The American Spider: Maria

By Shipping_Empress

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Maria Rosset Davis is the younger parental cousin of Miles Gonzalo Morales. Both children were born on the sa... More

The Letter
Let's Go See Peter!
Uncle Aaron!
Goodbye America
Hello Japan
Entrance Exam
Battle Bots
First Day at UA, Class 1-A
Quirk Tests
Heroics Class
Spider Girl Vs Ice Boy
Ice Vs Webs
Class Reps
Over to the USJ
Villain Invasion
Saving All Might
Save The Day, Teachers of UA!
Side Part: A Day Out
The Arrival of The Sports Festival
Let The Games Begin!
Cavalry Battle
Ease Dropping
Match Ups
A/N: Apologizes
Looks Like It's My Turn
Fire Power!
Stupid Deku!

Obstacle Course Race and A Good Luck Charm

117 6 0
By Shipping_Empress

~Maria's POV~

The moment Midnight said "begin" everything quickly descends into chaos. Everyone runs into the tunnel at once causing it to quickly become over crowed. Soon people begin to shove and push as they try to move through the clogged tunnel but nothing works. "Man this is crazy!" I mutter to myself and not a moment later someone elbows me in my spine causing me to yelp in pain. "Okay I've had enough of this!" I growl in annoyance and shoot a web from my hand and use it to pull me from the crowd and towards the ceiling of the tunnel. I quickly use my Wallclimbing ability to stick to the ceiling with my feet, somehow nobody seems to notice this. "Now I can use this to my advantage!" I say and quickly walk on the ceiling towards the end of the long tunnel.

I can't really run because the laws of gravity still affect me and one misstep will cause me to fall back to the ground. I need at least one foot on the ceiling to stay up here and I'm going to need to stay up here if I don't want to get crushed. Suddenly a shiver runs up and down my spine at the exact same moment my Spider Senses start tingling. I look down to see a frosty fog quickly spreading throughout the tunnel with ice following after it. The fog is quickly making it's way to the ceiling as well, I swiftly calculate I only have five seconds until it reaches me and I need to act quick. I quickly drop from the ceiling but before I can fall into the frozen crowd I shoot out a web and suspend myself in the air. Not even one second later the ceiling of the tunnel gets covered in a layer of freezing cold ice.

I look down to see none other than Todoroki running out of the tunnel, leaving a trail of ice behind him much like the American Disney princess Elsa. A smirk appears on my face and I quickly use my webs and swing myself at a fast pace out towards the exit of the tunnel. I notice some of my classmates escaped the ice themselves and are running towards the exit as well. Somehow we all exit the tunnel at the same time. "Nice trick Todoroki!" Momo calls out to the running male ahead of us. "Don't think you'll get away that easily!" I shout as I fly through the air with a large, confident smirk on my face. "I won't let you get away so easily you icy hot bastard!" Bakugou screams in rage as he uses his explosions to keep himself in the air. I quickly descend towards the ground and land gracefully on the ice covered ground in a cat woman position silently thanks to my Inaudibility.

I quickly stand up and use my Superhuman Speed to catch up to Todoroki but I don't go all out, instead I use look like I'm sprinting at a normal human speed. "I'm not letting you beat me Todoroki!" I call out to him and he looks over his shoulder to see me quickly gaining on him. He narrows his eyes at me in annoyance before running faster, increasing the distance between us. Suddenly a blue and purple blur passes me then flies up in the air. I look up to see Mineta in the sky, ahead of me and screaming at Todoroki. "Hahaha! You think you're so cool but I've out smarted you Todoroki, how pathetic! Now let me show you my new move, Grape-" Mineta scrams as he slowly falls from the ground but before he can finish a giant, metallic hand comes out of no were and smacks him away like a fly!

"Target acquired" a robotic voice says and I look up to see none other than the same robots that were in the entrance exam! There are zero pointers in front of Todoroki and I and judgning my the noise coming from behind me the 1-3 pointers are behind us but focused on the other students. "Ooh! Enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I'll bet we're in for a treat here, it's robo inferno!" Mr. Hizashi announces from the announcer's booth, his voice coming from the speakers scattered all around the entire stadium. I immediately skid to a stop, ending up a few feet behinds Todoroki. "So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exam" Todoroki says as he looks up at the many zero pointers in front of us. "Darn right we did, as your classmate I'll give you some advice" I tell Todoroki as I look at him with a smirk.

"These things are easier to fight than they look!" I shout as I run towards a zero pointer, adrenaline rushing through my veins as excitement shines in my eyes. "Get moving Todoroki! Cause I'm already halfway there!" I shout over my shoulder my duel quirked classmate as I shoot a web at one of the zero pointers and swing up. "Woohoo!" I exclaim excitedly as I swing up on the zero pointer, quickly using my webs to swing to the top of the giant robot. Using my Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Strength, Inaudibility and Webs along with my stealth skills to my advantage I quickly scale the robot in less than a minute without the hunk of metal noticing. "Well would you look at this! Class 1-A's very own foreigner exchange student from Brooklyn, New York in America has taken the lead by effortlessly climbing on top of a zero pointer! Everyone give it up for Maria Davis from the States!" Mr. Hizashi screams in his microphone causing his voice to spread all around.

The crowd cheers so loud that I can hear them from here! I stand on top of the zero pointer and look behind me just in time to see Todoroki turn a whole zero pointer into nothing but an ice statue! 'Time to get going' I think as I watch Todoroki run through the opening he crested then descend from the robot in the same way I ascended. Suddenly a loud boom goes off as I swing my way down the robot and land on the ground. I look back just in time to see the robots Todoroki froze fall down causing a large cloud of dust to fly up. I quickly take off running, escaping the dust cloud by a few feet. "And there goes Shoto Todoroki also from the hero course's class 1-A, taking the second lead a few yards behind his American classmate!" Mr. Hizashi announces but I don't bother to look back to see how close Todroki really is.

If Mr. Hizashi said he's a few yards behind me then I'll just have to take his word for it. 'I hope Deku is okay, hopefully my good luck charm can encourage him enough to get him through this' I think as I run down the obstacle course path, making my way to the next obstacle. Hopefully it's just as easy as the fist one was. "Kirirshima from class 1-A! What a hard core debut for this rookie!" Mr. Hizashi announces once again and a small smile perks on my face, I'm glad Ejirou is standing out for whatever he did. Hopefully it wasn't anything dangerous. "Testutestu from class 1-B was also stuck under a robot but luckily he got out!" Mr. Hizashi cries out, 'wait stuck under a robot. Ejirou was stuck under a robot?!' I think in shock and worry. 'I swear if he's hurt I'm going to break somebody's bones' I grow in my head but I have the sneaking suspicion Todoroki is behind the literal crushing of one of my best friends.

I send a sharp glare over my shoulder at Todoroki who's at least one yard behind me thanks to my enhanced speed. He looks at me with an even meaner glare but I don't back down, I stick my tongue out childishly at him before throwing up my middle finger at him and speeding up. 'El es una perra (He's a b*tch)!' I think with a childish pout, feeling very upset with the duel haired boy. I'm definitely beating him in this race now! "Class 1-A's Bakugou is rocketing over the robots! Clever!" Mr. Hizashi announces again, well that explains the sound of explosions I heard. As I run down the path of the obstacle course Mr. Hizashi makes more announcements about my classmates but I stopped paying attention after a while.

"For those of you who feel like the first obstacle was easy, let's see how you feel about the second one!" Mr. Hizashi shouts meaning I can assume I'm near the second part of this race. And boy was I right, the moment I turn a corner the sight that greets me is a rather odd one. 

"Get ready everyone cause if you want to pass this test you'll have to get through, The Fall!" Mr. Hizashi shouts. "Tch, they call this a challenge? Easy!" I say and without hesitation I jump on one of the ropes connecting the small islands of rock and run across it like I'm running on flat ground. You'd be surprised what Superhuman Equilibrium can do for you. I look over my shoulder to see Todoroki easily sliding along the ropes with the help of his ice quirk. 

I look up to see Bakugou easily flying through the air with his explosions and quickly gaining on us! I let out a huff and give the two boys stank looks before I finally reach the end of The Fall. Right at the end of this obstacle is a staircase that'll lead me to a path that will take me to what is hopefully the last obstacle. I quickly climb the stairs and take off running down the path provided for me. Close behind me is Todoroki who's now within 5 feet of me. After 10 minutes of running and making sure to stay ahead of Todoroki I finally reach the next obstacle. A freaking land mine field. "You better be careful when stepping, you're stepping on a mine field!" Mr. Hizashi announces and I skid to a halt. I look out at the field in front of me, wondering how I can get through this wile still staying in the lead. 

I don't think my Spider Senses would warn me where the mines are until the mines are about to go off so that's not really useful. As I try to think of a plan Todoroki finally catches up with me. We both stand in silence as we look over at the mine field trying to think of way to get pass without getting blown up. Who knows what kind of explosions they have buried! "By the way those mines were designed for the game so they might be loud and flashy but they're not that powerful. Just enough to make you wet your pants!" Mr. Hizashi announces, answering my unasked question. If they're not that powerful then I think I might have a plan that can get me through this with only a few injuries. I can use my Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility and Superhuman Reflexes to avoid the mines!

Sure it's a really reckless pan but I'm pressed for time! Without wasting another second I immediately run onto the field. Within my first few steps I step on a mine causing it to be triggered. My Spider Senses start tingling just like I thought they would and I react quickly but preforming a front flip with my Superhuman Agility and land on a free space that doesn't have a mine on it. "And Davis from class 1-A once again takes the lead! Look at her go, I've never seen such agile gymnastic moves before!" Mr. Hizashi shouts excitedly as I continue to flip, jump and move through the mine field, triggering a few explosives but I manage to avoid them just in time before I get hit. Although I do have to take it kind of slow, just as caution. Todoroki remains behind me just the way I'd like to keep it. 

Suddenly a large explosion sounds behind me, and not from the buried mines, it sounds more.....Bakugou-ish. I land on a safe spot again and look behind me just in time to see my ash blond classmate blast his way next to me! "You damned American, both you and Icy Hot challenged the wrong person!" Bakugou yells at me and fires an explosion right in my face! I quickly cover my face with my arms, allowing them to take the brunt of the fiery explosive attack. "Sss" I suck in a cold breath as burning pain covers my arms but instead of cringing and recoiling in pain like I want to I fight back my urges and punch Bakugou right in his jaw! "What's this? Bakugou has blasted his way straight to the front and is now battling Davis for first pace!" Mr. Hizashi announces sounding shocked.

My Spider Senses start to tingle again and I quickly duck down just in time to dodge a punch from Todoroki. Todoroki's fist flies past me and lands right on Bakugou's nose full force. "Humph, ganging up on a girl isn't very gentlemanly you know!" I tell the two boys before punching Todoroki in the chest then following up with a round house kick to Bakugou's stomach. Both males falter back a few steps and I take this as my chance to run forward and allow those two to duke it out. "Oh no you don't!" Bakugou yells and I feel someone grab the collar of my shirt and yank me backwards! I stumble back from the unexpected force pulling me backwards and end up crashing into the ground! I suck in a breath and quickly jump up then jump away from where I landed just in time to avoid not only one but two mines exploding.

"Watch it Bakugou! You're fight is with Todoroki" I snap at the ash blond boy as I land on a safe spot. Before he or Todoroki can say anything a large explosion goes off from the back! "What's with that huge explosion in the back?! That's a lot larger than it should be!" Present Mic screams as everyone shields themselves from the bright light the explosion caused. After a few seconds the light dies down and the only thing left is a large cloud of pink smoke. "Game trouble! What just happened?! What's this? Class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place!" Mr. Hizashi exclaims as Todoroki, Bakugou and I stare at the incoming person falling from the sky and heading right for us! "No way" I gasp as I watch Izuku fly through the air with wide eyes full of disbelief but an overwhelming sense of joy and relief floods over me for some reason.

Why am I so happy that he's catching up with us? Well I guess it doesn't matter for now. 'Looks like my good luck charm worked' I think with a smirk as I watch Izuku fly through the air on the momentum caused by the abnormally large explosion. "What? Can you believe it?! The lead is his!" Mr. Hizashi  shouts excitedly as Izuku passes by all me, Bakugou and Todroki. Unlike I was expecting, I don't feel upset in the slightest. In face I'm happy for me, beyond happy for him! I quickly snap out of my daze and shake my head from side to side before dashing after Izuku. He can have first place for all I care, that's perfectly fine with me. But second place is all mine! "Deku, what the hell do you think you're doing huh?!" Bakugou screams as he leaps into the air once again with the help of his explosions and chases after our green haired classmate.

Todoroki quickly start to freeze the ground and slides on it like he's ice skating. I jump up just in time to avoid his ice but instead of charging forward I stop running and allow myself to fall behind in 4th place. I watch the three males desperately race against each other, trying to surpass the others. Bkugou and Todoroki quickly catch up to Izuku as he begins to go down, gravity finally overpowering him. Izuku starts to descend and ends up right above Bakugou and Todoroki. He plans his timing just right and once he's close enough to the ground he slams his metal sled thing onto the ground as hard as he can!

Another large, but less so, explosion burst up from the ground and Izuku uses it to propel himself past the two males. Not only does the explosion push Izuku forward it knocks both Todoroki and Bakugou to the side! "Nice one Deku!" I cheer and use this as my chance to push forward. I pick up my speed and burst through the large pink cloud and run after Izuku but of course I don't try to pass him. I wouldn't mind letting him win this round, I already showed off enough during the race so I'll let him shine. All four of us make a mad dash towards the finish line which is right through the tunnel we're running towards. Soon we're all in the tunnel using our quirks to help us go faster, Izuku stays in first place but I'm close behind him in second with Bakugou blasting his way in third place and Todoroki coming in at fourth.

Pretty soon Todoroki manages to over take Bakugou and steals third place for himself but I don't let it bother me. Todoroki tries to catch up with me but it's too late for him, we're all too case to the finish line. Within less than a minute Izuku passes the finish line taking first place for himself! "And the first place winner is Izuku Midoriya!" Mr. Hizashi screams excitedly as confetti rains from the sky and the crowd goes wild for the green haired boy. About half a yard after him I claim second place as my own. Todoroki quickly runs into third place and after a very small pause Bakugou barrels into fourth. I slowly come to a halt in my running as I look around at the screaming crowd with a large smile on my face. I look over at Todoroki who's standing a few feet away from me and smirk at him.

"Looks like I win this round Todoroki" I tell him arrogantly with a smug smirk. Todoroki scowls at me as he sends me a dark glare, "don't worry your victory won't last for long" he tells me lowly before he walks away. I huff at the boy as I cross my arms over my chest before tuning around towards Izuku and running over to him. "Deku! You did it! You got first place!" I tell him excitedly as he bends over panting. He catches his breath for a few seconds before he looks up at me with a sad smile on his face. "Yeah" he says with a head nod and I look at him with furrowed eye brows. "Why so glum? You got first place! You should be jumping for joy!" I tell him excitedly but instead of brightening his smile it only falls and he looks down at his wrist with a saddened look. "I'm sorry, I kind of messed up your ribbon" he says sadly as he looks down at it with sullen eyes.

I look down at my ribbon that I tied around his wrist to see it's dirty, tattered and slightly tore up but still in tact. "Why are you apologizing? I really only wear it to keep my hair in pig tails. I have plenty at home! Besides I have one holding up my hair right now so it really doesn't matter if that one is messed up" I tell my green haired friend and point to the white ribbon keeping my hair in a low ponytail. "But still, you gave it to me as a precious good luck charm and I ruined it. You can't wear it anymore" he tells me, not cheering up in the slightest. "Honestly it's okay Izuku, I'm not upset. In fact I'm happy you placed such importance upon a simple ribbon, it makes me feel happy" I tell him as I wave my hand back and forth. "Really?" He asks me hopefully and I cheerfully nod my head.

"Yeah! In fact you can keep it if you want, actually I should probably give you a new one since that ones kind of messed up" I tell him and go to untie the ribbon from his wrist but before I can he snatches his wrist away from me and holds it close to his chest. "Deku?" I question, confused as to why he would do that. "N-no! It's fine! I-I like this one, it's the good luck charm you gave me. S-So....I want to keep it" he tells me, his cheeks bright red but his voice starts to get quiet as he speaks until it's a soft mutter but I can still understand him. I look at Izuku with a stunned expression and without realizing it a small giggle leaves my lips. "Pft, it's only a white ribbon but if you want it I'll happily give it to you" I tell him through my small laughter as I cover my mouth. "F-for real?" He asks me like an excited puppy who just got offered a piece of bacon and I nod my head.

"Of course, I wouldn't lie to you" I tell him with another small laugh and his face immediately brightens into one of pure happiness. Well there he goes again, making my heart flutter like the wings of a butterfly! Who knew such a small ribbon could mean so much to him, it's sweet. "Hey Maria-chan! There you are!" Ejirou calls out from somewhere and I look around until I spot him running towards me with Denki by his side. "Well I'll talk to you in a few Deku, take care of your good luck charm okay?" I tell him with a wink before running off to my incoming friends, meeting them half way.

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