To Be A Family | 8th Member

By _sugalili

39K 1.1K 408

(DISCONTINUED) Yeon Choheun is a 17-year-old teen taking care of her brother, the only living relative in her... More

Prologue: Yeon Choheun
Ch1: Hey you, what's your dream?
Ch2: Where there is hope, there are trials
Ch3: I still can't fall asleep as I fade away
Ch4: Take it all away, I hate you
Ch5: Please save me who is being punished
Ch6: I want to hold, your hand holding the blue flower
Ch7: I know, I know, my hardship right now
Ch8: Girl let me know, tell me something
Ch9: But I'm not afraid, I'm fine, I'm fine
Ch10: If you know, don't hesitate and please save my life
Ch11: From the eyes of the cold night, I try to hide myself
Ch12: You think it's okay, I think it's not that okay
Ch13: You're my beginning and my end
Ch15: First Love (Even when I resented meeting you)
Ch16: Stigma (You who were only delicate and fragile)
Ch17: Reflection (Which makes me smile)
Ch18: Mama (I was determined to succeed)
Ch19: Lie (Find the me that was innocent)
Ch20: Awake (I want to run, just a bit more)
Ch21: If you're ready, I'll start, yeah!
Ch22: Open the door, and this place will wait
Special AU: Part One
Special AU: Part Two
Special AU: Part Three
Special AU: Part Four
Special AU: Part Five

Ch14: Begin (Smile with me)

1.6K 54 21
By _sugalili

Okaaaay, I know that in Korea you turn a year older once you're born, and then you turn one more year older in new year aka lunar calendar, I think, buuuuut I'm going to ignore the latter because I didn't want my head to hurt with all the math and information.

Anyway, if it wasn't obvious by the title of this chap, hopefully, you know who Choheun will be bonding with! ^-^

(Spoiler Alert But Not Really: The song up there is what Choheun will cover and sing. Not the original song, but literally she's gonna cover that covered song. And fanart of Chokook by yours truly. :))

P.S: I'm spoiling all of you guys for 13k words, meaning 2 chapters in one. You're welcome.

"See you later, Choheun-ah!" Jimin said loudly, hugging the smaller girl to his chest in a way that seemed like he didn't want to let go. It was kind of true, actually, since he had been hugging Choheun for the past five minutes and without even loosening his grip, and she was beginning to suspect he wasn't planning on letting go any time soon.

But she didn't mind, of course. If anything, Choheun just snuggled up to the short dancer (except she was still shorter than him-) and buried her face on the space between his neck and shoulder, hoodie paws barely wrapping around his back. "Jimin-ssi, I know that already, but you're not...letting me go." The girl said slowly, still bemused why he was still not letting go. Not that she minded, again, because she liked hugs. At that thought, she snuggled even closer, bubbly and smiley and very, very warm.

Seokjin scoffed, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms. Choheun held back a giggle, he looked like her brother when she turned to hug Eunji instead of him (though she wanted to either laugh at Dohyuk's appalled expression or run to his arms and apologize). "Yah, Jimin-ah, I think you've hugged her for too long, it's not like she's going away. And we need to go or else Son Sungdeuk-nim will come and find us." He said sharply, his lips pulling down to pout.

Jimin chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest and Choheun smiled, squishing her cheek against it with a happy hum (she wasn't even going to question how her glasses were still intact and not cracked yet). Hugs were so nice. "Okay, hyung. I know you're just jealous Choheun-ah likes me more." He teased with a cheeky grin, hand moving up to pat the girl's hair.

Choheun blinked her eyes open, peering up at the danced who was looking at the others who were also amused and exasperated (Yoongi). What.

"What?" Seokjin sputtered, cheeks coloring as he scowled, "I'm not jealous, what are you talking about? I'm just saying we should part ways or else we're late! And besides," the elder pointed a finger at Jimin, frowning, "if you didn't know, Choheunie likes me better. Which, I bet you actually know." He ended, smirking slightly at the end as if he won something and Choheun blinked slowly when Jimin glared slightly in response, his hold on her tightening a bit before relaxing.

O-kay? Did they know something she didn't?

Namjoon sighed, walking up to them and gently pulled Choheun away from Jimin, who whined a dramatic 'hyuuuung' and briefly made grabby hands for the girl, but Namjoon kept her away from the dancer with an amused smile, dimples showing a bit as he placed a hand on Choheun's shoulder. The others look surprised yet knowing at the bold contact and Choheun was confused again. It's like they knew something about her recently and she was oblivious to it all.

(Oh, she had no idea.)

"Don't look at me like that, Jimin-ah. Someone has to make a move or else we'll be here all day with you suffocating Choheun with your hugs." The Bangtan leader said simply. Jimin pouted childishly like a child who was told he couldn't have his favorite candy and a quiet 'I was not suffocating Choheun-ah' under his breath everyone heard. Namjoon switched his gaze to Seokjin, raising a brow and the elder pointed at himself in a 'what did I do?' fashion. "You, too, hyung. You could've done this earlier."

Seokjin made a strange sound at the back of his throat, sporting an affronted look on his face. "Yah, why are you blaming me?! What about you, huh? You stayed back watching everything play out! You didn't do anything, too, for the past five minutes!" he pointed out indignantly, making Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung laugh when Namjoon turned red at the truth behind Seokjin's words. Jeongguk and Yoongi were trying their best not to smirk, but kind of failing in that department when Choheun glanced at them.

"How would you know it's been five minutes already?"

Seokjin faltered a bit, "I- well I didn't, but it felt like it!" Namjoon smirked slightly with an expectant eyebrow lifted up and the others started laughing at their eldest vocalist when he glowered. "Mah! Don't laugh at me! Is this how you all treat me? The eldest? The one taking care of you all? Where is my respect?"

Jeongguk snorted, "But hyungie, we always respect you." The heavy emphasis that could clearly be heard with obvious sarcasm was not lost on the eldest and everyone else, and they all laughed or chuckled. Even Yoongi. Seokjin just fumed.

"Aish- Jeon Jeongguk!"

"Nooo, hyung, protect me!" Jeongguk hid behind bored-looking Yoongi, the Daegu rapper's whole face and posture screaming 'why am I even alive'.

Choheun mentally thought she felt the same way. Every day.

"Don't use Yoongicchi against me!"

Yoongi's eye twitched, frowning at the nickname. "What the hell does that mean?" he said quietly but not quiet enough when beside him, Hoseok gasped loudly and most definitely on purpose as he repeatedly slapped the smaller rapper on the arm. Choheun couldn't tell if he was hitting lightly or not since Yoongi didn't react at all.

"Hyung! Watch your language carefully! There are kids here!" Hoseok whispered harshly, not-so discreetly looking at Jeongguk and Choheun. But it was too obvious and barely trying to be subtle that Taehyung's laughter was quickly muffled behind his hand.

Jeongguk blushed, "Hobi-hyung! I'm not a baby! I'm turning twenty soon!" he defended indignantly, Yoongi smirking just for a quick second before his usual blank expression took over and Choheun wasn't sure if she was imagining or not.

Hoseok looked at the maknae, flashing a heart-shaped smile that was just pure mischief that didn't match well with his curving, bright eyes. "I didn't say you were a baby, Jeonggukkie-yah. I just said you're still a kid. You're only nineteen, after all." Jeongguk only protested weakly before stopping with a grumble. Hoseok clearly got him there.

"Or eighteen by international age," Taehyung suddenly commented, boxy-grin in place as Jeongguk threw him a betrayed look, shocked.

Namjoon chuckled, watching as they all somehow started to argue with one another about their age like 'Seokjin-hyung, even if you're one year younger in your international age, you're still getting old' by Jeongguk and then a 'and you're an actual baby, brat!' from Seokjin, and watching their language like 'Hoseokie, I'm a grown adult man I can say what I want' from Yoongi and 'yeah, true, but what will Choheun-ssi and our fans think?' from Hoseok, and laughing at everything going on (Jimin and Taehyung).

Choheun stared at the really taller male as he smiled wide and fondly (and also exasperatedly) at his band members, fingers twitching underneath her hoodie paws to just poke his dimples at least once-

Namjoon snapped his gaze to her, eyes widening as all chatter and yelling stopped abruptly as they all stared at her, their eyes wide and few jaws dropped in surprise.

Choheun blinked, finally noticing she had her hand raised up with a finger literally poking at the dimple of Namjoon's cheek.

She touched his dimple.

She touched his cheek.

She touched Namjoon. In front of everyone.

When that piece of information finally got her head moving, able to think properly, Choheun flushed red and quickly pulled back taking a few steps away from the rapper and everyone else, and then took another few steps back for good measure, "U-uh, I think I gotta go. Now. Right now. I have to go right now or else you'll be late. I'll be late. I mean we'll be late-" she cut herself off, certain her ears were red as her face. Aish, did she have to ruin everything when they were all having fun? Not that it wasn't true, they would be running late and that excuse was perfect right now. Even if her execution was blatantly terrible and a normal person could probably do it better than her like, you know, a normal person.

Someone kill her.

With a hasty bow and a quiet and but embarrassed, "Bye!" Choheun fled the heck away from the group, ignoring their surprised and startled calls of her name with confusion.

Yeah, nope. About what Jimin said about seeing her later when they all go back to the dorms? Yeah, she's sure she didn't have the courage to see them after what just happened. Not without stammering and dying in embarrassment.

And there's no way in hell was she explaining anything to Namjoon if she was ever alone with him.

Aish, she wasn't sure if she could look him in the eye if they see each other again after the day ended.

"Stupid me and stupid Namjoon-oppa for his really cool dimples," Choheun grumbled under her breath (though it was more of her scolding herself for her lack of self-control today, maybe she was still tired), pouting as she walked all the way to the dance studio she was training in, greeting some staff members and employees when they passed by.

Her mood brightened up a bit when they all smiled and greeted her with kind words and compliments she was not used to yet, though.

Jeongguk watched Choheun's back grow smaller and further as she walked away from them before fully disappearing from their view when she turned to a corner. Blinking, he turned to look at his hyungs and held back a snort of laughter when he saw the dumbfounded looks on their faces. Even Yoongi was surprised.

Namjoon was more confused and baffled than the others, slowly lifting a hand up to his cheek where Choheun poked his dimple. Though in Jeongguk's opinion, Namjoon's dimples were pretty cool and he didn't blame the younger teen. He had his fair share of pokes, but that was in their early idol days.

"Why does it seem like Choheun-ah likes Namjoon-hyung more than me now?" Jimin broke the silence with a childish whine, glaring with a pout at the youngest (and tallest) rapper. Namjoon looked as if he didn't know whether or not he should sport a smug or a baffled look on his face.

Jin made a protesting noise in his throat, petulantly crossing his arms over his chest. "Yah! Excuse me, Jiminnie, but Choheunie-yah liked me first before any of you!"

Which, was kind of true, now that Jeongguk thought about it. He thought back to the first time they met her and inwardly grimaced when he remembered how badly he reacted and lost his cool. He could never forget the scared and ashamed look on her face, feeling guilty for being the cause of her distress. She looked as if he might hurt her or something, and it really hit him hard when Hobi had said before during practice, when Choheun was avoiding them, that she was apparently a big fan of theirs.

And he reacted like that towards a fan of theirs.

Jeongguk wanted to hide in his closet in shame and guilt and just get on his knees and apologize to the younger girl.

Oh, and now he remembered she was younger than him. By a year.

He was such a jerk. Why the hell was he so jealous about the fact she was going to take his title as the maknae when she debuted? What sucked even more was that Choheun might not even accept that title because, if it wasn't obvious by now, she felt guilty way too quick and seemed to mean it, too. She even brushed off anything bad happening to her like it was normal, that she deserved it, until yesterday.

And, If he remembered right, only Jin and Hobi were relatively okay with having Choheun, their soon-to-be-eighth-member trainee, around. Yoongi... Jeongguk remembered how skeptical and disgruntled the pale rapper looked when they first heard about the news from PD-nim, but he was pretty unreadable when he actually met Choheun. Jimin and Taehyung were the same as Jeongguk, but more tame and controlled.

So far, only Jimin, Jin, and surprisingly Namjoon got along with the honey-eyed girl better than them all. Jeongguk had no doubt Taehyung and Hobi would find their own ways to talk with Choheun and get her to open up to them soon, and he wasn't sure about Yoongi.

Though, Jeongguk would admit that he really wanted to try and befriend the female trainee. He's never had friend close to his age before who's the opposite gender, and Choheun was the closest female his age and he was not going to miss the opportunity to try and talk with her. BigHit didn't have that many trainees, just a good few as best as they could with their money, the extra dorms around the building, and so on, and literally there's no one close to his age.

If she didn't run away first, however, because he had an inkling if they ever stumble upon each other alone, Jeongguk was probably going to be the most awkward human being on earth and say something absolutely stupid while Choheun planned how to get away yet still remain polite. No, he might not say anything at all except for pathetic stutters and words that made no sense.

Jeongguk pouted slightly at the thought. Someone give him luck if he ever tried to get at least three words out of Choheun without her promptly running away. He's hopeless. And he better stop overthinking things. Maybe not everything would go bad for him when it came to Choheun.

Jimin huffed, "But I was the first to become her friend a day after she moved in." Jin stumbled with his words for a bit, apparently not expecting that comeback and didn't know how to counter it.

"S-so?!" was his best retort but it really fell short. The others noticed that, too, and tried not to laugh aloud as Jimin smirked triumphantly at the eldest vocalist before the smirk fell a second later, "I was more welcoming and happy to have her move to our dorm while you were all awkward!"


Jeongguk chuckled under his breath, watching as Jimin and Jin continued to argue and bicker a bit more about whom Choheun liked more between them while, somehow, pulling a poor Namjoon in the mix. The Bangtan leader looked exasperated and confused why he was brought to this pointless argument, and no one bothered to help him. If anything, Taehyung and Yoongi were throwing their own opinions and comments about what they think, but then it soon dissolved into a four-way argument in the end. Though Yoongi didn't bother as much, and Namjoon didn't bother getting involved at all.

At least he looked fond.


They continued to throw words back and forth as they made their way to their dance room, stopping to greet the staff that passed by every now and then, and when they were close with no one around, Hobi piped up.

"Aigoo, I'm pretty sure Choheun-ssi likes Namjoon more because of what he did yesterday, right?" Hobi commented casually, and then he realized what he had said the chattering fell silent immediately. Jeongguk watched as the dancer-slash-rapper eyed the others, at Namjoon and Jin in particular, before chuckling lightly. But the sound was weak.

"Ah," Hobi smiled, but it was blank and somehow unreadable, "I didn't mean to bring that up," he said quietly, almost a whisper, and Jeongguk knew they all thought back to the conversation they had all eavesdrop to the moment they heard Jin leave his room first.

It was hard not to think about it, and even harder to not say a thing when they were around the oblivious trainee who had cooked for them as an apology. Who would've thought Choheun was really nice and sweet? Jeongguk wouldn't know since he used to despise her (to be fair, he didn't meet her yet and his dislike had already dwindled down the next day after he met her), but he was beginning to.

The maknae gulped, hiding his shaking hands in his hoodie's pocket and clenched them to control the emotions he was feeling slowly bubbling up, waiting to break free to the surface since he was close to losing it when he listened Choheun talk to their eldest. He refused to act on it and stayed quiet as his hyungs exchanged glances with each other, their faces grim and pissed. Namjoon especially and he seemed to be having a hard time trying not to say a thing, probably to curse at the bastard like earlier when they eavesdropped (luckily, Namjoon had only cursed quietly so Jin and Choheun didn't hear a thing).

Jeongguk didn't blame him. He would've cursed up a storm and his hyungs would be disappointed with his language. But still- just the sight of the younger teen looking so small under the baggy sweater she was wearing, eyes so weary and open, trusting towards Jin, and her whole figure and posture screaming vulnerable and so damn scared in front of the vocalist was enough for Jeongguk to wish he could be brave enough to reach out a hand towards her and tell her everything was okay, even when it's not. He was surprised he felt that way when he barely talked to her like a normal person, but come on. Choheun was really likable despite her obvious reluctance to fully relax in their presence.

It was just...really hard to continue harboring negative feelings towards someone who already had negative feelings towards themselves. Which was much worse, if anyone asked Jeongguk.

Jimin sucked in a harsh breath, letting it out shakily as he looked down on the floor. "Namjoon-hyung," he uttered lowly, his expression scarily blank and Jeongguk briefly thought about backing away from the dancer since it was well-known between all of them that the dancer was the scariest when angered, but then shook the thought away when Jimin's reaction was clearly normal. Hell, he bet they were all pissed off at some point, him included. "Did it hap-... Is Choheun-ah okay?" he asked instead of saying what Jeongguk knew was actually on their minds.

He had a good guess if Jimin finished what he wanted to say, someone was going to snap and maybe find the bastard and wring his neck—ahem, excuse him.

Jin glanced away from them as Namjoon clenched his jaw, folding his arms over his chest like he was holding back or something. He sighed, looking at the dancer who was seemingly glaring at the floor, seemingly trying to set it on fire with his dark gaze alone that had a blaze behind it. "Honestly, she's not fully okay mentally. But from how it looks, she's doing fine. She will be fine."

Hopefully went unsaid but everyone could understand the message underneath Namjoon's tone.

That was apparently the wrong thing to say because Jeongguk nearly jumped when Yoongi cursed loudly, snapping his head up to narrow his eyes at the leader. "That's bullshit Namjoon and you know it." Jin looked ready to scold the second eldest for his language but didn't act on it when Jeongguk could tell the vocalist felt the same way about the situation. "She obviously got sexually harassed and with what I know about her so far is that there's no way to tell if she really is alright when she probably might not even tell us." His eyes darkened, but a flicker of worry was evident in them. "Hell, I'm pretty sure Yeon-ssi wouldn't tell anyone and we can't just bring it up. The last thing we'd do is admit to her that we heard what had happen, and I know you all agree with me she's gonna go back to ignoring us if that ever happens."

Jeongguk had to admit that Yoongi was right. Choheun barely spoke up about herself. Getting her to say more than one sentences was hard enough without her closing up, and her shyness was worse than him and Yoongi's combined when it came to socializing because it was obvious she actually didn't want to do anything with them, pushing them away as best as she could whether it was intentional or not. The only information they knew from her personal life was that she had a brother, and not once had she mentioned her parents that the maknae was growing a little concerned about that fact now that he thought about it more. Either she just didn't want to mention anything about her life, or maybe it was something else, and Jeongguk really hoped it was the former because he had a bad feeling about the latter.

"Hyung..." Hobi placed a hand on his fellow rapper's shoulder, squeezing just for a second and it was enough for Yoongi to relax just a bit. Though he was nowhere near at ease.

Taehyung spoke up, his deep voice lower than it usually was, "He's right, Namjoon-hyung. It's not a secret that Choheun-ssi doesn't care about herself," Jeongguk mentally snorted, that's an understatement, "but I'm worried she'll continue to keep everything in. Last week's incident was an example." He stated with thoughtful frown despite his worry and sadness etched on his face and Jeongguk didn't like how that statement alone added another confirmation for his suspicion about Choheun.

Namjoon pursed his lips before sighing again, rubbing the back of his neck, "I don't know what you want me to say, but what I can say is that all we can do now is quietly support her."

Hobi brightened a bit, eyes a little hopeful, "Does that mean we can get her to open up to us? Like, for real, because so far she clearly trusts you and Jin-hyung, maybe Jiminnie, too, and I doubt Choheun-ssi will willingly talk to us-" he gestured towards himself, to Yoongi, Taehyung, then lastly Jeongguk, "-without looking ready to flee or trying too hard to remain polite while she's shaking in the inside. Only the three of you have talked and spent more time with her."

Jeongguk couldn't help but agree with Hobi at that, "And Yeon Choheun-ssi is more comfortable around you three more than us." He got surprised looks from that and he didn't blame them. He had hated the female trainee at one point, and it was probably uncharacteristic of him to say that, to clearly want to try and befriend Choheun with his earnest tone, but Jeongguk genuinely wanted to get along with her now. And with what had happened to her last night, maybe Jeongguk could provide a familiar companion close to her age, his own way to start supporting her more than him doing his best not to shy away from the opposite gender.

Then again, he's still going to be awkward and it took a lot of effort to compliment Choheun's cooking just earlier on back in breakfast. He was pretty proud of himself for not stuttering, though.

Jin looked at all of them with a small smile, quirking one brow up, "Well, then let's all try to gently get her to open up to us. But it also means we have to open up to her, too, so it would give her a good reason to trust us and show that we really want her to get along with all of us. It's a good start, right?"

They all said their agreements except for Yoongi, who was now frowning with doubt in his eyes. Jin must've seen it since he sent the older rapper a pointed stare, "Yes, it also means you have to open up to her, too, Yoongi."

When they all stared at Yoongi expectantly, Jeongguk included, the pale rapper let out a scoff and grumbled under his breath, looking a second away from forming a pout that usually appeared when something was bothering him. "Yah, fine! I'll try, okay, just stop staring at me like that!" he scowled, a faint pink hue coloring his cheeks and Jeongguk snickered behind his hand while Hobi, Taehyung, and Jimin didn't bother holding back their happy cheers. Well, at least Yoongi wouldn't be planning to hide away in his studio again like before when Jimin joined them.

Jin smiled widely, clearly pleased as Namjoon chuckled, "I'm hoping for the best, Yoongicchi!" he ignored the said rapper's glare and Jeongguk tried not to laugh, "Now, shouldn't we all be heading to our dance studio? I doubt Son Sungdeuk-hyungie will appreciate us getting late for practice." He mentioned casually and Jimin's eyes popped out of his skull, same with Namjoon and Hobi.

"What?!" the dancer shrieked, quickly getting his phone out and slightly paled at the time. Jeongguk pulled his sleeve up his elbow to blink down at his watch around his wrist and yep, they were late. Well, about to be late in two minutes and crap they weren't even on the second floor yet!

"Hyung! Why didn't you say anything?!"

Jin had the audacity to look sheepish when his eyes said the opposite. "Oops?" Namjoon and Yoongi groaned with a synchronized 'hyung!'.

Jeongguk huffed a laugh, shaking his head as he followed his hyungs to the elevator, already seeing Namjoon getting a call from their choreographer and the maknae could hear the exasperated tone of Sungdeuk's voice on the other side of the phone as Namjoon chuckled nervously and tried to explain.

As they all rushed to their room, Jeongguk couldn't help but think how he was going to befriend Choheun without both people shying away and turning the air awkward that it would be unbearable as embarrassment would follow after.

But first, he needed to plan how he was going to tell Choheun that he definitely didn't dislike her anymore and convince her if there was a single doubt in her eyes. Maybe, for once, he could have a female friend close his age.


Was Choheun's deadpanned exhausted, slightly wheezing response to the vocal coach leaning towards her with an earnest and excited expression that quickly fell into an appalled one. Behind the sitting Saego, Sungdeuk didn't bother to hide a snort, smirking down at the woman when Saego sent him the stink eye before looking back to the trainee.

"But—But Yeon Choheun-ah!" Saego whined childishly, the last bit of maturity and silent gracefulness went down the drain as she moved her fists up and down, like a child, pouting sadly it actually made her look younger than her actual age (Saego had turned thirty-two earlier in January six). "It'll be a good idea!"

Choheun's face met her hands—er, her hoodie paws, sighing long and hard as she felt her breath seep through the fabric and touch her skin while ignoring her tired and aching body. What was Saego asking or proposing, if anyone were to ask?

The woman suggested if she could invite one of the dance-line members of BTS to come and observe her newest dance practice (a dance just for her choreographed by Son Sungdeuk himself holy ice cream-) and they would be the ones who would teach and help her with some things. Maybe even one of the vocalists as well to listen to her singing.


She couldn't face any of them right now (a lie, she moved on and was fine but terribly embarrassed earlier this morning-), and why would she want any of the amazing idols to watch her practice and then train her a bit? She didn't want to take more of their busy time, and Choheun was sure she was going to embarrass herself with a voice crack or a misstep.

Just- no. No. Nope.

It's already four in the afternoon and Choheun wanted to sing something one last time (maybe cover Kim Sohyang again? What about Park Kiyoung?) before going out to get lunch. Or make one herself but she didn't want to go to the open kitchen where a lot of people from BigHit would lounge in and yeah, no thanks. Though she did want to see Beomgyu again since he's been busy as well but they stay in touch with texting and stuff every now and then.

"Maybe now is not the time, Saego-yah." Sungdeuk shot the idea down smoothly, glancing down at his phone he took out and ignored Saego's put-off pout and grumble. Choheun snickered behind her fist. "Ladies, it's way past lunchtime and our time with Yeon Choheun-ssi is actually up." Yeah, she had been singing and dancing for the past seven to eight hours. Just like the first time she started her day as a trainee. "Yeon-ssi?"

Choheun blinked, "Yes?"

"Would like us to get you some food? I'm heading off to the supermarket and Saego is coming with me. Or maybe a takeout, if you'd like." He asked kindly with a caring smile that Choheun briefly thought it was a fatherly kind of smile before the thought disappeared a second later. What?

Choheun shook her head, smiling slightly, "Ah, there's no need, Son Sungdeuk-nim. I'm not hungry yet, and I can get my own if I am." She assured, pulling on the sleeves of her hoodie over her fingers to hide away from the slightly cold air around the room. "And before I get something it nibble on, I want to sing one last song. For fun."

Sungdeuk eyed her for a second before nodding slowly, a knowing smile on her glossed lips as if she knew what she wanted to sing, "If you say so. Just don't forget to eat properly, okay?" Choheun nodded with a quiet 'eum'. She was actually hungry, right now, but it was only slightly and not strong enough for her to run out of the room and hunt for food like an animal.

Saego reached out to pat her head, smiling widely that her eyes followed suit and glasses shifting up slightly. "See you tomorrow, Choheun-ah. Sleep well tonight," she ruffled the girl's hair gently and Choheun held back a giggle, nodding her head again as she watched her two coaches-slash-trainers get up from their chairs and head to the door. "See you tomorrow, too, Yun Saego-nim and Son Sungdeuk-nim!" she waved her hand halfway through the air, causing the two to chuckle with mutual waves before closing the door behind them.

When she was finally left alone in the room, Choheun blinked once and turned her head to glance at the large mirror in the dance room she was borrowing, meeting her own honey brown gaze. She turned her gaze back down on her phone she took out and turned it on, slowly standing up to walk to the speakers in the corner of the room and quickly searched through YouTube. Choheun searched one of her favorite singers of her country, scrolling to find a video she could cover.

"Uwah, I forgot about this..." Choheun muttered under her breath, a smile slowly growing as she pressed on the video.

When she watched the whole thing, for like the hundredth time because it wasn't really the first time anymore, and repeated the video at least ten more times while mouthing and following the words and the rifts Kim Sohyang did, the female trainee was practically shaking with excitement to sing this song (again). Well, it was already a song, but she was going to cover Kim Sohyang covering Whitney Houston's 'I Have Nothing'.

That sounded weird when she put that together but she giggled anyway, shaking her head at her own thoughts.

Oh, and she felt a little bad she'd never watch the movie of the song. It was called 'bodyguard' or something, right?

Finding the audio version, which was convenient since she didn't expect people to actually cut off Kim Sohyang's voice and leave the instruments from the performance when it wasn't even a studio-recorded instrumental, Choheun played it once to hear if it was accurate and nodded to herself when it was.

And, not to brag, she didn't really need to read the lyrics when she knew the words by heart by now (cough—thank you Kim Sohyang-nim).

As she pressed play, Choheun placed her phone down beside the speakers and grabbed the remote for the air conditioner, hastily skittering to the center of the room in front of the mirrors and stood there, watching her own reflection as she gripped the remote with her hoodie paws (without it slipping, surprisingly).

Choheun slowly closed her eyes, feeling a smile turning up on her lips as she listened to the intro of the song start, gently swaying to the slow string of the violin and soft press of the piano as she cleared her throat and took a deep breath, getting ready when the drums finished with a smooth silence, and opened her mouth.

Share my life, take me for what I am

'Cause I'll never change, all my colors for you

She started slowly with rising ease, letting a small pause start just like how Kim Sohyang did and let her voice attempt the smooth vibrato, inwardly happy when she actually nailed it despite it being easy.

Take my love, I'll never ask for too much

Just all that you are, and everything that you do

She changed the flow of her voice gently, holding a note for barely more than two seconds and smoothen the vibrato again, slowly opening her eyes and stared at herself in the mirror as if she was her own audience, eager to please and impress.

I don't really need to look, very much further

I don't wanna have to go, where you don't follow

I won't hold it back again, this passion inside

I can't run from myself, there's nowhere to hide

Choheun held the last word, stretching the note with little to no effort and relaxed her chest and throat to get ready for the next note, her eyes sliding close as she put emotion in her voice towards the song she was singing. Almost copying the legendary singer covering the song, but also adding her own touch and flavor since her voice was still soft and light-sounding.

One second later, Choheun brought the makeshift microphone closer to her lips, stomach compressing as she belted the next notes and words just a little pitch higher since she was a soprano (told by Saego herself, because apparently a soprano wasn't a drink and was instead a type of voice that could only hit high notes and mostly unable to hit low notes, unlike a tenor and baritone).

Don't make me close one more door

I don't wanna hurt anymore

Stay in my arms, if you dare

Or must I imagine you there

Don't walk away from me

Choheun's free arm moved by itself, moving in front of her as if to emphasis the note she held, her own body moving and was dancing with every beat of the song.

I have nothing, nothing, nothing~

She deviated from the video a bit by dragging the note more gently, voice softer and instead of a vibrato, she did it flatly with a few rifts.

If I don't, have, you

Choheun felt a smile grow on her face as she dragged the note and word once again like how Kim Sohyang did, the same giddy and excited feeling thrumming warmly in her chest and was reminded why she had love singing in the first place. Being able to control your own with ease and no trouble made her feel as if there was something she could actually do and succeeded in doing without failure, her love and passion for singing more evident in her voice as she continued to sing the next verse with growing glee and ecstasy and pure, childish excitement.

Because she was too deep into the song and her own little world of heaven whilst singing, Choheun remained oblivious the whole time when the door of the room opened just slightly for a pair of eyes to watch her curiously before gradually turning into awe, starstruck and utterly amazed.

"Why do I have to do it, hyung?" Jeongguk whined immediately when Jin told him what he wanted him to do and he huffed his cheeks slightly when the others around them only laughed, not even bothering to hide their mirth as best as they could.

Jin only rolled his eyes him, placing his hands on the maknae's shoulder in a firm grip to prevent him from moving away as he pushed Jeongguk out of the room, the younger complain and whining and trying to convince the older vocalist to no success. And give him some credit, Jeongguk was actually not whining like a child because he did not want to do this request at all.

Okay, so maybe he was. Just a bit.

"Yah, stop being a brat. Asking Choheun-ah if she wants to eat with us is not that hard, you know." Jin deadpanned, stepping back inside the room once Jeongguk was out of the door, pouting.

"But—But hyung, you know how awkward I am with Yeon Choheun-ssi. And I'm pretty sure she's not very comfortable around me either unlike you. Why can't it be Jimin-hyung or Namjoon-hyung? Or better yet, why can't it be you? You get along with her so well," Jeongguk tried to persuade his hyung, widening his eyes and jutting out his bottom lip in a way he hoped would sway the vocalist since it usually worked.

Keyword was usually.

Today was, sadly, not one of those days.

Aish, was he losing his cuteness already? Or maybe Jin was actually serious with this request this time since the other times were usually Jin trolling all his dongsaengs (except he didn't touch Namjoon and Yoongi much, lucky hyungs).

Jin raised a brow, his unimpressed expression slowly morphing into a smirk with a knowing glint in his eyes and—yeah, okay, Jeongguk preferred the other one. He didn't like the look on Jin's face. It always brought him and the others bad news and do something they didn't want to do because it was like they were doing the eldest a favor they weren't aware of.

"Guk-ah, that's exactly the reason why I'm sending you first instead of the others. Be thankful I'm not asking you to eat lunch with Choheunie-yah. Now get out of here."

Jeongguk's eyes widen, "Wait, hyung-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Jin slammed the door shut on his face, leaving the Golden Maknae of Bangtan Sonyeondan gaping at the door with a betrayed look on his face. None of his other bandmates even tried to lift a finger and help him, just staring at him with pity and amusement and were all probably laughing at him now on the other side of the door.

"Aish, this hyung..." Jeongguk stared at the door with disbelief, a hand on his hip with the other ruffling his hair in annoyance before huffing, turning around and walked away to do what he was asked to do.

Fine, he's going to ask Choheun. He was probably going to die and turn red in embarrassment the whole time he was standing in front of the girl, but maybe he didn't mind this as much as he thought. After all, Jeongguk did promise he would try to start building his nonexistent friendship with the female teen in a way that was more comfortable to Choheun than to him because she would most likely run away if he did a single thing wrong because no doubt she would think it was her fault or something.

Jeongguk chuckled, but the sound was more pathetic and pitiful and his shoulders slumped as he chose to take the staircase instead of the elevator to the floor below him, his mood turning gloomy. He flicked his chin to the side briefly, biting his lip, "Ah, who am I kidding. I don't know how to talk to girls. ARMY is one thing, but a trainee of BigHit and soon-to-be our eighth member? Our relationship have to develop more than just coworkers or else Jin-hyung will be disappointed." He whined to himself, wondering if he had finally gone crazy for talking to himself but then realized it was kind of a normal thing to do.

Pushing the door open, Jeongguk peeked his head out to see if anyone was around and stepped into the floor when the coast was clear. The staff might look at him weirdly if they saw him there looking like he was sneaking around in secret, which sounded ridiculous. Jeongguk shook his head, hair bouncing from the movement, and started walking, already knowing where and which room it was since he had mapped the place just in case (specifically to know and remember what room Choheun was using and practicing in, which was actually his former dance room to, well, dance and practice alone when the others were home. But he wasn't going to tell Choheun that. Ever. Because what were the chances of the new maknae practicing in the former maknae's room? Coincidence, apparently).

Jeongguk took his phone out, pressing the home button to check the time, around four thirty, and quickened his pace a bit to catch up since the others were probably hungry and waiting for him.

When Jeongguk looked up, already seeing the door of the room he was heading, he quirked a smile and took deep breaths while starting to think of words to use for a conversation with the honey-eyed teen without appearing and sounding forced and that he didn't like her because he didn't dislike her anymore. Was it hard to befriend Choheun?

Well, yes, obviously. Jin, Jimin, and Namjoon were better at conversation, and if Taehyung and Hobi would start making a move, Jeongguk had no doubt they'd be friends with Choheun, and Choheun would maybe relax around them, more quicker than the first three. Then again, Jimin and Jin were definitely faster.

He wasn't that sure about Yoongi, though. His prediction for his cool hyung was mixed, if he was being honest.

Before Jeongguk could tuck his phone back in his pocket when he neared the door, he froze, nearly dropping his phone when he heard something from the other side of the door.

Music and a voice.

Someone was singing. Choheun was singing.


She was singing. Right now.

He literally forgot that she could sing because how else did she pass the audition with flying colors? Though he and the others had never heard her voice yet when she sang, or even watched her dance.


Swallowing thickly, Jeongguk kept his phone and gathered his courage (actually, he forced himself with too much effort needed) to wrap his hand around the handle of the door, hearing the click that made him panic a bit, before pushing the door just slightly for him to peek into the room and—oh.


No way, she was singing this song? This song by the amazing Whitney Houston everybody knew in their lives, with the really high notes?

And, wait, she knew English?!

Jeongguk couldn't help but let his mouth drop open in complete awe as he watched the girl hold that last note so cleanly like it was no trouble at all, his breath getting stolen by the beautiful melodious rift she must had come up with herself on the spot.

Not wanting to disturb her, the Golden Maknae gripped the door tightly to prevent it from automatically moving further away from him if he let go, his dark eyes intently focusing on the girl through the mirror (her back was facing him and her eyes were closed, luckily) and watch how she sang so easily like it was a normal thing for her, to have a voice so soft and light yet powerful and loud at the same time.

You see through, right to the heart of me

You break down my walls, with the strength of your love

Choheun skipped a part of the song, probably following the music she had played that was bouncing through the walls from the speaker, and she grinned widely as if she was having fun just by singing a song that wasn't that commonly nailed with the high notes and how long one might want to hold it for.

I don't really need look, very much further

I don't wanna have to go, where you don't follow

I won't hold it back again, this passion inside

I can't run from myself, there's nowhere to hide

Your love I'll remember, forever

Choheun let the note flow, taking a calm breath before she belted the iconic part of the song, bending over slightly as she placed a hand over her chest where her heart was with so much emotion yet she looked so free, and Jeongguk could feel his eyebrows fly up under his bangs when the seemingly small trainee belted one note higher of the word 'one'. He couldn't even think properly to remember how high that note even was. Definitely somewhere on the fifth octave by now.

Don't make me close one more door

I don't wanna hurt anymore

Stay in my arms, if you dare

Or must I imagine you there

Don't walk away from me

I have nothing, nothing, nothing~

Choheun held that note more longer than the others, head tilted a bit up and how in the hell was her voice still soft-sounding and light when belting something so loud? And then Choheun must be actually having fun because she surprised him even more when she paused the next words each time with every. Note. Higher along with the drums in the background, pronouncing every word as her voice rose higher.




Close one more door

I don't wanna hurt anymore

Jeongguk's jaw dropped even more, because that note had to be a G-hash five. There's no way it wasn't, no freaking way, and it wasn't even a falsetto or a head voice. It was legit a belt. On a note he usually heard could be only sung without belting much. And Choheun didn't even lookn as if she was struggling at all! There was a hint of a smile on her face as she sang the extremely high notes with a belt that not even Jin or Jimin could hit, and they were the main vocalists of their group what the fuck.

Stay in my arms, if you dare

Must I imagine you there

Don't walk away from me

No, don't walk away from me

Don't you dare walk away from me

I have nothing, nothing, nothing~

Choheun continued to surprise him every time, repeatedly hitting that G and F and D and more hashes and maybe other notes in the fifth octave he suddenly couldn't remember, and she surprised him even more when she held that note (and word) longer than the last ones she did, in a belt, and then she switched to falsetto almost immediately that usually it wouldn't work, but she made it work because the transition was way too smooth for someone who was training. Jeongguk was damn sure she had probably been singing far longer than him despite being a year younger.

If I don't, have, you~

Choheun gently turned in a circle as she dragged the last note effortlessly, as if she hadn't just been belting a note no one in BigHit could hit (except Saego, because she was their vocal coach but she refused to become a singer or an idol) and dragging said note like she was just singing a normal, everyday song she listened to.

But then Jeongguk wasn't ready when Choheun slowly opened her eyes, her body facing him, literally, and he couldn't do anything but stare back with wide eyes and tense shoulders as the girl herself stared back with a deer-caught-in-headlights look.

Before he could even open his mouth, maybe to say hi or preferably a pathetic 'uhh', Choheun accidentally dropped the remote she had in her fingers (holy- she was using a remote to sing and he actually thought it was a microphone because her voice had bounced in the room, fuck, that was so cute-) and fell right on top of her feet.


It even looked heavy, especially when it was the edge that hit her.

Choheun yelped, eyes squeezing shut in pain as she slipped and fell on her bottom, a loud 'thud' resonating in the silent room and Jeongguk quickly stepped inside and rushed towards the wincing girl reaching to her feet but only hovered. It was probably still throbbing.

"Y-Yeon Choheun-ssi! Are you okay? I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to startle you!" he apologized with worry as he forgot everything else and just kneel beside her, placing a hand on her back as his eyes wandered around her body in case she was hurt somewhere else before landing back on her honey brown eyes. "Aish, I'm really sorry,"

Choheun blinked at him, small little tears hanging on the corner of her eyes (surprisingly not falling yet) but a look of confusion took over her face, cheeks turning pink. "U-um... It's- I'm okay, Jeon Jeongguk-ssi, but..." she paused, furrowing her brows underneath her bangs slightly and it was Jeongguk's turn for his face to heat up. Right, he just got caught spying on the teen like a creepy dude, even if he was only a year older than her. "H-have you been watching me?" she blushed, her ears that weren't hidden behind her hair turning red, "Wait- how long have you been standing there? Watching me?"

Jeongguk smiled sheepishly, holding a hand out for the girl to take, which she did so, and helped pull her up on her feet before letting go and backing a few steps away as Choheun rubbed her back. She peered up at him, briefly reminding the maknae of their height difference (she barely reached half his head-) and he flicked his chin to the side, nervous. "Ah, maybe...since the second verse?" he admitted a little shyly, "Sorry, I could've left and let you continue alone. Spying on you sounded rude and creepy now that I think about it, but I couldn't help but listen because wow, have you always hit notes that high so easily, Choheun-ssi?" he ended up rambling instead, unable to help himself like, come on, she hit a D-five in a belt for so long. How could he not be impressed?

Choheun blushed pink, letting out a noise in the back of her throat he couldn't describe (except adorable-) as she quickly slapped a hand, that was partially hidden by her sleeves, over her mouth, glancing down on the floor like it was the most interesting thing at the moment. He wished he could do the same, but then that would cause the awkward air to start building up and he really didn't want that right now when he had the perfect chance to talk to the younger. He was not going to screw it up or someone help him.

"It was—It was nothing, Jeon Jeongguk-ssi, really. I-I highly doubt I did that good. It's not the first time I sang that song and cover. Probably like a million times already, and, uh-" she tried to deny it, that she hadn't sang a note so high he was very envious and—nope, Jeongguk could tell she was genuinely and honestly saying she really didn't do well when she did plenty. He could sense her honest doubt of her own abilities and talent, and he wasn't going to let her continue on with that thought because she was fucking amazing.

"Choheun-ssi," he cut her off swiftly, saying 'fuck it' in his head and placed his hands on her shoulder, keeping it firm when he felt her flinch just slightly it was barely noticeable, staring at her with determination in his eyes and a small frown on his face. She blinked up at him, fear and apprehension clear as day in her eyes and he wanted that look gone. "Please don't say that about yourself. You did so amazing I was honestly starstruck. I still am, actually. Nobody hits notes like that so effortlessly like you except some others I'm currently forgetting at the moment. I'm really glad I watched because I think I kind of know why you won the audition."

Choheun stared at him, dumbfounded and baffled like he grew another head or something (which, to be fair, maybe, because he just did something uncharacteristic towards the girl who still thought he didn't like her, twice). Her cheeks stayed pink, though, and averted her gaze as she hunched in on herself a bit, turning shy but hesitant. "I..." she played with the hem of her hoodie, a small pout on her lips as she looked back up at him, still not believing him. "You—You really mean that? Was I good, Jeon Jeongguk-ssi?" when she said that with so much hope and fear in her eyes, like she was half-expecting him to say no, like a young child asking for approval, and Jeongguk could feel his own last piece of doubt and hesitance around her disappear like it was never there.

Jeongguk grinned wide, certain he was showing his 'bunny teeth' everyone, especially the ARMY, liked to call it. "I'm very positive, Choheun-ssi.You were really amazing." He said as convincing as he could so she could understand he meant it because seriously, Choheun was literally one of the rare few who could belt in the fifth octave, probably able to hit the sixth, too (what if she could hit the seventh? Holy fu-) and now he couldn't wait to see how well she could dance.

Choheun stared at him for a moment, eyes searching around his face and gazed back at his eyes, before letting a bashful, lopsided smile to appear on her lips no matter how small. And it was really endearing, if anyone asked Jeongguk though he would never admit it because it was actually aimed at him. Not polite or anything, but genuine and happy and it was directed at him and him alone. So this was how the others like Jin, Jimin, and Namjoon felt? Awesome. "Thank you, Jeon Jeongguk-ssi. That was...really nice of you to say."

Jeongguk quickly frowned and shook his head, causing the girl to tense up slightly in confusion as if she had said something wrong and was expecting him to snap or something. That definitely wouldn't happen. "Just call me without my last name, please? I'm only a year older than you, and it makes me feel old to be called that way by someone not too young." Which was true, and since she was staying with them for a long time, staying formal wasn't going to cut it, especially in the BigHit household where everyone view each other as family and friends.

Choheun let out a giggle just as he released his grip on her shoulder, shoving them in his pockets as the trainee smiled, "If—If you don't mind?" Jeongguk nodded, "Then Jeongguk-ssi it is, Jeongguk-ssi." She repeatedly playfully, leaning back slightly as if she realized what she had just said and her smile faltered just a bit, but then stayed and grew a little when Jeongguk only laughed.

She was still doubtful, huh? Well, he better fix that soon. And what better than to ask about dance?



"You can dance, right?"

Choheun blinked, once, then twice, and a small hue of red colored her round cheeks. "I-I think I can?" why did she sound unsure? He bet she was very good at it. "Why do you ask?"

Jeongguk shrugged, crossing his fingers inside his pockets as he hoped this would go the way he wanted to. He wasn't sure if it was the best idea to start their friendship, but it was admittedly better than nothing and his only chances to get her to be comfortable around him in a short amount of time before he talked to her again was now. "You already know that our comeback song it coming soon, right?" she nodded slowly, still confused about where this was going, "Well, when you're going to debut with us, I have a good feeling you'll need to learn Fire for future performances during your debut days. And you'll probably get some lines for the song, too, just in case. So?" Jeongguk stared at her carefully, head tilted a bit to get a closer look at her when he spotted surprise and bewilderment in her honey-colored eyes. "What do you say? Want to learn a few moves from our comeback song?"

Choheun opened her mouth before closing it, and repeated the notion a few times, perfectly speechless. She found her voice after five seconds of gaping later, "Y-you'd do that? For me? A-and you're okay with it? Jeongguk-ssi," she looked at him in concern, squinting her eyes a bit with a small pout on her face, "you're not sick, are you?" she questioned innocently and Jeongguk, again, remembered how much of a jerk he was when he had first met and seen her. He didn't blame her at all if she found his request to teach her sudden and uncharacteristic. Plus the fact they barely talked at all with the exception of a few words here and there (mostly from him than her).

But, then again, he was willing to change her impression of him and get her to trust him just a little bit because he was instantly reminded of the incident that happened to her last night and he felt a new rush of confidence run over him, determined to try and befriend her and, maybe, he could try to be an 'oppa' for once. Jeongguk had always wondered what it would be like to be a hyung, but an oppa to someone who was definitely younger than him and would soon be their eighth member this winter? He could settle with this as well.

"Choheun-ssi, I know I wasn't the nicest member when we first met after you were told you were going to debut with us in our next album," he started slowly, making sure to keep his gaze steady and was pleased when Choheun held it without trying to look away, eyebrows furrowing worriedly, "and I'm sorry with how I acted before. It was unprofessional and rude of me to react like that."

Choheun chewed on her bottom lip for a second before opening her mouth, "I don't blame you for reacting like that, Jeongguk-ssi. I was going to take your place as the maknae of the group and you felt threatened, and I completely understand when you and the others were clearly doubtful about having a new addition so late in about three years, especially a female and someone like me."

Jeongguk shook his head, sighing, "That's true. I'll admit my opinion and feelings towards you weren't exactly positive," he saw her smile sadly in understanding, so considerate, and he felt guilty yet so eager to break the walls in their way—because he could see why the others liked her, why the staff were so nice and kind, and why she was chosen to become their eighth member out of the many others who participated. He finally understood, "but that didn't mean I stayed disliking you. If anything, I wanted to try and talk with you for the past few days. I was just awkward and feeling guilty and didn't know how to someone who's a girl and near my age. I want-" he stopped, swallowing down the sudden lump that formed in his throat and cleared his throat in embarrassment at how his voice cracked a bit, quieting down until his next words were close to a whisper. "I want us to try and become friends, Choheun-ssi. If you can forgive me for how childish I behaved before."

Choheun stayed silent, her eyes so wide and peach lips parted open in utter disbelief that Jeongguk was getting nervous at her look and wondered if he was asking too much, especially since it was common knowledge with them back at the dorm that his dislike towards her was so apparent when she had moved in, even if said dislike was already dwindling down the more he observed her around their dorm.

Then Choheun took a deep breath, sliding her gaze down to avoid his, and lifted a hand in front of him, palm opened sideways.

The taller teen blinked, taking a second to understand what that meant, before feeling a smile growing on his face as he remove his own hand from his pocket, long fingers wrapping around her incredibly smaller ones that he briefly compared how her hands were even smaller than Jimin's.

Choheun lifted her head a little once his hand was wrapped around hers, peering up at him shyly through her bangs as a rosy blush tinted her cheeks, smiling so sweetly and Jeongguk couldn't stop staring. "I forgive you, Jeongguk-ssi." She said softly, her eyes beginning to curve up just a bit and his first thought was that she had adorable crescent eyes. "So, friends?"

Jeongguk was sure his heart was going to burst, grinning widely and let out a relieved laugh as he shook hands with her, the trainee giggling, "Yeah. Friends. We're friends now."

When they let go, Choheun turned her head slightly to look at the mirror behind her before looking back at him, head cocked slightly to the side as she eyed him curiously with a very innocent, child-like smile, hopeful and practically bouncing excitedly where she stood. "So... about that dance?"

Holy fuck, she was so...what was the word people on the internet used these days? Precious.

Yeon Choheun was fucking precious holy crap how had he not seen it before?

He grinned, bunny teeth flashing and nodded, just as excited as her. "Sure. Let me get the song ready on my phone." Choheun returned his grin with a lopsided one.

Panting sounds and heavy breathing were the only sounds so far inside the dance room.



"Did I do it? Please tell me I did it or I swear I'm going to find a water-filled bottle and throw it at you, BTS member or not."

"No, I was going to say you perfected the moves on point, and please, I don't want to get checked to the doctor because I got hit by a water bottle. That'll be embarrassing, Choheun-ssi."

"Aigoo-yah!" Choheun exclaimed in relief, Jeongguk laughing behind his hand despite panting at the same time as he watched the younger teen ungracefully sat on the ground and fell back on the floor, arms and legs stretched apart like a starfish as her chest heaved heavily with puffs of air coming from her panting mouth. "I thought I was going to die. You weren't kidding when you said Fire was going to be the fastest and hardest song you choreographed this time. I can't imagine what else future dances you'll do."

Jeongguk didn't bother hiding his laughter this time, bending over to clutch his knees to keep himself upright, just as tired as her. "Ah, don't forget that you're also going to be dancing with us after you debut, Choheun-ssi. Who knows? Maybe your debut song with us will be hard," and maybe the others could see her dance as well because she was really good at it in her own way.

Choheun was actually more smooth and delicate with her moves, more swiftness and precision, but she was not used to very sharp and fast-paced movements like in Fire, which impressed Jeongguk a lot because she got the whole chorus down in under an hour despite not used to this kind of dance style.

She was legit a combination of him, Hobi, and Jimin with more of the latter because when she was stretching around before they started, she was really flexible like she had been so for a long time. And when she bended down to hug around her knees whilst standing. That was cool.

Choheun lifted her head a bit to stare up at him, eyes narrowing and frowning, but she looked nothing close to intimidating and he was sure she was pouting instead. Now he understood why the others called her a kitten. "Don't jinx it, please."

He smirked a bit, inwardly happy how at ease they were around each other for the past half an hour learning the chorus of Fire. They were both throwing questions at each other from time to time during their practice with Jeongguk teaching, like how shocked he was when Choheun timidly admitted her birthday was on September first like him-

("Wait, you share the same birthday as me?" he said, shocked and gaping as he stopped for a bit. The girl shrugged one shoulder, quirking one shy smile, "Don't ask me, Jeongguk-ssi. I wonder that as well when I realized I shared the same birthday as my bia- nevermind."

"Wait, what were going to say?" he asked again like he hadn't heard her the first time, smirk slowly growing because he definitely heard it.

Choheun puffed her cheeks, crossing her arms over her chest and glared at the ground with a red face, pouting, "Nevermind, Jeongguk-ssi."

"Fine, fine.")

-that she was born in Busan like him but only stayed for a few years before moving-

("Busan?" she answered, but it sounded more like a question after she finished the first easy part of the chorus.

Jeongguk raised a brow, surprised, but was more confused at her answer. "Why do you sound uncertain, Choheun-ssi?"

Choheun blinked slowly, cocking her head to one side as she closed her eyes, thinking. A hum slipped pass her lips, "Mm... My brother told me we stayed there for a while but moved. I don't really know the reason why, but that's pretty much it. Oh!" she snapped her fingers, eyes popping open as she stared up at him with surprised eyes as if she had just remembered something. "And my brother was born in Daegu, I think. I remember he told me before."

Jeongguk blinked down at her in surprise as well, "What? How old is your brother for him to be born in another area before moving to Busan?"

"Dohyuk-oppa?" oh, that was her brother's name? New piece of information about her personal life. Nice. "He's nine years older than me."

Jeongguk sputtered, "Mwo?!"

"Wh-what? What's wrong?")

-that, apparently, they actually share a lot of things they like together-

("Choheun-ssi, do you mind if I go out to buy some food? I told Jin that we can go back to the dorms later at six as long as we ate something before he cooks dinner."

Choheun perked up, letting her leg down from dancing the pre-chorus, known as Jimin's part, and nodded, "Yes, please! And, wait- Jin?" she raised a confused brow, blinking her wide eyes, "You call him informally?"

Jeongguk lifted a finger to his lips, shushing her with a mischievous wink, smiling softly when she giggled in amusement at his very maknae-like look, "Don't tell hyungie, okay? I call all of them informally, mostly when I plan on pranking them."

Choheun formed a small 'o' with her mouth and nodded in understanding, smiling, "Promise. Back to the topic in hand, can you get banana milk, too?"

Jeongguk's eyes widened, gaping. She liked banana milk, too?" "You like banana milk?"

Choheun returned his confusion with her own, blinking widely, "Wait, you like it, too?" she sounded as surprised as him.



-and more he kind of forgot because most of the time Choheun kept laughing at him when he intentionally exaggerated a move from the choreo, like dabbing a bit too much, and then repeat it and maybe even dab with his leg, and he was laughing with her as well.

Meaning, he actually got along with Choheun just fine in the past thirty minutes, and he was glad his silliness as the Golden Maknae and his normal self was enough for the younger teen to relax just enough around him.

Worth it, by the way, and not forgetting to call Jin back that they (the other members waiting) all could eat and head back first before him and Choheun.

"We'll see, right?" Jeongguk shrugged, smiling when the female teen groaned and sat up, both of them walking back to the chairs beside the door where their sort-of lunch and snacks awaits them. And Jeongguk's jacket, too, because he had removed it in the middle of their practice since he was getting too hot and sweaty, leaving him in his extra large black shirt. Choheun refused to remove her hoodie.

After a few minutes of getting a breather, both Jeongguk and Choheun sat down on the floor and started eating their instant ramen the former prepared on his way back from the kitchen, their banana milks and water bottles, and a couple of sweets like chocolate and small tubs of mint chocolate ice cream (oh yeah, she also liked mint chocolate like him. Aigoo, just how similar were they now that he didn't like her anymore? They would've been friends in the beginning if he hadn't been so rude and childish-), and that was pretty much it.

They stayed silent as they slurped on their ramen, the silence not as uncomfortable like earlier and was instead relaxed and calming as they faced the mirror, staring at their own reflection.

Jeongguk glanced at her after a while, chewing the noodles in his mouth as Choheun continued to stare at herself, not aware of his gaze and was just staring down at herself with a small frown as she ate, loosely holding the cup of ramen on her lap.

He frowned as well, wondering what was on her mind for her to look at herself like that as if she was staring at something she didn't like. "Choheun-ssi?" he called out softly, putting his quarter-filled ramen down on the floor in front of his folded legs.

Choheun blinked, seemingly remembering where she was, and turned to look at him, a questioning look on her face as if saying 'what is it?'. But Jeongguk wasn't fooled, he had clearly seen the obvious distaste and self-deprecating look she aimed at herself on the mirror. "Do you like it?"

Choheun made a confused noise in the back of her throat, "What? The ramen?"

Ah, he didn't elaborate enough. But the answer was cute. "No, I mean here. In BigHit. Do you like it here so far?" Jeongguk asked again.

She paused, meeting his eyes for a second, before looking back down at her ramen, stirring the noodles inside inattentively. "...Honestly, I guess it's... it's okay."


Choheun shrugged one shoulder, avoiding his gaze as she played with her food, "I mean, I miss home, Jeongguk-ssi. I miss my family a lot, back home, and I never realize how much I think about them when I was around them. It feels different and foreign to me, to be away from them for so long, and probably more longer when I debut."

Jeongguk softened, remembering how he had felt the same way towards hi family when he was getting used to BigHit and his hyungs. "And now? How do you feel?" he asked, voice more gentle and lower than before.

The trainee didn't answer for a while, stirring her noodles while her gaze stayed unfocused on the floor in front of her, before slowly lifting her head up to meet his gaze, a subtle smile on her face. "I like it. So far. Everyone's been so nice to me." She added the last as if it was meant for herself in calm awe and surprise, her soft voice quiet and nearly inaudible like she actually couldn't believe someone was nice to her. Jeongguk felt his heart pinch at that, and he didn't know why thought like that. He was hoping he could in the future, though, because that's what Jin was hoping to happened, that they would all get along well with her soon enough and maybe even get her to finally open up, no matter how small she reveals her true self and how long it took.

Jeongguk smiled at her response, Choheun returning it hesitantly and shyly, before turning back to his ramen, scooping the noodles in his chopsticks and opened his mouth, slurping it up as the leftover ones were left behind.

"How... How about you, Jeongguk-ssi?"

The said maknae looked up, blinking as he paused on chewing before resuming to quickly swallow so he could speak. When he did, he glanced at her, intrigued, "Hm?"

Choheun blushed slightly, scratching her top lip briefly before focusing back on the question. "How is it like being the 'Golden Maknae' of Bangtan Sonyeondan? What's it like?" she said curiously, the air quotes of Golden Maknae obvious, a little drawled like she might be poking a bit.

Jeongguk hummed, leaning back against his left arm behind him, looking up at the ceiling in thought. What's it like being the Golden Maknae? Well...there's a lot of things to say, but he'd stick with an easy and simple answer. "It's cool, I guess." He settled with that.

Choheun blinked slowly, "You guess?" a hint of confusion was in her tone with something else, but he couldn't decipher it.

Jeongguk shrugged one shoulder like how she did just a few minutes prior, smiling when her lips quirked up a bit. "Like making music, dancing to our music, making the music videos, planning out future albums and concepts, meeting our fans, performing for our fans, going to interviews sometimes- stuff like that, you know? The idol life I dreamed of, along with the hyungs." He answered easily, like he had answered that kind of question a million times.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Choheun eyeing him with an unreadable look on her face, head cocked slightly to the side. With the amount of time he spent with her, he guessed that it was a habit of hers when she was curious about something. But what was she curious about of the Golden Maknae?

"How about you? How are you doing as Jeon Jeongguk?" she asked next, her voice soft as she leaned forward in front of her to look at him in a better angle. Oh.


He...didn't expect that.

For some reason, he felt his throat close up and chest tighten at the new question, somehow finding it more harder to answer than the last. But she had been honest when she answered his question, so why would he lie to her when she was finally relaxing a bit around him? "As Jeon Jeongguk... I'm scared. A lot, I guess. We're getting more and more fans, which is amazing by the way because we have many awesome supporters, the ever protective ARMY, but that also means a lot of antis and haters will come breathing on our neck. And as for me, they usually go for the 'Golden Maknae' of BTS to watch me like a hawk if I do any mistakes, even if it was just a small one. On concerts and live performances, too. There have been...a lot of times where I struggle and question myself if becoming an idol was the best decision, you know?" he shrugged, finally looking down to meet her gaze. "With so many eyes on you, one can take so much before you finally can't take it, and I don't want that to happen to me, and to the others as well. Even BigHit. But that's the life of an idol. Do you get what I'm saying?" well, there's plenty of other reasons, but he was going to stick with this one for now. He didn't want to make her too worried. Sure, he had a lot of fears and doubts as an idol and the Golden Maknae of BTS, but there were also a lot of good reasons, too.

Choheun blinked, eyes furrowing slightly, before she placed her ramen down and scooted a little closer to him so that her hips were an inch away from him and shoulders, surprisingly, were brushing lightly. Jeongguk blinked down at her, startled as he, too, placed his ramen down in confusion. "Choheun-ssi?"

The honey-eyed teen said nothing as she reached out and grabbed both of his wrists and made an 'x' form over his chest, letting go and looking back up at him with determined eyes. Jeongguk raised his brows, bemused.

"You're right, Jeongguk-ssi. An idol life is not an easy one, from what I've seen and read online. Even that's not enough. But hearing you admit that..." she found his gaze, smiling lopsidedly, "It makes me admire you and other idols even more. With all the doubts you have, you still keep going no matter what, doing it for the fans, for BigHit, to make a difference in the music industry or the world, and at the same time you're doing what you love, right?"

Jeongguk nodded slowly, hanging on to her every word because she made it sound so easy like she had been an idol her entire life or something. Was she really a fan who dreamt to audition to become an idol?

"So," Choheun crossed her hands over her chest like she did to him, smiling wide until her eyes disappeared just slightly, "you already know this, but as a fellow ARMY of Bangtan Sonyeondan for three years, now a trainee of BigHit, just ignore what all the 'haters' are saying and continue doing what you love, okay? Do what makes you happy the most, and the ARMY will continue to support and love you just for that alone. If you asked me, I think you being Jeon Jeongguk and the Golden Maknae together is better. Listen to the right people and keep going. So, fighting, Jeon Jeongguk-ssi!" she finished with a small, light giggle, a little shy as she peered up at him and a little nervous but determined at the same time, reminding Jeongguk once again that she was, indeed, a fan of theirs, and somehow one of their early fans, too. For three years.

She had been a fan for three years, and everything she said was like Jeongguk had been talking to one of their loyal fans, having a meaningful conversation and not just the usual 'we love your music' and 'we love you' talk, but a literal, meaningful talk about him being the Golden Maknae. Just- "How are you real?" he breathed out unconsciously, noticing he said his thoughts out loud when Choheun's face faltered into bewilderment.

"Did you say something?" she asked confusedly with a small tilt of her head, eyes squinting slightly as if she was waiting for him to repeat what he had just said.

"Nothing!" he quickly shouted, slapping a hand over his mouth when he startled the girl from it, "S-sorry, but just-" he took a deep breath, staring back at her honey eyes. "Thank you, Choheun-ssi. That... That means a lot to me. Really. It does." He managed to say, in the end, because he was still speechless, and Choheun brightened back up with her hands still crossed, smiling.

"Ignore and listen to the right people?" she prompted playfully with a gentle nudge of her elbow on his arm, cheeks pink and rosy but she looked happy. For him. She was happy for him and not because she got to talk to Jeongguk of BTS, but because, right now, since the beginning right when she moved in with them and talked with him, regardless of how short the conversation between them was, she had been talking to Jeon Jeongguk the whole time. The real, insecure, unsure, but passionate Jeongguk who loved doing what he loved the most despite all the cons the came with it.

Jeongguk decided right then and there that he wasn't going to let Choheun down with their new friendship. He was going to be the bestest friend she ever had in her time in BigHit and BTS.

He grinned, bringing his arms up again and crossed his wrists over his chest, bunny teeth showing, "And keep going what I love best."

Choheun giggled, her eyes closing to curve into happy crescents, delighted like a young child, "BTS!" she cheered quietly, still shy, but it was genuine.


Oh, and happy belated birthday, Jeon Jeongguk-oppa! :D Isn't this a great chapter after his birthday tho?? Because it's mainly a Chokook chapter! x3

I did wanna post it yesterday, but I decided against and stayed with Monday updates as usual, lol.

Try to guess who's the next member. There's actually a pattern to know, but you have to really pay attention to the story.

(Hint: Jeongguk is the member who starts to like her the last. So he's first in this sort-of arc.)

Tip Of The Day: Choheun is originally born in Busan, South Korea, while her brother is actually born in Daegu (but he rarely slips his accent, and Choheun isn't aware she has one but it shows when she's angry or really annoyed). She grew up in Busan for a few years before moving somewhere that's three hours far from Seoul with Dohyuk along with Eunji. Kaejji currently lives in Seoul while Jaegoo comes in later.

Word Count: 13,860
Finished: 2019/09/01
Published: 2019/09/02

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