Red Velvet's POV

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India's turned on us. Not that I didn't expect this at all, but it happened soon, too soon, for my taste. Okay, so she didn't exactly kill Callisto or I, but I can tell this is the time; the inevitable part in which the three of us split up. And I'm sure it's not just because of we're at the final seven; I think the insanity, the stress, of the game has finally gotten to her. I can see the look in her eye, wild and glazed, and it freaks the crap out of me. Callisto stands at my side, frowning at India, who is crouched down on her sleeping bag, gazing into nowhere and a sick, wicked smile on her beautiful, blood-spattered face.

"India?" I call out tentatively. Her green eyes turn to me, unfocused yet still staring at me straight in the eye as if intent on freaking me out.

"Have I ever told you how much you two look alike?" she asks, grinning as her eyes shift from me to Callisto. Honestly, Callisto and I look nothing alike. Sure, we're both blondes, but even that fact is debatable. My hair is has highlights of light brown and gold, which can only be described as a dirty blonde, while Callisto's hair is a perfect, golden blonde. Even our eyes are different in both shape and color. My are blue while hers are hazel. Where is India getting all this?

"Fox, what the hell are you talking about?" Callisto snaps, her tone hard with irritation. I feel awed; how can Callisto maintain that composure? I think I might pee my pants if India doesn't look away; she scares the freaking crap out of me.

India cocks her head to the side, "I would of killed you by now, but I know you could help me get far. I was right." she smirks.

Callisto snorts in derision.

"Well, since I have no use for you two anymore, I should probably eliminate you now," India continues. What the hell?! My eyes widen in panic. India is a skilled psycho so I probably won't be able to take her on, but if I have Callisto on my side, we could possibly overpower her.

"But I have grown quite fond of both of you. So I'm giving you a chance... Run," India grins like a maniac, looking at the two of us. Wasting no time at all, I run. I basically went all super-heroish, jumping on top of bushes, tumbling and balancing on the rope bridges.

It seems like forever, but I finally stopped doing parkour once I was a few islands away. Panting, I look back at the island I came from, instantly regreting the fact that I left Callisto alone with India.

Well, they're both crazy, psychotic b*tches. If I get lucky, maybe they'd kill each other. That seems mean, but it's the final seven... Things happen. These people weren't supposed to be my friends; they were my enemies right from the start.

I crouch down, and take a sip of my water when a painful sensation comes, making my whole body throb.

What, another twist? Couldn't they give us a freaking break!?

I crumple to the ground, spilling my water in the process. Well, darn, I that was my last bottle-full.

Things are... Happening to me and I can't quite explain it. My neck seems to be in the very agonizing process of stretching. My torso feels tenderized, like it's been pounded over and over again. My legs and arms feel like they are inside some sort of rolling machine, getting longer and longer.

I let out a scream, one that leaves me hoarse and could probably be heard all the way to District 12. Tears fall from my eyes as it hits me; this is another transformation. And a much more painful one at that.

After an eternity, the pain stops, leaving me kneeling on the ground, sobbing quietly. Immediately, I realize something is different.

My whole body feels like its been stretched to the fullest extent. I feel sore and tender all over. After a few minutes of lying down, I finally get up. I see what I've become - a giraffe.

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