreads throughout your head, making you unsure of what to do.

He rockets at you with blinding speed, his wide grin getting cut off as he stops himself from running into a brightly burning fireball. He growls, glancing up as one of your closest friends lands beside you, helping you up. 

Kakashi quietly speaks with you, making the man in front of you both frown. 
"Is that..." Kakashi glances at the man before focusing on you again. 

"Yes." You sigh, standing to your full height as Kakashi does the same. 
"Now I get the honor of fighting The Copy Hero, Kamui, eh? How exciting. But, I hear you can't copy a Natural's powers, can you?" The man's red eyes widens with some demented form of glee as he takes a stance. 

"You ready?" Kakashi asks, looking at you and ignoring his question.  

You nod, trying to force the lingering guilt away to fight against an old partner. But, if Madara is here, then who's the guy on the floor?

Quickly glancing at the spot where the man is, you grunt in surprise. 

"Kamui, be careful! There's another one!" Your fake voice shouts, modified by your helmet. 

Kakashi turns to you, about to question what you mean when he sees a figure jumping down at you. He grabs your arm, throwing you to the side. You slide back, having landed on your feet.

"I'll fight with this one, you deal with him!" He shouts, running at the man. You nod, even though he can't see it, and turn to fully face Madara. He wasn't there either. You jump away, barely avoiding a harsh punch from a bright blue skeleton hand, which was around the same size as you. 
Madara scoffs, his skeleton arm and ribcage growing to form a full half body, and then skin, and then legs. You stare up, the towering figure making you crane your neck to actually see Madara. He takes one step forward, calling out to the masked man. "Take care of that brat while I deal with this one with my Susano'o!"

The masked man, who was beginning to fight Kakashi, answers with, "Tch. I'm already on it."

Somehow Madara hears this, even though he said it at a normal volume, so he nods, turning back to you. You had already started moving, getting on top of the unstable, smoldering buildings. Every other step you took made boards and bricks fall.

Madara walks with a slightly rushed pace, casually holding one of his swords at a level height. He swings it, you barely managing to leap over it before it could take out your legs. It reminded you of jump rope, in a way.

You grunt, taking off as soon as you land. You hear the building groan, and then some pops. The wood beneath your feet cracks and splinters, so you make a decidedly risky move. 

"Wordplay: Cloud in a Bottle!"

You use the momentum you had gained from running to turn slightly, hearing the glass bottle bounce on your thigh as you take a huge leap. 

"What?" Madara laughs, "You can't make that jump. Why even try?"

His eye widens as he sees a cloud form under your feet, you using that to get enough distance so that you could get to the next building. He growls as you roll onto the building, picking yourself up. The flickering light glints off of the clean bottle, catching Madara's eyes. He clicks his tongue, swinging his sword down where you slouched. 

Diving out of the way, you feel the wind pressure throw you further than expected. You hiss as, for the second time in about fifteen minutes, your back hits something. You smash into a weak brick wall, breaking through it. You land on the ground, laying on your stomach for a moment before pushing yourself up. Your bottle shattered against the brunt force of the wall, leaving shards strewn about.

"Shit." You mumble, raising your mouth guard once more to spit some more blood. You tense as you see a shadow standing in the middle of the hole, blocking the light caused by the fires and the moon. Madara chuckles, it soon intensifying into full, menacing laughter. 

Kakashi glances away from his fight with the masked man, soon getting kicked in the side. "Do not lose focus. You want to have some chance of victory, no?" 
Glaring, Kakashi continues his useless barrage on the seemingly invincible man.

Madara steps closer to you, his footfalls echoing in the small room. You sit, blind in the darkness, gripping around. You feel a sharp corner, lifting your hand to see if there were any rails.

You quietly let out a string of curses as Madara steps on your wrist, pinning it down.

"Trying to escape, eh? Too bad that wont be happening." You could practically hear his smirk. 

"Wordplay-" You get cut off as Madara moves his foot from your wrist, kicking you in the face and landing you against the wall. Your finger got cut by a small shard of glass, and you get another idea. Before Madara could make it to you with his cocky, slow stride, you mumble, "Wordplay: Crazy Diamond." Seeing the pink stand's arm come out of your own, you tap the shard of glass. It gains a golden glow, and the other shards scattered around do as well. They all fly at the one Crazy Diamond had touched, cutting and ripping through Madara as they flew into and past him. 

"What?!" Madara grunts, falling as one large shard tears the back of his knee. You take the chance, dismissing the stand, holding your now fixed Cloud in a Bottle, and letting your mouthguard fall. You stand up, ignoring your dizziness, and get to the stairs.

"Wordplay: Night-vision Potion!" 

A blocky vial appears in your hands, so you pop off the cap and drink it, throwing the empty bottle at Madara's feet before hopping the rail. The speed of your fall increases as you continue, but you let the fluffy white clouds surround your ankles, completely negating any injuries from the fall, and sending you a little higher. You hit the ground, hearing grunts from above you as Madara heals and makes his way to you. 

The door is unfortunately locked, so you ram it with your shoulder, the burnt wood pretty much shattering. You jog through the blackened halls, looking for an exit. Light filters through small holes, showing ash and embers as they float through the air. Your expression lightens as you take one step towards the wall, it quickly giving way to worry and frustration as you hear grunts and breaths from around the corner. You hear a small poof as the bottle in your hands disappears, it's time limit reached. 

Ducking to the side so you wont be in his sight, you whisper, "Wordplay: Prop Hunt."

Looking around, you become a singed plastic tree, sliding to the side of a dark grey couch, colored by soot and dust. Madara limps in, his knee still healing. He looks around, his eye glowing with anger as he keeps his mouth shut. His hand covers his nose and mouth, looking irritated. Unluckily for him, he didn't have a mask. The various things floating around him could still get in his body. 
He fixes the problem by forming the Susano'o's ribcage, forcing all of the contaminants out. 

"All right, where did you go? It couldn't have been far..."

He looks around, soon focusing on you and the plant that you had originally transformed into. If you could sweat, you would.

"They're exactly the same, burn marks and all." He mumbles, looking between the two fake plants.

He forms the arm of the Susano'o, crushing the plant closest to him. You take this as a sign to leave, popping back into your normal self and diving through a stained window before Madara could even focus on you. He laughs, punching the wall and stepping out right as the building collapses. You wince, dodging the arm that swung at you. 

"What, can you not deal with my power?" Madara taunts. "All you've been doing is dodging and weaving, barely escaping. You haven't given me a good fight yet." 

Trying to form a strategy, you look on both sides of you, seeing fallen and still burning buildings to your right, and about 8 blocks between you and Kakashi. Looking back at Madara, he laughs at your heavily breathing form, his smirk insufferable and confident. His knee had healed at this point, and you were definitely beginning to feel your back and stomach ache, and your head pound. A wave of nausea hits you, making you hold your head and stumble slightly, but you still stand up to your old friend. 

"What are you even fighting for? You've been injured by your own ineptitude, and you will inevitably die to it as well. Just lay down and let it happen."

You scoff, regaining balance and staring him down. "I'm fighting for the good of the people." You wish you could end it with 'Just like you used to,' but that would definitely cause some unwanted side effects.

Your defiant response made his eyes narrow. 

"And who's to say I'm not doing the same?"

"Ha! As if. You've already killed upwards of a thousand people in your rampages. Innocent lives have been lost. If you want to actually fight for the people, I'd suggest that you back down and get peacefully taken into custody."

Madara stares, unimpressed. "Sure, a few people might have died," You glare heatedly at his blatant dismissal of his crimes. He was an enforcer of the law, how could he fall so far? "But in the end, every person will become one, united under my rule in a dream world."

"You're crazy!" You shake your head, not believing the words that spouted from his mouth. How could someone so grounded, so realistic, say such a thing? He had changed so much.

Gone was the man who had become an officer beside you, instead replaced by a villain with his only cares being that of his plan's success.

But you still can't erase that nagging feeling of guilt. 

"Am I?" Madara questions, chuckling. Taking a breath, he continues with his spiel. "Maybe it seems like that now, but... soon you will see. Dreams of the past, moving into the forefront."

He opens his arms as if giving an inspirational speech, his grin growing wide as his voice swells.

"No longer will the shackles of pain, loss, and defeat hold us back! Everyone who you have lost, all by your side again! We could-"

"Stop it with the 'we'. I would never support you with enslaving the world. All becoming one under you? Sounds like hell." You spit, irritated.

He huffs amusedly, his showing eye reflecting the flickering flames surrounding you. He casually shrugs. "If you won't be of use to me alive, I guess I'll just have to rid this plane of your existence." 

The moment he begins to move, you, in a flat voice, reveal your next attack. 

"Wordplay: Cliche Anime Flashback Scene."

Madara comes to a complete halt immediately, beginning to look around. 
"W-what? Where am I?" He asks, his vision showing him the beginning of his downwards spiral.

He sees himself, standing in an official looking position. Only seeing his own right side from the angle he's at, he doesn't notice anything past himself.
The blue color stands out against the drab, blurry walls of his boss's office. His hat shaded his eyes, and he stared ahead, serious. The bags under his eyes were expertly hidden, having gone many nights without sleep. He remembers one of the nights that you and him would be at the station for 24 hours or more, just talking while you struggled to stay awake.

You had your head down, fighting unconsciousness with a cup of coffee in your hand. You had both just finished playing Speed, having done so for 3 hours at that point. It was four in the morning, only two more hours remaining in your shift.

You finally lifted your head, eyes unfocused as you groaned. He looked up from the book he had just started, seeing you take a swig of coffee like an alcoholic does with whiskey. He chuckled at you, you just dropping your head to hit the table again. 

"How do you do this? This shit sucks." You grumbled, lifting your head enough so that one eye was showing beneath your cap.

He shrugged, taking a small sip of his coffee. 

"I just do things that take my mind off of how tired I am."

You rested your elbows on the table, making the vague hand gestures of 'oh well.' 

"When I do that, I fall asleep."

Sitting up, you looked at the cup in your hands, seeing it empty. You sighed, hearing something be set down on your side of the desk. 

"Thanks Sheryn." 

She replied with a peppy 'no problem, boblem!', walking through the door behind you. 

"She's an angel, I swear." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes as they began to burn. Taking a long, slow sip of fresh coffee, you sighed. 

He looked back down at his book quickly as you glanced in his direction, him not wanting you to see him staring. You were in a relationship, after all.

Ah yes, Madara remembers him. Indra Otsutsuki. You were both so... happy together. He remembers staring in jealousy as Indra picked you up from those long shifts, you jumping on his back or into his embrace and falling asleep instantly. Madara was your partner, already spending most of the day with you, but he wanted more. 

Indra was the CEO to a rather large company, but he never seemed to want to flaunt his vast wealth, only using it to take you to the occasional fancy restaurant. He was always modest, and was understanding of your wants and needs. He was cold to Madara, but he understood why. Madara was spending more time with you than he was, and that intimidated him. In the moments he had seen you both together, you were both smiling, enjoying life together.

When Indra died, you were positively destroyed. You weren't coming into work, so he was sent to try and get you to respond to something. Calling worked as well as any other form of interaction outside of face to face, which is to say not at all. No one really knew where you went, and he would rather you keep your position.

He had gone to your apartment, patiently knocking on the door and waiting for you to respond. What he didn't expect was to have his former rival Hashirama open the door, his expression somber. 

Hashirama had started an eco-friendly lumber company a while back, planting just as many, if not more trees for every one cut down. Madara hadn't realized at the time that you were in contact with him. 

Hashirama had welcomed him in, explaining the situation while he sat, completely silent. Madara nodded at the end, telling Hashirama that he would inform the chief of the circumstances. 
Thinking back on it now, he should have asked to see you. Maybe try to comfort you? He just felt like he missed something important.

As Madara focuses again, he sees the distorted and blurry face of the chief standing in front of him. He had his fingers intertwined in front of his face, blocking the view of his lower face. 

"Alright, you two..." 

Wait, two? Were you... 

He peeks around his past self, seeing you standing in the same position as he was. Hands behind your back, chin up, eyes forward, tall posture. 

He occasionally found himself standing in that position idly, before catching it and changing. 

"This is going to be a bit different than what you're used to." 

At those words, Madara freezes. A bit different...?
Is this the-

"It will be a bit more dangerous, but I'm sure you both can handle it."

...dispatch where you died? 

"We got this, Chief." You confidently stated, a smirk on your face. "We make an unstoppable duo."

Madara watches as he nodded, a smirk growing on his face. He wishes he could plead with the chief to not send you, but it was too late. He was just watching this. 

That bastard, Spell Tomb, was making him relive his worst memory. He growls, enraged that such a weak hero did this to him and was the leader of the only group of heroes around. If they couldn't even stand up to his Susano'o, then why did they deserve the right to call him crazy? Why did they deserve the right to show this to him?

But, he had seen them deal with some rather large villains with no difficulty. Were they holding back? Against him
He wants nothing more than to rip that pissant hero limb from limb. 

As he watches the memory, it skips from when you left the office to when you both arrived at the scene. You were attempting to calm and lead the panicking masses away from the square, where men and women stood, various guns pointed out. 

Madara assessed the situation calmly, making sure that the small but intimidating group stayed back. Eventually, after the civilians all evacuated, you both heard clapping from behind the group. 

They all stand by, letting a strange looking man walk forward, past them. He finally stopped clapping as he reached the end of the steps. His body is split directly in half, one side black and the other white. 

Madara's teeth grit as he sees the cocky bastard again, itching to rip him apart once more.

"My, oh my. Two little policemen have entered the scene." He lifts his arms, resting his elbow on his palm which the then lean leans his head on. 

"I wonder... which one will be the best to cultivate?"

The man's eyes trailed between you and Madara, finally smirking and licking his lips, pointing at the long-haired man. 
"You will die today."

Your eyes had darted to him, seeing the line-up begin to raise their weapons. Madara didn't have enough time to get over or around the vehicle, so you had taken the initiative. 

Madara tries to grab your shoulder, make you flinch, make you hesitate in the slightest, just anything to stop you from killing yourself for his sake. 

The world around him slows as he sees, for the second time, a bullet bury itself in your thigh, your shoulder, your shin, and last but not least, your neck. 

He tries to catch you, but you just phase through his arms. He watches as you hit the warm cement, his past self only realizing it after a second of processing. The ground grew sticky with your blood.
His eyes grew wide as they stared at your body, and he felt his pulse rapidly increase as power surged through him. 
The half and half man grinned, sinking into the ground as Madara formed the beginnings of a Susano'o, viciously slaughtering the people in front of him in less than 30 seconds before dropping to his knees. Blood caked the pavement, mixing in with your growing pool. He shuffled to you on his knees, grabbing your body and hugging it close. He had ignored the feeling of his clothes sticking to his body, wet with your blood.

Madara frowns, remembering how quickly the OHA, that damned Hero Association, showed up and took you from him. No one knows what the O stands for except for Spell Tomb, it being a strangely closely guarded secret. 
As Madara continues thinking, the vision around him begins to fade.

You stood, a knife to Madara's throat. Your throat tightens and tears well up in your eyes as you stare at him, his head tilted back and facing the sky as his knees were folded under him. 

Why did it have to be him? 

Your best friend, someone who you had trusted with your life, had fallen prey to the wicked hands of Zetsu and was dealt a bad hand in life.

Zetsu was a terrible man. He manipulated normal people into complete monsters, bent on world domination. He gave these people a false purpose, a fake promise, and a power with the ability to change things. You had seen him kill those who had done his bidding, finding them useless now that their job was done. 

You weren't sure if Zetsu had actually managed to get to Madara or if this was all his idea, but you had a feeling that something was happening behind the scenes. 

You see Madara's one eye begin to clear, but he reacts far too quickly, grabbing your wrist with painful pressure. You drop the knife as you wince underneath your mask.

"Do you gain pleasure from seeing those before you helpless?" Madara asks, his eyes boiling with anger as his voice remains steady and calm. "Or have you just underestimated me?" 

You wince as his grip begins harder, picking you up and throwing you through a fragile wall, fire already eating away at the inside. You begin to pick yourself up, resting on your elbows before a boot lifts your helmet. You see Madara's cold, crimson eyes. 

"You showed those things to me. Was it to slow me, perhaps?" He takes this opportunity to kick you in the face, your mask thankfully taking the brunt of the attack. "Or was it to show me that even if I was angry, even if I was burning to kill you, right here and now, you'd still come out on top?" 

He kicks you again, you cringing as your helmet chips. 

"What? Afraid that your identity will be revealed?" 

He kicks again.

"Aftaid that you'll have to change your face?"

He kicks again.

"Aftaid that you'll never be able to save anyone, even if your want to do so is so fierce," 

He kicks.

"so prominent,"

He kicks. 

"so absolute?"

He kicks once more, a large chunk falling off and revealing your forehead and a small amount of your brow. Your avian-styled helmet at this point was littered with cracks, weak. 

"But you were too slow. You couldn't get away, and someone died." 

Madara huffs, breathing heavily from his barrage of attacks.

"They were the only one left who you actually cared about. You had lost your only family years ago."

You stare up at him, something clicking. He was talking about you. It really was your fault. His brother had unfortunately perished after getting caught in the middle of a street fight. The culprits ran away, leading Madara to become an officer so that he could catch them and other criminals.

"And then you never see the body again, it having been taken away by some god damn Hero Association! The same Hero Association that houses scum like you!"  He spits, eyes wild. 

"You damn unnaturals! You were created, not born! You haven't gone through what I have, and you never will!"

He hoarsely shouts, kicking your helmet one last time. It shatters, you managing to use your power in the split second that you were facing away, not allowing him to see your face. The flickering area around you blurs as your temple drips blood.

"Wordplay: Hidden In The Sand!" You yell, the nonexistent wind kicking up sand grains that had just formed on the ground around you. It curls into a tight ball, soon collapsing in on itself and disappearing, leaving nothing but a small pile of sand beneath it.

Madara stares at the pile, unrecognizable, animalistic emotions flowing through him. He leaves the building, making sure to stomp the pile further into the ground while his gaze surpasses the blazing city in it's intensity. 

You feel the sand disperse, leaving you panting and wheezing as your body aches. It was your fault. You never showed back up, never allowing a friend to know his partner was still alive. You had worked in tandem years ago, but because of your own selfish desires, you had split. The OHA had taken you in, healing you and giving you powers unseen before. They allowed you to form a team and lead it, full of other powered humans. The OHA had been a parting gift, giving you life as it was about to be taken. It gave you purpose, allowed you to finally live out the dream you had formed when you were an officer. 

The Otsutsuki Hero Association housed you and your small team, one last gift from Indra. On the day Madara had visited your apartment, you received a call from them, alerting you to their presence. They asked if you wanted to be taken immediately, to which you responded, "Only if it's the last available option."

And it was, that dreaded day. When you had to abandon your past and become a public figure, still hidden. Only your team knew of your real identity, with one inside knowing your past. 


Kakashi had been with you since the beginning, a simple employee for the OHA who had helped with recovery and was just generally a good person. He was the first member of your team, also being the most trusted. 

Coughing violently, you push yourself up with one hand, using the other to cover your pounding head. It pulls away, sticky. Frustrated tears build up in your eyes, making them burn. Feeling a hand on your back, you freeze. 

"You okay?" 

Kakashi's voice registers in your brain, and you finally breakdown. No tears actually escaped, just ragged, deep wheezes, like that of a smoker. You didn't want to kill Madara, but he would continue wreaking havoc on this world if you didn't. Had you not hesitated, maybe you would feel better?

You knew you were lying to yourself. If you hadn't hesitated, if you had killed him, the guilt would be overwhelming. You wouldn't be able to handle it. You had caused his fall, and you wanted to fix your mistakes. He wouldn't accept you, his hate clearly shown in his attacks and words. You just wanted to help him, make him understand that things can be fixed.

You know you can't, but you need to try. If you couldn't, then you would just have to die again.

But people had died because you couldn't inform Madara, because you were unable to reach out. And people would continue dying, all because you had stopped today. You couldn't bring yourself to stop a villain, or to truly fight him, being intercepted by the past that you had tried to hide from. 

You look up at the concerned man, nausea making your vision spin. Your head had taken a beating, and it was a miracle that you had stayed conscious long enough to escape. Blood drips into your dulling eye, making you close it as everything fades away.

Kakashi winces, picking your limp body up and holding you to his chest. He quickly jumps off, seeing the sun rise and hearing sirens shriek through the desolate streets.

He needs to get to the OHA, and fast. 

You lay on your couch, casual clothes on as a friend cooked in your kitchen. Your arm is draped over your eyes, finding the sun streaming into your apartment to be far too bright. At least the nausea had faded, but you were only a few days into recovery for your concussion.

"How'd you say you got this?" He asks, walking into the room with your food.

"I, uh, got hit by a ball. I fell real badly, and now I am here." 

"Uh-huh." He says, his one visible eye unimpressed. He sets down your food and closes the blinds, sitting in the rather comfortable and cushiony chair next to you. He lazily grabs the remote, turning the TV on and flicking through the channels. He finally stops on the news, a bland looking lady describing the weather while wearing an entirely too bright red dress. She signs off, sending the view to three more people sitting at a desk, shuffling their papers for a second before the male on the right begins to speak. 

"On the villain attack from a few days ago-" 

His eyes narrow, about to switch channels, but you raise a hand, stopping him. The video feed was shaky, clearly taken from a phone with the low quality. 

"The hero Kamui was supposedly spotted fighting a hooded man. They said he had a mask with one eye hole, and that was all they could gather before falling unconscious due to smoke inhalation. The witness has asked to remain anonymous. Repairs have finally began on Kiral City, an area of approximately 27.6 miles having been burnt."

He glances at you, wondering where you were when it was happening. Were you injured at that point?

He certainly wasn't. Kamui hadn't even touched him, but his fun was brought to an end when Madara had called him back. To say Madara was pissed would be an understatement. He was seconds away from dropping meteors, apparently caused solely by Spell Tomb. He supposes he should congratulate them, having made Madara angry to a level where even he was a bit intimidated by it. 

Right now though, he should be worrying about you, seeing you peek an eye out from beneath your arm. You were his light, having saved him from the swirling depths with simple, everyday interactions. You watch the television, eventually removing your arm from your face completely.

"Thanks for closing the blinds."

You rub your eyes, finally beginning to eat the food in front of you. It was quite good.

"No problem."  He crosses his arms behind his head, watching as the news changed from talking about his attack to a video of a family of six alligators taking residence in someone's backyard, more specifically their pool. 

It was strangely interesting.


He hums, acknowledging you.

"Were you any where near Kiral City when the villain attack happened?"

He pauses, hesitating just a second too long. "...No. I was sleeping."

"Ah." You continue eating, the tiniest seed of doubt planted in your mind. Why did he feel the need to lie? 

You couldn't really get on his case about it, though. You had to keep your hero duties a secret, so you were obligated to lie to him. It didnt feel good, especially when he was taking care of you. 

Maybe you were overthinking it, maybe he was just trying to remember? 

You wish that quelled your doubts, but you couldn't help but be a little cautious. 

Obito stands up, having taken a small nap on the too-comfortable chair. He shuffled over to the blinds to check the time, eye half-lidded in grogginess. Why he didnt use your microwave or his phone was beyond you, but when he saw the sun begin to fall behind the city's skyline, his eye snapped open. He winces, mumbling "Shit, shit, shit..." 

You awaken to the sound of Obito's muttering, watching with bleary eyes as he steps away from the window. You shake your head, managing to clear your vision. 

"Work?" You ask, stretching your arms above your head and resisting the urge to groan as they pop. 

He nods, grabbing his wallet off of your counter and rushing out of the door with a flurry of apologies and 'see you later's. 
Hearing the door slam shut, you sigh. 

Your days shift from fast to slow so much that you had pretty much grown immune to the whiplash. Nothing was a true constant, and you always fear that one day, the few people you've had around for a while will die. Everyone dies, but you pray that no one will die before you do. You had already experienced it before, with Indra. 

He was the entire reason you lived to now, and the reason you were able to continue helping people. He was the reason you were actually able to move, and the reason you met some of your closest friends.

He gave you purpose, and you couldn't refuse. His Hero Association had saved many, and when Madara had spoken about it like it was poison, it felt like he had kicked you again. Had he known it was you, and that you were alive, would he have spoken it with such intense distaste?

Would he even be a villain?

Would he be murdering hundreds of innocents with no remorse? 

You clench your teeth, feeling boiling emotions bubble up again. You needed something to do other than think. Leaning over to your phone, you dial the OHA quickly. 

When they pick up, you state your name. 

"...also known as Spell Tomb, I need to heal, fast."

Standing on a building, you overlook the busy streets. Your brow furrows as you try to theorize exactly who the masked man was with a fuzzy mind. You had completely forgotten about him, but Kakashi told you about his fight. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, looking to the side to meet your eyes. 
You seriously nod, your new helmet shadowing your eyes. "You said he became intangible, correct?"

Kakashi looks ahead, his canine mask revealing nothing. He was admittedly worried about you, he could see you beginning to work yourself to the edge. Your posture was more slouched, and when he actually saw your face before you two began your patrols, your eyes were blank, dull. Your thoughts and feelings were jumbled, probably from having an unexpected reunion with someone that had changed so drastically.

He had been told stories about you both, you speaking fondly of your past partnership. He was sure that was cause of your sudden strain. You probably had something done to heal yourself faster, considering how serious that concussion was. 

"...Yeah. My attacks were just phasing through him. He was so..." Kakashi takes a moment to think. "Infuriatingly cocky. I wanted to hit him as hard as I could, but, well..." His disappointment was amusing, looking kinda distraught for not being able to punch the masked man. Forcing your smirk down, you nod. "Sucks."

Kakashi nods as well, you both turning your heads as screams and an explosion is heard. Seeing people running and smoke billowing out of a building, you nod at Kakashi. You jump off, him trailing as you approach the rabid ramblings of a random villain. You stare him down, his raggedy mask frayed and torn in multiple places, presumably from the explosion. Was this all caused by one guy? 

His eyes, wild and wide, land on your figure. Your bird-like helmet glints in the low light, and he grins wickedly. 

"Spell Tomb! I have been waiting for you!"
You jump down from the building, seeing Kakashi stay in the pudgy man's blind spot while he moved closer. 

"And why is that?" Your gruff, fake voice sounds, you standing in a neutral position. The gruff part was real, I mean getting shot in the throat does that to a person. Kakashi slips behind him silently, waiting to see his reasons. Thankfully your patrol routes were the same for the beginning portion, so you didn't have to deal with this villain alone.

"You... you are the only one I have truly wondered about!" He shouts, spittle flying. "You keep yourself completely hidden, no leaked info, nothing on any databases! Your face, your voice, it's all jumbled! I have decided to unveil you, to be the one who revealed you to the world!" He begins to slowly step towards you, and Kakashi tenses, raising his arms. You send him a quick look, discouraging any action. He takes the hint, slowly lowering his arms. 

"After that, you will be with me! I will own you, like a fae! Once I know your face, you will be mine!" 

You internally groan, thinking, Another one? Seriously? Just because my mask is a bird doesn't mean I'm a creature of the god damn forest!

The masked man crouches next to Madara, cringing at the guy walking at you. He wasnt too fond of heroes, but yikes. "What an incel." 

Madara glances at him, quickly looking back at the interaction. He hums, agreeing. He hated everything to do with that hero currently, but this made even him feel a bit sorry.

Kakashi looks at you, pretty much begging to take down the stupid ass basement dweller. You were about to nod, but the guy lunges. 

"Wordplay: Ghosted!"

You slip to his side, becoming invisible. He whips his head in your direction, not ready for the foot that firmly planted itself on the back of his head. Kakashi stares in confusion for a moment, before recognizing the outfit.

The man back flips off of the now fallen man, his strange Hannya mask instantly recognizable to you. You form again, now standing beside Kakashi as the man turns to you, giving a thumbs up. You could practically see his smile, even with his mask. 

"Hey Beast." You casually state, his hero name simple, like him. His full hero name was The Physical Hero: Blue Beast, but he had one more form that was only to be used in the most dire situations. 

He laughs, waving. "Yo! Just happened to see you both around."

You look at the man beneath him, seeing acid green eyes glaring out. He grabs Guy's ankle, a strange, white, viscous liquid emitting from his hand. It looks like... 

You shake your head, watching as the man smirks. The strange substance eats away at Guy's pant leg, but when it gets to his skin, it stops. The man grunts, his eyes widening. 

"What?!" He hisses, confused. "How is it not corroding your leg?!" 

Guy laughs again, his proud voice loud. "Such weak acid won't work against my skin! Try harder, and maybe, just maybe, you can beat me!" 

Guy seems to be encouraging the man, who, after about three minutes, manages to singe enough to make a white mark. He looks at you for some reason, his pose and eyes very pitiable. You stay silent, judging him with cold eyes. Kakashi looks at you, trying to see your reaction, almost laughing as he saw your eyes. He could tell you were entirely unimpressed.

The man stands, pointing at you with betrayal filling his expression. "How- How could you abandon me for him?!" He glares at Kakashi. "All heroes are ussless attention whores! You... You... Bitch! How dare you leave me?! I have everything you could want! I have money, a big house, a fast car, and a huge-" 

Guy chops his neck, cutting him off from his sad rant. You begin to shake, barely holding in your laughter. What a Nice Guy. Did he seriously expect to just take off your helmet and fuck you? 

You crouch next to him, searching his knocked out body for any identification. After finding it, you handed it to Guy, who was tasked with detaining him. You couldn't exactly give the speech you were supposed to because of his unconscious state, so you just watch as Guy picks him up and jumps off in the direction of headquarters.

"I really, really don't like those types of people. At least he didnt have a power to make things stick together, dealing with that girl was a hassle." You sigh, rolling your neck and looking up at the buildings. You see two silhouettes jump away, making you raise an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, didn't she stick one of your hands to her's?"

You nod, groaning. "Yup, and this is where we split. See ya soon."

Kakashi responds with a short, "Kay." before jumping off in the opposite direction of Guy. 

You get to the rooftops, running straight from where you had started. You could see a shadow slipping between roofs, stealthily making his way in the same direction as you. He was ahead of you, but not by much. He was moving a tiny bit slower than you at the moment, seemingly wanting you to catch up. You take the bait, and as you try to land on him, you fall through him. Grunting in surprise, you recognize his swirly mask and strange ability. 

"It's you..."

Sarcastically clapping, he speaks in his almost Madara voice. "You remember me! Surprising, considering how much damage your head took."

Something twists out of the area around his eye, him quickly fastening some metal cuffs around his wrists. Spiked chains clink as he takes his stance, you taking one as well. 

He scoffs, planting one foot behind him like a runner would. When he darts at you, you bring up your arms, ready to block. You were not ready for him to phase through you, his chains catching and digging deeply into you. He turns to you, and in the small moment you had before he sucked you in you threw a punch, making him go intangible once again. You slip through the chains as he growls, irritated. You recognize what had just happened, making sure to tell Kakashi later. Some of your costume now stuck uncomfortably to you, soaking with blood. Ignoring the stinging, you state your hypothesis to the man in an attempt to garner a reaction.

"Ah, so I can touch you when you suck things in?"

His eye narrows, yours slightly confident. He notices, snarling beneath his mask.
"Y'know, that's what I hate about you heroes. You come along and act like you can help everyone, solve every problem, when in reality, you are always too slow."

Your brow raises as his breaths get heavier, clearly having some kind of emotional baggage about heroes. His face is parallel with the ground, eye hidden.

"Always... too... slow."

He looks back up, his red eye practically glowing. He darts towards you, boots leaving cracks and indents with every step. 

"You damn heroes!" He shouts, raising an arm before bringing it down with enough force to send you into the building. You had brought your arm up in time to block it, but you were still sent crashing through the shelves of a dark warehouse. Thankfully, it had large windows that let the moonlight stream in. 

"You're all so WORTHLESS!!" 
He tries to land on you, but you dodge away, him leaving a small crater. Cringing, you slip under his arm as he throws a punch, attempting to elbow his back. He slips through it, turning faster than you could back away. 

His arm shoots out, hand clamping around your neck with a vice grip. His eye is dangerously empty, no semblance of mercy in the vermillion gaze. 

"Pitiful." He hisses, his grip tightening to the point that you were almost not able to speak. "The 'Best Hero' can't take out a simple villain. How does that feel?"

"You may have won this battle, however, I have not conceded the war!" You choke out, him pausing for a moment.

Your eyes match with his, and you smirk. "Wordplay: Smash Bros Brawl!" 

"And what is that supposed to-" He gets cut off as a darkly colored arrow pierces his chest, no blood seeping out of the wound. "W-what?!" He wheezes, becoming a stone trophy with a golden base. 

Managing to slip out of his grasp with some difficulty, you rest your hands on your knees as you gulp in breaths. After recovering, you stand up to your full height, staring the masked man down. When he was like this, you couldn't remove his mask. Sighing, you pick up the trophy, feeling the blood around your wounds begin to dry. 

You feel some of that dry blood chip and split as you carry the stone man, fresh blood dribbling from the small holes formed around your torso. His form was a few inches taller than yours, making you strain and struggle a bit to get him out the door. 

A group of college students turn the corner, happily chatting before coming to a stop as they see you, bleeding and carrying a strange masked man who was turned into stone. The details were far too intricate to just be a sculpture.

The seemingly leader begins to rush over, a smile growing on his face as he sees his idol. Looking in his direction, you see the group behind him also speed up in your direction. 

As the excited male in front of you comes to a halt, be begins to talk. "Do you need any help? You're injured."

"A-ah, uh, if it's not too much to ask, sure." You awkwardly stumble over your words, not ready to interact with people at the moment. You could see his want to help, and the holes in you were an inch or two deep. 

His group catches up to him, an edgier looking boy offering to help carry as well. You respond to him in the same way you responded to the blonde one, and eventually the group was carrying him while you walked beside them. 
"What year are you all in? If it's not too much to ask."

A platinum blonde girl answers. "We're all juniors."

"So, uh, who exactly is this?" Another girl asks, her green eyes trailing over to you. She winces as she sees your injuries, itching to wrap and treat them. As a med student, she felt the need to help. 

"I dont know if I'm allowed to reveal this, but this is one of the culprits behind Kiral City's destruction. I'm taking him to the square, where I will receive some aid from other heroes."

She nods, disgusted with the man. The death toll was absolutely mind-boggling. She was allowed to work with some of the victims who couldn't escape the fires but still survived, and to think that their rough, patchy, seeping skin was caused by him, a stone figure. 

"Wait, you said one of the culprits." One speaks up from the group, you looking over at him. "There was another one?" His posture was slouched, lazy, but you could tell he was quite sharp.

Sighing, you nod. "Yeah. I fought a different one. He put up quite a fight."

"And didn't he take you down?" Another voice chimes in, taunting and deep. 
Looking at where the voice came from, you see a smirking figure with red irises, standing in the shadows of a fire escape. He was slightly behind the group, in a perfect position to take you all out with one swipe. Your eyes widen and you turn toward the students, waving an arm and shouting. "Get out of here!"

They stop in confusion, setting the man down, but you continue. "Leave, damnit! Scram!" 

"But-" The blonde boy begins, raising a hand. 

"Do I need to repeat myself any more?! Get the hell away from-" You raise your arms to block the punch that was sent your way, grunting as your wounds begin to bleed more heavily. You are sent back a little bit, glaring behind you. They take the hint, starting to run off. It was in the direction of the square that you had split up with Kakashi from, making you nod to yourself in satisfaction.

"Tch. You seem to want to protect them, no?" Madara speaks up again, his smirk growing. Blue sparks surround him, soon forming the full half body. "Something you should know: I was always the best at throwing javelins in high school."

He rips a pole out from the ground, the light at the end darkening. You grit your teeth before seeing what he was going to do. The bright blue arm holding the pole reels back, and you take off running. 

"Shit!" You hiss, hearing the wind whistle as the pole is launched through the air. Looking at it's position and speed, you'd have to intercept...

"Now! Wordplay: Spice Girl!"

The stand appears in front of you, tapping the pole right before it makes contact with your chest, having slid in front of it. It slams into your chest, you grunting as you were sure a rib had cracked. Managing to keep yourself upright, you thank the stand's ability to soften things and make them malleable. The pole hits the ground with a dull thud, you lifting your mouthguard slightly to cough blood.

That hadn't worked as well as you were hoping, but at least those college students were safe. You glance back again, trying to see if they were out of his range. Sighing in relief as you see that they were, you fully face Madara and his Susano'o. He was acting cocky, but you could feel his maliciousness and boiling anger seeping from his eyes. They were cherry red, an intricate design swirling within. 

"You managed to stop my assault on the kids, but you took some damage yourself. How noble." He slowly states, menace oozing from his words. "I hadn't planned on hunting down a bird quite yet, but it looks like it must be done to free my subordinate."

Preparing yourself for another attack, you wince as a headache forms, dully throbbing. Madara laughs. 

"Maybe I should put you in a cage without your helmet, for all the world to see? Wouldn't that be a most befitting end for the hero known for being mysterious?" He chuckles to himself, thinking it was quite a good idea. 

"Maybe a little public torture? Who knows. I'll decide on it when the time comes."

He reaches down towards the trophy man, you managing to get to it just before him, grabbing it and jumping away. Madara tilts his head, bringing a hand up to his cheek mockingly. You couldn't allow yourself to feel guilty anymore, not when he had no idea as to why you felt that way. If he didn't know who you were, you had to act the same way.

"Oh my. You managed to evade my grasp."

Looking at his pose, it reminded you of something. Someone that you hadn't seen for over a year now, thankfully. 

"Zetsu... did he give you that insane idea to take over the world?" You ask, watching Madara's face twist in annoyance.

"Hah! As if that wretch had anything to do with my plan. I ripped him apart months ago. His rotten back alley gang is still giving out powers though, making filth like that guy you encountered earlier."

Your eyes widen as you take in the new info. So that was where all the small villains were coming from. You had to assemble the team to work out how to bust them, and stop the production of low class unnatural villains. The natural villains were still going to be a problem, but hopefully it would also get some natural heroes into the OHA. Too bad the toll of the trauma and the rush of bloodlust that caused their powers to emerge also made many throw away their morals, like the man in front of you.

The trophy in your grasp begins to strain your arms, and you remember what the OHA employee said about the quicker healing. It wasn't a power, more like a temporary boost. It lasted for 72 hours, and if you wanted to get back into hero stuff immediately, you'd have to take it easy. It caused a lot of your body's energy to be diverted to focus on healing, so you wouldn't be at top condition.

"You were hurt quite a bit in our last scuffle. How are you holding up?" He innocently asks, his smirk betraying the tone he used. 

You glare up at him, arms beginning to slightly shake. 

"Your arms are shaking. I'm guessing to have healed that fast would require some outside help, which puts quite the strain on you. Am I correct?" He looks down at you, as if slightly disgusted by the thought of getting help to heal. 

You sigh, dropping the masked man who had begun to grow limp and shaking out your arms, rolling your shoulders. "Yeah..." You trail off, doing small hops to stretch your legs. If you stayed here for any longer, you would probably get captured. Putting your training to the test again, you sigh again, taking an offensive position. You needed to draw Madara away from the area if you didnt want to get tag teamed.

"Wordplay..." Madara waits in anticipation, wanting to see what pathetic idea you would have. 


Spinning on your heel, you take off running into the winding alleys. Madara scoffs, having to disperse his Susano'o in order to follow you through the narrow passages. "Such a cowardly move for one of your status, no?" He calls after you, his smirk beginning to dip as you begin to lose him in the winding alleys. 

When you managed to shake him for a bit, you came upon a crossroad. "Wordplay: Mirror Mirror on the Wall!" Two mirrors form around you, one clone stepping out of each. The larger amount of space in the cross worried you slightly.

The mirrors fade as Madara turns the corner, his eyes widening and him gritting his teeth as he sees two more Spell Tombs. The three split off, leaving Madara in the middle as he tries to decipher who was the real one. 

He forms the whole body of the Susano'o, ripping off two AC units. Using his height, he gauges his throw before winding his arms back, throwing the metal scrap at the left and right path. 

You look up, seeing a flying box, headed straight for you. Ducking behind a random dumpster right before it touches, it smashes into the ground beside you. You let out a shaky breath, hoping that he thought you were a clone that died.

Madara narrows his eyes before focusing on the middle path, seeing as it was the real one. The other two had been crushed by his throws, leaving only one. "Unless..." 

He looks down the other paths, suspicious. "It may live on past their death, or they could have tricked me. I won't know unless I check." 

Huffing, he looks at the middle path, focusing on the details. He could see your wounds, but something was... off.
They weren't placed quite right, almost looking like... 

"It's reflected! That's a clone. Now the question is which one is a fake out of those two." His smirk returns, confidence pumping through him. He decides to stay put, waiting for any movement. 

After a few minutes, he boredly rips a pole off of a fire escape. Closing an eye and watching as the middle clone moves further away, he aims the pole like a dart. It flies out of his fingers with surprising accuracy and speed, him watching with sick pleasure as the clone turns in surprise, getting struck through with the pole. It struggles to raise it's mouthguard before hacking out blood, shattering like he had just hit a mirror with a hammer. 
Hearing strange noises to his left and right, he looks to his left. Spell Tomb falls out from behind a dumpster, clutching their stomach as a large hole bleeds heavily. They couldn't lift their mouthguard, so they just coughed into their helmet, making Madara smirk wider. If they coughed up too much blood, they would suffocate. The reason Spell Tomb always lifted that piece to spit blood was so that they could actually breath through the mesh that protected the holes in the jaw. If the blood clogged the mesh, they'd have to remove the helmet to breathe again. 

Looking to his right, he grunts in surprise as he sees no one. Looking back to his left, he sees the figure shatter.

He drops from his perch, ridding himself of the Susano'o as he runs down the right path, looking up as he hears noises above him. You were already bolting in his direction on the roofs, passing him without eye contact at an extreme speed. Something had changed about your energy, it seemed frantic and panicky. He was curious, but that stood back from his main desire to kill you. The hole in your stomach would do the same eventually, but he would rather it be slow and from his direct hand, not from damage taken through a clone.

Using a Susano'o arm, he grabs the ledge of the building and pulls himself up, ready to chase after you.

What had happened to you? Well, you used 'Wordplay: Oh Shit That Major Assignment's Due at 7:30 and It's 1:15 and I Have Done Exactly None of It' and got a lovecraftian amount of energy. You ran along the buildings, hoping to find another hero before you die for real this time, hearing Madara pull himself up behind you. 

At the speed you were moving, everything was a blur, and the only thing you could hear was the blood pumping in your veins and wind howling. You could smell color and it felt like you could go for at least 3 days without blinking, but that wasn't caused by your speed. The amount of caffeine that was pretty much injected into your blood stream upon using that powerful technique caused some unintended side effects, and you were going to feel this later. That said, your lesser injuries and concussion were pretty much completely healed, but the healing was dropping off with your very own Commandant Steele hole. The 72 hours had mostly passed by now, leaving you with nothing but desperation and an impressively sized window in your body. 
You ran, seeing the main road ahead of you as a large gap between buildings. Before, you had needed a Cloud in a Bottle to get across, but now? 

You could jump it twice over with the right launch. 

Kakashi rushes down the street, followed by some college students that had told him about your situation. Sweat rolls down his cheek as he sees the masked man rubbing his head, clearly confused. He tells the students to stay back, kinda wondering why they were following him, but ignoring it for now.

The students ran up to him, the guy with a weird, almost pineapple like hairstyle beginning to talk. "Kamui, Spell Tomb is under attack. They had the masked guy from the Kiral Attack trapped, but another guy popped up." 

"Woah, woah, woah! Spell Tomb is getting attacked? I'm sure they can handle it." He smiles underneath his mask, knowing of their strength and happy that they took down the masked man.

"I don't know if it matters, but I believe that the person attacking them is also connected to the Kiral Attack."

Kakashi freezes as the other students begin to question him. 

"How could you guess?" They asked the boy. 

"The person there seemed to know the outcome of a fight that no one else knew even happened. Judging by Spell Tomb's reaction, I'd say that they knew him from before tonight, and, if that guy was telling the truth, lost to him."

Kakashi put his hand on the boy's shoulder, looking at him seriously. "I need to know where this happened."

The masked man snaps his head up as he hears footsteps, narrowing his eye at the hero that approached. "Kamui..." he hisses through grit teeth, a vehement glare showing. 

The one who was too slow, the one who couldn't save her, was him. He remembers the buildings, caught up in a blaze. Kamui managed to pull him out from beneath flaming posts, but the only thing he could whisper was his sister's name. He had lost an eye to the scattered debris, and half of his body was permanently marred. Those ever eating flames, the same ones that took his sister, were what he used to take down Kiral City. He had control in that situation, the same control he had lost after the fire. 

He had whispered his sister's name, begging Kamui to go back in and save her. Kamui placed him down a safe distance away, running back in per his request. His eyes shut as smoke clogged his lungs and as he was picked up and placed into a gurney.

He only received the message about his own sister's death about a week after, him being in and out of consciousness after smoke had damaged his throat and his eye was being treated. What kind of brother doesn't know about their own sibling's death until a week later? 

He always thought to himself, feeling his life begin to slip. The only reason he had actually managed to stay afloat was you. He had first interacted with you at the metro station one day, about 8 months before Madara approached him. 

You sat on the same bench as him, seeing his forever solemn face staring at the ground. You had an extra coffee, apparently for a coworker. You casually offered it to him, a cheerful smile on your face. He had originally denied it with an awkward thanks, but you insisted. Your cheer and charity were clear signs to him that you understood. You may not have known him at the time, but you could see his pain, written clear as day on his face. 

That was one of the traits that drew him to you. Your empathy. He found himself at the metro station at the same time each morning, hoping to see the kind stranger. And he did, almost every day. You two talked, getting closer each time. 

One day, however, the coworker actually showed up to the station. He had familiar spiky silver hair and a very recognizable voice, but he couldn't quite tell who it was back then.

Kakashi had instantly recognized him, but he kept it quiet, not wanting to stir any negative emotions. Too bad they had already brewed to a fine poison, potent and deadly.

Now that very coworker stands across from him, but everything is a mystery. One believes he has a solid guess, but he needs something more concrete.

"Students, you need to leave right now." Kamui seriously states, waiting until he hears their footsteps leaving to fully focus on the man in front of him.

The masked man raises from his kneeled position, the hand on his head falling to his side. His hood is down, revealing raven colored hair, spiky and slightly waving in the small amount of wind. His chains clink around him, pooling shallowly at his feet. Cracking his neck, he opens his arms. Holding them steady, he begins to charge at Kamui, who does the same. A confident grins grows on his face due to Kamui's lack of info about him currently. 

They both pause as they hear a deep voice shout and footsteps approaching. Looking up, they stare in disbelief as your figure flies above their heads, having leapt from one side of the road to the other. 

In the middle of your jump, you shout some things at Kakashi really quickly, him almost not catching all of it. "Kamui! When he tries to suck you in, you can hit-" 

Was all they heard before you landed, continuing to run as an irritated Madara follows behind, unable to catch up. "Damn you hero!" He shouts, going out of sight once more.

Looking back at the masked man, Kakashi begins to guess what you mean. When the man tries to suck him in, he can hit him? That was the only hypothesis that made sense, so he hopes that it was correct.

The masked man scoffs, looking back at Kamui. "That damned hero..." He huffs, closing his eye while shrugging. "Oh well, no matter now. You know one of my tricks."

Kakashi flinches when he reopens his eye, the red a blistering, irritated color. "Who are you?" Kakashi asks, confused as to why he held such a large grudge against heroes. 

"Who am I? Well the answer is quite simple. I am nobody, a shell with very little purpose. But let me tell you, that little bit of purpose is very invigorating."

Kakashi stares in slight annoyance, mostly just worried as to your condition. He hadn't actually processed it at the time, but a small bit of your blood had hit the nose of his mask, and he swore he saw a rather large circle in the center of your body, completely formed out of blood. Was that a hole? 

"And you," The masked man begins again, drawing Kakashi's attention. "You are a slow hero who couldn't save the people who matter. You've ruined lives, let others die, and saved the one who is going to kill you, right here."

"Saved the one... have we met before? Have I done something wrong?"

The masked man lets out a trembling chuckle, seemingly holding in the whole laugh. "Have you done something wrong? No, I guess not directly. You did save someone, but, well..."

His shaking stops, all semblance of laughter leaving. "You couldn't save the other. When you went back in, was she already dead? Or did she die when you were trying to rescue her?"

"W-what? Who are you talking about? Who are you really?"

"I suppose I am being vague..." He admits, tapping his mask. "And it doesn't truly matter when she died, but Rin is still in that coffin of hers."

Kakashi's eyes widen. Rin, that girl. Obito had begged him to save her, but my the time he had found her, a wooden beam had already pierced her body. Obito had...

Was the man in front of him...?

No, that wasn't right! 

You had trusted him so much, but, it looks like you weren't the only one hiding your identity. Luckily, it didnt seem that he knew of your alter ego, but he was still dangerously close to figuring it out. If he told Madara, he would most definitely lose you forever.

But still...

The hair, the fact that he only showed one eye, even what he was saying, all pointed to one person. 


Kakashi looks into his eye, unsure and hoping it wasn't true. "You know Rin... are you Obito?"

The man laughs, his voice raising to it's normal levels. "And, if you know that, I'm assuming you are Kakashi." 

They both stare each other down, one confident and the other serious and almost disbelieving. The silence stretches on, broken by Obito, who readied his stance. 

"Knowing that you're Kamui just makes it easier to kill you." He takes one stride towards Kakashi, continuing. "You know, I was always jealous of how much time you had spent with them. After tonight, I don't think I'll have to worry about that anymore!" He laughs, his arms in front of him, bent, as he runs towards Kakashi. 

Kakashi winces, looking up at the roofs and realizing what he had to do. He had to tell you. 

He jumps up, ignoring Obito's sound of confusion as he climbs to the top of the building. After swinging himself up, he hears shouting and victorious laughter from a few buildings down. He bolts, hearing Obito follow close behind. 

He couldn't lose another one! He had already lost his father to suicide and his mother to complications in childbirth. He couldn't lose you.

After moving at his top speed, he turns onto the building the laughter had centered around, coming out from behind the small room where the stairs were.

His eyes widen and he feels his pulse spike.

There you were, eyes shut and wheezing. There was a hole through your stomach, and you seemed to have passed out from blood loss. 

Madara stood over you, laughing at your state before turning to him with a grin on his face. 

Kakashi lunges at you, shouting, "NO!"

He feels a hand tightly grip his ankle and fling him back. He slams into a wall, losing his breath and getting dizzy from how hard his head hit. He slides to the ground, barely conscious. 

Obito blocks his view, staring down menacingly. He grabs Kakashi's hair, making him grimace under his mask.
"Come on, we're done here." Madara orders, looking at the back of Obito's head. 

He turns, looking over his shoulder at the long-haired man. "With all due respect," he begins sarcastically, making Madara's eyes narrow, "This hero-" 

"Now. He can be dealt with later."

Obito scoffs, realeasing Kakashi's head and fully turning around. "Fine. Now," he looks back at Kakashi, "I wouldn't want this information coming across anyone important. Keep far away from them." Obito threatens, not knowing of the captured hero's true identity. He turns away, beginning to walk towards the impatient man holding a bird masked hero.

"That... won't be too difficult..." Kakashi mumbles under his breath, eyes closing.

Obito looks back at the hero, seeing him passed out. Facing ahead, he jumps away with Madara.

When you finally open your eyes, you recognize the feeling of your helmet on your head. Relief flows through you before you realize you were currently in a dark room, tied up. You tried to speak, but something was restricting your neck in such a way that it was difficult to breathe. It was about half way up your neck, uncomfortably pressing into your throat. Your stomach stings, feeling like it's been wrapped a bit too tightly. Your head throbs, probably having something to do with blood loss. Trying to move yielded some information. Your wrists were tied together, and your ankles had been cuffed together with the chain behind one of the legs of the chair based off of the sounds.

The high collar on your coat wasn't even slightly in view, leading you to guess that it was off. The clothes under your coat still mostly covered you, blacks and dark greys taking up the color scheme.

Did Madara and that masked man wrap your wounds so that they could hurt you more?

You wouldn't put it past Madara, but the other guy was a complete mystery. Maybe he would, considering how he reacted to you. 

How long were you out? 

Wincing as you try to feel your back pocket, your fingers slide across a straight edge, making you hum to yourself. They didn't search you, how strange.

After a bit of fumbling, you manage to slip it out, pressing the power button and seeing it light the room up out of the corner of your eye. You press down three times before pausing and seeing the light become white instead of blue. You press down once before pressing the center, pausing again before pressing the center again as well. You could hear three rings before a frantic voice calls out. "Spell Tomb! Spell Tomb are you there?! Spell Tomb!"

You, of course, can't speak, so you just hope that they trace the call.

A few minutes had passed, enough for them to trace you.

"Alright Spell Tomb. We're assembling a dispatch to head your way."

You nod to yourself, pressing the end button and crushing the phone before the two could find it and make a fake call or something.

The door that you couldn't see in front if you opens, and you stare while Madara and the masked man walk in. A light switch is flicked on, the dim bulb casting a low light. They stare back, Madara sporting a twisted grin while the other's face was hidden. Looking between them, you wait for them to begin speaking. 

You weren't scared, hell, you weren't even intimidated. All you were was accepting. If you die today, oh well. Not the first time knocking on death's door, only this time it's permanent. 

If you survive, then you hope it isn't because Madara wants a torture buddy. That would suck. 

But something was gnawing at you. What would happen if Madara saw you again? Not like now obviously, but what if he saw your face again? Would he be angry? Happy? Confused? Or maybe he would kill you on the spot, believing that you were a fake. 

The masked man on the other hand...

Who was he? Did you know him?


"The little bird is in it's cage, just like I said before." Madara begins, taunting you. "It appears it's called for help, but will help arrive in time? Or will the little bird have been killed?" He steps closer to you, leaning down. "Who knows? It's all up to the clock."

He laughs in your face, stepping away. You stare at him, not very impressed. It's all up to the clock? Yeah right. The only one who decides your fate right now is him and the masked guy. 

Speaking of the masked guy, he pulls out a timer. 

"When this timer rings," he starts, his eye showing some form of amusement, "we will remove your helmet."

Guess the clock actually did decide your fate here. Huh. 

Wait, why didnt he just remove your helmet?

Looking up at him while tilting your head, he seems to get the gist of what you were asking. 

"Why didn't we remove your helmet right now? That's what you're asking, right? Well, it simply provides me and him with entertainment to watch as those bumbling fools try to get your team ready. They won't be able to even leave before we take off the helmet."

You nod, understanding. You had a feeling that a certain dog might be a little more overzealous compared to your other teammates, but they didnt need to know that.

The moment Kakashi heard the phone ring, he yanked it up. "Hello Kamui. Spell Tomb has been located."

He responds with a simple okay, turning the volume to max and setting it on speaker as he rushes to grab his costume. You had been missing for three days. He heard them mention something about gathering the full team, making him scoff quietly.

That would take too much time. You were possibly getting tortured right now, and he needed to save you. The moment he heard the location he ended the call, rushing out the door.

"The timer's running a bit low. Perhaps we should just remove the helmet now, save the heroes some trouble." 

Vaguely shrugging, you look Madara in the eyes, showing boredom. He chuckles, seemingly in a good mood. He did capture you after all. If he was planning on torturing you, it would probably happen after the helmet came off.

"You're so calm. I was expecting some sort of struggle, not just... acceptance. It's a bit strange." He circles you, ignoring the broken phone on the ground.

"Well, now is as good a time as ever to ask this, but..." He trails off, ending up in front of you again. "Why did you hold back against me, the first time we fought?" 

You purse your lips, wishing he asked a different question. 

"Was it because you underestimated me?" 

He begins to circle you again, this time more threateningly. 

"Was it because you were trying to gauge my ability?"

He stops by your side, leaning in.

"Or, perhaps because you felt something? Sadness, loss, guilt?

You slowly tense as he gets closer to the truth, eyes staring straight ahead. Madara looks at your shoulders, seeing them raised. You felt guilt for some reason.

"Hmm. So I was correct, then? But why would you feel guilt...?" 

The masked man walks in again, Madara stepping away. His eye looks at you coldly from behind his mask before focusing on the man beside you.

"We have our first visitor. He's on his way to this room." 

"Good. I'll leave them in your hands while I-" Madara gets cut off as the door slams open, Kakashi having kicked it open. Looks like the fighting starts now. 

He sighs in relief as he sees you unharmed, bandages even surrounding that hole he saw in your stomach. 
You look at him like he's stupid, now having to take on two of the most powerful villains you had ever faced, alone. 

Did he even think this through?

He probably did, but come on.

The masked man lunges at Kakashi as the timer goes off to your left, making you jump. Madara looks down at you, turning off the timer while the two tussle in the background. 

"Get away from them! Madara!" Kakashi yells, glancing away from his battle. Madara pauses, and you see his lips quiver as they form a deep frown. 

He spins around, angry. "How do you know my name you pissant?! Tell me!" 

Kakashi realizes his mistake, and Madara switches out with the masked man. Cracking his knuckles, Madara looks pissed. His blood is boiling, like speaking his name cast a curse of aggression on him. 

You changed your mind. Kakashi didn't think this through at all.

Kakashi, apparently throwing away all the self-preservation he had left, then reveals something that makes your eyes widen. 

"Spell Tomb! Don't let Obito near you!" 

You choke, bewildered and confused. Obito?! Was he joking?! No way, Kakashi wouldn't lie in a situation like this! 

To think Obito was a villain...

He had gone through some pretty rough things, so it was kinda understandable, but still! 

One of your closest friends, someone who does the exact opposite to you. That's why he lied when you were still recovering from your concussion.

You take a sharp but shallow breath, blessing the fact that they decided to use a rickety old wooden chair. You snap the leg of the chair off, standing as the termite infested wood falls. It was a bit difficult to keep your balance, but when you saw Obito jump at you, you knew you didnt need to anymore. You fall backwards, making Obito fly over you before catching himself. When you hear a chain hit the ground, you know something's up. Your neck... 

Did it have a shackle?

After getting your legs over your arms with a little difficulty, your wrists were now bound in front of you. You rolled onto your stomach, pushing yourself back up. The limited leg room from your fetters at least gave enough space to finally get your balance, but not enough to run with full strides. Obito chuckles, sarcastically clapping. "So now you both know my identity, what's so bad about that?"

If only he knew. 


Kakashi starts to yell something at you, but you feel the chain attached to the back of your neck get pulled, choking you more. 

"It's not only me."

Madara had a firm grip on the chain, holding you in place while you grip the shackle to prevent it from choking the life out of you.

Kakashi tries to grab Madara, but Obito jumps in front of him, blocking him. "Madara first spoke to me about three years ago, offering to bring back my sister. He said that I had to help him, but I was already on board. I was willing to sacrifice most things in my life to bring her back." 

"Even your closest friend?" Kakashi asks, making you look over at him. Was he going to-


"I asked if you would even be willing to give up your closest friend."

Oh god, Kakashi, please don't. Not here, with both of them. Who knows how they'll react?

"Yes, I am talking about them."

You couldn't see Obito's reaction, but you could definitely feel his anger begin to show. You slacken, making Madara glance down at you. The look in your eyes was strange, a complete flip from how they were just a few minutes ago.

Before they had a lot of energy and spirit, but now? 

They looked watery. Not like you were about to cry watery, but watery like the kind of soda you dump down the drain after the ice melts. You didn't want to be there, and that much was clear.

"You bastard." Obito hisses, drawing Madara's attention. He was confused, but you looked like you knew something. Maybe that was why you were trying to disappear into yourself.

"It's not like it's hard to get." Kakashi taunts. "If I am Kakashi and also Kamui, then who is Spell Tomb?"

Oh man, oh god, oh fuck. He was spilling your beans! Obito would figure out who you were, and it would all go to shit. You were dead. For real.

Madara looks back at you, still confused. Now you looked like you were about to cry. 

Obito takes a step back, and his expression shocked. "N-no way! You're lying!" He gapes over his shoulder at you, seeing you looking like a wet towel in Madara's grasp.

"If you were the coworker, then Spell Tomb is..."

Actual tears stream down your cheeks, and you get swiped from Madara's grip. Two hands grab your biceps tightly, some sort of panicked energy fueling the movements.

"No, no, no! It wasn't supposed to be this way, you can't be-" He tears off your helmet, eye widening as he sees your face. Releasing his grip, he stumbles back, making you grab for your helmet with your bound hands.

 If only it was there. 

You look up, seeing the helmet in Madara's hands. His eyes were also wide, and he took one step back. "N-no way... y-you died five years ago! How are you..." 

His eyes light up as he finally realizes. "The reason you're still alive is the OHA. They took you away so fast because you were still alive!" 

Obito looks at Madara in confusion and slight irritation after he had recovered. He knew you too? This wasn't good.

Kakashi looks at the slightly stunned males, knowing that if he wasn't able to get to you fast enough, you would get taken from right under him. Too bad he was the furthest from you.

It was all up to who reacted first.


Branch A: "My Partner"

Madara, even in his frenzy of emotions, knew that having the others around simply would not do. He darts towards you, you trying to get out of the way by lunging away. He just grabs your chain again, making you gasp and choke as you get yanked back to him. You clutch at the shackle again, this time more panicked. If you didn't escape now, then you wouldn't be able to ever again.

His arm slips around your waist, the other going across your chest and gripping your shoulder. He buries his face in the crook of your neck as his Susano'o forms around you both. You shiver, unable to fully move because of his position and your bindings.

"N-no!" You rasp out painfully, trying to struggle. Right now escape was truly futile, but you still tried.

The two men outside the Susano'o finally moved, running at it. Obito was about to phase through the skin of the blue figure, but Madara jumps back, breaking through the walls around him. The debris flies out, smashing into cars and random structures. People begin to scream, running away as the large figure turns, it's back no longer facing the outside.

Kakashi watches with gritted teeth, unable to help. He didn't have the time or power needed to come up with a plan and attack with some chance of victory. He growls under his breath, running forward. He had to at least try.

The Susano'o grows legs, armor, and then it gets taller. It got taller at a dizzying rate, growing until you were over a mile above ground, stuck in the gem on it's forehead. Wings blossom out of it's back, soon expanding to their full size as it begins to run, destroying building after building with every stride. After a few more heavy steps, you take off, too high off the ground to hear the wails from the carnage below. 

Kakashi watches as the bright blue humanoid flies above the clouds, eyes full of regret. He was far too slow.

Tears leak out of your eyes as you pitifully stop struggling, knowing it was no use. Some hero you were, not even able to escape or take down the one villain you needed to. Madara's grip tightens just a bit as he begins to speak, voice shaking. 

"You're still alive, my partner... I lost you to circumstance and things out of my control."

His grasp grows even tighter, beginning to hurt. His breaths grow ragged as he continues.

"But now... now I have you back. After five years, five long years, you are with me yet again. Perhaps fate is looking out for me right now."

His grip relaxes, and the hand on your shoulder moves over, now sliding lightly across your neck with a strange sense of familiarity. He rips the shackle around your neck off, making you gasp for air.

"Perhaps... you were fated to end up back with me, partners reunited. Perhaps this is the true ending to our story. We had split, even fought!"

He chuckles lowly, smirking with amusement dancing in his eyes at his own idiocy back in Kiral.

"It's why you felt guilt, isn't it? You held back against me because you didn't want to hurt an old comrade." 

It all made sense to him. 

It was the truth.

"How sweet of you."

The hand trailing along your neck slides up to your hair, burying itself close to the scalp. The grip tightens, making you wince, and he pulls your head to the side. His hot breath fans over your neck, and the arm around your waist pulls you even closer to the man. His lips finally make contact with your skin, rough against the smooth flesh. 

Letting out a groan of assumingly pleasure, Madara gruffly speaks. "I have desired to do this to you for a long time, my partner. Even back in the force, the urge to do something to you was undeniable to me." 

Your eyes widen and your breath hitches.

"And, now that I have you, who's to stop me?" 

His voice moves from slightly behind you to right in your ear, a husky whisper. 
You whimpered out a single word, making Madara stop in his tracks for just a little bit.


In one word, you had managed to convey what you had truly wanted to ask. Why do all of this, why try to take over the world, and why haven't you moved on?

He sighs like it was a simple concept that you weren't understanding, a grin on his face. 

"Because you have forever been my partner, the reason I even started my plans, and I simply cannot lose you again."


Branch B: "My Light"

Obito knew he had to move, and fast. So he did, taking strides big enough that they might as well have been leaps. You see his fast approach, attempting to dodge out of the way and run off, but your fetters prevented you from getting far. He grabs your arm roughly, pulling you to his chest. 

Gazing over your shoulder, you see his wine colored eye before a strange vortex pulls you in. 

Madara growls as he sees his subordinate take you away. His glare is met by Obito's victorious stare, looking at him over his shoulder. 

Obito laughs quietly and slowly, it crescendoing into full on mad laughter. "You can't get them. They're mine. My light, my savior." 

Madara launches at the smug man after kicking Kakashi into a wall, simply flying through him. He whips his head around, snarling. "They are not in a place you can reach, Madara. Your partner will not be seen again, at least not by you." 

He laughs again, the swirling air around his eye very apparent to the enraged man. Madara once again launches himself at Obito, who stopped his escape in order to slip through him. Obito took this chance to phase through the wall, Madara soon smashing through it with his Susano'o. Bricks fly as Madara climbs out, eyes fierce and fiery. The dust that had been kicked up settles, revealing no one.

By the time Madara had made it outside, Obito was already gone.

You sit in a strange area, square platforms stretching up out of a seeming abyss. You look around, confused. Obito had sucked you into a place that had no foreseeable end, just square platforms far as the eye could see.

You sat on the biggest one, the one you had landed on when first arriving. You hear wind whipping and turn, seeing Obito land while breathing slightly heavier than normal. You both stare at each other for a bit before you break the silence, also having broken the shackle that was choking you. You threw it into the inky void beneath you, waiting for it to hit the bottom. A sound hasn't come up since.

"So, you became a villain, huh?" 
He continues staring, stepping closer to your sitting form. 

"Yeah, I can understand your reasons. Getting promised a lost loved one is certainly tempting." 

He stops in front of you, sitting down. 
"If I was told that someone could bring Indra back, I'd probably be all over it." 

You sigh, looking at Obito. 

"Are you going to take off the mask?" 

He lifts a hand to his face, pulling the orange swirly mask off. He stares at you, his lips in a small frown. He wondered if this facade would work.

Showing regret in his actions.

You frown as well, sighing again. 

"If I knew you would do all this to see Rin again... I guess I would've tried harder."

He internally grins, his plan coming along nicely. 

"But, if you really want me to speak the truth to you, you need to drop the act." 

His brow raises as a smirk crawls it's way onto his face. He had you here, in a dimension that no one had access to, except for him. A plan didn't really matter at the moment, he didn't really need one. The goal formed but a few minutes ago had already been reached.

"You see right through me, my light. Why are you so calm, even though you're trapped?" He asks, curious. He had figured you would be looking around, trying to escape.

"Well, the way I see it, you didnt become a villain because of me, so you won't be quite as... violent as, say, Madara." 

You also didn't want to fall into the emptiness below you because of your bindings, but that pretty much didn't need to be said. 

He nods, remembering how Madara reacted. He had been the one to provoke him, but oh well. Obito was plenty violent, but as long as you believe his second facade of calm, you would be fine here, with him. Only with him.

He grabs your arm, gently this time, and slides you into his lap. His arms circle around you, holding you close. Your small breaths against his chest made him shudder slightly, but he held you still. Relaxing into your warmth, he sighs.

"My light..." He mumbles, resting his forehead on the side of yours.

You were here, in his arms. 

It was nice, having the person who essentially saved his life this close. 

His light couldn't leave him, not anymore.


Branch C: "My Hero"

Kakashi takes the initiative, knowing that if he doesn't move now, you would be taken by Madara or Obito faster than he could get to you. He charges one of the powers he had copied as he darts towards you, forcing it to his right hand. Blue sparks form, and soon a chirping mass of electricity forms around his hand. 

His arm extends, managing to hit with such precision that the shackle around your neck pretty much shatters. Letting out a sigh, you mumble a thanks to Kakashi, turning to the two men in front of you. You needed your helmet before you could escape. Even if they had seen your face, the public hadn't been alerted.
"Wordplay: The Jury Declares You Innocent." 

The fetters and ropes binding you vanished, and you stood next to Kakashi. "I need my helmet." You lean over, whispering. 

He nods, getting into a stance with the power still in his right hand, small bolts escaping his hand.  

He smirks over at you, but remembers that he had a mask. Looking straight ahead again, he asks, "Ready?"

You crack your knuckles, sighing again. "As I'll ever be."

Madara lowers into a very ambiguous position, glancing over at Obito. 

"We both seem to be working towards the same selfish goal. Shall we work together one last time?"

Rolling his shoulders, Obito looks forward, more specifically at you. "Might as well. We'll kill each other after that damned hero is dead." 

Madara shrugs, his eyes moving back to your figure, which was standing more confidently than before. You were able to breathe and speak as you wished.

As long as you weren't captured by them, you would walk free. 

"All right." You begin. "Whoever wins, wins."

Madara smirks, and Obito still had his mask on. Being the first to move, Madara runs forward, his Susano'o forming the ribs and hand. You see him throw your helmet down, it clanking noisily against the hard floor. Nodding to yourself, you run at him, face serious. 

His smirk widens, and he brings the Susano'o's arm up, swiping at you. 
"Wordplay: Peekaboo!" You dive into his hand, seemingly disappearing from sight. Madara grunts in surprise, hearing you roll and get back to your feet behind him. He turns, and you grab the helmet from the ground, slipping it back on. 

"Do you really need the helmet? Your identity will be safe with me, my partner."
You murmur something to yourself, pausing for a second. Madara watches as you flicker once, making him stare at you, wondering. Was he just imagining things? 

You see Kakashi and Obito fighting, it being a stalemate somehow. You didn't have time to ponder it before Madara swiped at you again, you jumping over it just like you did with his sword in Kiral. 
You seemingly slip through the wall, Madara soon smashing through it. He sees you shouting at the few citizens around to run, grabbing you. You struggle before staring at him, not giving in to the fear he was sure was brewing within you. 

He lost that certainty when you smirked, beginning to laugh.

"What? Do you think that Kamui is going to save you?" He asks, beginning to look around himself just to be sure. 

"No. I think I'll save myself."

That didn't sound like it came from his Susano'o's hand. He turns back around seeing another you jump up, grabbing onto the now outstretched arms of the one in his Susano'o's hand. 

You tore yourself out of his grip, managing to use momentum and impressive strength to fling the one that was just in his hands at him. 

The one that threw you also jumps up, reeling a fist back. 

Madara watches as both of the you's rapidly approach, taken off guard. He tries to see which is the clone, but he takes the attacks before he could fully analyze the situation. 

He gets shoved back through the wall, surprised by how much strength the clone and you possessed. He watches as the one that had been flung at him walks closer to the other, soon reforming into a shadow below you. 

"A shadow clone..." He mumbles, staring up at you. 

"You are going to be detained. It's my duty as a hero, and as your old partner." You look at him seriously, hiding any sadness.

His eyes narrow as you say the last two words, and he stands back up, dissolving the Susano'o. It fades, and he makes an offer. 

"We fight here, no powers allowed. Whoever wins gets to do whatever they wish with the loser." 

You are about to nod when you hear some steps heading your way, and you turn. Obito ran at you, intending on grabbing you and escaping. At this point he clearly wanted nothing to do with Madara, so he probably didn't care about the small deal that was about to be made. 

As the swirl appears around his eye the closer he gets, you clench your fist. Right before he could suck you in, you punch, making him phase through the attack. Using that time, you jump away, trying to get closer to Kakashi.

You actually manage to slide in beside him, turning. 

"Your power had a time limit?" You ask, having figured out that he had a power to nullify other powers. 

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Well, we should probably face this together, then. That nullifying power of yours will be quite helpful." 

"Looks like it back to the basics. Heroes used to have to work in pairs, remember?"

You chuckle, nodding. "Yep. We were the power team."

With your helmet on, you felt normal again. Doing hero work without it would be strange. 

"Let's continue that legacy." Kakashi states, watching the two in front of him carefully. 

"Absolutely." You respond. 
You both begin to run at the same time, making the men in front of you charge as well. Kakashi glances between the two, managing to squash their powers for about three minutes. 

"We have three minutes before it wears off." 

Nodding, you see Obito growl as he notices his disadvantage. "You erased my power again." 

Madara seems to try and form a Susano'o, but nothing happens. He looks at you both, something in his eyes.

He saw you with another person, Kamui, acting just like you used to with him. You were his partner. No one could change that simple fact, even if it meant he had to kill the one in his rightful place. 

If he couldn't use his Susano'o, he would just have to do it with his bare hands.

Madara begins to hone in on Kamui, wanting to take him out for good. You see him raising his arms as if about to pounce, so you use your powers. 

"Wordplay: Pillow Fight!" 

Clutched in his fists are pillows, making him pause for a second as he stares in confusion. You kick him in the chest, attempting to send him back, but he grabs your foot after throwing the pillows down. You reach out, Kakashi grabbing you and pulling you out of his grip. 

Obito jumps over Madara, his leg drawn up as he is about to slam Kakashi into the ground. Kakashi uses the momentum from pulling you away from Madara to swing you up, you delivering a nasty punch to Obito's mask, making it deeply crack. He gets flung back, landing on his hands before pushing himself back onto his feet. Madara doesn't spare him a second glance, launching himself again. 

"Wordplay: Hello Darkness My Old Friend!" 

You cringe lightly. A dead meme has no place in here, but there's nothing you can do. Madara's vision goes dark, and he stumbles when he lands, not used to the darkness quite yet. 

Looking back over at Obito, you see him with his hand up to his mask. His gloved fingers slip into the deep crack in his mask, soon crushing it. He rips the whole mask off at that point, a smirk building itself on his face. Blood trickles down his cheek, unnoticed by the man.

He steps forward, and Kakashi raises his arm to block a kick that was sent at him. "Huh?!" 

Madara had kicked him, despite being blind. "My vision is only useful for my power. You think this hinders me?" 

You slide in front of Kakashi to block the punch that Obito sent his way, calling out one thing in an effort to make them both halt. "Wordplay: Pulling Out All The Stops!" 

They both freeze, only slightly shuddering as they attempt to move. "What... have you done to me?" Madara groans, his blindness fading as the new effect takes over. 

Kakashi heaves out a sigh of relief, stepping away. 

"We need to restrain them. Make sure to cover their eyes."

Nodding, Kakashi pulls out two pairs of cuffs, tossing one over to you. Madara glares at him as he moves his arms behind him, eyes a dangerous red. 
"You damned hero... taking my partner from me."

Kakashi watches as Madara continues trying to struggle against the control you placed over him. Kakashi's expression was calm, starkly contrasting the man in front of him. He hears the click of the cuffs as they lock shut, stepping away.
"They've moved on in their life. I'd suggest you do the same." 

You look away from Kakashi, focusing your gaze on the man in front of you. He kept mostly quiet, not struggling after realizing it's futility. 

"So, you're Spell Tomb. To think that a hero was the one I talked to, the one I took care of, my light..." 

You slip behind him, moving his arms down. They weren't as stiff as you were expecting. 

"I guess it doesn't matter anymore." 

His arm twists, grabbing yours and spinning you in front of him. Your breath hitches as he looks at you, victorious. The effect hadn't worn off yet, so how did he escape?!

"I suppose I should give Kakashi my thanks, I wouldn't have tried to use my power again if he hadn't mentioned that three minute length." 

Kakashi turns around quickly, seeing Obito covering your mouth with one hand, your helmet thrown to the side yet again. He rushes at Obito, letting the cloth he was about to cover Madara's eyes with flutter to the ground. He grabs the leg of the chair that was discarded on the ground, throwing it like a spear. Obito grunts as he sees it about to come into contact with his head, using his power in order to avoid getting hit. You slip out of his grasp yet again, avoiding the arm that shot back out at you. 

You and Kakashi switch places and you grab your helmet again, putting it on while picking up the cloth that had hit the ground. Holding it between two hands, you get behind Madara, swinging the cloth over his eyes and letting it run through your fingers as you pull your hands back, soon stopping at the ends.

"An old police officer getting taken into custody by his partner. Ironic, is it not?" 

Tying the knot, you watch what you're doing with concentration. You hum, replying, "I guess it is." 

It seems like your voice modulator is broken.

Looking over at Kakashi, you see him breathing heavily with Obito on the ground in front of him, unconscious and bleeding from his temple. Judging by his injuries, it seems like Kakashi had managed to hit him on the back of his head, sending him forward. 

"To think that things would devolve this much." You sigh, stepping back and around to be on Madara's front. "You and Obito both are fighting like you're never going to interact with me again. When you're in custody, I can still talk to you."

"I am aware." Madara chuckles. "I just want more than that." 

Kakashi, having restricted and blinded Obito, walks over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 

"I'm afraid you won't be getting anything more." 

Madara frowns, Kakashi's voice breaking into his conversation. In his current state, he couldn't use his power, and his arms were restricted. He can't do much, and that frustrates him, but he can't change his circumstances.

"We're going to get you to an area where we can air lift you to OHA headquarters, where you will be detained, along with Obito." You speak, repeating the required speech that had to be said to villains after apprehension. "Your crimes will be taken into account, and you will be sentenced accordingly. Is this clear?" 


"Good. Let's get going." 

Stepping out of the rather large hole Madara had created in the wall, you see Kakashi contacting the OHA to inform them of the rendezvous point, picking up Obito and heaving him over his shoulder. Obito's face was hidden, facing Kakashi's back as you both walked away. His hood was also up, covering his hair.

"The pickup point should be down the street, at the crossroad." 

You nod, leading Madara forward with a firm but gentle grip on his arm. 

Looking around, people had begun to gather again, one calling out louder that the rest of the murmurs. "Is that the guy from Kiral?" 

The crowd takes a closer look at the man on Kamui's shoulder, and a few more begin to yell as well. "Yeah, that outfit!"

"It has to be him!"

"There's no way it isn't!" 

"But, who's the guy with Spell Tomb?" 

"I've never seen him before."

"He looks... kinda scary."

"What a strangely intense face."

"I can't even see his eyes, but I'm still kinda scared."

A small grin raises to your face as you hear this. He used to always intimidate people, which was quite useful in interrogation, but not quite so much with other things. Someone in the crowd quietly says something, but you unfortunately hear it. 

"Man, what an awkward bon-" 

You tune him out as fast as you can.
Getting to the end of the road, you stand next to Madara and Kakashi. Your hand moves from Madara's arm to his shoulder as you hear the propellers of a helicopter approach. 

It touches down, dust flying out and away as the wind kicks up. Two men slide open the OHA-branded doors, dressed in black armor and reflective helmets. They motion for you both to move the villains forward, so you gently push Madara, him willingly moving up to the men who roughly grab him. They get him in, securing his arms with three-tiered, two inch thick cuffs. Kakashi hands Obito over, and they give the same treatment, soon closing the doors. They take off, leaving you and Kakashi standing in the street, watching as the helicopter gets father and father away. 

You turn to the silver-haired man next to you, him looking at you as you begin to speak. "Y'know, I dont want to sound cliche, but..." You sigh before continuing. "You have a couple of names, be it your real one or Kamui, but right now, you're..." You pause again, face turning red from having to say such a phrase. It was embarrassing, but needed. You needed to give your thanks. "Right now, you're my hero." 

Right as you finish talking, you hug him. Underneath his mask, Kakashi was a mess. His face was practically steaming, a bright red. His arms still work their way around you, holding you close. Blocking out the general public's response, you say the next statement so normally that Kakashi almost didn't register it as bad.  
"You're really going to have to be my hero now, because I need a hospital." You then cough up some blood, making Kakashi remember that, Oh yeah, there was a hole in your torso.

He sweeps you up in his arms, beginning to run while calling for assistance from the OHA, ignoring the screaming people around him.

"It's been four years since the Kiral City Attack, and we're proud to announce that everything has finally been rebuilt and repopulated. New stores have been moving in, such as-" 

The news reporter goes silent as the phone screen turns black, being put in your back pocket. You stand from your crouched position, stretching and hearing your back pop. Groaning, you hear some footsteps land behind you, making you glance back. You see his fox mask and bright blonde hair, making you smile underneath your helmet.

"Hey hey, don't keel over on me, Spell Tomb!" 

"Shut it, brat. I'm not that old." 

Ah yes, your disciple, Naruto. His hero name was Kurama, and he was quite the energetic one. 

"Yeah, yeah, you always say that." He huffs, moving to stand next to you. You ruffle his hair, making him bat your hand away with a pout most definitely under his mask. "Hey, quit it!"

Hearing an explosion and screams, your gaze shifts to the area it sounded from.  

You just chuckle, a grin on your face as you glance at the boy beside you. "You ready?"

Punching his open palm, He responds with a confident, "Always!" 

You both make a running start, leaping from building to building. In the growing flames, a golden ring on your left hand shines.

Fun Fact: I might've taken some inspiration for the OHA from the Speedwagon Foundation but ehhh just maybe 

Fun Fact: Kiral is taken from Yoshikage Kira's name, and is pronounced Kee-rawl.

Fun Fact: The original branch names were 'My Partner', 'My Light, My Savior', and 'My Hero, My Friend, My Love', but I changed them because I felt like they would bring more importance to one character over another.

sorry for being late, this was longer than i expected originally, like holy fuck its more than twice as long as the last longest chapter

my phone was lagging because of how long this was

I'm honestly really proud of this, I hope you enjoy it

If you have any questions or want me to expand on anything, just comment, and I'll answer it below.

yeehaw babes


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