Task 3 - I Can Fly?

270 9 23

I know I posted this before, but please re-read it. I added new things, and fixed a few things. This task is, admittedly, really random. In the arena, this gift only lasts for twelve hours. You are to write about your tribute...


Each tribute grows a pair of wings (be sure to describe the trbute's emotions and what the wings look like) and they have to fly to another island, where they will encounter 9 other tributes. It can be another alliance, or two alliances, or nine lone tributes. It doesn't matter as long as you encounter nine other tributes. Eight of them must die, and all the tributes that you kill must be the tributes that dropped out, and at least one has to be killed by your tribute. The other tribute that was not killed, well, that means they had to have escaped. Please make their deaths interesting, funny, or creative. Preferably all three, as I will be starting the bonus points this round. Yep, more points. Lucky authors.

ALSO, IF YOU SENT ME THIS TASK, PLEASE RESEND IT AS MY EMAIL GLITCHED AND I LOST EVERYTHING ON THERE!! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE!!! Quick thing: Please do not start writing this task until voting is over, which will be tomorrow. Otherwise you won't know who died in the arena. THIS TASK IS A SAFE ROUND, NO ONE BUT THE TRIBUTES THAT DROPPED OUT WILL DIE!!

BONUS POINTS: I will give bonus points for...

Best Written Entry (based on the quality of the writing)

Funniest Death Scene

Funniest 'Getting The Wings' Reaction (how your tribute reacts to their new wings)

Most Creative Death / Kill

Sponsor perks: There will be no perks this round, sorry :P

THE DUE DATE WILL BE ON THE 20TH OF AUGUST, AT 7:30PM (AUSTRALIA TIME) That is two weeks people. I expect ALL entries in, besides those who have dropped out or just don't care about anyone but themselves. If you haven't handed in any tasks so far, and don't hand in this one, your tribute will be eliminated and killed in the next task. Your own fault for not handing in. Please hand in early; the sooner they are all in, the better. This task isn't particularly difficult, so it shouldn't be a problem to hand in early. If everyone hands in early, then I will be extremely happy and will be more likely to be lenient and give extensions to those who need it.


Red Velvet - 18

Titan Emerald - 10

Callisto Reed - 20

Cherry Bruton - 16

Jackson Bennett - 7

India Fox - 16

Florina Hale - 13

Chase Williams - 17

Sparrow Falls - 8

Cloud Maize - 19

Noelle Jenkins - 19

Elaine Crudvent - 15

Devlin Summers - 20


Callisto Reed - Devlin Summers (20)

Noelle Jenkins - Cloud Maize (19)

Red Velvet (18)

Chase Williams (17)

India Fox - Cherry Bruton (16)

Elaine Crudvent (15)

Florina Hale (14)

Titan Emerald (10)

Willow Anesha (9)

Sparrow Falls (8)

Jackson Bennett (7)

The FOUR immunte tributes this task are...

Callisto Reed

Cloud Maize

Noelle Jenkins

Devlin Summers

Do not bother killing any of the above tributes, as they will not get any death tolls and will not be harmed. It will just waste the amount of kills you have.

Writers' Games - Free Falling {CLOSED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora