Voting Results (YAY)

69 6 15

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting sooner... Is it bad that I totally forgot about the results?! Sorry, memory of a goldfish! Congratulations to the finalist, and I'm so sad to have to write who dies here. There will be an extra task for the finalist, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to post it in about three days. Now, for the results!

Fourth place goes to...
Cherry Bruton! This girl was seriously an underdog from the start, with her medical disabilities and blackouts, and it was obviously perseverance and skill that got her to the final four. She was an amazing tribute, and I know she'll be missed by her family just as much, probably more, than she missed her alliance that she ended up getting very attached to. Good work Cherry!

Third place goes to...
Noelle Jenkins! This psycopathic tribute was a crazed murderer and torturer from the best beginning, never feeling any emotions AT ALL for her terrible deeds. The only time any of us saw the tiniest glint of humanity in her was in her final task, when she was about to kill herself because she finally realised how bad murdering innocent teenagers was. Until then, I'm sure Noelle's psychopathic ways could be what got her to the final four. Good job Noelle!

Second place goes to...
India Fox! This tribute turned psycho at about midway through the Games, and I'm sure that's what made her able to make it to the final four. India was a threat from the very beginning, scoring a place in the Career pack and using their skills to her own purpose. India's been a ruthless killer from the very beginning, and her fierceness in battle seriously aided her. Amazing work India!

And first places goes to...

Devlin Summers! This scar faced boy from District 12 was strong from the beginning but, being from District 12, virtually everyone expected him and his District partner to die in the bloodbath, but they proved everyone wrong by making it to the final 8 together, where Elaine was killed, and Devlin persevered to the final 4 and became the Victor. Devlin was a deep character, and he showed us some insight on his burn, which just made us feel sorry for him and admire his fighting soul. Fabulous work Devlin!

The next chapter will be an update on what's happening, and then I'll do the final ranking and bonus points. It'll probably be posted tonight, and congratulations to the final four! I'll miss you all :) <3

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