Callisto Reed's Interview

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I sat backstage as the interviews got started. Red walked onstage, a smile plastered onto her face. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. The careers were a little weird this year. We had Titan, Red, me, India, possibly Aubrey and then Ian. So there were 5, possibly 6, of us. I knew who my first target would be. My gaze wandered over to the food trolley, where Noelle sat, stuffing a whole handful of blueberries in her mouth like an animal. Ugh. She was so weird. She noticed me staring and bared her teeth at me, hissing loudly. I shrieked in surprise and stumbled back, and Noelle giggled, sliding down in her seat as she reached for a yoghurt. Instead of using a spoon, she held the carton between her hands and stuck her tongue into the yoghurt. Blegh. She was such a freak.

"Callisto? It's your turn now."

"Huh?" I mumbled. India stood in front of me, her face exasperated.

"Titan's finishing up now. It's your turn." India said slowly, pronouncing every word slowly as if I were a 2 year old just learning to speak.

"I'm not 5, thank you very much." I snarled. I stood up abruptly and walked towards the stage, running a hand through my long blonde hair. I adjusted the small braid that circled around my head like a halo, and I ran my hands down my long blue and green gown. Titan's interview finished up and, as he walked past me, he wished me luck before disappearing backstage. I flipped my hair back and waited for my interview to start.

"Please welcome, Callisto Reed!" Sequin Sparkles shrieked from onstage. I marched onstage, grinning broadly and waving to the crowd. I giggled and sat down in my seat, smoothing out my dress and flashing a winning smile towards the audience.

"So, Callisto, how are you liking the Capitol?" Sequin asked me.

"It's a beautiful city!" I smiled. "I'd love to come back when I'm crowned as victor. And trust me, I will be."

Sequin smiled. "Your confidence is fantastic, Callisto! Now, do you miss anything about home? What do you miss the most?"

"I don't miss much, to be honest. I never had much to begin with. Only my parents." I replied.

"Don't you miss them?" Sequin asked, expecting a sincere and heartfelt response.

Instead, I laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me." I snorted. "They didn't let me have any sort of social life. All they wanted was for me to train. I didn't even go to school some days because my parents thought I was slacking off in weapon training. They put too much pressure on me but, luckily for them, I thrive under pressure." I boasted, flicking my hair back.

"Alright, Callisto, which tribute stands out the most this year?" Sequin asked. I considered for a moment.

"Off the top of my head, I'd have to say Noelle. She's a little freak, weirdo. When I was backstage she hissed at me. Proper psycho, that one."

"Is Noelle the biggest threat? If not, then who is?" Sequin asked me.

"Hell no, she's not a threat. She probably is to the rest of the tributes though, they wouldn't know an axe if it hit them in the face. But to me, the biggest threat is the other careers."

"Who do you think is the weakest threat?" Sequin asked me.

"Most of the tributes." I laughed. "Half of them can't even fight."

"Now, Callisto, what do you think gives you an advantage over the other tributes?" Sequin asked. I straightened my back and shrugged my shoulders.

"I've been trained my entire life for this. Half these tribute have absolutely no training in combat. No one else has been training as much as I have."

"Alright, now here's another question - why do you deserve to win?" Sequin asked. I answered immediately, without a doubt.

"Because I'm one of the best fighters in these games." I said with a warm smile. "I can manipulate and fight. I can win. I know it."

"Now, final question Callisto, do you have any allies?"

"The other careers." I answered with a smile. "Except for Bryan. But he's as good as dead anyway."

The buzzer rang, and Sequin smiled and stood up.

"Put your hands together one last time for Callisto Reed, District 2!" she yelled. The crowd roared, and I smiled in return, flipping my hair away from my face.

Let the games begin.

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