The Salvatore Sister • Ava Ro...

De moonlightbabesx

1.6M 34.3K 27.1K

Stefan and Damon's sister, Ava, arrives in town unannounced with secrets. Secrets that will destroy their fam... Mais



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De moonlightbabesx

Part 2

I walked into the boarding house and no one was there. Odd but whatever. I didn't come to look for anyone. I made my way upstairs and into my old room.

I bend down towards the air vent and removed the cover. I stick my hand in and I don't feel anything. Nothing is in there. The daggers aren't in there nor the ash from the white oak. I know it wasn't the ideal place to hide the daggers but if Klaus had found me— which he did— I wouldn't have it on me. He is now lying dead with his neck snap in his mansion. I need to those daggers.

I heard the door being open and I hear voices. I made them out to be Bonnie, Caroline,... Elena?

Now I can kill her for the second time.

I sped downstairs, yelling at them. "Where are they?!" They all turn to look at me and stayed quiet. "Did you not hear me? Where the hell are they?!"

"Stay behind me." Bonnie says as Elena and Caroline stayed behind her.

"Stay behind me." I mocked her while laughing. "How about you get out of my way?" I said as I vamp-speed closer to her and grabbed her by the neck and threw her across the room.

Caroline runs towards me and I grabbed her by the hair and bashed her head into the wall near me as I snap her neck and she falls down. Elena comes for me but I grabbed her as threw her across the room and she lands on her back.

I put my foot over her neck as the heel of my shoe pushes into her neck. "Where are there?!" I shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She chokes.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"I don't—"

I cut her off by stepping on her neck and the heel goes straight through her throat. She starts choking as blood comes out of her mouth and tries to move my foot away but can't. I heard the doorknob being turned to I stepped on Elena's neck harder, snapping it.

I grabbed a stake from this thing Stefan had. From a distance I see Damon walking in, leaving the door open as he scans the room. He sees Bonnie across the room unconscious, Caroline with her head bashed in and neck snapped, and Elena with blood around her throat and neck snapped.

I vamp-speed towards Damon and pinned him against the wall with the stake near his chest but it's not touching him. "Where are the daggers?" I asked impatiently. I can't compel him because he's probably on vervain.

"Ava?" He asks, shocked.

"Where are they, Damon?" I asked and he just stares at me. Just as I was about to stake him in the heart my hand involuntarily stops. I roll my eyes and stabbed him near the heart. "Tell me and if you don't I will kill you."

"Well, go on, love. Kill him." I heard someone say and I looked to see Klaus. I didn't expect him to wake up early. It's been a little over forty minutes. "Your humanity is off what's stopping you to kill your own brother. So do it. Kill him." He says walking closer to me and Damon is looking at me with pleading eyes.

I tried to push the stake further but once again my hand involuntarily stops. It's like my brain is saying do it and my heart is don't. I pushed those feelings further down.

"Or better yet? I'll do it for you."

Before I could even react Klaus vamp-speed towards us, behind Damon and ripped his heart out. I stand there looking at the scene in horror. It felt like my own heart was ripped out too. I didn't even realize I was crying until I heard my sobs escape my mouth.

I turn to look at Klaus angrily and I see him with Damon's heart in his hands.

I rushed over to Damon's dead body. "What have you done?! What have you done?!" I yelled and I looked at Damon's body. "Damon! Wake up! Please." I cried and I looked at Klaus. "What have you done?!"

"I got you to turn it on." Klaus says as if he didn't just kill my brother. He throws Damon's heart to the side.

"You didn't have to kill him!" I shouted angrily and tears are still pooling out of my eyes.

"You once told me your worst fear is losing your brothers." He says as I stood up and I pushed him.

"You killed my brother!" I yelled as I hit him again and he doesn't stop me. "My brother!"

"I didn't." He says and I looked him confusingly. He looks at the ground behind me and I turn to see that Damon is gone along with Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline. "It was all in your head."

"Let me out. Please." I cried.

I open my eyes panting. I looked around and I'm in my penthouse house. Klaus must've been in my head since who knows. I don't know what was real and what was not.

I stood up quickly and I'm excessively sweating. My hands are shaking uncontrollably and I put my hand into a fist try and stop it. I sped out of the penthouse and made my way back to Mystic Falls.


I'm in my car outside the boarding house. I'm still contemplating whether to go inside or not. I managed to get my emotions under control.

I got out of my car and walked up the steps. I tried to talk my self out of it but I couldn't. I had to get the daggers to return them back and because... I need to talk to my brothers.

I open the door and I see all five of them; Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena.

She's actually alive. I mentally roll my eyes. I tried to keep my facial expressions to a minimal. I do wish that throwing Bonnie across the room, bashing Caroline's head in, and stabbing Elena in the throat with my heal was real but it wasn't. I can still to it but it's not going to give me what I want.

"Can I speak with my brothers alone?" I said and it sounded like a demand rather than a question as I intended to. They nodded nervously as they look at my brothers and they filed out of the house like ducks. I could sense that Elena was now a vampire. Now I have to deal with her for all of eternity. Could anything get any worse?

Stefan is the first to speak after Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline left. "Ava."

"Stefan." I nodded and look at my other brother. "Damon."

Klaus ripping Damon's heart out flashes right before my eyes.

"Ten days without your humanity, sister. You must've hit world record or something." Damon smirk and I chuckle. He's been counting the days and didn't even look for me. I took a gulp. It is what it is.

It was a crazy ten days.

"They should have written it in the brochure for soon to be married vampires. Beware! If your going to turn off your humanity just know your significant other will know exactly how to get you to turn it back on." I said and they both laughed.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asks as he and Damon day on the couch and I sat across from them.

"I did leave a trail of bodies from Maimi to New York to California." I said not mentioning the numbers because I killed more people in the last ten days than I've killed in my whole life. "I killed Klaus... temporarily. I tried to kill Kol too. I told Klaus everything I ever did with him was a mistake and that I threw my ring into the ocean. I pretty much said everything I could say to hurt him."

They look at me surprised. "How did he get you to turn it on?" Damon asks. "It usually takes longer than 10 days to get someone to turn on their humanity."

"He killed you, Damon." I said and they looked confused. "In my head. He created this whole world in my head that I thought I was in the real world." I said and they both stayed quiet. "I probably shouldn't have told him that my worst fear was losing any of you. I probably would have last longer than 10 days." I said and they smiled a weak smile. "Stefan, I have to ask you. Did you ever get any of my letters or invitations I sent you?"

I already knew the answer but I had to hear it from him. I always had a feeling that Damon wouldn't have shown up because of what happened in Italy but Stefan? I had more hope for him to show up than Damon.

"I did." Stefan whispers and I feel myself wanting to cry all over again. "I remember I was so angry with you..." I looked at him confusingly because I don't know what I did. "...I don't even remember why I angry in the first place. I am sorry, Ava." Stefan says and I give him a small smile.

"I know."

"I'm sorry, too." Damon says and I nodded slightly. He takes a deep breath in and exhaled. "You were right about the game. I changed it because I wanted you to be like me. I always knew how competitive you get just to win something. I made the game so that you would play."

I already knew that but this is the first time I hear him openly admitting it.

"I understand that neither of you like Nik... I mean, Klaus because of the things he's done. You both hate him and there's nothing I can do to change your minds but I love him and he loves me too. It's different when we're around each. When we're together... when it's just us two of us he sees me the real me and I see the real him. It's not some facade we put up when we're around people we don't trust."

"You must really love him." Damon says and I didn't expect to hear that from him.

"I do."

"It was kind of a dick move to ask you to choose between us and him."

"It was." I said and I looked at them. "I've been trying to find out who my father is..."

"Shouldn't one of the Lockwoods be your father?" Stefan asks.

"No. Some lady I know did the DNA test between Tyler and I. Turns out we're not related at all. I was hoping you'd know where mother's journals are at."

"She never had any." Damon says and I'm confused.

"Oh." I simply say. My father's journals say otherwise but who really knows. I don't know if he's lying or not. "I told Klaus about Dom."

"Dom?" Stefan asks confusingly.

"Dominic Sutton." I said and Stefan knows who we're talking about but is still confused on why we're talking about him until Damon motions his hand into a baby bump and put two fingers up and Stefan looks shocked.

"You were pregnant?" He asks and I nodded as I mouthed twice. "With Damon's best friend?"

"Yes. Mother like daughter." I said and the words come out before I even realize it did and they smiled. My mother slept with who knows and had me. I slept with Damon's best friend and had two kids with him.
Stefan doesn't asked about my children because it not a topic I like to discuss all the time. Damon will tell him.

"How did it go with Klaus when you told him?" Damon asks.

"After the ball, I went to the house... here and I grabbed a drawing I left there. I saw you and Rebekah, you know..." I said and Damon's eyes widen. "I didn't see anything. I'm not mad just surprised but also not surprised."

"You should tell her that. She literally tortured me for it." Damon says and I'm confused.


"Don't worry about it. I'm over it. Let's hope she is." Damon says and I'm still confused.

"I have to get something I left in my old room before I leave." I said and they both nodded.

I went to my old room and grabbed the daggers and ash from the white oak tree and put them in my purse. I went into the closet and grabbed a box from the top shelf which had a purse in it. I didn't want anyone to know that my hiding spot is an air vent so I'm making it look I came for my Chanel purse.

I made my way downstairs and Damon and Stefan are still in the same place. "I should go now. I need to fix things and clean up the mess I made."

It was still very awkward between us. I'm still angry by the fact that they stop Nik's heart and tried to do whatever they were gonna do with his body.

Nik is alive. He's alive waiting in my penthouse. He's alive. A smile appeared on my face as I rushed back to the penthouse.


I walked into the penthouse house and Klaus is pacing in the living room. He faces me as soon as he hears the door being open. I kicked my heels off to the side.

"Ava, I'm—"

"Shut up, take off your clothes, and kiss me." I said cutting him off and I walked towards him as I unzipped my dress and slid out of it. I put my hands on his cheeks. "You're here and you're alive."

And I'm not hallucinating you. I thought to myself.

"So take off your clothes and kiss me." I said and he smirks not wasting another minute and kisses me. I wrap my arms around him as he picks me up and takes me back to the bedroom.

I've never been so happy to see him here and alive. He's alive.


I wake up the next morning with a bed sheet covering my body and Nik isn't next to me. I looked around the room and there is no sign of him. I can feel myself panicking as I start to wonder if everything was a hallucination.

"Nik?" I asked as I got off the bed, "Nik? Klaus? Nik?!"

Nik walks into the room and I sigh in relief, "You can't do that. You can't... I thought you... I was just ... I thought you...."

"I'm here, love." Nik says as he puts arms around me and I moved them away.

"You can't do that. You died, Nik. You died in front of me. You died and you left me here. I was left here by myself. You left me. You left me here all alone."

There are so many emotions right now. I can't tell if I'm angry, sad, relieved, happy, all of the above?

"I've loved you for the better part of my life and then you were gone. You were dead. The worst part is that I remember everything. Every kiss, every laugh, every last memory we shared. I remember everything that day."


"No, just shut up. Shut. Up." I practically shouted at him and I sat on the edge of the bed. My elbows are on my legs as my face is buried in my hands and he kneels in front of me.

Nik puts his hands on my arms, "Look at me." He says and I ignore him. "Look at me, Ava." Nik says and I look up at him. He puts both of his hands on my cheeks and I closed my eyes as kisses me, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I said and he hugs me as I close my eyes and took in his scent. He's really here. I wanted to tell him I was hallucinating him but I couldn't because then I would have to tell him the first time I hallucinated someone when I was a vampire.

Maybe I should tell him.

"I started hallucinating you." I whispered as we pulled away.


"After you died I started hallucinating you. I thought I was going crazy and I had to get rid of you and the only way was to turn it off. You were basically telling me if I wanted you gone I had to turn it off."


"It wasn't the first time I hallucinated someone." I admit and he looks confused. "I started to hallucinating Dominic... mostly because of a guilty conscience."

"I already know. You told me a long time ago that you killed him." He says and he's talking about when he knew me in 1863. He grabs my hand and touches my finger where my ring use to be.

"I didn't throw it into the ocean. It's buried under the pier. I might have been emotionally wreck but I wasn't going to throw my rings in the ocean." I said and he smiles softly.

"Let's go get it and then we can leave."

"I have to clean up the mess I made." I said as I remember all the people I killed.

So many faces flash before my eyes. I still can't believe I've killed more people in the last ten days than in my whole life. I wanted to ask him how long was he in my head but I think I know the answer and if I do ask it's going to lead to a conversation that both of us are not ready for.

"Kol already did."

"I'm sorry for the things I said and for killing you and for trying to kill Kol. The daggers are in the purse in the living room." I said and he nods slightly. "The things I said, Nik, they weren't true. "

"I know."

"Don't ever do that to me again. I can't lose you again."

"And you won't." He says as he gives me a kisses me. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes. Definitely." I smiled as I stood up. I pulled him into a hug. Just as he was about to pull away I hold him there. "Just a little while longer." I said as he hugs me back tighter and I placed a kiss on his neck. "I love you so much, Nik."

"I love you more. Always and Forever, Ava."

A/N: I got Ava to turn it on wayyyy early than I had expected. I was thinking 4 or 5 chapters with her humanity off and I tried to fit it in the other episodes but it didn't exactly work out and I need her to have it on for next chapter which is almost done. It'll be posted on August 18.

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