The American Spider: Maria

By Shipping_Empress

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Maria Rosset Davis is the younger parental cousin of Miles Gonzalo Morales. Both children were born on the sa... More

The Letter
Let's Go See Peter!
Uncle Aaron!
Goodbye America
Hello Japan
Entrance Exam
Battle Bots
First Day at UA, Class 1-A
Quirk Tests
Heroics Class
Spider Girl Vs Ice Boy
Ice Vs Webs
Class Reps
Over to the USJ
Villain Invasion
Saving All Might
Save The Day, Teachers of UA!
Side Part: A Day Out
The Arrival of The Sports Festival
Let The Games Begin!
Obstacle Course Race and A Good Luck Charm
Cavalry Battle
Ease Dropping
Match Ups
A/N: Apologizes
Fire Power!
Stupid Deku!

Looks Like It's My Turn

119 8 1
By Shipping_Empress

~Maria's POV~

"Welcome back to the finals everyone! Sorry for the long wait but the insane amount of ice has finally been cleared folks so it time to welcome new competitors to the stage!" Mr. Hizashi shouts and the crowd gets hyped up once again. It took about an hour and a half to get the ice berg Todoroki made to melt safely and get the ring cleaned up. Right now Denki and his opponent, Shiozaki, are walking up to the ring as Mr. Hizashi does their introductions. "Even beautiful flowers have thorns, it's the assassin from class 1-B Ibara Shiozako from the hero curse!" Mr. Hizashi announces excitedly as the vine haired girl makes her way into the ring. "Versus, the boy with the boy with an electric personality, another hero in the making! Denki Kaminari!" Our English teacher announces with just as much excitement and Denki steps into the ring as well. 

The entire crowd cheers loudly as the two hero course students step into the ring. "Keep those eyes peeled! I wanna see a flashy battle this time!-" Mr. Hizashi starts to yell but before he can get too far in his speech Shiozaki cuts him off. "Excuse me! Please pardon the interruption but I'm not sure why you called me an assassin. I've come to the festival in search of victory not taking their life! That wouldn't be in lines with the values of a hero at all sir!" The girl tells Present Mic like she's a innocent and holy person and honestly she might be. "Right, I'm sorry" Mr. Hizashi apologizes, not expecting the girl to say something like that. "Gentlemen, I entered UA for wicked or selfish reasons but to deliver salvation to others! It is my humble quest to spread true good across this world" Shiozaki continues on and as she speaks ray of light comes from no where and shines down on her!

'Oh my sweet baby Jesus, so holy!' I think as I squint my eyes just to loo at her. How can someone be so pure and polite as to get sunlight to shine down on them?!

"Listen I said I was sorry okay?! It was my mistake and it won't happen again!" Mr. Hizashi says as he cuts off the girl's passive ranting. "I thank you for your kind understanding" Shiozaki tells says with a pure smile and bow before turning to face Denki again. "So anyways, begin!" Mr. Hizashi screeches into his microphone, officially beginning the match. Denki  says something to Shiozaki but due to the distance between where I'm sitting and were the ring is I'm not able to hear unless he yells it. As my, soon to be dead, blond friend speaks he charges up with electricity but Shiozaki doesn't look worried in the slightest. "Indiscriminate shock, 1.3 million volts!" Denki exclaims and discharges a lot  of electricity from his body.

Instead of panicking or trying to dodge the attack like any sane person would do Shiozaki turns her back and makes a shield of vines to protect her from Denki's attack!  All the electricity heading towards her ends up going around from shield, not even one volt of electricity comes near her! 'Woah, that's pretty cool. I have to start thinking of a way to beat this girl' I think as I watch the electricity rage on for a few more seconds before it comes to a halt. Not even a minute later vines break out from the ground and capture Denki in a bind as they dangle him in the air. I can't help but release a sudden laugh at Denki predicament, he deserves to be dangled in the air like an idiot! I'm still upset about him tricking us girls! And Mineta, I'll have to make sure to turn him into grape juice later.

"He's immobilized! Well that's it folks! It was over in an instant!" Mr. Hizashi announces through his small amounts of laughter. I have to say this match was kind of funny. "The winner is Shiozaki, she moves on!" Midnight shouts and the crowd cheers once again. "Well he was right about one thing surprisingly, that match was over in two seconds" I hear Ejirou laugh out loudly as everyone looks at our brain fried classmate being carries away by two medial bots on a stretcher. "Ha! That's what get dunce face!" I huff with my arms crossed over my chest. "You're really upset with Kaminari aren't you Ria-chan?" Ochako asks me with a small nervous smile. "He shouldn't have tricked me! He's lucky I don't web him to the ceiling and leave him there for the night!" I tell her as I throw my hands up. She giggles lightly before turning away from me.

I hear muttering coming from my left and I look over to see Izuku muttering away about something to do with quirks and what not. I look at him feeling amused by his weird but funny habit. "Hehehehe, Deku you're funny" I tell him but he doesn't seem to hear me. "Shut the hell up Deku!" Bakugou yells from the top row which knocks Izuku out of his muttering rant. "Ah! Kaachan! I'm sorry!" Izuku cries out in fear. "Don't worry Deku, it's okay if you mumble" I tell my green haired friend. "U-uh thanks" he tells me with a small but nervous smile causing me to laugh lightly once again. I watch as Shiozaki exits the ring with one more bow towards the announcer's booth before walking towards the tunnel she came out of. Nowthat, that's over looks like I still have a one more match until my round.

The up coming match is between two general course students. 'I might as well head back to my waiting' I think as I look as the two student's who going to battle start to step up into the ring. "Huh, where are you going Ria-chan?" Ochako asks me when she notices me standing up. "My round is after this one so I'm going to head to my waiting room and get ready" I tell her with a smile. "Right, good luck Ria-chan" Ochako tells me with an encouraging smile. "Yes, we'll be cheering for you from here" Iida tells me with a smile and gives me a thumbs up. "Good luck Ria-san, I hope you do well" I hear Izuku tell me meekly and I look down at him to see him looking down with a small blush on his face.

"Thanks guys, I'm sure I can win with my friends cheering me on!" I tell them happily before making my way out of class 1-A's seating section. I walk down the halls of the stadium, wondering around for a while before I find my waiting room. I look around the room to find it has enough space for me to warm up so I do just that. I spend a good 10 minutes stretching my body and getting myself warmed up for my upcoming battle. I don't know what this Monoma kid's quirk is so it's best for me to be as preapared as I can. As I warm up my body by doing some push ups somebody knocks on the door even though I left it open and stop my warm ups and look over at the door to see it's none other than my red haired best friend Ejirou. "Hey Ejirou! What's up?" I ask him with a smile as I motion him in but surprisingly enough he doesn't return my smile.

In fact he looks at me seriously, something I've never seen him do before. He wordlessly walks into the room and I motion for him to sit down on a near by couch which he does. "What's up? Why so serious?" I ask him as I too sit down on the couch. "It's about your opponent, actually more so his quirk than him himself" Ejirou says seriously and I look at him confused. "What are you talking about? What's wrong with his quirk?" I ask him confused wondering why he's so serious about this. No matter what this Monoma guy's quirk is it can't be that bad, right? "I faced off against him in the cavalry battle and he somehow copied Bakugou and I's quirks with completely mastery over them" he tells me. Well I take that back, this is kind of bad. "But how?" I ask him with my eye brows furrowed, "I think his quirk works when he touches somebody.

"I'm not sure about me but he deflected one of Bakugou's attacks with his arms and next thing I knew he was using explosions like he's had them. Within the next few moments I thought I felt someone tap my head but I wasn't sure, next thing I knew when Bakugou fired another explosion this Monoma dude was using my quirk no problem!" Ejirou tells me and I nod my head in understanding. "So my opponent copies other's quirk upon contact right?" I ask Ejirou and he slowly nods his head. "Well if that's the case then I was worried for nothing!" I sigh out happily, my smile coming back. "What do you mean?" Ejirou asks me as he looks at me like I'm crazy. "If he copies quirks upon contact then I already have a plan to defeat him and it's a rather simple one. I'll just stay away from him and throw him out of bounds" I tell my red haired friend like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"But how?" He asks still confused on my plan. "Watch and learn" I tell him with a smirk and shoot a web out from my hand. The end of the web lands on an empty soda can that was left in the room and I use my web to throw the can into the garbage bin by the door. "I'll just use my speed to stay away from him and use my webs to throw him out of bounds, plus I've gotten better at maneuvering and working with my webs over our 3 week training period. It's simple really, as long as this guy doesn't get close to me then he's zero threat" I tell my friend as I lean back in the couch and relax. "Oh you're right! I forgot you can do that, no wonder you were training so much with Sero back then!" Ejirou says as his face lights up and I nod my head. "Yeah, he's been a huge help to me!" I say just as excited.

"If that's the case then I'll be off, I just wanted to warn you about that guy" Ejirou tells me as he stands up. "Good luck Maria-chan!" He tells me with a thumbs up before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.


"Now for the fifth match of today. In the right corner we have the powerful transfer student from class 1-A who made quite a commotion during the obstacle course with her spider like skills and came in second, the one I'm personally rooting for, Maria Davis!" Mr. Hizashi screams excitedly, much more excitedly than any other introduction he's done. I walk up to the ring with a serious look on my face, ready to finish this match in record time. "And in the left corner we have the boy from class 1-B who was taking down teams left and right during the cavalry battle, Neito Monoma!" Mr. Hizashi announces, sounding less excited but still excited. Monoma walks into the ring as well and looks at me with a smug, confident smirk. "Ready? Begin!" Mr. Hizashi shouts and the match officially begins.

"You're from class 1-A right?" Monoma suddenly asks me, his tone haughty and mocking. "That's what you just heard isn't it?" I tell him with narrowed eyes, "well if that's the case then I have no choice but to take you down, shame because you're kind of cute. For a foreigner that is" he says as he slowly makes his way towards me. 'Great, he's against foreigners too' I think as I roll my eyes in annoyance. "You wish blondie, I'm going to take you down faster than you can blink" I tell him arrogantly with a smirk of my own. I can already tell this guy is a jerk to his bone to why try to be nice. "Let's get this match started" I tell him with a smirk as I crack my knuckles, "indeed we shall" he says with his own smirk. I hold out my hand and I'm about to shoot a web at him but before I can he disappears!

"What?" I question as I look around for my opponent, where did he just go?! "What's this? Monoma has disappeared into thin air!" Mr. Hizashi says in shock and he's not the only one. "Behind you sweetheart" I hear someone whisper as they blow their cool breath into my ear. "Eep!" I squeal as I cover my ear with my hands as I spin around, my face becoming red in embarrassment. "You have to be quicker than that" Monoma tells me with a laxed smirk on his face before he disappears again. 'Don't tell me he copied someone else's quirk before the match! He's smarter than I thought, although I would do the same if I was him' I think as I look around for the pale blond boy. Suddenly my Spider Senses tingle and I duck down just in time to avoid a high kick to my face!

I quickly jump away from Monoma with a serious expression on my face, keeping my eyes trained on him like a hawk. "Come now sweetheart why are you running? Beautiful people should be close together! I'm know I'm not the best looker but I'm not as ugly compared to you, you know" Monoma tells me from a distance but I don't answer him. This doesn't make sense, how can he keep getting the drop on me? He must have some kind of teleportation quirk, but even if he did I would still be able to sense him coming thanks to my Spider Senses. So what kind of quirk does he have? It can't be a speed one can it? If it was then I'd still be able to keep track of him. So what is it? "It's not good to be day dreaming in a fight sweetheart" Monoma's voice says from right in front of me and I snap out of my thoughts to see Monoma's face inches from mine!

"Back off!" I shout and jump away from him but he appears in front of me again but this time he tries to kick me in my face. Luckily I dodge just in time to avoid it but that doesn't mean he lets up on his attacks. "Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are really pretty? I could stare at them for days. Too bad they also look like mud" Monoma says mockingly with a smirk as he aims kick after kick at me. "Has anyone ever told you you're a creep? You seriously giving me the heebie geebies" I tell him as I dodge his assults. I can't touch this guy otherwise he'll copy my quirk but every time I try to keep my distance he disappears and appears right next to me! "Only for you sweetheart" he tells me with a wink causing me to bare my teeth at him as a growl makes it's way from my throat.

"Oh, aggressive I see. I like that in a girl" he tells me, his smirk becoming wider but I only glare at him in return. This bastard is a complete flirt, but he's good at insults too! Each compliment he gives me it's always followed by an insult. Like what's with that? "Well then you're going to love me because I'm about to pummel your pretty boy face!" I snap at him before pouncing towards him, fist reeled back ready to punch him in his smirking face! "Sorry sweetheart but I need my money maker" he tells me not sounding worried at all and easily dodges my attack. I fly past him but save myself by falling into a roll and jumping back on my feet. I growl at Monoma in annoyance as he stares at me with a superior look in his eyes. "Well it was fun my foreign beauty but I think it's time to wrap this up, I'm almost out of time" Monoma says and next thing I know his body is replaced by a large, majestic cheetah! 

"What's this! Monoma has suddenly turned into a large cheetah half the size of a man!" Mr. Hizashi shouts in shock and suddenly everything makes sense to me now! Why I couldn't keep up with him, why he was so fast, why I couldn't detect him. He copied Yushu's quirk! In both human and cheetah form I know that Yushu is faster than me even with my Superhuman Speed. Ejirou told me that Monoma has complete mastery over someone's quirk when he copies it and cheetahs can be very stealthy creatures. If Yushu masters his quirk well enough he can go completely undetected! The only reason as to why I've haven't been able to attack Monoma yet is because he copied and has mastered Yushu's quirk and he knows that I won't touch him because if I do then that'll be his chance to steal my  quirk. That sneaky bastard!

"What's wrong sweet heard? You too scared to move?" Monoma asks me mockingly and I look at him even more shocked. Looks like it's possible for Yushu to speak in this form after all, he just needs to master his powers. I don't answer Monoma and instead glare at him fiercely. "Humph, I wouldn't blame you for being scared. When faced with great power anyone would be. Or maybe you're just weak. I wouldn't be surprised if you were, since you're in class 1-A that's filled with all those over confident cowards it's only natural you would be too. The whole lot of you disgust me. Especially that green haired boy, Midoriya. He's so weak yet he still managed to get into 1-A? Standards must have been low if he got in. He's so useless I wouldn't be surprised if he got killed during training! Ha! It's pitiful!" Monoma says as he paces back and forth.

Hearing his words I feel an unexplainable anger rise within me and the strong urge to break this bastard's jaw grips my entire body like an unrelenting snake. That's it, I don't care about this guy copying or mastering my quirk. I'm beating him down! Nobody talks about my friends like that! Of course I'm angry at him for dissing me and my classmates like that but for some reason him talking about Izuku in such a way boils my blood in a different way. This guy has to go down, no questions asked. Monoma looks at me with predator like eyes as he paces back in forth some yards in front of me, looking for an opening to attack but I don't give him one. Without warning I run towards Monoma head first with my fist reeled back and his eyes narrow in an amused way like he's smirking, well he won't be for long.

Suddenly Monoma makes a leap for me like he's aiming to tackle me down but I drop down to the floor last minute and slide under him. Monoma lands on the ground on all fours and looks at me with an ounce of surprise in his eyes. The look doesn't last long before he coming running full speed at me but I'm ready for him. I run towards him as fast as I can and when I'm close enough I use my super strength to tackle him down despite him being a little more than half my size and double my weight. "What's this?! Davis has gone for a full on head attack and tackled her opponent to the ground!" Mr. Hizashi screams like I did the last thing he expected and I'm sure I did. This entire fight I've been trying my best to keep my distance but now I'm suddenly going at my opponent head first!

I use my Superhuman Strength to wrestle the giant cheetah I'm tangled up with and try my hardest to keep him pined to the floor. "I'm ending this!" I growl as I glare down on Monoma and pin him down to the ground by straddling his stomach. Monoma begins to struggle but I don't let him free and continue to pin him down with my weight but he doesn't give up. "Argh!" I cry out in pain as I feel his razor sharp claws come in contact with the side of my face, right above my eye causing blood to leak out of the three large claw mark injuries! This bastard got me good.

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