Noelle Jenkins' POV

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I blinked rapidly, trying to clear the drowsiness that my insomnia brought. I rubbed my eyes, sitting up in my sleeping bag. I rested my back against the tree trunk, looking up as the sun began to peek over the horizon. I looked down, only just noticing how close to falling from my perch in the tree I was. I shuffled back slightly, positioning myself in a safer spot.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling noise from below. I froze immediately and carefully looked down. Florina was wandering through the area, her scared expression clearly indicating she was lost. A grin found its way onto my face. I grabbed my knives, then shuffled carefully out of my sleeping bag and stuffed it into my backpack. I slung my lack over my shoulder, then carefully began my descent. I had climbed up about 20 metres to find a good resting place, so the climb down was tedious.

I finally stopped when I was about 5 metres above the ground. Florina was directly below me. She still hadn't noticed that I was here. She had apparently decided that it would be an absolutely splendid idea to stop in the middle of a forest without checking her surroundings. Without her stupid little boy toy Cal, she was a useless, weak excuse for a tribute. I crouched on the tree branch, preparing to attack Florina. I grabbed onto my knives, tightening my grip. Just as Florina looked up at me, realising the danger, I let out a shriek and leapt down towards her, my arms outstretched and my face twisted in rage. Florina screamed as I landed on top of her, bringing her to the ground. I heard a crack as her tooth snapped on a stray tree root, and she cried out in pain.

I flipped her onto her back, a coy grin spreading across my face. I pulled out my knife and traced it along Florina's jaw, enjoying the panic that was apparent in her gaze. I tilted her head up with my finger, examining her face.

"Looks like you need surgery." I murmured. I opened up Florina's mouth, smirking. "I fix that."

Florina shook her head desperately, her eyes tearing up. "Noelle, it's not funny. Stop it." She was practically gasping the words, her whole body shaking with fear.

"Do I look like I'm trying to be funny?" I growled. Florina took a shuddering breath in, shutting her eyes tightly. I brought my knife up, holding it delicately between my fingers. I pried open Florina's mouth with my other hand, and slowly began to put my knife into her mouth. I smirked evilly before viciously cutting her gum on her top jaw, causing Florina to squirm and cry out. Blood flowed from her mouth.

I found the tooth that had cracked when I had tackled Florina, and tutted like a teacher might scold a 5 year old.

"Tooth is ruined!" I shook my head mockingly. "We must get rid of it... no?"

Florina didn't say anything. I suspected it might be because if she moved her lips, she'd cut the roof of her mouth on the blade of my knife. She simply shut her eyes, waiting for death.

Oh no, she wasn't going to die that easily.

I plunged my knife into the gum above her front tooth, twisting and pushing the knife deeper. Florina cried out, although due to the blood running down her throat and in her mouth, it sounded more like a dying walrus. I pulled the knife out and grabbed onto her cracked tooth, pulling it with as much force as I could muster. Florina screamed once more, but I ignored her cries. I tried to pull the tooth out again. Finally, I heard a snapping and ripping noise, and the tooth came free. A massive scream sounded from Florina. I punched her in the throat with a snarl, effectively knocking the wind out of her. I examined the tooth. The root hadn't fully come out, I had obviously snapped it.

I peered back inter her mouth, and saw that, there were indeed tooth roots left in her gum. I turned to Florina's panicked gaze, a faux-apologetic look on my face.

"Oops! I miss some of tooth!" I said. "I need to remove roots."

I plunged my knife back into the wound, twisting it around as I looked for the pieces of tooth left. I found one and ripped it out violently. Florina made her dying cat noise again, wriggling around beneath me. I quickly ripped out the other parts of her tooth I had missed the first time, watching each time for Florina's reaction. Once I had ripped out the entire tooth - and wiped all the blood from her teeth - I picked up my knife once more. I smirked, and began to speak once more.

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