Writers' Games - Free Falling...

By ally_oshea_xoxo

38.2K 881 1.2K

Helloooooooo Panem! The first Annual Writer's Games is here, and the Capitol is certainly looking forward to... More

The First Annual Writer's Games
Tribute Form
Tribute Places
D1 Female - Red Velvet
D2 Female - Callisto Reed
D3 Female - Cherry Bruton
D4 Female - India Fox
D5 Female - Florina Hale
D6 Female - Chrystal Davis
D7 Female - Aubrey Harris
D8 Female - Sparrow Falls
D9 Female - Willow Anesha
D10 Female - Esperanza Sanchez
D11 Female - Noelle Jenkins
D12 Female - Elaine Crudvent
D1 Male - Titan Emerald
D2 Male - Bryan Warside
D3 Male - Jackson Bennett
D4 Male - Isaac Sylver
D5 Male - Cal Kirin
D6 Male - Chase Williams
D7 Male - Logan Mellark
D8 Male - Cotton Lewis
D9 Male - Cloud Maize
D10 Male - Zeke Drastaa
D11 Male - Ian Ryder
D12 Male - Devlin Summers
Over It...
Sponsor Form
The Sponsors
Task 1 - The Interviews
Sponsors - Please Read!
Red Velvet's Interview
Titan Emerald's Interview
Callisto Reed's Interview
Bryan Warside's Interview
Cherry Bruton's Interview
Jackson Bennett - DID NOT HAND IN
India Fox's Interview
Isaac Sylver - DID NOT HAND IN
Florina Hale's Interview
Cal Kirin's Interview
Chrystal Davis - DID NOT HAND IN
Chase Williams' Interview
Aubrey Harris - DID NOT HAND IN
Logan Mellark - DID NOT HAND IN
Sparrow Falls' Interview
Cotton Lewis' Interview
Willow Anesha's Interview
Cloud Maize's Interview
Esperanza Sanchez - DID NOT HAND IN
Zeke Drastaa's Interview
Noelle Jenkins' Interview
Elaine Crudvent's Interview
Devlin Summers' Interview
Training Scores
Sponsored Tributes
Task 2 - The Bloodbath
Red Velvet's Bloodbath
Titan Emerald's Bloodbath
Callisto Reed's Bloodbath
Bryan Warside's Bloodbath
Cherry Bruton's Bloodbath
Jackson Bennett's Bloodbath
India Fox's Bloodbath
Isaac Sylver's Bloodbath
Florina Hale's Bloodbath
Cal Kirin's Bloodbath
Chrystal Davis' Bloodbath
Chase Williams' Bloodbath
Aubrey Harris' Bloodbath
Logan Mellark's Bloodbath
Sparrow Falls' Bloodbath
Cotton Lewis' Bloodbath
Willow Anesha's Bloodbath
Cloud Maize's Bloodbath
Esperanza Sanchez's Bloodbath
Zeke Drastaa's Bloodbath
Noelle Jenkins' Bloodbath
Ian Ryder's Bloodbath
Elaine Crudvent's Bloodbath
Devlin Summers' Bloodbath
Quick Note - Please Read!
Results & Chopping Block
Current Scores
Dropped Out
Voting Results
Task 3 - I Can Fly?
Red Velvet's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
India Fox's POV
Cloud Maize's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Current Scores & Recent Points
Task 4 - Bye Bye Supplies...
Jackson Bennett's POV
Red Velvet's POV
Titan Emerald's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
Jackson Bennett's POV
India Fox's POV
Florina Hale's POV
Chase Williams' POV
Sparrow Falls' POV
Cloud Maize's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Results & Chopping Block
Current Scores & Bonus Points
Task 5 - Be Careful Who You Trust...
Not Good Enough
Red Velvet's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Scores, Rankings & Bonus Points
Interview With Talon Sharp
Task 6 - An Animal Experience...
Chosen Animals
I Knew I Forgot Something!
Red Velvet's POV
Callisto Reed's POV
Cherry Bruton's POV
India Fox's POV
Noelle Jenkins' POV
Elaine Crudvent's POV
Devlin Summers' POV
Scores, Rankings & Bonus Points
Voting & Chopping Block
Voting Results
Oops - I'm A Terrible Person
Task 7 - Elements [ f i n a l e ]
New Writers' Games (Wattpad Is Being Mean...)
Cherry Bruton's POV (Earth)
Noelle Jenkins' POV (Water)
India Fox's POV (Air)
Devlin Summers' POV (Fire)
Update... Info
Voting & Scores
Voting Results (YAY)
Special Awards (Sorry For The Wait!!)
Devlin's Final Task

India Fox's POV

103 4 0
By ally_oshea_xoxo

The morning sun rose as I was waking, blinking away the sleep from my eyes. It's reflection glinted off of Callisto's sword as she raised it up to strike me. Wait.

Screaming, I rolled out of the way just in time as the blade struck the ground, right where I was a millisecond ago. "You back-stabbing b*tch!" I scream, pulling out my knives. She snarled at me, eyes wild.

"I was never your ally in the first place," She snapped, jumping at me again. I slash out as she runs by me, my blade ripping the skin all along her forearm. Callisto yelped in pain, nearly dropping the sword. With a cry of fury, she charged at me again, sword raised. I danced just out of her reach as she swung at me, gripping a knife in each hand. "Knock it off, Fox. You'll never win."

"Oh, but I beg to differ," I retort, hand on my hip. As she moves to swing again, I whip a knife straight through her heart. Callisto stops cold, hand over her bloody chest. That's when the shimmer moves away, and I realize the girl is actually Elaine. Her body tumbles to the forest floor, covered in dirt and leaves. I had killed Callisto, but here lays Elaine's body; it makes no sense!

Her cannon sounds, whoever she is, and I hear a cry of agony. A guy's voice, one I faintly recognize, but when I jog briskly into the clearing the noise came from, the only tributes in sight are Red and Cherry, struggling on the ground as the younger girl pinned Red to the forest floor, blood streaking down her face. "Red!" I call out, pulling out my throwing knives. I whip one at Cherry's ear, cutting the tip off. She howls in pain, but strangely enough, she sounds like a man. I pause in confusion, in the middle of a stance of throwing another knife. "What the hell?" I gasp, stepping backward.

Cherry growls, rolling herself off Red. I dance backward, just out of her reach with the large blade she holds. Red stumbles forward, sword in hand. Cherry turns just in time as Red's sword plunges into her neck, blood splitting out of the wound. I scream in outrage as my shirt is thoroughly soaked with scarlet, spitting out a mouthful of the metallic liquid. "Ew, Velvet, you could've at least warned me," I gag, wiping off my tongue to get rid of the gross flavor. Red doesn't answer, so I turn back around to glare at her. Instead, I just barely dodge her swing at my torso with the sword, jumping out of the way.

Without hesitation, I pull out my last knife. Red charges at me, a furious glare painted over her features, contorting her face into an ugly mask of hate. I smirk, stepping out of the way last second as she barrels past me, slamming into a tall oak tree behind me. When she's down, I jump on her back, my elbow contracting her throat into a choke hold. She gasps for breath, scrabbling weakly at my arm with her finger tips until her cannon booms. As I watch, a shimmer goes over her body, just like Callisto/Elaine's, and under Red was actually Devlin. I scrunch up my nose in confusion, whipping around to look at Cherry's body. Instead of Cherry, Cloud's bloody corpse lay in a patch of sunlight, blood still dripping down his/her throat.

I make a noise of confusion, rubbing my eyes with my arm. Dried blood flakes off, drifted down my front like a sadistic immigration of snow. I giggle hysterically, picking up my knives. It's funny, from a certain perspective, thinking about it. Of course it wasn't Red. She doesn't actually have the balls to attack me; she knows I'd rip out her throat. The though brings an evil smirk to my lips, a bloody image of torn skin and scarlet seeping into the lush green grass surrounding me. Too green.

I fall to my knees, beginning to rip up handfuls of the flora furiously, my jaw clenched. It's too perfect, too pretty. An ugly place deserves ugly surroundings. In the heat of my fury, I rip out a large patch of grass, scattering the clippings over the now-completely dirt ground. I hack at Devlin and Cloud's bodies, smearing the blood over the trees, bushes, and myself. Blood drips from my bangs as I sit cross-legged, looking at my hands. A grin creeps onto my face as I hug my knees, giggling silently.

It's finally happening. I'm losing it. My mind is going to Hell.

I sink happily into insanity, glad to leave this horrible place.

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