The Aftermath [BNHA/MHA]

By yaoiineveryfandom

8.2K 380 565

A my hero academia fanfiction. Have you ever wondered what happened to the students of UA after they left sch... More

Prom Preparations
Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare ||
Could you not?
Dear Todoroki
Be my boyfriend
Duvet Day
On All Hallows Eve...
On All Hallows' Eve... ||
What happens in Vegas~
Hello, I'm Dr. Kore
~Wedding Bells~
Shouto... I think I'm-
2 years later...
Quirk checkup
To the beach!
She's ... a tiny mixture of me!
First day of UA!
Kaminari's new TV show?
The twins' 16th
The Attack
The Great Fight
Home Again~

Izuku, will you...?

273 15 92
By yaoiineveryfandom

March 8th, 2023
Today, we take off for Paris, France. Izuku still has no idea why we're going there.

I told him that it was because my dad's premier to 'Endeavour: a flame' that apparently is a secret film premier that we've been invited to as VIP's.

I made the whole thing up, of course. It's not like my dad accepts the fact that I'm gay. And he definitely doesn't like the fact that I'm dating All Might's Secret love child.

The whole thing is planned. I'll take Izuku around Paris tomorrow, and as it becomes dark, I'll suggest to him that we go to the Eiffel Tower to look at the city. Technically, that won't be a complete lie.

I've booked the whole very top of the Tower just for me and Izu tomorrow night. I've arranged for there to be a table for two with a candle lit in the middle next to the balcony of the Tower. There will be an empty vase on the table for me to give him a rose and I'll place that rose in the vase as we eat.

And then-


"Shouto?" Izuku came into the bedroom, catching his lover pour a sea of words on the paper inside the book Izuku knew was his diary, or his 'Journal' as Shouto liked to call it.

The heterochromatic male slammed his book shut and threw the pen behind him. It surprisingly
landed in the bin behind him.

"I um..." Izuku looked at the bin and then looked at Shouto wearing a suspicious smile, "I'm ready to leave. Are you ready? We don't want to be late for the premier."

Izuku dragged his suitcase out of his home and gave his mother a small kiss on her cheek.

Shouto, not far behind, also received a small kiss on the cheek from Izuku's mother. Of course, Inko knew what was really happening. Shouto being the gentleman he was asked Inko for her permission to marry her son months before he had bought the ring.

"Enjoy, you two!" Inko shouted out of the front door as she waved the two of them off. Shouto drove Izuku's car to the airport with the suitcases in the boot and in the back seat. 


Early morning flights. Perfect. No one to get in your way, and you fly through the airport.

That's the complete opposite to what Shouto and Izuku were going through.

They reached the metal detectors and Izuku walked through just fine, he put his shoes back on and waited for his lover on the other side.

Shouto however, was stopped by the security guards. The ring was still in his trouser pocket. He knew that if he took the box out of his pocket Izuku would see and the whole thing would be ruined.

"Izu, Baby, go on ahead, I'll deal with this, everything will be fine! Go buy yourself some food or a magazine." Izuku took his suitcase and made his way to the shops where he could entertain himself. He wasn't worried about Shouto, because he knew he was innocent. And frankly, he hadn't eaten breakfast and it was 1pm and Izuku was too hungry to think.

Meanwhile, Shouto took the ring out of his pocket and showed the guard, explaining that he planned to propose to his boyfriend in France and that's why the alarms went off.

The guard took his work, but still checked for any weapons. Once he knew Shouto was clear, he let him go, the ring was placed firmly back in his pocket once again. Finally, the poor heterochromatic male could get out of there, where he held up the line and could only hear heckles thrown at him.

Shouto dragged his suitcase over to his love who he saw munching on a ham roll. Once he plonked himself down on the seat, Izuku offered him a ham roll too. Shouto gratefully accepted.

"Did you buy anything else?" Shouto questioned with his mouth full.

"Yes, ready salted crisps for you... salt and vinegar crisps for me." Izuku took another bite out of his roll. "I also bought you a Kit Kat and I bought myself Oral Pleasure."

Shouto burst out the water that Izuku had also bought for him, "you bought yourself WHAT?!" The taller male freaked out until a green bar of chocolate was shoved in his face that read, "Oral Pleasure"

Izuku burst out laughing before reaching into his plastic bag, "I also bought myself the both volumes of No Regrets for the plane ride and I bought you," Izuku reached further into the bag before pulling out a magazine, "the newest volume of Dubai times that I found on the shelf. Look!" The green haired male pointed, "Yaoyorozu is on the front cover!" Izuku got excited. "I heard she's doing modelling in Dubai before she's moving to Italy, did you know that, Shouto?"

"Yeah, I knew." Shouto said simply.

30 minutes passed as Izuku and Shouto sat in silence next to one another. Izuku sat and began to read volume one of No Regrets, as Shouto sat there doing a crossword in the back of the magazine beside him.

"Now boarding flight E4 to Paris, France at 14:00."

Shouto looked at his watch and tapped Izuku's shoulder, "time to go, Babe."

They both got out of their seats and made their way towards the lady at the desk. They handed their passports and VISA's and they were let onto the plane.

The two sat comfortably beside one another on the plane as they watched the air hostess act out the safety speech.

"When the seat belt sign illuminates, you must fasten your seat belt. Insert the metal fittings one into the other, and tighten by pulling on the loose end of the strap. To release your seat belt, lift the upper portion of the buckle. We suggest that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight, as we may experience turbulence." Izuku immediately fastened his seatbelt.

"There are several emergency exits on this aircraft. Please take a few moments now to locate your nearest exit. In some cases, your nearest exit may be behind you. If we need to evacuate the aircraft, floor-level lighting will guide you towards the exit. Doors can be opened by moving the handle in the direction of the arrow. Each door is equipped with an inflatable slide which may also be detached and used as a life raft." The green haired boy looked around him as much as he could, finding the exit he could get out of first.

"Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of a decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. Although the bag does not inflate, oxygen is flowing to the mask. If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person. Keep your mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you to remove it." Izuku's grip became apparent on the arms of his seat.

"In the event of an emergency, please assume the bracing position." In an instant, Izuku braced and put his arms over his head, attempting to protect himself. "Izu, we haven't even taken off yet..." Shouto became the bearer of bad news.

"A life vest is located in a pouch under your seat or between the armrests. When instructed to do so, open the plastic pouch and remove the vest. Slip it over your head. Pass the straps around your waist and adjust at the front. To inflate the vest, pull firmly on the red cord, only when leaving the aircraft. If you need to refill the vest, blow into the mouthpieces. Use the whistle and light to attract attention." The small boy felt underneath his seat to feel the lifejacket and began to worry when he couldn't feel his beneath him.

"At this time, your portable electronic devices must be set to 'airplane' mode until an announcement is made upon arrival." Izuku went to check his bag but Shouto stopped him, "Don't worry, your phone is off."

"We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Tampering with, disabling, or destroying the smoke detectors located in the lavatories is prohibited by law."
"Why would anyone break a something in a toilet?" The green haired boy asked his lover in a sarcastic way.
"There are many ways someone can break a toilet, Izuku... sometimes it takes more than one person..." was his lover's reply. Izuku rolled his eyes at the sexual comment.

"You will find this and all the other safety information in the card located in the seat pocket in front of you. We strongly suggest you read it before take-off. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of our crew members. We wish you all an enjoyable flight."

"Oh god, we're all gonna die..."


"We have now landed in Paris, the time is 3am on the 9th of March Japanese time, but it is 8pm on the 8th of March here in Paris. We hope your flight was enjoyable and wish to see you again soon."

The plane doors opened and the passengers made their way off the plane. Izuku was asleep and Shouto didn't wish to wake him so with all the strength he had, even though he was extremely tired himself, he carried Izuku in his arms all the way to the baggage claim where he finally woke him up.

"Sorry to wake you, Izu, but I've hired a car to drive us to our hotel, we need to get going now, I got us our suitcases back." Shouto gave the green haired male a soft kiss on the forehead before making him drag his tired little feet out the door.

The air was humid and damp but warm at the same time. Izuku sat himself in the passenger seat, and fell asleep almost immediately. Shouto put the suitcases in the boot of the car and drove them to their hotel.

It was spacious in the apartment. The views were stunning and the bed was a Queen size. The first thing Shouto did was dress his love into his comfy pyjamas before tucking him into the bed. He then did the same for himself before falling asleep right next to the small male.

The couple slept for around 15 hours altogether, which brought them to 11am Paris time.

Shouto woke up first and made sure to make his lover pancakes as breakfast in bed. Today was the day that he would propose to his one love.

"Izu, baby, wake up..." the heterochromatic male shook his lover the slightest bit to see if he'd wake. Ever so slightly, his eyes opened to see Shouto leaning over him holding a huge stack of pancakes.

"You made me pancakes?!" Izuku shot up immediately with excitement. Without any question, he began stuffing his face with the warm pancakes made with love for him.

"We seemed to have no trouble adjusting to the jet-lag... we slept for 15 hours."

Izuku's eyes went wide, "woah, we must've been super tired. But then at least we'll have energy for today! When are we going to see the premier?"

"What premier?" Shouto replied with a question that he should've known the answer to.

"OH THAT PREMIER!" A lightbulb formed above Shouto's head, "it got cancelled so now the whole day is about you and me. You're gonna have the time of your life today, Izu"

"Is that so?" The green haired boy finished up on his pancakes and placed the tray on the bedside table, "then I assume I get whatever I want today?" The small boy's voice was suggestive and Shouto began to blush.

"Y-yeah, I guess so..." the taller male became bashful and began to pull away from the smaller.

"C'mon, don't be such a virgin," Izuku taunted.

Suddenly, with no warning, Shouto leaped onto his lover with the intentions to pleasure him the best he could. Muscly arms wrapped around Shouto's neck as soft lips met plump ones.

Apparently it's possible to fit two rounds in before 12:00.


Night fell, and Shouto only became more nervous. Their table was booked for 21:00 as they made their way up the lift to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Izuku spotted the isolated table and squealed. He looked at Shouto in awe and cried out, "this is amazing!"

The taller male smiled wide as he watched the smaller's reaction to everything.

The green haired boy ran to the table, "this candle smells beautiful... just like cherry blossoms... it feels like spring time at home."

Izuku took everything in as he sat himself down, "an empty vase?" The Male looked back over at Shouto who hadn't moved a muscle, except the fact that he was now holding a single rose.

Shouto made his way over to the table and dropped the rose lightly into the no-longer-empty vase. He sat himself down opposite the green haired male and smiled.

"Now I know why you told me to bring smart clothes.. well, these were for the premier," Izuku gestured to his suit, "but I feel like you had this up your sleeve for quite a while."

Shouto began to blush at Izuku's assumption, before they could say another word, a waiter came to the top floor holding two plates of food, and another behind him holding a bottle of wine.

Izuku's jaw dropped in awe. A plate of Katsudon was placed in front of Izuku, while a plate of soba was placed in front of Shouto. The wine poured for them was Ferrarton Père et Fils Hermitage Les Miaux 2017. Shouto has payed £45 for that 6 year old bottle of wine, and it was exactly to Izuku's taste, as far as you can go with Izuku and wine.

The waiters left in silence and Izuku watched them leave. Once they were gone, he began speaking again, "I didn't know they sold Japanese food here in a French restaurant!"

"They don't. I ordered these especially for us in advance, teaching the head chef how to cook your Katsudon exactly to your taste." Shouto seemed chuffed with himself.

"Alright, Shouto, spit it out. Why are we here?" Izuku leant back in his chair, and crossed his arms. This was all too suspicious for him.

"Alright... well I was going to wait until later but maybe I should just say it now..."

Shouto got down on one knee and held a tiny box out in front of him, "I know that these past few years have been hectic, and that we've been through so much together. This is our second year together and these two years with you have been the best of my life. Izuku, I want to stay with you for the rest of my life, because you, to me, are my life. And I'd never choose anyone over you... so many of our friends have gotten together over these two years also... but we were the first... so I'd also like to be the first so say... Izuku Midoriya, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes of course!" Tears fell from the smaller boy's eyes as he wiped them away and wrapped his arms around the male on his knees. The diamond ring was placed on his fourth finger on his left hand and the two shared a tender kiss.

"Shouto, are you sure? You're still only 19, I'm only 20!" Izuku explained.

"I know that, but we don't have to get married yet, we can wait a few more years. I just wanted to be bound to you. For you to always be mine until we're ready to make that final commitment. And then maybe one day... we can adopt?" The male's hands intertwined.

"I'd like that. Let's have a big family, Shouto. One full of love and happiness."

"You had me at 'big family'" their foreheads presses together in the most loving way possible as firework shot above their heads.

"Did you arrange this too?" Izuku held onto his tall lover as the fireworks boomed above their heads.

"No, this was just coincidence!" Shouto had to shout over the loud banging now.

"Do you want to go back to our hotel?" Shouto suggested.

Izuku moves his lips to the taller male's ear and whispered, "only if you can go for two more rounds." The green haired boy's left hand stroked Shouto's face as he drifted away. Shouto could feel the ring he had recently placed on his finger's cold touch, leaving him in awe as he watched his new fiancé walk away from him.

Snapping out of his delusional thoughts, Shouto was back to reality, realising that he was about to go four rounds in a day... he shot back his lover to end the best night of their lives on a high note... a very high note.

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