Demi Lovato Imagines

By Demi___Imagines

1M 15.2K 619


Shouldn't Have Waited
You Got Me
Shouldn't Have Waited Part 2
No Problem
Already Gone
Kicking and Screaming
These Four Walls
Already Gone Pt 2
Want You Back
Don't Be Nervous
And Baby Makes Three
These Four Walls Part 2
Must Love Dogs
Leave Your Lover
Second Best
Second Best Pt 2
These Four Walls Pt 3
Last Night
Second Best Pt 3
These Four Walls Ch 4 Pt 1
These Four Walls Ch 4 Pt 2
Star Struck
Second Best- Final
Not What You Think
These Four Walls Pt 5
Sticks and Stones
You Belong With Me
Watch Me
Girl Next Door
These Four Walls Pt 6
Good Thing
Didn't Mean It
Caught Pt 2
Talk to Me
These Four Walls Pt 7
Just Friends?
With Love
I Needed You
Temporary Forever
Not So Bad
The Mechanic
Straight Girls
Mistake Pt 1
Hold Me Close
Mistake Pt 2
Mood Ruiner
You're Mine
Bad for Me
Do It Better
Truth or Dare
Trouble Is
My Secret
Mile High Club
Little Talks
The Worst Thing
Behind the Scenes Pt 1
Behind the Scenes Pt 2
Welcome Home!
Behind the Scenes Pt 3
Behind the Scenes Pt 4
Play With Me
Behind the Scenes Pt 5
I'm Here
Kiss Me, Not Him
So Wrong
These Four Walls Pt 8
Besame Mucho
So Wrong Pt 2
These Four Walls Pt 9
Another Chance
Behind the Scenes Pt 6
That's My Job
Care For You
She's Always Right
I'll Be There
Tell Me
So Much For You
What He Doesn't Know
Band Girl
Over Pt 1
Behind the Scenes Pt 7
These Four Walls Pt 10
Be Careful With My Heart
Risking It
Over Pt 2
So Wrong Pt 3
Link for Behind the Scenes Pt 8
Not So Bad Pt 2
Do You Promise?
Home Movie
So Wrong Pt 4
Over Pt 3
Behind the Scenes Pt 9
Missing Pt 1
Darling, You'll Be Okay
Missing Pt 2
Missing Pt 3
Better Now
Better Now Pt 2
Behind the Scenes Pt 10
I Picked You
Missing Pt 4
Special Kind of Pretty
Not Always Strong
Our Love
Missing Pt 5- Reposted
Welcome Interruption
She Hates Me
Don't Blame Me
Band Girl Pt 2
So Wrong Pt 5
These Four Walls Pt 11
Hard to Get
Behind the Scenes Pt 11
Missing Pt 6
Not Coming Home Pt 1
The Best Medicine
Don't Blame Me Pt 2
Don't Blame Me Pt 3
Now You're Gone
I Thought You Were The One
Behind the Scenes Pt 12
Just One Night

These Four Walls Pt 12

3.7K 87 15
By Demi___Imagines

You stared at your mom, tightly gripping your phone as you scrambled to think of an excuse. “I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't even on the phone, I was just singing a song that I have stuck in my head.” That was a pretty bad excuse and you knew it. Your mom walked into your room, reaching for your phone to see who you had been talking to. You moved it away, still staring at her. “Y/N, let me see who you were talking to. If you're willing to say that you love them then you shouldn't be ashamed to let me know who it was” she insisted, trying once again to grab your phone.

You were adamant about not letting her see it. “I'm not ashamed of them, I'm just not sure how they would feel if I told you. I don't think I want you to know.” You got up to leave so she would leave you alone, but as you were walking past her she moved quicker than you could react, stealing the phone from your hand. “Mom! Don't fucking look, I'm not even kidding. You can't know who it is. You might tell someone and then the media will find out, and they'll try to break us apart” you said, frantically trying to stop her.

She wasn't too pleased that you had cursed at her and she wasn't listening to you. “Calm down Y/N. I'm not going to tell anyone. Is he cute? Have I met him before?” She unlocked your phone, somehow easily being able to figure out your password. Your heart was thumping in your chest, your heightened blood pressure making you feel even worse. “Mom, don't” you said weakly. She clicked on your call history and you watched as her expression completely changed as she saw who your last call had been with.

“Oh” she said, blinking several times to make sure she was reading correctly. You were practically in tears by now, not that she noticed. How dare she invade your privacy like that? What would Demi say? “I need to go talk to your dad about this. Stay here.” She left with your phone still in her hand, so you quickly went after her. “You can't tell him. You can't tell anyone. This is between Demi and I, not anyone else. See what I mean about people wanting to tear us apart? You're already doing it. You're so concerned about the fact that I'm with her that you probably haven't even taken a second to consider how I feel about you finding out. I was going to tell you eventually, I just needed time. We needed time. It was our little secret and now you've ruined it.”

You took your phone back while she was thinking about what you had said, putting your shoes on and heading for the door. “Where are you going? You can't drive or go anywhere without my permission” your mom said. You whirled around to face her, sick and tired of being treated like you couldn't take care of yourself. “I don't want to be here! I hate this place and everything about it! I hate you and dad. I hate how you don't see what's wrong with taking my phone from me just so you could find out who I was talking to. I don't need your permission to leave because I'm old enough to make my own decisions. You can't say you want me to get better when you're the one that's stressing me out and making me want to use. Fuck you. I was fine before you decided to come back into my life. This is my house, my name is on the deed. Not yours. You're just a mooch like everyone else. Get the fuck out” you snarled, opening the door so she would know you were serious.

By now your dad had come to see what the commotion was, surprised to see you telling your mom to leave. “You got home less than 20 minutes ago, what the hell happened?” You let your mom explain things, which turned out to be a huge mistake. “I went upstairs to ask if she wanted me to make her something to eat, but when I got the her room she was on the phone with someone. She said “I love you” before she hung up, and as a mother I was naturally curious to find out who she was talking to. I eventually took the phone from her, and you can imagine my shock when I saw that her last call had been to Demi, Demi Lovato” she added, as if your dad wouldn't know who she was talking about.

You couldn't believe that she had told him that much. What happened to coming out when you were ready? Your dad looked at you, making you feel uncomfortable under his gaze. “Is this true Y/N? Are you fooling around with Demi?” They were making it seem like it was such a bad thing. If you had known how homophobic they were then you would've done everything in your power to hide the fact that you were dating Demi, including changing her name in your phone. You weren't fooling around with her this time, you actually loved her. “Does it matter?” you whispered, struggling to hold back your tears.

They shared a glance, communicating silently in a way that they had perfected over the many years that they had been married. “We just don't think it's appropriate to be with someone of the same gender. If it wasn't wrong than you wouldn't have hid it from us. You know it's not right.” You focused on your shoes, deeply hurt that they were basically saying they didn't approve of what you were doing. You weren't hiding it because it was wrong, you just didn't want any outside influences to try and ruin what you had with her. Why couldn't they understand that? Even though you had just said you hated them, their opinion still mattered to you. Nothing hurt more than having them label your relationship as being inappropriate. “But I love her” you said, as if it would somehow change their opinion. “You just think you love her. You're too young to know what love is. I'm sure Demi will understand when you explain that you can't be with her” you dad said. You shook your head, keeping the door open, but instead of making them leave, it was you who walked out. You didn't need their negative thoughts, not when you were already feeling so vulnerable.

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