Militant (Sequel to Warrior)

Von wintergirl08

83.2K 3.5K 1.1K

I guess you can say that I am unlucky. At least that is what I call myself. The one guy I ever liked has me f... Mehr

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)
Life Full of Books
Wake Up Call
Welcome to Neverland
To Be a Lost Boy
Home Office
Lost Girl
Terrible Spy am I
A Change in Attitude
My Mother's History
Prove It
Hit and Miss
Just Like Chuck
My Mistake
Dream of 3 Cases
Light Them Up
Bring Her In
Unlucky Lost Boys
A Chat with Alex
She's Back
Warning Call
Nursery Rhyme
Untold Plans
Sick Girl on the Run
Pay Back
Long Time No See
Causing Trouble: Alex Style
A Distraction
Too Far
Truly Trapped
Skull Island
Knives Are a Girls Best Friend
A Power of Colors
Alex's Camp
Thinking Tree of Hell
Good Always Wins
A Strange Kid
The Demon is Out
Find the Demon
Wrong Story
Light 'em Up
The Queen of Neverland

Surprises Everywhere

1.4K 81 30
Von wintergirl08

For all of my readers who really need a Peter Pan Fix : This chapter is for you all :p



"We need to find Neal!"

"No first we need to get a hold of Henry. Neal can wait a little while."

"Why don't we wait until Charming and Hook come back and explain what has happened since they left?"

"That will waste so much time-"

I stopped listening. The three of them were arguing while I just stood around looking bored. Finally I decided to stand up and walk out around camp to get a clear head. When I walked out of the camp I was not surprised to see that the three women behind me did not notice me leaving.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. The amount of hope around them all was too much for me. I guess spending so much time in the lost boy’s camp has gotten rid of my sense of hope and well goodness in me.

I chuckled to myself at the thought of me being evil when a familiar feeling came over me making me freeze in my steps.

I sighed and turned around and low and behold, there stood Peter Pan.

"What do you want Peter? Here to make me a spy for you again?" I asked curiously.

"Not exactly." He replied walking forward. His hands were in his pockets and he seemed to be normal like always, but something was off. I stepped back a few steps as he came closer. He smirked slightly as he saw me step back again.

"Afraid of me Lottie? Looks like you finally got something right for once in your emotions." I stopped moving and gave Peter a confused look.

"Emotions? What on earth do you mean by that?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Well you haven't been the most stable person on this island for a while, I mean come on the fire you set on our camp is proof of it." He stated simply. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"You think I am unstable just because you have a feeling I set your camp on fire? How could I have set your camp on fire when there was no fire in my sight? And you already know that if I did happen to make up some fire with a few branches that you would see the smoke before it would spread to your camp." I replied defensively. Peter walked forward toward me again and stopped right in front of me.

"I know you did it Lottie. And I know how you did it too."

"You have no proof." I stated sweetly. Peter smiled and with one hand grabbed my upper forearm. I stood stock still.

"You sure about that?" He asked testily. "Because if I remember correctly, I aimed a piece of fire right at this part of your arm and well yea I think I do remember you falling over in pain, but for proof sake, here I will show you." And in that moment he put pressure on my forearm making me wince slightly. He dropped my hand as I leaned on the tree next to me and cradled my arm.

"You're a jerk you know that?" I asked looking at him annoyed. He laughed.

"Maybe so but at least I am not mentally challenged like you are."

"What do you want Pan?" I asked. He paused and looked at me for a moment. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head and continued.

"I'm here to take you back. You caused a lot of boys to get hurt down there Lottie." I stood up off the tree and felt my heart beat a few beats faster than before.

"W-well then I am guessing you have some lost boys waiting for your signal to knock me out now don't you?" I asked him helplessly. To my surprise he shook his head.

"No, why would I? It is not that hard to take down a not so stable girl." Without another word I quickly took out my knife and pointed it at him.

"Leave me alone Pan." I hissed. He looked at me like I was a silly.

"Sorry but no." He replied simply. Then he disappeared. I turned around but he was not there.

"Oh Lottie.." I heard him say from behind me. I spun around and saw him on a tree branch in front of me. I turned around and ran. I heard the rush of wind behind me and then his voice.

"Are you really going to start running from me now?" He asked slightly amused from somewhere around me.

I stopped running and looked around me. He was not there.

"You don't scare me Peter! So stop hiding." I yelled.

There was a silence but then an idea came to my mind.

Act like him. He is playing a game. Play along.

"Peter! If you want me, come and get me!" I then took off running toward camp.

"My pleasure." I heard him call out from not that far. I then stopped and looked around to where he might have been, but he was not there. So I continued to run.

"Are you actually trying to figure out where I am Lottie? Don' t forget I am trying to get you right now." He stated. I laughed.

"I told you Peter, you don't scare me." I said again stopping to look where I thought I heard him. A small smile crept on my face this time as I heard the barely noticeable sound of wind from right behind me. I quickly turned around and before Peter had time to react to my movement I kicked him as hard as I could and started to run.

I heard him grunt in pain as I left him and I laughed.

"I told you I was not afraid of you Peter!" I called from behind me. Just then I felt myself hit something invisible and I fell down to the ground. Before I could get up I felt someone yank my hair back and pull me up.

Peter was behind me and held me by my hair.

"Wow your fast at getting back up." I said quickly as I thought to myself what to do next.

"Did you really think that would work well with me?" He asked. Anger was easily heard in his tone. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to spare me some time. Peter grabbed one of my arms behind my back and then took the other, not so gently making me wince again.

"Sorry did that hurt?" He asked innocently. Just then an idea came to my mind but I groaned at what I had to do, but at the same time, I couldn't help but think of how smart the idea was.

When he finally let me go, I had both my arms tied behind my back.

"Walk? I thought we were going to disappear like you like to do." I mentioned. I heard Peter chuckle.

"Keep walking Lottie. I want to use this walk as time to explain what exactly we have planned for you since you obviously have no ideas as to how much trouble you're in."

"I think I have a pretty good idea.." I replied quickly.

"Oh really?" I heard Pan say from behind me back.

"So what are you going to do to me then? Put me in a cage like you did to the man Baelfire? Tell me has Henry been informed of him yet?" I asked innocently. I thought Peter would stop me and threaten me. Instead he just chuckled.

"I had a feeling you were tracking those three when they left my camp. Well to answer your question I have Neal nicely locked up in Echo's Cave. And as for Henry, well let’s just say you will not be going anywhere near him when we get back to camp." He replied in a stern voice. It was now or never I thought to myself.

We walked a few more steps and then I stopped.

"What's your problem? Walk!" Peter demanded. I turned around and faced him.

"Let me go Peter. Or else..." I threatened.

Please let me go Pan, I swear to God I don't want to do this.


Damn you Peter Pan

Before I could actually function what I was doing, I leaned in and kissed Peter, then realizing what I've done, I knocked him down with my leg and I hit him right in the head, knocking him out. The look of absolute surprise was still on his face even though he was out cold.

Wow Lottie, the first guy you kiss and you happen to knock him out right after doing so. You really need to work on your way with guys.. The small voice in my mind said quietly.

I got to get out of here.

I turned around leaving Peter passed out in the middle of the dirt road, and sprinted as far as I could until  I was in sight of the camp. There I almost ran right into Snow who when she saw me dropped her small smile and replaced it with worry.

"What happened? Why are you so red in the face? And oh my… why are your hands tied behind your back?" She asked quickly walking up to me.

"I know where they hid Neal. We have to get him now if at all." I answered breathlessly as I sat down on the ground and took a deep breathe in relief of escaping.

"What happened to her?" Emma asked shocked as she saw me in my state.

"I don't know I saw her just as she was. She just ran in like this now." Snow responded. Emma walked over to me and took out her knife and cut me free of the ropes keeping me hands together.

"You said something about finding Neal?" Snow asked. I nodded.

"Pan tried to capture me; I was able to get from him before I took off that he placed Neal in Echo's Cave. That's where we have to go. Now."

Hello There!

Well I will say I am sorry for not posting last night but at least I posted tonight right? Yay! 

Enjoy the chapter  and 

Vote and  Comment!!

Lots of Love



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