Space They Cannot Touch

By storiesbygh

500K 5.5K 3.2K

This story follows the highs, lows and steamy love life of Tom and Y/N. Mature content More



5.6K 79 66
By storiesbygh

"Oh Law..." you gasped.

"Right?" he grinned, fixing the shoulder of the dress with a flourish of his hand. "Am I good or am I good?"

"Law it's perfect" you breathed, unable to fully comprehend that you were looking at your reflection.

It was the day of your Bachelorette Party and you were trying on dresses for your wedding before the actual party got underway. Dot had booked out a penthouse suite at the Hilton on Tom's dollar and had invited only those closest to you, which consisted of her, Nikki, Sydney, Donna, and Zendaya.

Law had pulled at least fifteen different dresses, from frothy fairy floss concoctions to sleek numbers that left little to the imagination. The best thing was that none of them looked even remotely like a wedding dress. The final dress, which Law had kept wrapped in its bag during the fitting, as well as blindfolding you so that you couldn't see it and have the proper "moment", was unlike anything else you'd seen or tried.

The dress was champagne silk, with a structured metallic mesh. A subtle sweetheart neckline with shoulder detail, the dress was everything you wanted - simple, elegant, and unique.

"It looks like it was made for you" Dot breathed.

"Thanks Dot" you mumbled, pulling her into a hug as you felt overcome with emotions. Must be something about finally finding a dress. "And thanks for always putting up with my bitchiness"

She chuckled, hugging you back tightly. "Anytime honey" she murmured, her voice slightly choked. "Did you forget about us girls Law?" she teased, wiping a stray tear.

"Never! Now that Y/N's in her dress, you girls can try on yours!"

As Dot, Sydney and Zendaya tried on their dresses, you continued to ogle yourself in the mirror. You couldn't believe that this the dress that you would marry Tom in.

"Ta-DA!!! Whadda ya think?" Dot asked as she, Zendaya and Sydney emerged.

"OH!" you gasped, hands clasped over your mouth. "Oh, you girls look stunning! How do you feel in them?"

"Great!" they replied, twirling for you and Law.

"Law, honestly you're a genius. A God-send. Thank you so much, this is perfect!" you gushed, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome honey. Couldn't have you looking like any old bride on your day! I even got something for Nikki"

You turned to see Nikki in a pale lavender number. It had a simple lacy v-neckline that melted into a flowing skirt of chiffon.

"Oh Nikki, you look gorgeous!"

She blushed, looking down at the dress. "It's not too much?"

"No. It's perfect! Everyone looks amazing!" you beamed. "I think we should celebrate Law with a bottle of champagne!" you cheered, grabbing the bottle that the hotel had provided and popping the cork.

"First, everyone out of those dresses!" Law said, clapping his hands firmly. "Don't want to ruin them before the big day"

As you hurried into the makeshift change room, you heard your phone buzz.

"Hello?" you said, answering without checking caller ID.

"Y/N, it's me"

You froze, your stomach clenching uncomfortably.

"You there?" asked Louise.

"Um, I don't know. I think I'm having an out of body experience"

"Is now a bad time?"

You sighed, biting your lip. "How about you tell me why you're calling and I'll decide?"

"I'm calling to tell you that I'm sorry"

Your brain was having a really hard time keeping up. "Sorry?" you repeated.

"For everything"


"I know now that what I've done to you, been doing to you, was wrong and I'm sorry. I'm also not marrying Jack anymore"

"Oh. Good. That's good. I mean the part about not marrying Jack. Still not entirely sure about the other part"

"I understand if I've hurt you too much to be forgiven, but I want you to know that I'm changing all of that"

"I see. And uh, what brought about this change? If I may ask"

"I joined a church"


It was all you could manage. Your own experience with churches was limited but you'd seen enough documentaries about the corruption and systemic abuse within many religious organisations that your brain immediately imagined Louise on a farm in the middle of nowhere, using straw for a tampon and having 12 children to a man three times her age.

"It's not a cult" Louise said, voice slightly defensive.

"No, no, of course it's not. Sorry, just not quite the answer I was expecting" you said, defaulting to placating her.

"Well, when we were looking for a church to get married in, we found this amazing one, it's so beautiful Y/N, but you have to be part of the congregation to get married there so we joined and everyone was really nice, and one day at service I had a revelation!"


"I realised how horrible I've been treating people, that I was being a bystander in my own life, and letting others choose for me. I have realised that I need to be free of negative people who want to hold me back and control me, to be a better person for myself, for others and for God"

To say you were dumbfounded was an under statement. "Cool..."

"So I broke it off with Jack and moved out of Mum's into a shared flat. And my next step is apologising to you, as part of my journey to better myself"

"Well, that's great Lou. Really. I wish you all the best"

"Thank you Y/N. Are you free? I'd love to catch up and spend some time with you, just us"

You and Louise catching up? Spending time alone? She'd done more than join a church; she'd had a bloody lobotomy.

"Uh, I'm pretty busy"

"Ok, no worries. Save this number as me in your phone!"

"Uh, ok..."

"Hey, I gotta go. Wow, I feel so much better already! Talk to you soon!" she said cheerily and promptly hung up.

"What the fuck?" you mumbled, looking at your phone.

"Honey, you ok in there? Do you need some help?" Law asked, startling you.

"No, no. I'm fine, thanks" you called, though your voice was strained.

Where the fuck did that all come from? Whilst you were thrilled Louise wasn't marrying Jack, you couldn't help but feel like it was just a phase and that she would take him back, as well as your Mum.


"Coming!" you replied, pushing thoughts of Louise, Jack and Mum out of your head.


"Why do I have to be blindfolded?" you asked sulkily.

"Because we've got a surprise planned and it only works if you're blindfolded!" Dot retorted, covering your eyes with the fabric.

"I feel like this is going down a path that I don't want to go down..." you grumbled.

"Relax!" Dot replied sassily, taking your hand and leading you out of the bedroom and into what you assumed was the living room.

The remainder of your Bachelorette Party had been smooth sailing, despite the bizarre phone call from Louise. After trying on the dresses with Law, you and the others had spent the afternoon getting massages, manicure's and facials. Tom's Bachelor Party hadn't started yet, but you imagined you'd have a very weary and sorry Tom to take care of when he returned home tomorrow afternoon.

"So, we're going to play a little game" Dot said, sitting you down on a plush chair. You couldn't hear the others and assumed they were being quiet.

"This is definitely going down a path I don't want it to..." you muttered uncomfortably.

"A game where you're going to shut up and let me restrain you"

"WHAT?" you gasped, moving to stand.

"Girl, I know you kinky AF" Dot sassed, pushing you back into the chair. Unable to see, your balance was off and you plunked down into the chair, Dot quickly tying you to it.

"SHUT UP" you hissed, mortified that she was outing you so publicly to the women closest to Tom, let alone Zendaya.

"Relax! It's part of the game. There's nothing sinister going on, promise" Dot soothed, finished with your restraints.

Fortunately for you, she wasn't nearly as experienced as Tom and you figured you could work them loose pretty quickly.

"Dot, I'm really not into this" you whined.

"Too bad! Enjoy!" Dot cheered as music began to play.

It wasn't just any kind of music; it was the kind of music that strippers danced to. Strippers that visited hotel rooms for Bachelorette parties.

"DOT I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" you yelled, working at freeing yourself.

"Love you!" she sang back, her voice distant.

"Fuck fuck fuck" you gasped. Despite Dot being a poorly practiced dominant, your inability to see and panic were allowing her knots to keep you incapacitated.

"Happy Bachelorette!" cooed the stripper.

He had an American accent and wasted no time in suggestively brushing himself against your shoulder. You leaned away from him as much as you could, grimacing.

"Relax honey, you're gonna love it!" he teased, squeezing your shoulders.

You jerked even harder against your restraints, wanting to vomit. "I'll pay you double whatever they're paying you to keep your clothes on and untie me"

"No can do honey" replied the stripper and you shrieked as he kissed your cheek.

"Ugh! I'm not your honey! Untie me or else I'll make you wish you'd never accepted this job!"

"Come on honey, lighten up, have some fun with me before you marry Spider-Man!"

You froze. Had the accent slipped or was that your imagination? "I'm not marrying Spider-Man" you replied cautiously, straining to hear him over the corny music.

"Uh...I've seen your photos in the tabloids sweetheart. You're engaged to that Spider-Man guy...what's his name?" he replied, recovering poorly, the accent slipping further.

"You're not American"

"I think I'll have to shut you up" muttered the stripper, kissing you full on the mouth.

You flinched, trying to wriggle free. There was something about the kiss...

"Tom?" you asked breathlessly as you wrenched your face free.

"Bingo BabyDoll" he replied, removing your blindfold and smiling at you.

He'd really gone for the whole "stripper" look. Whilst he wasn't wearing a g-string (probably because the sight of it would have sent you into a fit of giggles), the plain black briefs were unbelievably tight, making his already generous appendage appear even larger. Whatever gel or oil he'd used in his hair, he'd slathered all over himself and you had to admit that his abs looked especially delicious as they gleamed at you.

"You fucker" you grumbled, smiling in spite of yourself. "You're lucky I didn't kick you where it counts"

Tom chuckled, kneeling before you. "What gave me away?"

"You still can't say Spider-Man" you replied, putting on your own American accent.

"Damn. You'd think I'd be better than that by now"

"Ok, can you untie me? I've gotta kick Dot's ass"


"Why the hell not?"

"I have you tied to a chair in a penthouse suite! You're not going anywhere until I'm finished with you"

"Bu - what about your Stag do? What about the girls?"

"Today was your Bachelorette Party Y/N. Dot knew you wouldn't go for the usual night of partying and drinking, especially given how up and down the last few months have been. And I'm not having a Stag do, as drinking beer with the boys is something I do regularly"

"So is fucking me senseless" you countered cheekily.

"True, but I haven't fucked you senseless in a Hilton penthouse suite yet. It's on my bucket list"

"Well if it's on the bucket list then we've gotta do it" you replied slyly.


"Oh no, no I can't take anymore!"

"Yes, you can! Come on!!"

"No, I really can't! I'm going to explode!" you whined, pushing away the spoon laden with ice cream that Tom kept trying to push into your mouth.

"You're letting the dessert go to waste!"

"It was your idea to order this much food" you countered. "Ugh, I'm so bloated!" you groaned, rubbing your stomach.

"Mm" Tom sighed, finally acquiescing to his own full stomach and putting the food on the room service cart. "That was definitely a calorie overload"

You glared at him out of the corner of your eye. "Your abs are still perfectly defined. I look like you knocked me up".

To emphasise your point you lifted your oversized tee and rubbed your distended stomach. When you looked up Tom was giving you a funny look.

"What?" you asked, lowering your top.

"I like it" he said softly, a pale blush staining his cheeks. You gaped at him, surprised. "What?" he asked, blush deepening.

"You just about had a heart attack the last time I said I wanted kids"

It was true that Tom's heart had beat unusually erratically when you'd brought it up a few weeks ago, and no word on kids had been spoken since. You weren't sure if it was his reaction or that you'd stated you didn't want them immediately, but you'd both skirted around the discussion ever since.

Which was made all the more difficult thanks to social media and the paparazzi fuelling each other, both of your socials filling up with others having babies or adverts for baby related stuff.

"You caught me by surprise is all" Tom replied, clearly flustered. "You'd been fighting it for months and then you do a complete 180 and leave me stunned!"

His cheeks were now inflamed, a bright rosy red. It was ridiculously cute and you decided to tease him.

"Well aren't you just a bit fucking cute!" you teased, leaning over to kiss him.

"Shut up" he mumbled into your lips.

"Never" you replied, pulling back to look into his eyes. "I'm gonna tease you about this forever"

"I'll knock you up right now you keep pushing it" he growled playfully.

You pretended to consider his threat before breaking into a cheeky smile. "You're too full to do anything more than threaten me". Tom scowled and poked your stomach. "Ow!" you cried, rolling away from him and cradling your stomach. "Full of food here!"

"You may be right but you're still ticklish and my fingers are unusually itchy!"

"Ok, ok, I won't tease you!"

"Too late BabyDoll!" Tom giggled gleefully and before you could escape he sat on top of you, pinning you to the bed as his fingers began to tickle you mercilessly.

You squealed and writhed but Tom was a lot heavier than usual, and you were too lethargic from food and great sex.

"Ok, ok, ok!" you gasped, "I'm sorry, I won't tease you anymore"

"Good. And later when I'm not so stuffed, you're gonna get it"

"Yes Sir" you replied, pretending to salute him.

"Smart ass" he grumbled, tickling you one last time before leaning down to kiss you. "But you're my smart ass"

"And you're my dork" you replied, lifting your head to kiss him once more. "The Smart Ass and The Dork. A Love Story"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Try and not kill the mood darling"

"Oops, sorry!"

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