Task 5 - Be Careful Who You Trust...

179 7 37

The sun begins to set, and you realise that the falling islands are gone. For how long, you do not know. You try to get some sleep, maybe hunt for some other tributes, or even just go for a walk. The faces in the sky are Chase Williams, Titan Emerald, Sparrow Falls and Jackson Bennett. You feel either happy that you're 4 tributes closer to returning home, or a pang of guilt that four innocent teenagers died. Congrations to Elaine Crudvent and Florina Hale, you survived for another day :). In the morning, at roughly 8 o'clock, you look around at your sleeping area, and see you allies are gone.

They have been replaced with your worst enemies.

As one would in the Hunger Games, you leap at them and attack them, trying to kill them. Each of these enemies have done something absolutely terrible to you, and you want revenge. But be careful, these enemies are not what they seem...

Five more tributes come near you, and you are relieved to see some of your allies. But life gets even more confusing when they attack you, and try to rip your throat out. Cheerful, I know. You defend yourself, but try not to kill them. After all, they are your allies. Maybe they're being controlled?

Everyone in the arena is shrouded in an almost magical fog that gives the illusion that your allies are your enemies and your enemies are your allies. You, obviously, don't know the difference, and kill anyone that isn't part of your alliance. Three tributes will die per task, and two will go on the Chopping Block at the end of this task. You'll vote for one you want to save, and one will die. You kill three in your entry, just to clarify.

It doesn't matter how you decide to kill these three tributes, as long as three die in your entry. If you're confused by who you're killing, let me attempt to help. By the way, Florina Hale has dropped out of the Games due to personal reasons. You can kill her in your entry or not, doesnt matter. She won't count as one of your kills if you do decide to kill her, as she is going to die anyway. Anyone who is not in your alliance LOOKS like your allies, but still attacks you and attempts to murder you. You'll kill your 'alliance members' this task, as they are really your enemies in disguise. Well, unless you want to backstab and kill your 'enemies', who are really your allies in disguise. Confusing, I know, but it's not the easiest thing to explain. You try :P.

If your tribute happens to have no allies, then everyone in the arena can look like an enemy, or a friend from home. It doesn't matter, as long as three tributes die. Sorry for forgetting that, I didn't make things very simple XD

Please detail your work, as long as you can. And use descriptive words, describe what's happening to your character. Imagine you're in their situation. It makes it more exciting for me to read, and you'll get higher marks for it. Thanks :).

THE DUE DATE WILL BE ON THE 7TH OF OCTOBER, AUSTRALIAN TIME. THAT'S EIGHTEEN DAYS TO WORK ON THIS. NO LATE ENTRIES, NO EXTENSIONS UNLESS YOU HAVE A VALID REASON AND ARE VERY DESPERATE. Guys, please don't disappoint me. That's actually too much time, but I know that a lot of you, not all, aren't likely to hand in. I want to let these people know that I'm not accepting late entries who haven't received extensions, or not handing in at all. It's not fair to the people who are interested in these Games and are actually actively participating.

NO MORE IMMUNITY, it's all gone now. It was fun while it lasted, but it's been deemed unfair and I've decided to stop it. I agree with the three or so people who have told me that it's unfair, and I apologise for not realising until I was told. I honestly just thought it was a fun extra, but turns out that it's too rewarding to those who constantly get it.

SPONSOR PERKS: This round, two deaths will be taken from your kills. It may not seem like a lot, but it could honestly make the difference between life and death for you. Be happy you have this advantage.

Bonus Points:

Best Fight Scene (+2 points)

Best Scene (+ 3 points)

Funniest Quote (+4 points) ~ what? Quotes are hard!

Thanks for reading guys, and comment / PM / email me if you have any questions, because I'm sure I didn't explain some things very well. If you need help, or are stuck, just ask and I'll do my best to suggest some ideas :). Remember, I don't accept tasks over PM, only email. Just to remind you, I'll post my email again. A few people seem to forget. :P


Writers' Games - Free Falling {CLOSED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora