
By DramaKelly

660K 30.2K 40.8K

Izuku Midoriya is a small and vulnerable quirkless boy, someone that needs to be protected from bullies and a... More

Chapter 1 - Reunion
Chapter 2 - Vip
Chapter 3 - Todoroki
Chapter 4 - Side Effects
Chapter 5 - Hosu
Chapter 6 - Shinsou
Chapter 7 - A Pit Called Love
Chapter 8 - Protective
Chapter 9 - First Job
Chapter 10 - Bakusquad
Chapter 11 - Truth Revealed
Chapter 12 - Compassion
Chapter 13 - Date
Chapter 14 - Kaminari
Chapter 15 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 16 - Heist
Chapter 17 - Practical Exam
Chapter 18 - Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter 19 - Training Camp
Chapter 20 - Kota
Chapter 22 - Toya
Chapter 23 - Todoroki Sensei
Chapter 24 - Sero
Chapter 25 - I Know
Chapter 26 - Black-Out
Chapter 27 - Exposed
Chapter 28 - Kidnapped
Chapter 29 - Quirkless
Chapter 30 - Shittier Hair
Chapter 31 - Cheating?!
Chapter 32 - Fucked Up
Chapter 33 - Regret
Chapter 34 - Licence Exam
Chapter 35 - Questions Without Answers
Chapter 36 - Meeting Up
Chapter 37 - Answers
Chapter 38 - Getting Help
Chapter 39 - Midoriya Hisashi
Chapter 40 - Scared
Chapter 41 - Back Together
Chapter 42 - Start of the Siege
Chapter 43 - The Rise of the Green Reaper
Chapter 44 - The Fall Of Izuku Midoriya
Had to do it to 'em

Chapter 21 - Rescued

11.2K 614 521
By DramaKelly

Pov Kaminari
Later that night I walked in on Todoroki changing into his villain outfit in our common changing room at HQ.
"Oh, I didn't know you'd be here as well" he said, a little surprised as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Bakugou is one of my best friends, I'm not leaving him if I can help it" I stated, unlocking my locker and taking out my costume. Why does this suddenly feel like a casual lockerroom conversation? Like we're just getting ready for training.

"Say, when is Midoriya gonna get here? I didn't see him when I came in"
"He should be here any minu-"
Todoroki cut himself short to look at me. That's right, I'm in on the secret too now! I mean, I did freak out to Shinsou about it... But everything made much more sense now! Midoriya is the Green Reaper and he cares for his friends. So that's why he helped Todoroki punish Endeavor and Shinsou follows him. They're his friends, not his lackeys, I think at least...

"He...told you?" Shoto asked in shock.
"Wait. Does that mean you're part of the group now? You joined the union?"
Wow, I really didn't think about that at all to be honest... I mean, Midoriya did think about me when setting up this rescue plan so...
"I-I don't know" I admitted, now confused myself.
"I mean... He just straight up asked me whether or not I wanted to help save Bakugou and I just said yes"

"Oh" he mouthed, continuing to get ready. It was silent for a while as we both changed into our villain outfit. It felt strange, but not in a wrong way. I'm not sure why though. I can't really describe it.
"So, are you still scared?" Todoroki asked out of nowhere.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"You're talking to me fluently, so I guess you're over the fact I've been working for the Green Reaper" he continued and I got a feeling to where this was going.
"You even accepted the fact your own boyfriend is a villain while you're training to become a hero... So tell me, now that you know Midoriya Izuku is the Green Reaper, are you still scared?"
"I don't know" I whispered, not making eye contact at all cost.

"It still makes me uncomfortable to think about, you know? How my own boyfriend is actually my enemy... How you, my own classmate, someone that should strive to be a hero, could walk the path of darkness... And now I'm told that the small quirkless green headed boy called Izuku Midoriya is the leader of a villainous organisation, the killer of All Might and countless of others, the Green Reaper... I just don't know what to think anymore"

"It's an act, you know... Once you understand the trick, it's easy to see through" Todoroki sighed.
"Not everything he says and does is real, not as Midoriya nor as the Reaper. But some things are, like his feelings for Bakugou for example. Or his friendship with me and Shinsou... The thing is, he only lies when he has to, to complete his image and satisfy the people around him. He's still the same person, you know?"

"He threatened to kill me! H-he put me through so so much pain! I-I can't even begin to describe-!"

"He did the same to me" he interrupted, his voice neutral like always.
"I discovered his secret by accident after the Sportsfestival and he instantly came after me. He had his hand on my chest, ready to finish it off, yet he didn't. Instead he gave me One For All, letting me suffer for almost a week until the quirk finally settled in. And together we ruined my father, which was a lot of fun, actually"


I slapped a hand over my mouth. Damnit! That was such a stupid question! Why did I even say that out loud?!
"Because behind the mask, he's still Midoriya" Shoto answered -wait hold on for a minute- smiling?! He was smiling?!

"Izuku-kun saved me, believe it or not. A-and...and he makes me happy... Something I haven't felt in a long time. It's the same for Shinsou, Kaminari. He's an outcast with a villainous quirk. Bullied and shoved away because people are scared of what he can do. And then Midoriya passed by, giving him friendship and a way to leave his mark on the world"

He sighed, still smiling as he started walking towards the door.
"I hope you understand Midoriya is more than the Reaper alone. That this union isn't just another organisation but a family. He cares for everyone around him, even when he's looked down upon for being 'quirkless'..."

"But he isn't quirkless" I frowned.
"That's a story for another day. Get ready, Bakugou is waiting"
With that the halfa left the room, leaving me alone to get changed. Oh God I'm so confused right now...

Pov Bakugou
It was almost painful to watch Aizawa sensei get slaughtered by the media. He was so...polite... It was so out of character, so disgusting. Couldn't those idiots realise he did everything he could?! He wasn't even anywhere near me when it happened! Bunch of lazy ass shitheads who don't know how to do their damn research... The tv was shut off again and a sigh escaped my lips. Here we go again...

"Seems like your precious school is under a lot of fire hm?" Shigaraki chuckled. This guy honestly makes me sick. I almost gag every time I'm forced to look at him, seriously. It didn't help that I've been starving myself either... I don't trust them or their damn food! Yet it's always the same song stuck on repeat. Always trying to convince me to join their ranks... Why can't they just fucking take the hint already?! I don't want any fucking part in their shitty plans!

I glared ahead of me as they tried to manipulate me once again. I know there is someone else listening in on this conversation. His voice has sounded through the room a few times now. Somehow it sounds familiar and he talks about me like he actually knows me. It's pissing me off.

Suddenly the lights started to flicker and a spark of hope burned within me. I know I shouldn't, it's probably just a random power surge. I mean, this place looks pretty sloppy, it wouldn't surprise me if this happened more often. The electricity fell out, leaving us in the dark. But soon enough a bright green light emerged in the room and before I realised it, the Green Reaper was standing in the middle of everyone.

Both his eyes and hair a bright emerald green, his costume neat and straight, his cape nearly touching the ground.
"Why hello there, League of Villains~" he smirked.
"Thought I'd come and say hi since you trashed my place... Not very nice of you, now is it?"
"Get him!" Shigaraki screamed, but no one moved. That's when I noticed the ice covering the ground and a second male entering the scene.

"Please do not interrupt the boss while he's speaking" he said on a monotone voice while everyone was literary frozen in place. He reminded me of icyhot, a lot. I shook my head. What the hell am I even thinking? Half-n-half would never do this shit, he's too far gone for that. Brainwashed by his ass of a dad. I saw how he and Dabi made eye contact, an unspoken conversation lingering in the air. What the hell was their connection..?

"Ah, thank you Ace. Now where was I? Oh yes!" the Reaper continued, clapping his hands together.
"You attacked my base and killed my people! And that after that stunt you pulled in Hosu, disgusting... And now this? Kidnapping a first year UA student? Do you even have a goal?"
'Good question' I thought to myself.

"They just do as they're told, you of all people should know that" the voice sounded through the room. How can he still be here? I thought the power was out?
"Ah, there he is! The man I wanted to talk to!" Reaper happily exclaimed.
"How are things over there dad? Recovering nicely I presume?"
DAD?! Okay, wow, things just got a lot more fucked up! The big boss villain of the League is the father of the slayer of All Might?! What the hell!

But I didn't have time to let my thoughts calm down, a hand covering up my mouth. He signed me to be quiet as he unlocked my restrains. What the... Was he with the Reaper and his organisation? His hair and eyes were a bright electric blond and his costume reminded me of dunce face.

"We'll get you out of here if you comply" he whispered into my ear, grabbing my arm as he unlocked the last locks. I didn't have the energy to deny him, nor to fight off this entire room. Like I said, I've been starving myself. Plus, if he can really get me out of here, be my guest. I want to get the fuck away from these creeps as soon as possible.

The blonde pulled me out of the chair while the Green Reaper kept monologuing. I looked down to see heavy golden rings on his hands. It spelled Black-Out, probably his code name. Black-Out... So does that mean he caused the power surge?
"Don't try anything" he muttered as we got into the open air. I took a deep breath, feeling fresh air for the first time in days. Oh God, it felt so good... I felt his eyes on my as I took in my surroundings, seeing him smile a little to. Ugh, creep.

He looked up at the sky and whistled, making me frown. What the hell?
"Don't struggle, it'll only hurt more" he chuckled before I was swapped off the ground, now flying high in the air. I yelped in surprise, letting out a not-so-manly scream before calming down. The only thing I know was that some big bird looking creature was carrying me in its claws, bringing me to who knows where to do who knows what.

I looked down again and gulped. Yep, definitely don't wanna try and use my explosions right now... If I fall from this height, I'm most certainly dead. I looked back up, noticing a ring around the feet of this bird thing.

Crowley, property of D.E.K.U.

My eyes widened at that word and I had to re-read it to make sure it said what it said. Dauntless Emerald Killer Union, it went on after that. Deku for short... I've been calling my Izuku after some criminal organisation?! Why the hell did I not know that?! Wait. This must be the name of the organisation the Green Reaper leads... Nobody ever heard its name and lived to tell the tale so it's really no miracle I didn't know... But still, guilt washed over me.

I noticed we'd start descending and my eyes widened before I tightly shut them. We were diving down at high speed, the wind cutting in my face. What the hell is wrong with this thing?! I breathed heavily once I landed on solid ground, opening my eyes to find the bird beast gone. Imagine my surprise when instead I saw my own house in front of me. I-I... I'm back home? I shakily crawled up to my feet, basically running to the front door.

This has to be some kind of crazy dream, right? I must've passed out somewhere along the way... Maybe that birdy animal was part of my imagination as well? It all felt so real though... None the less I had to try. I started ringing the doorbell, slamming on the door as hard as I possibly could without breaking it down. And when it finally opened, that's the moment I broke down.

I'll never forget it.

The way my mom and I looked at each other... I was pulled into a bone crushing hug yet all I could do was cry and hold onto her. In the background something shattered to the floor and in a matter of seconds dad joined the hug. I'll never forget that moment. I felt so terribly weak yet so happy and relieved. Normally I wouldn't let them hug me, I wouldn't cry, we would yell at each other. But right now not a word was spoken. Our tears did all the talking for us, telling each other how much we missed them, silent 'I love you's filling the air.

Mom made me take a bath when they dragged me inside. They checked me on injuries before I changed into something comfortable and they stuffed me with food. The clothes I was wearing for days now were thrown into a bin and we burned them. Burn them like we burn the bad memories of the past away. It was nice, sitting in between my parents in silence, watching them burn to ashes.

"I'll call the police" dad whispered to my mom, standing up to take his phone.
"Yes, I'll contact the school right away" mom reacted, looking back at me. She made sure I was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch while they arranged everything on the phone. I watched them pace through the house, explaining what kind of miracle just happened. I was drinking a hot choco when the cops arrived. Eraserhead and Present Mic were with them as they questioned me.

You should've seen the looks on their faces when I told them I got rescued by the Green Reaper. Priceless. I told them about what happened and they wrote it off as gang rivalry. D.E.K.U. probably didn't want the League to have the fame of kidnapping a UA student so they let me escape to bring shame on them. I was used to get revenge and it despises me... Don't take me wrong though, I'm glad to be out of there, but once I'm a pro hero they're going down.

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