Hetalia Oneshots

By Angelbellz

90.5K 1.7K 966

These are going to be stories I write which contains my favorite ships! More

The Ships
Superstar!Finland x Bodyguard!Sweden
Prussia x Canada
Denmark x Norway
2p!England x 2p!America
Bullied!Liechtenstein x 2p!Italy
France x Self-Conscious!Seychelles
Pregnant!Belarus x America
Hong Kong x Iceland
Belgium x Netherlands
Lithuania x Poland
Switzerland x Austria
Spain x Romano
Ukraine x Estonia
Belarus x America
Sealand x Wy
Vietnam x Taiwan
Spain x Bullied!Abused!Romano
Germany x Artist!Italy
Kugelmugel x Ladonia
China x Russia
England x Portugal
Pirate!Spain x Mermaid!Romano
Bullied!America x Russia
S. Korea x Abused!America
Russia x Mermaid!China
Germany x Nyo!Germany
Jealous!Ladonia x Wy
America x Dead!Germany
America x S.Korea
Neko!Lithuania x Neko!Poland
The Dream Wedding (PruHun)
Adventurer!Sweden x Mermaid!Finland
Viking!Denmark x Viking!Norway
Denmark x Prussia x Bullied!Abused!America
Mermaid!Finland x Mermaid!Sweden
Bullied!Russia x America
Russia x Mermaid!America
Hong Kong x Sick!Iceland
Germany x Italy
Russia x Canada

Prussia x Romano

775 17 5
By Angelbellz

Requested by OtakuSandwich

Google translate ahead!

Lovino flicked the straw in his mouth as he walked down a sidewalk, his Starbucks drink had been empty for the last few minutes but the straw in his mouth was a comfort. He always did this with his drinks when he finished, eventually, he started chewing on the straw until it had multiple puncture marks.

School had ended about an hour ago but he didn't want to head home just yet, he had gotten a D in math and the headmaster had called his grandfather. As long as he didn't head home he couldn't be punished, that was his thought process at least. He deposited the empty Starbucks cup in a trashcan when he happened across one, the straw was absolutely destroyed by that time. He sighed, school sucks.

A scuffle caught Lovi's attention, two people fighting? That sort of thing never really interested Lovino but one of them was speaking such poor Italian he had to intervene. he walked up to the two fighting and cleared his throat, "Qual è il problema?" He asked.

He eyed both men, one of them was a brunette man with brown eyes and tan skin similar to Lovi's and the other man was quite striking. White hair, red eyes, pale skin, he could have jumped straight out of the Twilight series, "Ha rubato una mela!" The Italian man cried, pointing to his apple cart.

Lovino looked to the albino man and saw he had an apple in his hand but he then spoke up, "Accidentalmente!" He cried, digging into his pockets, "Faccio soldi!" He handed the angry man a coin and crossed his arms.

The Italian man seemed to be okay with the payment and walked away. Lovi turned to the now sulking man, "You are not-a Italiano." He stated, "If you are not careful they will-a cut you." He added quickly, turning and walking away.

The albino man caught up with Lovi despite his attempts to speed up, "I'm Deutsche!" He declared proudly, "My name iz Gilbert." He stuck his hand out but Lovi ignored it, continuing to speed up, "Jou know uzually vhen zomebody iz introduzing zhemzelves the ozher perzon doez the zame."

"But I-a don't give-a fuck about you," Lovino said while rolling his eyes, "Tourists, especially-a German tourists are so fucking-a dumb." He glared at Gilbert but he only smiled. A phone call stopped him from saying more and he sighed, "Un momento. Wait just-a go away don't wait."

He knew the other man would ignore him but he didn't care. He fished his phone out of his pocket and sighed, grandpa. He answered because he knew better than to send his grandfather to voicemail, "Lovino!" The volume of his voice made Lovi move the phone from his ear, "Home! Now!" He ordered.

Lovi sighed but agreed, hanging up and turning to Gilbert, "I must-a go. Try not to get-a fucking killed."

Lovino turned around and began heading home when Gilbert grabbed his arm, "Vhat iv jou didn't go home?" He asked mischievously, "Vant to zhow me around Rome?"

"No," Lovino replied instantly but the way the albino's face fell looked sort of adorable, like his little brother Feli, "Fine." His face then brightened up, exactly like Feli, "Only for-a little while. Come, I-a wanted more Starbucks anyway."

"Yay!" Gilbert hugged Lovi who recoiled and pushed him off, "Zorry, jou're just zo cute." The grin and the compliment made Lovi look away, why was he being flirted with right now?

"Come on, idiota," He set off towards the Starbucks he had been at not even an hour earlier, "My name is-a..Lovino." He mumbled.

Gilbert seemed pleased to have an escort and a name, holding onto Lovi's arm despite the Italian's attempts to shake him off, "Zo iz zhat a zchool univorm?" Gil asked after a few minutes of silence between the two.

"Sì," Lovi replied, looking at his rather blue outfit, "You look like-a you're wearing a uniform too." He looked at the German, it would be a uniform his school would accept if it weren't for the blood red jacket, "Sort of."

Gilbert looked at his clothes before nodding a little, "Zhe reazon I'm even in Italy iz my zchool'z trip. I've taken Italian vor vour yearz now zo I get a trip vith the rezt of the vourth yearz."

Lovino stopped outside the Starbucks and looked at Gil, "You have-a money for coffee?" He asked to which he nodded, "Good." They headed inside and took their place in line, "I'm-a not surprised you took Italiano. It is-a the best-a language ever."

"I disagree," Gil replied but didn't go into an explanation, Lovi supposed it was the two would naturally pick their mother tongues as the best. Once the two had their coffee Lovi lead Gil to a table and the pair sat down, "Zo jou have a number?"

Lovi sipped his latte for a long time while staring at Gilbert, it made him just as uncomfortable as Lovi wanted him to be. He let go of his straw and answered, "Do you-a have a better pick up line?"

"Ja!" Gilbert had a sort of fire lit up in his eyes as he crafted a response, "I lozt my number can I have jourz?" Lovino huffed at the overused line, "Okay okay...Iv jou give me jour number I vill give you mine?" Another huff, "Vant to zee a magic trick? Jou give me jour number and I vill make my number appear!"

"You suck at-a pick up lines," Lovino assessed before taking a napkin and writing his number on it, "I-a guess nobody can-a beat an Italiano at that. Here," He slid the napkin to a delighted Gilbert, "But only because I-a feel bad for you."

"But it vorked, no?" Gil winked and then leaned across the table and kissed the Italian's cheek, "Bezt not keep jour Opa waiting."

Lovino turned away again, his face flushing. Germans aren't cute, Germans aren't romantic, Germans are scary and ugly. He closed his eyes and then got up, "Addio, dummy." He grabbed his drink and quickly left the shop.

Only a minute or two after he left the Starbucks he got a ping from his phone, after getting it out his face got worse in color.

From: Unknown
I hope to see more of Rome tomorrow ~

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