By SageTaylor

51.1K 1.2K 78

Cecilia Callahan is a young female werewolf growing up in Montana. She faces several problems including her a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Five

2.5K 70 1
By SageTaylor

J. J's POV

The words just flowed out of my mouth and I knew that I meant them. Silas wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me so my body was flush against his and he kissed me with so much passion. My fingers were entangled in his hair and I moaned into his mouth. He released my lips and kissed my neck, then my shoulder.

“This very spot is where my mark will go." He said as he kissed the spot again.

“What are you waiting for?” I don't know why I asked it, but I didn't regret it.

“I'm waiting for the perfect time and perfect place. I don't think your Gran would appreciate me marking you in the back of a pickup truck.” I knew he was right but I still felt a wave of disappointment wash over me.

Instead of letting him sense my disappointment, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him once on each cheek, then brought my lips down on top of his. Our lips parted slightly and our tongues began to dance together with an amazing rhythm. Silas laid himself back, pulling me with him so that I was directly on top of his amazingly firm body. I placed my thighs on each side of his hips and we deepened our kiss. I had never had this type of contact with anyone before. At least, not this hot and not consensual. I could feel both of us getting extremely aroused so I ground my pelvis against him and smiled as he released a moan into my mouth. I was ready to complete our mating right then and there, but Silas had other plans. He put his hands on my hips and lifted me up off of is body. He set me down next to him and took my hands in his.

“Jazz, we have our whole lives ahead of us to complete the mating and I'll be damned if it's going to be in the back of my truck. I want it to be perfect.” He gently placed a kiss to my forehead. “Let's go back to my moms house and check on Maddy.” He smiled as he rose to his feet and pulled me up with him.

“Hey Mom, how was our girl while we were gone?” Silas had taken a seat next to his mother in the family room and smiled at her.

“She was perfect. She ate some mac and cheese and played with Sienna for a while. I put her to bed in your old room in the playpen I had bought for P.J.” She sounded so sad.

Silas hadn't said that P.J. had a baby or even a mate. He hugged his mother and told her that we were going up to bed too. We went into his old room where Maddy was sleeping and checked on her, covered her up with her blanket, and we stripped down to our underwear to climb into Silas's old bed. When he saw me standing there before him in just my undies and a bra, he slipped his tee shirt over my head.

“You're too beautiful for me to sleep next to if you're that naked. He smiled and pulled me into his arms.

Falling asleep in those strong arms was the best feeling in the entire world. If the world had ended that night, I would have died as the happiest woman to ever live. My life was complete with Silas by my side. I knew right then that Silas was going to be my fairy tale ending. He was my happily ever after. He had saved me from the depths of Hell.

When I woke up in the morning, Silas was no longer next to me and Maddy was no longer in the playpen. I started to panic because I'd never once slept through my daughter waking up. I had always either woken up right before her, or as she was whimpering because she was awake. It scared me that I had let my guard down enough to sleep through Silas leaving my side and removing my daughter from the room.

I quickly jumped up and threw my jeans on with the tee shirt Silas had dressed me in the night before. I ran down the stairs searching for Maddy when I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Maddy was in a highchair and Silas was next to her in a chair, shirtless, feeding her oatmeal. She was smiling at him and giggling as he made funny faces at her. My heart melted at the sight of my mate doting on my child. I knew that he was going to make a wonderful daddy someday. I entered the kitchen and watched a smile form on everyone's lips.

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?” Silas asked as he rose to his feet and placed a small kiss to my forehead.

“Too well apparently. How did you and Maddy sneak out without waking me?” I asked curiously, and he gave me a sheepish grin.

“Well, it took mad skill to get out of the bed because you kept gripping onto me, so I slipped a pillow in my place. Madelyn hadn't woken up yet, but I scooped her up and brought her down to the family room. I wanted you to rest and I wanted some time to get to know my little girl.” He was blushing and I couldn't help but laugh.

“I always knew that my son was a hopeless romantic.” Carla giggled.

“Wow Silas, I didn't think you'd throw your manhood out the window just because you found your mate.” Sienna teased.

“He's plenty man enough for me.” I reassured her.

We all sat down for breakfast, which Sienna cooked as part of her slavery payment. Silas had to go into work and Carla took Madelyn so Sienna and I could spend the day together. I was still a little leery of her and afraid of telling her too much, but I could tell that she felt bad about blowing up on me.

By the time Silas had gotten back from work, my hair was back to brown, and I had almost an entirely new wardrobe. Sienna insisted on spoiling me and bought me 20 new outfits although I tried to talk her out of each one of them. Silas, Maddy, and I drove back to my house to have dinner with Gran, and I took the opportunity to ask him questions about a couple things that were on my mind.

“Silas, last night your mom had mentioned buying the playpen for P.J, does he have children?” He took a big breath in and slowly let the air escape his lips.

“P.J. has yet to find his mate, but he had a very serious relationship with a local human girl. Right after our dad died, she told P.J. she was pregnant. He was very excited about becoming a father and spoiled his girlfriend in every way possible. We had all began to buy gifts for the baby and P.J. went to every doctors appointment with her. After the baby was born, the truth came out that she had been seeing someone else at the same time. The baby wasn't P. J's, and he knew it the moment the baby was born. Turns out that her other boyfriend was African American and so was the baby. P.J was really hurt by it and decided that werwolves shouldn't have relationships with humans or anyone other than their mates.” I didn't know Silas's twin yet, but I felt very sad for him.

“I have another question, totally unrelated to that one. If Gran and I live on your pack's territory, how is it that I've never met your brother, and are Gran and I technically rogues or do we now belong to the Crystal Rock Pack?” I had never been told of how werewolf packs work, but I knew that my father always killed wolves that came into his territory without pledging their allegiance to him.

“I wondered that the same thing. I just found out the answer to that earlier today to be honest. I guess Sally contacted P.J. before you moved to Maine. Her husband, your grandfathers Beta had been friends with my Grandfather. Sally actually grew up as a member of Crystal Rock until she mated and moved away. P.J. gave her his blessing to rejoin our pack and move back onto our land. She had told him of your situation and asked that your identities be hidden and she requested that you lived as normal of a life as possible and be raised outside of the pack. Given your last experience with being a part of a pack, Silas agreed that you didn't need to be involved in pack meetings or anything.” He smiled at me as we pulled up in front of my house.

“You'll be meeting P.J. and plenty other pack members this weekend at my mom's cookout. If it gets too overwhelming, I'll sneak you out and we can go somewhere to be alone.” My mate was amazing, and I was lucky to have him.

Gran was surprised to see my dark hair and blue eyes and I could see concern written all over her face. She stepped closer to me, looked me deep in the eyes, and frowned. I knew what was going through her head. I knew why she was worried. I took a step back and sat down at the kitchen table.

“Cecilia?” She questioned.

“No Gran, I'm J.J. I was tired of having to die my hair every couple weeks and sick of my contacts, but C.C died alone time ago. I will forever be J.J.” I smiled.

“That's not completely true babe. Someday you will be Jasmine Potter. That would be J.P, not J.J.” Silas grinned.

“Who says I'll marry you? And, even if I do, I don't have to take your last name.” I teased as we all sat down to eat dinner. Silas took a seat next to Maddy.

“I don't like that Madelyn doesn't call you mommy. I hate that you have to hide your relationship to her. She's your daughter, you shouldn't have to be ashamed of that.” His voice was quiet.

“You think I'm ashamed of her?” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. He didn't answer me with words, but the look on his face said it all.

“Silas, you obviously know nothing about me. To think that you were so angry with your sister for judging me, and now you're doing the same thing.” I jumped to my feet and ran out the door, leaving Gran and Silas speechless.

I ran to the woods, stripped down, and shifted. I didn't know where I was going, I just ran. I ran until the sun went down, and then I continued to run some more. I couldn't stop asking myself if I was ashamed of being a mother. Before I knew what was happening, there was a large sandy colored wolf in front of me and I froze. I didn't know where I was or if I was in danger. He shifted and I calmed down and shifted as well.

“Silas, I am sorry I ran from you.”

“I'm not Silas, and I'm sure he wouldn't like me seeing his mate naked. I'm P.J, your mates twin.” I blushed and turned away from him.

“I'm sorry Alpha.” I bowed my head and heard him chuckle.

“Jasmine, I'm pretty much your brother-in-law. Don't bow down to me or call me Alpha. You're standing in the woods right behind my house so why don't you let me grab you some clothes and either call Silas, or take you home.” He ran out of the woods to his house and when he returned, he handed me a long tee shirt and a pair of boxers.

“P.J, I know you're a busy man, but do you have a few minutes before I call Silas? I need someone to talk to, and don't know who else to turn to.”

“Of course, why don't we sit on the porch?” He guided me out of the trees and pointed me to a huge swing on the large porch and I took a seat.

“So, I know that my Grandmother filled you in on our, my, situation. Do you think that by hiding the fact that Madelyn is my daughter, essentially I'm saying that I'm ashamed of being her mother?” I looked up at him nervously.

“I don't think that you hiding your relationship to keep from being ridiculed and bullied is the same thing as being ashamed.” He gave me a weak smile.

“That's what I thought, but Silas thinks I'm ashamed of Maddy, and now I don't know if he's right. I mean, my situation isn't exactly ideal. Many girls would be ashamed of the things I've gone through, but just because I hate what my father put me through doesn't mean that I'm ashamed of my daughter. I love her very much.” I was crying.

“My brother is very loving and understanding. If you sit down and talk to him and explain how you feel, I know he will understand. Why don't I give him a call, I'm sure he's worried about you.” He stood to his feet and walked into the house. After a few minutes, he came back and told me that Silas was on his way.

“Hey bro, thanks for calling me and for taking care of my mate for me. Do you think we could borrow your porch for a few minutes?” I watched Silas talk to P.J and was amazed at just how much they really looked alike. P.J retreated into his house and Silas sat next to me.

“Baby girl, I am so sorry I upset you. I understand why you don't want kids at school to know that you have a child, I just didn't understand why you don't let her call you mommy when the only people you bring her around are people you trust. It's just that I saw the pain in your eyes when she called you sissy earlier. I'm sorry if my question implied that I didn't think you love Maddy. I know you love her. I'm so sorry babe.” I could tell he meant it and I couldn't hold a grudge against him.

“It's okay Silas, I understand. I thought a lot about what you said while I was running and I can understand why someone would think I'm ashamed of being a mother. You're right, it hurts every time she calls me sissy and I want her to know that I am her mother.” Silas helped me to my feet and pulled me into a hug.

We said goodbye to Preston and let him know that we'd see him in a couple days at Carla's cookout. Silas helped me up into his truck and drove me home. It was two o'clock in the morning, and the rocking motion of the truck on the gravel road reminded me of how tired I was all of a sudden. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being cradled and carried in a strong pair of arms. Silas laid me on top of my bed and sat down next to me.

“I wish I could stay and hold you.” He whispered into my ear as he tucked a strand of hair back out of my face.

“Just snuggle with me for a bit.” I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him down onto the bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell back to sleep with my head on his chest.

“WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?” I woke up to Gran standing next to the bed holding Maddy and glaring at Silas who still had his arms around me.

“I'm sorry Sally, I wasn't planning on staying the night. Jasmine was still upset when I brought her home last night and I was trying to sooth her. I swear nothing happened.” I could see that Silas was blushing.

“From now on, you will ask my permission before sleeping in here with her. I know that as her mate, you're going to want to protect her and make sure she's happy. I don't mind if you stay with her once in a while, as long as you let me know you're here and the door to the room will stay open. Now, I'm taking Maddy with me to the store and Jazz has school so can you drop her off?” Gran gave us a smile and walked out of the room.

I realized that I had 20 minutes to get ready so I jumped up and grabbed one of the new outfits that Sienna had insisted on getting me me. I ran to the shower and quickly washed up. Silas was waiting for me in the living room and dropped his car keys when I walked in. I was wearing a pink tank top that split open just under my bust line and showed off my abdomen. I paired it with a black pair of low rise boot cut jeans and black open toed sandals.

“You're not wearing that to school.” Silas choked out. “The boys will be all over you baby. You should only dress like that for me, and that's only if we're going to be in my bedroom where I can strip off your clothes.” I laughed at him and grabbed my back pack.

“I'll be fine baby, now let's go before I'm late for school.”

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