Devlin Summers' Interview

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I watched as my stylist, Elizabeth, slowly set out the clothes I'd be wearing for my interview, it consisted of a coal black tux with a fiery red bowtie. Elizabeth had wanted to experiment with the fake fire that Cinna had used for Katniss and Peeta years earlier, but when she caught her first look at my face I guess she understood I wouldn't go for it, either way I had to admit the woman had a way with fabric even with limited ideas thanks to the boredom of District 12 she'd managed to design something that didn't look nearly as goofy as what I'd seen the other tributes wearing."What do you think?" She asked, running her hand through her bright red hair absentmindedly.

"Its... good." I was disappointed with myself for that response, despite trying to actually put some gratitude into my words they'd come out flat as usual, I'm afraid I wasn't exactly great with words or emotions. Growing up in the ghettos of district twelve you don't have much time be grateful for and therefore rarely expressed any form of thanks. However, I did feel bad, Elizabeth had been the only one that had showed any interest in my wellbeing since I arrived at the Capitol. The person which had escorted me through the journey from District 12 to here couldn't even glance in my direction without feeling sick, I'd gotten used to that reaction whenever I was looked upon so it didn't bother me. What did disgust me about her was the pity she showed me, I'd outgrown the idea of pity it was a stupid feeling and one that I had never felt. My district partner Elaine hadn't talked to me at all, I barely knew her but I remembered being there the day that her parents were killed by the peacekeepers, it had been just a couple a months before William burned me, and I knew that Elaine wasn't in the best of mental places. Elizabeth on the other hand had shown genuine interest in me, she talked to me about my life and my plans for the future, a future I would most likely never see, when she looked at me it was as if she didn't even acknowledge my face. But most of all she didn't pity me, she treated me like any other human being and that was the main reason I liked her.

I walked over to the neatly ordered outfit laid out for me, as I began to undress Elizabeth turned around and opened the door.

"Its fine," I said "you can stay if you want, I don't care."

She smiled slightly and closed the door, it's not like I was getting completely naked after all I was keeping my boxers on the entire time. As I pulled the dress pants on Elizabeth walked up to me and pointed at one of the many scars on my left bicep.

"What about that one?" she said.

We'd been playing a game ever since I got to the Capitol, she'd choose a scar and I'd tell her the story behind how I'd gotten it. This particular one was from my early days of living on the streets, I'd made a huge mistake while trying to steal some sausage from the butcher and got caught.

Elizabeth looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to start my story.

"It was probably around the first months of living on the streets, I was really hungry and this was the first time I'd try to steal. It was a from a butcher, can't remember his name, all I remember is he was fat which back then meant that he didn't need any of the food I would steal from him. Anyways I went in to his store while he was away and took what I needed, I stuffed it all in a backpack that I also found in the story and got ready to run," I took a breath, Elizabeth was looking on intently, taking in every word that came out of my mouth. ", so as I ran out the door I made the biggest mistake a thief like me could me, I got greedy. I saw this huge box of chocolate, I hadn't eaten chocolate in months and I knew some other street rats that could really use one. So I stuffed them into my bag, but in the time that I was stuffing, the butcher came back. He caught me pretty easily I was still scrawny back then so I couldn't squirm out of his grasp, he threatened me saying he was going cut my arm off for what I had stolen. He got his cleaver and started digging slowly into my flesh. I can't remember much after that, I somehow got a hold on a knife and stabbed him in the leg I got out with the backpack."

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