The American Spider: Maria

By Shipping_Empress

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Maria Rosset Davis is the younger parental cousin of Miles Gonzalo Morales. Both children were born on the sa... More

The Letter
Let's Go See Peter!
Uncle Aaron!
Goodbye America
Hello Japan
Entrance Exam
Battle Bots
Quirk Tests
Heroics Class
Spider Girl Vs Ice Boy
Ice Vs Webs
Class Reps
Over to the USJ
Villain Invasion
Saving All Might
Save The Day, Teachers of UA!
Side Part: A Day Out
The Arrival of The Sports Festival
Let The Games Begin!
Obstacle Course Race and A Good Luck Charm
Cavalry Battle
Ease Dropping
Match Ups
A/N: Apologizes
Looks Like It's My Turn
Fire Power!
Stupid Deku!

First Day at UA, Class 1-A

299 11 0
By Shipping_Empress

~Maria's POV~

I stand in front of the door of class 1-A feeling both nervous but excited, kind of scared but happy, anxious but estatic. So many emotions mix around within me making me freeze in place, if I was to sum up my emotions into one phrase I would use "the first day of school". It's been a week since the entrance exam and I got second place with 70 points, some kid named Katsuki Bakugou got 75 which scored him first place. I've been standing in front of the door for a good five minutes trying to calm my nervous but I haven't been able to succeed much. Who knew just simply walking into a classroom would be this nerve wrecking?! But now isn't the time to dawdle, I just have to open this door and take my seat and that's all. Maybe make some new friends if I can get over my shyness for one minute. But what can I expect? New classmates in a new school, I was really shy and timid when I first transferred to Brooklyn Visions Academy but it only took me a couple of friends and a few weeks to practically ether befriend or acquaint myself with my entire grade!

Before I knew it everyone knew me and I knew everyone. Just give me a small amount of time to get used to a new place and I'll be ready to make friends left and right! Don't want to be friends? That's bold words for someone who's in hugging range. Seriously back at Brooklyn Visions Academy I knew everyone! But that didn't mean I was friends or necessarily cool with everyone. There were a few people who just rubbed me the wrong way and a few people who wouldn't leave me along, and not in a good way. I just learned to sty away from those people as much as possible. Now, here at UA I just have to do the same thing. Make a few friends and just wait for me to work my friendship magic. Hopefully by the end of this semester or second semester I can be friends with everyone. At least that's my goal! I quickly gather up whatever courage I can find in my short body before I open the door and walk in with my head raised high and a friendly, cheerful smile on my face.

All noise and talking in the class immediately cease the moment I walked in, everyone in the class room looked up from whatever they were doing and over to me. I only smile and silently wave to the people in the classroom, looks somewhere around 18 in total, before I make my way to my seat. Seat no. 19, the fourth seat in the row by the window. I wonder who's sitting around me, but a seat by the window is pretty cool. If I ever get board, which I doubt, I could watch nature pass me by outside. I quickly sit down and get my school supplies settled in my desk before I set my satchel down next to my desk. Before I could even get a moment to relax there are already two people in front of me. A male with red hair and scarlet eyes looks down at me in excitement and wonder while a blonde boy with golden yellow eyes looks down at me in curiosity and interest. I look up at the boys but don't say anything, wondering what they could want. I hope it's nothing bad but judging from the looks in their eyes they don't mean any harm.

"Hey! I'm Ejirou Kirishima, nice to meet you!" The red head says cheerfully with a wide smile that reveals his shockingly sharp teeth. "Hello foreign beauty, I'm Denki Kaminari but you can call me the man of your dreams" the blond boy tells me with a flirty smile and sends a wink my way. "Ahaha...." I laugh awkwardly as I give the bold blond a shy smile. "N-nice to meet you both, I'm Maria Davis but you can call me Maria" I tell the two males feeling nervous but offer them a large, friendly grin anyways. "Maria Davis? That's an American name right? Are you from America?!" The red head boy, Kirishima, asks excitedly as his eyes twinkle with amazement and curiosity. "Wait, does that mean you can speak English?" The blond, Kaminari, asks me excitedly as his eyes literally sparkle with excitement. "Yeah I am and yes I can,  I just came Japan a few weeks ago" I tell him happily, feeling a bit more relaxed and less shy.

I was scared my classmates would treat me differently because I'm not from here, guess I was worried for nothing so far. "That's so rad! Can you say something in English?" Kaminari asks excitedly, "um like what?" I ask him. "Anything! How about a greeting" Kaminari says, "What's up? I'm Maria Davis! What's your name?" I say and the two boys look at me in awe. "Hey, hey! Since you're from America what state and city did you live in?" Kaminari says loudly causing  few people to look over in our direction. "I'm from Brooklyn, New York" I tell him and I start to feel less and less nervous/shy by the second. Something about these two just draws me in and makes me feel relaxed around them, maybe it's their really friendly auras or large, welcoming smiles but ether way I have a feeling I'm going to be pretty good friends with these two. "Brooklyn, New York? But I thought New York was a city" Kirishima says confused, "yeah Maria-chan isn't New York a city?" Kaminari asks looking even more confused that his red haired friend.

"Actually New York is the name of both a city and a state, I know it's kind of confusing if you don't live in America. Have you ever heard of New York, New York?" I ask them but they shake theirs heads. "Well that's not uncommon, American usually refer to the city New York as "The Big Apple" while we simply call the state New York" I tell the two males and they nod their heads in understanding. "Um, can I call you two by your fir-I mean given names?" I ask feeling a little shy, I don't want to offend them like I almost did that Iida kid a week ago. Both boys look at me confused so I decide to elaborate. "In America we usually call people by their first names, I don't mean any harm I was just wondering since it's really weird for me to call others by their last names" I tell the two males, feeling a little jittery. "Of course you can! You let us call you by your given name so it's only fair we let you do the same!" Kirishima who I now call Eijoru pipes up, his confusion expression morphing back into a friendly one.

"Besides it would be my honor to have such a beauty call me by my given name" Kaminari, who's now Denki, tells me and gives me another flirty wink. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly no doubt my tanned cheeks to become darker and red. "Aw come on quit it Kaminari, you're making her blush" Ejirou scolds his blond haired friend. "But that's what I live for, making the pretty girls blush" Denki says playfully with a thumbs up. "Ignore him Maria-chan, he can be a huge flirt" Ejirou tells me as he rolls his eyes at Denki. "No it's okay, he doesn't mean any harm. I think" I say lightly as a smile appears on my face while I wave my hands back and forth but I mutter the last part so they don't hear it. "Hey do you mind if we ask more questions about America? I'm really curious" Ejirou asks me like an excited puppy. "If you want to" I tell him, "what's it like in Brooklyn? Is it a cool place?" Ejirou asks excitedly making my shy smile widen some. "Yeah, it's the best place in America to me! That's where my family is after all" I tell him, feeling a little excited myself when I talk about my home state.

"What about your old school? What was it like there? What was the name? Was it a good school? What about the students that went there? Were they friendly?" Denki bombards me with question after question like rapid fire. "Calm down Kaminari you're going to overwhelm her!" Kirishima scolds again causing me to laugh faintly. "Well my old school was really good and super fun, we got to do a whole bunch of things other schools didn't and it was awesome! I went to Brooklyn Visions Academy in 9th grade which is the first year of high school for Americans. It was a privet school for rich kids but me and my cousin got in on full ride science scholarships. I actually came to UA because I was chosen for the foreign-exchange program that UA and Visions Academy three years. I was actually really well known in the school because of my grades which was the main reason I was chosen for the exchange program, I was ether really cool or friends with almost everyone in my grade but there were certain people that I tired to avoid" I tell them and they continue to look at me with interest, their undivided attention on me.

"Those were the typical mean kids and what not but luckily they were few in number. Overall everyone was really friendly, at the start to the year it was shaky but as time went on I discovered almost everyone is really nice so I become friends with most of them!" I tell my two classmates. "Really? That sounds amazing! So you're like some really smart genius?" Denki says excitedly as he looks at me with a large, amazed smile. "Well I try to stay humble but yeah, basically" I tell him with my own smile. "Since you were friends with most of the students in 9th grade back at your old school would you would you mind being friends with us?" Ejirou asks and I look up at him with wide eyes feeling stunned that he would actually want to be friends with me. I mean sure we were hitting it off really well but I thought they were just trying to be nice! "Y-yeah! Of course! I would love to be friends with you two, you both seem like really nice guys! But why?" I tell Ejirou feeling excited but I can't help curious as to why he wants to be friends.

Like I said earlier I thought they were just tying to be nice or maybe showing some interest in the foreign girl! I didn't think they would actually want to become official friends so fast! "Well we're already on first name bias we each other which is something only close friends do so we might as well make it official and be friends while we're at it" Ejirou tells me with a sharp tooth smile. "Besides you seem like a really nice person too! It'd be dumb if we didn't become friends" Denki adds as he gives me a thumbs up with his own smile. "Thank you both" I tell him gently as I try to contain my excitement at making two friends so quickly but I can't the large smile that over comes me. My lips curl back letting my perfectly snow white teeth and cainees show. "Hey! You have canines like me!" Ejirou points out when he takes notice of my pair of pointy teeth. "Yeah, these apart of my quirk" I tell him sheepishly as I show off my fang-like teeth to him.

"What's your quirk? Mine is Hardening, I can basically harden my skin and it's also sharp like jagged rocks" Ejirou tells me and holds out his hand to demonstrate his quirk. "Wow, that's so cool! Can I feel your hand?" I ask him and he nods his head, I gingerly trace my fingers over his ragged hand feeling completely captivated by his quirk. Sure we have strength enhancement quirks back in America but I've never seen anything like this! It's so cool! "What about you Denki?" I ask my new blond friend as I retract my fingers from Ejirou's hand. "My quirk is Electrification, I can basically dispel electricity from my body in a defensive manor but it can be used for offense too" Denki explains and a small zap of electricity appears on his pointer finger. "That's amazing! Your quirk reminds me of my cousin somewhat" I tell the blond boy, a fond smile slowly creeping up on my lips as memories of Miles using the electricity part of his quirk flash through my head.

Even after two years he doesn't have it in complete control since he ends up shocking people a lot by accident wen he's nervous or scared but he's working on it. "I hope that's a good thing" Denki laughs out lightly, "yeah it is. My cousin could dispel the natural electricity in his body the same way you can. Sometimes he would shock people by accident when he's scared or nervous, it was funny whenever he did" I tell Denki and hold back a laugh as I remember all the times Miles got in trouble for shocking someone. "Speaking of quirk,what's yours Maria-chan?" Ejirou suddenly asks me sounding very curious. "My quirk is Spider Physiology, I can basically do anything a spider can do" I tell him, smiling softly at them. "Spider Physiology? Isn't that the same quirk that the American hero Spider-Man has?" Denki says as he puts his index under his chin like he's thinking or trying to remember something. "Actually it is! But my quirk is a little different from Pe-I mean Spider-Man's" I tell them, feeling happy and excited that someone actually knows of my favorite hero.

"That's amazing! I wish I had a similar quirk to a pro hero's, that would be amazing!" Denki says with a large smile on his face. I go to respond to him but before I can a loud voice cuts me off, yelling something about feet and desk. "Remove your feet from that desk this instant!" The voice shouts and all three of us look in front of us to see a blue haired boy yelling at the ash blond haired boy one seat from where I am. 'Wait, I know those two! It's Iida from the exam and that one rude boy, I think his name was, Kaachan? At least that's what Izuku called him' I think as I watch the two males interact. "Huuh?" Kaachan says mockingly as he looks up at Iida, his tone carrying a sense of smug superiority and annoyance. "The hell you say?" Kaachan ask Iida sounding like he's about ready to start a fight with the tall blue haired teen.

"It's only the first day of school and you're already showing disrespect by scuffing school property you certain" Iida tells him seriously sounding annoyed in his own right. "You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your a**? Or were you born with it?" Kaachan shouts sarcastically. 'Does he have to use such strong language?' I think in disapproval as I look at the two teenage males interact, but who am I to judge. Maybe it's jut his character, but the way he said it was "Excuse me?! What did you ju-" Iida starts to yell again but stops mid-sentence, he takes a small pause and pushes his glasses before he begins to speak again. "I think we started off wrong, please allow me to start over. I'm Tenya Iida from Soma privet Academy-" the blue haired boy tries to say only to get cut off by Kaachan before he can even get a second sentence out.

"Soma huh? So you must think you're better than me! I'm going to have fun tearing you a new one" Kaachan says threateningly and for some reason he gives me the vibe that says he'll go through with every threat he spills out his mouth. He has a really sharp tongue! "Y-you would threaten me? You're own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?!" Iida gasps, looking absolutely shocked at what his classmate has said. "Tch, extra!" Kaachan scoffs rudely at Iida but before any more words can be exchanged between the two something in the door catches their eye. "It's him" Iida say lowly as he looks at the door, wondering what he's talking about I too look over at the door to see it's none other than Izuku Midoriya! 'Oh! Izuku made it! That's great!' I think happily as I smile in the direction of the doorway. "Excuse me guys, I see someone I know" I tell Ejirou and Kirishima as I get up from my desk.

"It's fine go on ahead" Ejirou tells me with a smile before he and Kaminari go back to their seats. I smile at the two departing boys before making my way over to the green haired boy I saved in the exam. "Greetings! I'm Tenya Iida-" Iida shouts rather suddenly as he quickly makes his way over to Izuku. "Y-yeah I know!  I over heard you! M-My name's Izuku Midoriya, I-I remember you from the entrance exam, s-super nice to meet you" Midoriya says awkwardly looking nervous and off set by Iida's sudden appearance. "If you remember Iida then you must remember me, right?" I ask as I step around Iida's tall body and smile up at Izuku since he's about. Both males look at me ether surprised or shocked, probably wondering where I just came from since they didn't hear me approaching at all. I'm a ninja like that. 

"M-Maria-chan?!" Midoriya stutters out surprise and I nod my head at him with a smile on my face. "Looks like you d remember me! I'm glad" I tell him happily as I clap my hands together once in joy like an excited child. "Oh it's you, that girl from the exam" I hear Iida say from behind me, I turn around to face the taller male and wave at him happily. "Yep! Nice to see you made it Iida! If you don't remember then I'm Maria Davis" I tell him with a friendly smile. "No I remember you Davis-kun, after all you did save me in the entrance exam. It would be very rude of me to forget your name after you did that for me" Iida says sounding stiff and formal. "Relax, loosen up some Iida! I'm not really one for formalities, just relax around me I don't mind much" I tell the blue haired boy jokingly, trying to get him loosen up his tense boy at least a little. Sadly he doesn't. Iida ignores what I tell him and instead looks over at Izuku.

"Midoriya, you realized there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?" Iida asks Izuku and I look up to him confused wondering what he means. Something more to the exam? What is he talking about? Izuku looks at Tenya seeming just as confused as I feel but instead of saying something he allows the taller teen to continue talking. "I had no idea, I misjudged you! I hate to admit it but you are better than me. Sorry I didn't actually realize anything" Iida apologizes but before Izuku can say anything a cheerful voice suddenly speaks up from behind Izuku causing all three of us to turn around and look at the new comer. "I know that messy head of hair anywhere! Falling boy, it's you!" An energetic female voice says from behind Izuku. I look around the green haired boy to see the same girl who saved Izuku before the exam began who's also the same girl who saved Izuku and I from crashing into the ground towards the end of the exam.

She has lovely brown hair that's cut in a short bob, large lively brown eyes filled to the brim with excitement and an adorably baby looking face with chubby cheeks. 'Oh my gosh, she reminds me of a small child with that round face' I think and mentally compare the girl to my younger, toddler and baby, cousins who have the same round and adorably chubby face as the girl in front of us. The brow haired girl is barley almost a full inch shorter than me making her barley over 5'1" which I think is average in Japan. She's dressed in the full UA female uniform with black leggings covering her legs and brown loafers adorning her feet. Since we're in the hero course the school gives classes A and B of every grade the option of ether wearing formal school shoes or something like sneakers. Obviously since I have a choice I went with wearing sneakers since they're more comfortable than formal school shoes anyways.

"You passed just like Present Mic said you would! Of course you did, your punch was amazing! You destroyed that thing with one punch like that one anime character!" the brown haired girl says excitedly as she recalls the events of our battle center. "You Saitama from One Punch Man?" I ask her when I hear her unable to think of the anime character's name. "Yeah! Just like him!" She immediately agrees with me, "I know right! It was amazing! Though he did give me a fright when he fell down" I say and she agrees. "Yeah! Seeing the two of your plump towards the ground really scared me, luckily you're both okay" the girl tells me. "Oh right, I have yet to thank you for helping us out. Thank you a lot for that!" I tell her with a friendly smile, "no problem!" She says as she waves her hand back and forth. "But anyways, what do you think we're doing today?" She asks but I only shrug my shoulders. "I don't know to be honest, what do you think Izuku?" I say and turn towards the red faced green haired boy who's mumbling about talking to two girls at the same time.

"If you're here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff cause you're in the wrong place" a worn out voice says causing both the brown haired girl and I to shut up. The entire class that was quietly mumbling amongst themselves suddenly stops talking and looks in our direction. I slowly look past Izuku and the brown haired girl to see a black haired man laying on the floor in a yellow sleeping bag. "Welcome to UA's hero course for first years" the man says as he unzips his sleeping bag from the inside. 'This is our teacher?' I think as I look at the man unsurely, he looks a little too washed up and tired to be a teacher. I know I shouldn't judge by looks but honestly I don't mean it in a bad way cause seriously this man looks like he' seconds away from falling asleep. I'm both concerned for him, his sleep schedule, my education and his abilities to run our class.

The tired looking man unzips his sleeping bag and steps out to reveal a man with long shaggy looking hair dressed in an all black jump suit. "It took you all eight seconds to shut up and that won't cut it at UA" the man says and Iida, Izuku, the brown haired girl and I step aside for the man to enter. "I'm Shota Aizawa your homeroom teacher, nice to meet you all" the shaggy black haired man tells us and everybody stares at him with wide eyes including me. So this man really is our homeroom teacher? Like, for real, for real? "Anyways put these on and meet me outside" Our very tired teacher says and pulls out an UA gym uniform for the school from his sleeping bag. How do all those fit in there?

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