Walking Among Us

By Cnife15

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A group of people hold on for dear life in this post-apocalyptic world. They have been lucky enough to surviv... More

Chapter 1: School of the Dead
Chapter 2: Pit Party
Chapter 3: Convenient Fist Fights
Chapter 4: The Counting Game
Chapter 5: Tunnel Vision
Chapter 6: Broken Promises
Chapter 7: Winter Storm
Chapter 8: Labour Problems
Chapter 9: Nature's Bounty
Chapter 10: Back From The Dead
Chapter 11: The Good Life
Chapter 12: Don't Look Back
Chapter 13: City of Champions
Chapter 14: Rock Bottom
Chapter 15: Fatal Reunions
Chapter 16: Friend or Foe
Chapter 17: The Road Ahead
Chapter 18: Crime and Punishment
Chapter 19: Gone to Hell
Chapter 20: Adapting
Chapter 21: Staying Strong
Chapter 22: Explosive Bargaining
Chapter 23: Family Ties
Chapter 25: Council Meeting
Chapter 26: Destroying Bridges
Chapter 27: Daddy's Little Girl
Chapter 28: Grave Digger
Chapter 29: Starting the Engine
Chapter 30: Short Cuts
Chapter 31: Nobody Get's Left Behind
Chapter 32: Dreams VS Reality
Chapter 33: No Rest For The Heroes
Epilogue: Lost Child

Chapter 24: Trust Issues

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By Cnife15

"Travis are you guys done yet?" A man asked when he walked into the room. He looked at everybody that was dead on the ground, then looked at Jessica. He stood there for a while in shock then said,

"Oh shit."

He ran out of the room calling for assistance. Jessica slowly stood up and walked towards one of the men she had killed. Jessica grabbed his shotgun and walked towards the door and opened it up. She looked behind at the mess of corpses on the ground, then walked out of the room.

Jessica walked down the hallway, shotgun loaded, just in case somebody or something jumped out at her. She continued walking down what seemed to be a never ending hallway, until like she expected somebody walked out.

"I found her! And she is on the move!" the man yelled when he saw Jessica. He aimed his gun at her then called out to her,

"Surrender now! Or I will shoot you!"

"Whose to say I won't shoot you first?" Jessica said back, aiming her gun at the man.

"I'm serious lady. I don't want to hurt you."

"Ya fuck off bud," Jessica said as she pulled the trigger. The bullet drove into the man's chest, making him drop to the floor. Jessica kept walking down the hallway unfased by what happened. She was determined to find her friends, no matter how many lives she had to take.

She started calling out to her group, "Randi! Ray! Pablo! Anybody!"

Yet she didn't hear anything back. So she kept on walking until she walked into what seemed to be a library. In the middle of the library were a group of men huddled together.

"Boy's, we need to find this bitch!" one of the men stated, "We can't let her roam around this building, and kill even more of us. So if you see her you fucking shoot!"

"Yes sir!" another man said as they split up. Jessica hid behind a desk with her gun loaded, trying to find a way to help her friends without being detected. So she ran out from behind the desk and stood at the end of the bookcase. Jessica waited there for a bit, until a man came around the corner. She jumped out at him and covered his mouth with her hand. She grabbed the butterknife from her pocket and stabbed it into the man's neck. She layed him on the ground and continued to move. She didn't want to be anywhere near him when he was discovered.

Another man walked out from the bookcase and Jessica jumped behind another desk, to avoid being caught. The man walked by the desk so Jessica gripped the knife tightly. She didn't want to leave him alive so she thought of a way to kill him without attracting too much attention to herself. When she came up with the idea she whistled just loud enough for the man to hear. Lucky for her the man did hear her whistle, and went to investigate by the desk. With each step closer he got, the tighter Jessica's grip on the butterknife got. The man leaned over the desk and tried to look under it, and in one fluid motion, Jessica grabbed the man and pulled him over the desk, then stabbed him in the head repeatedly. She threw the body off of her and got up again.

Jessica quickly moved away again to avoid being caught and stood up against a bookcase. She noticed that a man was slowly walking on the other side of the bookcase, looking at all of the books. Jessica waited until he was directly across from her and when he leaned in to get a closer look at the book, she reached through the bookcase and grabbed his collar. She pulled him close to the bookcase, making him smash his head on the shelf. She let go of him, and he tumbled towards the ground, completely unconscious.

Jessica continued to move, still on the lookout for her friends and her foes. She heard some noise coming from the aisle ahead of her, and saw there were two men there. She hid at the end of the bookcase, and loaded her gun. When she felt the time was right, she jumped out from the corner and shot one of the men. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the library, and the remaining men started to flock towards her location. Jessica knew that she had to act quickly so she could escape unnoticed, so she ran at the other man and stabbed him in the neck.

"I see her!" a man yelled as he watched Jessica drop the dead man to the ground. Jessica ran as the man took aim at her, and just got out of sight as a bullet soared past her. The man walked down the aisle towards Jessica with his gun aimed at her location.

"It will be easier if you just come out!" the man yelled as he got closer to her. Jessica stayed hidden until the man was so close that the barrel of his gun was in view. She grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled the man out of the aisle. Then she put the man in a head lock and started to choke him out. He struggled for a bit, then fell unconscious. Jessica kneeled down towards the man and stabbed him in the neck, just to make sure he wouldn't wake up, then she sneaked away again. She was running towards the exit of the library when she heard somebody yell from one of the aisles.

"Everybody come here!" the man was yelling. Jessica hid behind a bookcase and watched as the men all gathered in the aisle with the man. They started talking about something, though she couldn't hear them, but figured they were making some sort of game plan to capture her, so she tried thinking of something herself. She remembered all of the movies where the library shelves all tipped over causing like a dominoe effect. And since all of the men were in one place, Jessica realized that she needed to act quickly because this oppurtunity probably wouldn't happen again.

So she grabbed onto the bookcase and started tipping it forwards. The books started sliding off of the shelves as the bookcase tipped farther and farther over, then finally it crashed into the other bookcase, and all of the bookcases started crashing down. The men in the aisle started to run, but they were too late, and got flattened under the pressure of the shelves.

Jessica looked at the mess she had made and started to walk around the library again, looking for her friends. She started calling their names again and after a few minutes of searching she heard a noise coming from a room behind the checkout counter. She opened the door and there were her friends, all tied up in the middle of the room.

"Jessica!" Randi cried in relief, "We thought you were dead!"

"Takes a bit more then that to kill her," Ray joked, "Now come on and untie us!"

"I will, I will," Jessica said as she walked over to Ray's chair, and started sawing his bindings with the butterknife.

"What did Travis do to you?" Randi asked in concern.

"He didn't do anything," Jessica stated, "I didn't let him."

"Wait. Did he try to, you know, rape you?" Randi asked.

"He tried. But I didn't let him," Jessica answered, "But it doesn't matter now, he's dead. So let's just leave it at that."

The knife cut through Ray's binding and he got out of his chair. Jessica walked over to Randi and started sawing at the ropes. She quickly cut the ropes and moved on to the next person. And in a few minutes everybody was untied.

"Let's get out of here," Nathan said when everybody was untied, "Lucky for us, they left the guns in the room, so we don't have to stay here for longer then we have to."

They walked out of the office door into the library, and everybody got a glimpse of the mess that Jessica made.

"Did you do all of this?" Randi asked.

"I did what I had to do. If I didn't do that I wouldn't be alive right now," Jessica answered.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that," Martin stated, "It must have been difficult."

"I've had to put up with more bullshit then this," Jessica replied, "Killing these guys was the easy part."

"I would never be able to do that," Sarah sheepishly stated. She was finally starting to warm-up to the group, and wasn't just hiding behind her father.

"So you can talk!" Pablo joked, "I haven't heard you say a single word once!"

"That's just because she is a bit shy, Pablo," Nathan stated.

"No, I'm not!" Sarah rebutted, "I just didn't know if you would kill us or not! You can't just trust everybody you meet!"

"No you definetly can't," Ray said, "I was surprised you guys let us into your group."

"Well what were we supposed to do?" Nathan asked, "Even if we were to fight back, you would have easily outnumbered us."

"I guess that's true. But we wouldn't have tried to hurt you unless you threatened us. We just don't act like that," Ray answered.

"That's something you should be proud of," Nathan stated, "Now a days, it's so easy to just kill whoever you see just to stay alive. But there is no humanity in that. It's just cruel."

Just then a blood-curdling scream pierced through the air. The group looked towards the sound of the scream, and immediatly ran towards it. When they found the owner of the scream, they saw that she was surrounded by walkers. Everybody stood there wondering what to do, then Ben jumped out towards the group of walkers.

"What the hell are you doing, Ben?" Nathan yelled, "You are going to die!"

"Did you not just say that we shouldn't kill people who we find?" Ben asked, turning around and looking at Nathan.

"Ya, but there is nothing you can do about her! As long as we aren't putting a bullet through her head then we are fine!"

"But leaving her there is just as bad!" Ben yelled, dashing towards the girl. He shot at the zombies that were surrounding her to try and killed a few. He then crashed into the group and grabbed the girl's hand. He and the girl raced out of the group of walkers and towards their friends.

They almost made it before a walker grabbed onto Ben and dragged him to the ground. The girl kept running as the Ben tried fighting for his life. Nathan fired his gun at the group, trying to get the zombies off of Ben, but more and more kept flocking onto him. Everybody else started firing, but it was too late. The walker that was on top of Ben had bitten into Ben's neck, ripping all of the flesh and veins out of it. Ben lost all ability to yell and fight, and soon was being ripped open and devoured by several other walkers. The group watched in horror as there friend died. Then Nathan grabbed Sarah's hand and started running away, yelling,

"We are getting the hell out of here!"

The rest of the group followed behind him, occasionally looking back at Ben and the walkers. The women that was saved followed behind as well, not quite knowing what to do, or how to react to the situation. Honestly, none of them did.

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