Steve Saga - Glitch Tales

By Echo_Writes_Chaos

14K 473 193

Sabre, Lucas, and Rainbow Steve have just defeated Chaos Steve and saved Light Steve. They are hoping for som... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
I'm Back!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23 (Finale)
5K Veiws and Important News!

Chapter 22

335 17 6
By Echo_Writes_Chaos

Hey everyone!

I am pretty sure you can tell now that I am pretty crappy at sticking to deadlines... Sorry. XP

But hey here it is! I hope you enjoy!

Yours Truly,



Sabre opened his eyes and looked around. The first thing he saw was Yellow Steve smiling at him. He smiled back and Yellow Steve slowly disappeared. The machine was shut down and the glass in front of him was broken. He fell forward from exhaustion but was quickly caught by Dark Steve, "Sabre are you alright? Did it work? Is he gone?" He carried Sabre out of the machine and let him sit down on the grass. Nathan and Ghost Steve came over looking at him expectantly.

Sabre smiled and nodded, "He's gone for good. We will never have to worry about him again. Now let's get rid of his essence, so we won't have to worry ever again."  Everyone cheered and Dark Steve took the essence out of the chest. "Let's. Ghost Steve you come with me and we'll build a machine to finally get rid of this essence. Nathan, you stay and help Sabre, we will be back soon." Nathan nodded and the two walked away.

He then turned the Sabre and asked, "So what happened? It looked as if you were losing at first." Sabre sighed and laid down. "That's because I almost did. He practically kicked my but in the beginning."  Nathan looked a little shocked, "Then how did you win?" Sabre smiled and saw Yellow Steve watching him from the castle. "Well, let's just say when he was about to destroy me and I thought it was all over I got a little help from someone."  Nathan looked confused but Sabre stopped him from asking any more questions by sitting up. "Can you help me back to my room, I'm still a bit weak." Nathan nodded and helped him stand up.

Nathan helped him walk back to his room and to sit down on his bed. "If you don't mind, I'm going to sleep but I promise I will tell you everything tomorrow." Nathan nodded and left his room closing the door behind him. Sabre sighed and looked at Yellow Steve, who sat at the end of his bed. "So, are you going to be here from now on or is this only a temporary thing? Also, am I the only one who can see you?" "Well, now that we have bonded I will be here to help you until you lose your Yellow Steve half, which is basically me. Also, yes, you are the only one who can see me. You should probably sleep though, we used up a lot of energy in that fight." Sabre nodded and laid down on the bed.

So many different things had happened since he had come here. He had been captured by Dark Steve. He had met Ghost Steve and had learned of their back story. Dark Steve had told him of how he had infused him with the remains of Nightmare Steve. They had then agreed to work together to get rid of Nightmare Steve. He had met backup with Unspeakable, or Nathan, and they all built the machine. He then had an epic showdown with Nightmare Steve, and merged with Yellow Steve. He had also learned of a prophecy, which he still didn't know much about. Now he was the only one who could see Yellow Steve, he still didn't know how to leave Minecraft, and there was a mysterious prophecy. Though right now he was tired, so he would decide what to do when he woke up. Sabre then closed his eyes and soon fell fast asleep.


Spencer was very uncomfortable with his three friends asking nonstop questions in Lucas's small room. He would have asked if they could move outside, but he was mute and they were to concentrated on their own conversation at the moment to notice him. He sighed and adjusted his position on the bed and flinched when he brushed his broken leg. The others hadn't noticed yet, which Spencer was a little thankful for, since he didn't want to answer any more question than the hundreds they had already asked.

They all turned back to him and Moose pulled out a book, which he gave to Spencer. "Now you can respond to us. So we're now going to ask you a few more questions, which we would like you to answer." Spencer nodded and Lucas started, "Where did you wake up at? I was in the town, Moose was at an island, and Mogi was in a jungle." Spencer wrote his answer and gave it to Lucas. "I was in a dark cave and had to dig my way out with my bare hands..."  The others were speechless for a second as they heard what Lucas had just read. "I take it all back! I probably had the best spawn point compared to everyone." Moose shouted, throwing his hands up in the air.

Lucas shook his head and Mogi asked the next question. "Have you seen Sabre or Nathan? They are missing and we found proof that they are here." Spencer shook his head and Mogi sighed, "Well it was worth a shot I guess..." He mumbled.

"Do you know how we got here?" Spencer stiffened, but quickly shook his head. He noticed that Mogi was giving him a suspicious look and he realized that he knew he was lying. Before Mogi could press him, Lucas spoke up. "No, he doesn't. I asked him earlier." Moose looked a little sad, well Mogi looked at him at him accusingly. Spencer was getting more and more nervous but was saved again by Lucas speaking up. "We should probably introduce him to Rainbow Steve and Light Steve."

Spencer was thankful that he had been saved from Mogi but also terrified that he would have to walk and show them his broken leg. He shakily stood, getting looks from everyone. "Wait, are you hurt?" Spencer ignored what Lucas had asked and took a step forward, only to fall forward in pain. Moose caught him and Mogi ran out to see if there was anything they had that could help. Spencer saw black dots dance around in his vision and everything start to get fuzzy. "Spencer you have to stay awake! Please just a little longer! Mogi hurry up!"

Mogi came back with a healing potion that he forced Spencer to drink. He whimpered and the others cringed as they heard his bones shattered and grinded back into place. A few minutes later Spencer was completely healed and on Lucas' bed asleep. "What do you think happened to him?" Moose asked glancing back at the bed. "I don't know, but he knows more than he is leading on." Mogi said. Lucas looked over at the bed. "I don't know what we should do about him, but we need to tell the Steves. Moose, you stay here to watch him just in case. Mogi, you come with me to find them." The two nodded and Lucas and Mogi left the room.


Preston watched the Steves and Shark build some weird looking machine. It was supposed to connect Rainbow Steve's and Boss Steve's minds to upgrade their powers to find this evil entity. He didn't know how to build machines like this so he was just standing to the side. It was a normal holding machine but there were 2 of them next to each other and the antennas at the top came together and connected going up as one with a gold block at the top. There was also a very large power source of redstone blocks next to it.

Preston hoped this would help get them home. He didn't want to be stuck here any longer than he had to be. He saw Shark put on the finishing touches, so he walked over. "Is it done?"  Shark looked at him. "Yep, it is. Now we just need to get those two over there to agree with each other for once, so their minds can actually merge." They both looked over to see the two arguing and they both sighed. "This is going to take a while."

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