Hetalia Oneshots

By Angelbellz

90.5K 1.7K 966

These are going to be stories I write which contains my favorite ships! More

The Ships
Superstar!Finland x Bodyguard!Sweden
Prussia x Canada
Denmark x Norway
2p!England x 2p!America
Bullied!Liechtenstein x 2p!Italy
France x Self-Conscious!Seychelles
Pregnant!Belarus x America
Hong Kong x Iceland
Belgium x Netherlands
Lithuania x Poland
Switzerland x Austria
Spain x Romano
Ukraine x Estonia
Belarus x America
Sealand x Wy
Vietnam x Taiwan
Spain x Bullied!Abused!Romano
Germany x Artist!Italy
Kugelmugel x Ladonia
China x Russia
England x Portugal
Pirate!Spain x Mermaid!Romano
Bullied!America x Russia
S. Korea x Abused!America
Russia x Mermaid!China
Germany x Nyo!Germany
Jealous!Ladonia x Wy
America x Dead!Germany
America x S.Korea
Neko!Lithuania x Neko!Poland
The Dream Wedding (PruHun)
Adventurer!Sweden x Mermaid!Finland
Viking!Denmark x Viking!Norway
Denmark x Prussia x Bullied!Abused!America
Mermaid!Finland x Mermaid!Sweden
Russia x Mermaid!America
Prussia x Romano
Hong Kong x Sick!Iceland
Germany x Italy
Russia x Canada

Bullied!Russia x America

1.2K 30 9
By Angelbellz

Requested by Lyndmcc9426

A/N: I got friggen robbed so that's why these have been slowing down lol. I only lost my phone & wallet but I used my phone to set chapters up.

TW: Bullying

Google translate ahead!

Alfred should probably go back to school today, he should, but he didn't like it much. When Alfred went to school, he kind of ignored everything except for one person. Well, he didn't talk to that person he just watched him in class, he was so very cute, a boy with white fluffy hair and beautiful violet eyes. He seemed shy, he was a bit bigger than the other students, Alfred didn't mind that he just liked watching him learn.

It took him a long time to decide what to do but eventually he pulled on his uniform and headed to school, he was late for first hour but honestly, he didn't care. Alfred was sort of known for being a slacker and a trouble maker, he never broke any rules that ended in suspension though. Well, he never broke those rules and been caught, everybody knows that snitches get stitches.

The check-in at the front office went rather quickly, the secretaries are sort of used to his tardiness and he headed to his class. Alfred had a lot of classes with the pretty boy, it's why he was failing all of his classes honestly but he didn't care about school, Alfred's career choice didn't need high school.

"Sup?" He entered the classroom as if he owned it because, well, honestly, he did. He handed the orange tardy slip to his teacher and headed to his seat, plopping into it without hesitation. He waited for people to stop looking at him and when he was sure they weren't looking at him he looked to the pretty silverette except....why wasn't he in his seat?

Alfred waited for the lesson to end because then it was free time, usually people worked on things for other classes but Al wanted to find his brother who was also in this class. As soon as the boring lecture was done he slipped from his desk and silently found Matthew's seat, "Hey." He set his hands on the desk to get the blonde's attention, "Where's that Russian kid?"

Matthew set his pencil down and looked around the room to find the missing person's desk, "Oh, Ivan." So that's his name, probably the most Russian name honestly, "He...He's been having some issues."

"Issues?" Alfred repeated, immediately he began to get worried. Is his family having issues? He knew Ivan had two sisters, he's mentioned them during class discussions, he sounds like he loves them so that would definitely affect him. What if it's medical?

"Yes," Matthew looked around for a moment before leaning towards Alfred, "Bullying issues." He whispered, he seemed afraid to be telling Alfred this.

"I see," Al ruffled his younger brother's hair and then went back to his seat. He balanced his chin on his fist while he thought about what he'd been told, pretty boy was named Ivan, a pretty enough name, but who would dare bully him? Alfred wasn't exactly shy about his affection however mild and superficial it was.

A plan came to his mind faster than it usually did, he was going to have to find the sisters and find out where Ivan was. After he found Ivan he'd find his bullies and handle the situation, then Ivan wouldn't be out of class anymore. It was almost foolproof, he just had to find the sisters first.

Before the bell rang Alfred had already sent a text to one of his tech-savvy friends, Emil. When the bell rang he met the younger boy under the math wing's staircase, nobody looks there for ditchers, Emil didn't ditch often but nobody was surprised when he did though he got straight A's so he was sure nobody cared.

Emil already had his computer out when Alfred had arrived and waved, "Hæ." He looked back at his computer and continued talking as Alfred sat down next to him, "I can get into any student's profile I just need their name." Alfred knew he was right in contacting Emil, he was basically a certified hacker and if Al wanted information fast then Emil with the man.

"Cool, cool, I don't know his last name," Alfred hoped it wouldn't be too much of an issue, "I'm pretty sure the profiles have pictures, right? His name is Ivan and I want to know who his sisters are." He explained, watching Emil gain access to the school's servers on his screen.

Emil nodded, "If I didn't know you I'd think you were a creep." He said plainly, typing Ivan into a search bar, "We've got six matches. I'll click the profile and you tell me if it's him or not." He said, already clicking the first name.

"That's not him," Alfred said when a brunette came up from the profile. Emil went back and clicked the next, a familiar face graced the screen instantly, "That was quick." He mumbled, so Braginsky was his last name.

"His sisters are named Natalya and Katyusha," Emil told him, pulling their profiles up as he said their names, "Natalya is my age and Katyusha is older than both of us." Alfred looked at their pictures, he could see the resemblance clear as day.

"Thanks so much, Emil, if you see them around text me," The two did a very awkward side hug before Alfred left, glad his plan was already halfway done. Now he had to find the sisters and then find Ivan and then beat some bitches up.

At lunch that day Alfred sat with his brother as usual though he barely ate or talked, he was too busy searching the area for the Braginskys. Matthew noticed but didn't say much, only glancing worriedly at his elder brother from time to time, "Matt do you know a Natalya Braginsky?"

Matthew paused for a moment before sighing, "Ivan's little sister, you've been busy. Yeah, I know her, but I know Katyusha better because we're friends. I've just met Natalya through her." That surprised Alfred but not entirely, he only assumed because they were the same age they could've met, he had forgotten Matt was friends with everybody regardless of age.

"Oh," This entire time he could've gotten closer to his pretty boy through his brother's connections but he'd been too dumb to ask, "You could've told me. Anyway, I want to talk to Ivan and soon. Can you help a bro out?"

Matthew looked uncomfortable but nodded, "Yeah sure. Katyusha spends her time in the library, we need to check there not in here." Alfred didn't have any problem with that, school lunch was terrible anyway. He dumped his food and then followed Matthew to the library.

Once they found the library Matthew dropped his voice to a whisper, "Listen Katyusha is very shy and her siblings are fiercely protective of her so don't do or say anything you'd usually do, okay? Her word is worth more than mine ever would to Ivan."

Alfred nodded seriously, he wasn't the nicest when it came to wanting information but if it was for Ivan he could do it. They searched together, first the nonfiction and then the fiction, but they ended up finding her in the dictionary and encyclopedia section, "Oh! Matt!" She enthusiastically hugged the smaller blonde before noticing Alfred, "And...you?"

"I'm Alfred," He said and held out a hand in what he hoped was a friendly manner, "Mostly people call me Al though. I'm Matthew's older brother." Katyusha shook his hand, her grip was weak and he could see uncertainty in her wide blue eyes, "I-I'll be honest I...wanted to talk to you about Ivan because I um..like him." His face began to heat up, this was the first time he'd admitted this to anybody least of all a stranger, "I'm really worried about him!"

"Oh," Katyusha shared a look with Matthew who only smiled in a way only he could, full of friendliness and reassurance. She fidgeted for a moment before nodding her head as if she had come to a decision, "My little brother could use friends right now. He's having..well..." Katyusha looked away for a moment, "Here, Ivan is in poetry club which meets every day in room 221B in the literature wing at 3:30."

"I'll be there," Alfred reassured, writing the room number and time down on the back of his hand with a sharpie. Katyusha giggled a little as he wrote and he assumed she wasn't expecting him to be so serious.

Heeled footsteps caught both his and Matthew's attention, "What are you two idyjoty doing?" Alfred immediately recognized the youngest sister, Natalya, her picture did her justice for sure, "Get away from my sister right now." She may not have been shouting but her word was law.

"Talya don't be mean!" Katyusha scolded while hugging Matthew from behind, "These are my friends. Though the bell is about to ring so I guess we'd all better leave." Alfred instinctively looked at the clock and indeed it was time to go.

Alfred didn't hang out for the rest of the day, he had three hours to kill before he was supposed to meet with Ivan and he had a lot of ideas for that time. He wasn't sure what Ivan liked but he was going to make him happy, candy seemed like a good start.

So, for three hours Alfred collected things for his crush and then he wrote out what would be his confession. He wasn't the type to stutter and dance around confessing his attraction to somebody, he would write it out plain and simple and then hand it to Ivan in a bag which he'd already purchased and put all the gifts into.

At 3 Alfred headed back to school, the bag held tightly to his chest with the note taped to the side. The bag was a plain paper bag that people usually keep their lunches in and Alfred hadn't gotten an envelope either, just taped the loose-leaf paper to the side with candy and a stuffed animal inside the bag. He had never done this before but the bag sort of represented him, he'd never be the type to spend hours making something pretty.

Alfred found the room at about fifteen minutes past 3 and waited, shifting from the balls of his feet to the tips of his toes and then back. Waiting seemed to make time longer honestly, the more he waited the longer it felt, so slow. Eventually, he saw Ivan, his violet eyes on the ground and scarf pulled to hide his mouth.

Alfred didn't know how to address him, everything sped up, why were things slow when you wanted them to be fast and fast when you'd prefer them slow? Should he call him by name or perhaps his last name? He could refer to him as pretty boy since it's what he's used to but Ivan might find it weird since he wasn't aware of Alfred's crush.

When Alfred had made up his mind to call Ivan Ivan he found the owner of the name was gone, "Shit." He went inside already, there was no fucking way Alfred was going to go in there, poetry was dumb. He sat down in the hallway and resigned himself to wait again, he could just get on his phone since he suddenly had time to kill. How could he have missed him? He was right there.

He gave up thinking about it and got onto his phone, pulling up Instagram to like all of his friends' recent posts. He would've stayed there too if a commotion from inside the room hadn't interested him, he crawled to the door and looked under the crack to see what was going on inside.

The scene didn't focus for a moment, Alfred closed one eye and waited a little longer before everything came into focus. He then had to register what was happening, Ivan was covered in a white substance and two other boys were talking or laughing, something like that. It only took him a moment to realize what had happened, Ivan had been floured.

He grabbed his bag and opened the door as quickly as he could, "Who's this dude?" One of the other guys asked, eyeing Alfred cautiously.

"Hi I'm Alfred F Jones," He said, shutting the door and sliding the lock into place, "I wanted to talk about poetry." He kept his face towards the door, trying to calm the anger from his face. If he did anything here he could get suspended, these two would snitch he was sure of it, but his fists kept screaming at him to do what he knew he should.

He heard them continuing to talk and laugh but he managed to get over his mood, turning around to see Ivan had disappeared, "Where'd that other guy go?" He asked casually, hoping he hadn't somehow escaped while Alfred was fuming.

"Oh, Braginsky?" One of the boys got up and looked at the seemingly empty classroom, "He's probably hiding and waiting for you to move so he can bolt out of the room like a pansy." He looked at the closet of the room and approached it, "Oh Ivan! Are you crying you big baby?"

Alfred saw the door open and he knew Ivan was crying but after that, he only recalls the color red. It was an odd color, it's not a primary color but a secondary one, it can only be made by mixing yellow and magenta. Alfred liked the color red, it reminded him of many things, he chased his sadness away with his most prominent emotion, the emotion mostly represented with the color red.

Next thing he knew, Alfred had bloodied knuckles and was holding a still crying Ivan in his arms. He was in the closet but the door was open, the other two had gone silent, it's kind of weird, "Um hi." He mumbled awkwardly, knowing full well he probably looked like an even worse bully considering he got so physical.

Ivan shook his head and Alfred assumed they were going to fall into silence but then Ivan spoke up, his voice was every bit the voice Alfred had imagined him having, "Wh..Who a-are you?" He asked, his r's were deep and his o's sounded rushed, in short, he was perfect.

"I'm...Alfred," He said while dusting some flour out of the blonde's hair, "Should I get you home? You seem like you should go home." He told the other bluntly, "Take a nice shower and all. I made a bag for you too."

Ivan sniffled and choked on his sobs for a second before just nodding, giving up on talking which disappointed Alfred though he was in no place to complain. Al helped Ivan up, ignoring the two on the floor, they would live so it was fine to abandon them. Alfred grabbed the bag he'd gotten Ivan and handed it to him as they headed towards his home, Ivan awkwardly leading while being supported by Alfred.

They got to Ivan's house much too soon for Alfred's taste, he didn't want to be separated so soon. Ivan seemed to rectify the situation by kissing his cheek, "Pretty note." Was all he said as he went inside.

Alfred touched the spot Ivan had kissed him and then grinned like an absolute madman, he wasn't sure when Ivan had read the note on their walk home but goddammit it was worth it! He had to tell Matthew!

He ran home while telling his brother about his possible new relationship through texts, eyes already bright though not as bright as his pink cheeks. In about six years, he also told his brother about his wedding in much the same way. The way the world works is funny sometimes, you never know who you're going to marry.

As for the bullies, well, nobody even remembers them anymore.

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