D2 Female - Callisto Reed

427 8 3

Name: Callisto Reed

Age: 17

District: 2

Hair Colour: Long, golden curls

Eye Colour: Hazel

Celebrity Look-A-Like: Skyler Samuels

Personality: Vicious, cruel, sadistic, psychotic, crazed, and just plain evil. Very difficult to sneak up on

Background: Her parents are both victors, and put a huge amount of pressure on Callisto to be one as well. As a result, they put her in training much earlier than other people. She was heavily bullied in school, and as a result she developed a general hatred for everyone. One day at school, she was pushed over the edge and violently attacked her tormenter, severely damaging her and nearly killing her. Ever since then, no one goes near Callisto, as everyone fears her.

Family: Parents (both victors)

Career?: Yes

Why You Volunteered: Because she is a career

Alliance: Careers

District Token: None

Weapon Of Choice: Warhammer (primary weapon)), daggers/throwing knives (secondary weapon)

Tribute Owner: @sk8rgirl919

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