Elaine Crudvent's Interview

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"Just get out of here!" I yelled loudly enough that District twelve could probably hear me from here. Oh, District twelve, how much I didn't miss the painful memories of my childhood. The Capitol was amazing, the Games were my new life now.

Fawn, my stylist, jerked back at my anger, pulling my hair as she did so. I roared in annoyance, and shove Fawn as hard as I could against the wall. She was a short woman, she had ginger hair and a kind spirit. But all she did was pluck my hair.

Fawn stepped forwards. "If you don't want to look nice, fine. Just let us do your makeup and outfit." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but soon gave up and allowed my prep team to uglify my face. Before long I was wearing red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, and bright pink blush. Crap. I looked awful.

"Your interviewer is Sequin Sparkles. She's really girly, just don't piss her off." Fawn tipped, slipping a bright pink Hawaiian flower into my hair. Fawn lifted my chin up to look at her. "Here is your outfit!" She hollered excitedly.

She held out a bright pink dress. Fawn unzipped the dress and helped me into it. It was rather tight at the waist, but it would do. It had one strap; the one of my left. It was really puffed out, like the very end of the dress. Small, shimmering, purple gems covered the dress, and I decided it didn't look to bad. Fawn handed me a pair of golden heels.

Oh no. Me in high heels would end badly. Oh well, if I tripped I could blame it on Fawn. Fawn also gave me some fake fingernails, seeing I bite my own to the tip. Finally, Fawn was convinced I was ready. Fawn supported me, helping me walk to the car in the heels.

I could've taken them off, but I probably needed practice. Before long, the car had brought us the the stadium in which the interviews were held. District twelve went last, but we were still required to be here before District one started, God knows why.

I sat down next to Cherry, who was sitting alone on an empty bench backstage. Red was called onstage, and I noticed other tributes chatting, probably discussing alliances. Anyway, Cherry was my ally. She was a clever girl, and did not deserve to be here.

Sparrow entered the room, wearing a pretty brown dress with sparrow feathers covering it. Sparrow glanced around, obviously embarrassed that her stylist was such a moron. She smirked when she saw us, and quickly walked over the bench to sit with us. "My stylist is such an idiot!" She growled under her breath.

"I think you look nice." Cherry spoke in a quiet voice. Sparrow grinned. "You too." Cherry was wearing a colourful dress, it was light pink, but flowers of hot pink, purple, light blue, lime, and yellow were sprouting from the dress. Before long they're fall off, and disappear as soon as they hit the ground.

Cherry's name was called, and she stepped forewords, making her way to the stage. "Good luck!" I called softly after her. She turned and nodded at me, but her eyes were filled with worry. Poor Cherry. But hopefully she would make it through.

Some people think I'm a backstab ber. I mean, anyone would say, I clearly am. But all these people are wrong. As much as I'd like to win, I can. I don't deserve it. I glance up and see the boy from district eight returning from his interview. "Sparrow Falls!"

"Good luck," I whispered, patting Sparrow gently on the back as she walked past. I'd gotten a nine in training, I guess that was alright. I expected better though. Quite a few tributes got elevens this year. Although I wouldn't want to admit it, I was kind of jealous.

"Elaine Crudvent!" I smiled when I heard my name called. I stepped forewords, leaning on the wall for support. Quickly walking up three steps in these heels was a challenge. A challenge I completed after almost falling twice. Ah well.

Sequin sat on her chair. She wore a long, white, sparkling gown. It reminded me of a wedding dress. "Hello, Elaine!" She spoke loudly. I greeted her, shaking her hand gently. Sequin smiled oddly at me, and I returned the smile. The last thing I wanted to do was get on her bad side.

"Elaine, how are you liking the Capitol?" She asked happily, holding a mic in front of my mouth for me to speak into.

"It's beautiful. Way better than district twelve!" I responded, flicking my hair.

"What do you miss most about back home?" She asked, and I felt a wave of rage. I hid it well though, so Sequin never had to know.

"Nothing. The capital is better!" I replied, hardly paying attention. Flicking my hair was more fun, but no one approved of that. I began biting my nails, but stopped when I remembered they would break easily.

"Ok, next question," Sequin smirked happily. "Do you have any family?" I shook my head, indicating my answer as a no.

"So, Elaine, do you have a boyfriend back home?" Sequin asked curiously.

"Please! I have no time for that sappy shit. I work. I train!" I said, and immediately apologised. I shouldn't have busted like that. Sequin accepted my apology, and asked the next question.

"Who stands out this year?" Asks Sequin.

"Probably Cherry. She is different, her life is hard. That doesn't mean she is weak though!" I answered positively. The interview must almost me over, and I surprisingly wasn't dead yet.

"She is obviously not the biggest threat, is she? Who is?" Questioned Sequin excitedly.

"The careers." I said, not giving the long answer she hoped for.

"What gives you an advantage over the other tributes?" Asked Sequin, bubbling with giggles.

"I've trained. Unlike most of them, I KNOW how to survive." I declared, licking my lips as I did so. I probably should've had something to eat before coming.

"Why do you deserve to win?" Asked Sequin. I was beginning to wonder when the interview ended, but I quickly noticed a giant times that had two minutes left on it.

"I don't. I don't want to either. Cherry should win. She has reason. Her life was destroyed. This money could fix that." I answered honestly.

"Do you think you can win?" Asked Sequin.

"I could, if I wanted to. But you know, I don't want to." I answered honestly.

"What kind of arena are you hoping for?" Asked Sequin.

"I don't really care." I said. I really didn't- it's not fair to give advantages.

"Do you have any allies?" Asked Sequin, literally jumping up and down in her seat.

"Cherry from three and Sparrow from district eight." I answered. I guess I could tell them, it didn't really matter much.

"What is your strategy?" Asked Sequin.

"Well, why would I tell you while the other tributes could be watching?" I laughed.

"Well, ok. Give it up for Elaine Crudvent of District twelve!"

Writers' Games - Free Falling {CLOSED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora