The American Spider: Maria

By Shipping_Empress

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Maria Rosset Davis is the younger parental cousin of Miles Gonzalo Morales. Both children were born on the sa... More

The Letter
Let's Go See Peter!
Uncle Aaron!
Goodbye America
Entrance Exam
Battle Bots
First Day at UA, Class 1-A
Quirk Tests
Heroics Class
Spider Girl Vs Ice Boy
Ice Vs Webs
Class Reps
Over to the USJ
Villain Invasion
Saving All Might
Save The Day, Teachers of UA!
Side Part: A Day Out
The Arrival of The Sports Festival
Let The Games Begin!
Obstacle Course Race and A Good Luck Charm
Cavalry Battle
Ease Dropping
Match Ups
A/N: Apologizes
Looks Like It's My Turn
Fire Power!
Stupid Deku!

Hello Japan

246 13 5
By Shipping_Empress

(A/N: From now on all English speech will be underlined and all Spanish speech will as it has been)

~Maria's POV~

"I hope you all enjoyed the flight, we have now landed and you may exit as you please in an orderly fashion" the pilot announces over the plane's intercoms. I unbuckle my seat belt before I stand up and stretch my muscles. "Well that was a nice nap" I say as I grab my costume case, I slept for a good 10 hours before I woke up and sent the rest of my flight on my phone and listening to music. Pretty much just wasting time and stuff, I even watched some anime channels on the TV for a while too. The flight attendant that lead me here was right when she said they have almost every channel! When we got close to Japan I even got a few Japanese channels too!

I quickly make my way to the front of the plane and exit with the rest of the people who were riding the plan. I step outside of the plane and entire the airport where people are picked up by whoever is suppose to come get them. I look at the time on my phone to see it's a few minutes after 5pm, I think the man picking me up should be here by now. I look around the large crowd of people looking for the man, Present Mic, who's suppose to be picking me up but I don't see him anywhere. Maybe I should just wait for a momen- "excuse me are you Maria Davis?" A male voice asks in English from behind me and I feel someone lay their hand on my shoulder. My first reaction is the judo flip the man on the floor, so I go to do exactly that. I drop my case and spin around but before I can go to grab the man I immediately freeze upon seeing his appearance. The mystery man looks exactly like Present Mic. Blonde hair? Green eyes? Matches the man in the picture? Yep, check and correct.

But just to make sure, I pull the letter I received from my school out of my satchel and compare the picture of the man to the man in front of me. And what do you know? It's actually him!  "Y-yes I am, m-may I assume y-you are Present Mic?" I ask the man nervously as I put the letter back in my satchel and look up at him. "Right you are little missy!" Present Mic says proudly and very loudly. I unconsciously wince in pain from his unnecessarily loud voice, I'm not even two feet away from the man! No need to yell! "You don't have to be nervous little miss, I'm not going to hurt you" Present Mic tells me jokingly, a large and friendly smile on his face which helps me relax a little. "I-I know, it's just my fi-first time so far from home. I-I'm just really nervous and k-kind of scared" I stutter out shyly as I try to control the shaking of my hands by intersecting my fingers and politely setting them in front of me.

"That's very understandable! But don't worry, with me here you don't have anything to fear. I'll do my best to make you feel as comfortable as I can" Present Mic tells me with an encouraging tone. "Of course, thank you" I say shyly as I look up at him. "Well then let's go. Your things arrived a few hours ahead of you, some movers that UA hired have already delivered them to where your staying" Present Mic tells me, his friendly smile becoming even bigger, if that's possible, and he motions for me to follow him. "R-right, thank you very much" I say as I pick up my case in my right hand then follow after the blond man. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to ask. Little miss can you speak proper Japanese?" Present Mic asks as we walk towards what I believe is an exit. I can't really tell with all the people around blocking everything in front of me.

"Yes I can, I learned back at Brooklyn Visions Academy and studied the language diligently got two years. I already knew the basics before I started taking official lesson with the help of some Japanese apps. Although I can speak the language I talk with a English accent a lot" I tell him in Japanese but as always my English accent comes through. "Great! If you couldn't you would have been taking Japanese lessons instead of English lessons. But you're Japanese is really good, it's almost perfect if you exclude the accent" Present Mic tells me in his mother tongue. "You can call me Hizashi-san by the way if it makes you feel more comfortable but only when we're by ourselves, with others around it's best if you call me Present Mic. Americans are used to calling each other by their given-I mean first names, right?" Present Mic tells me.

"Yes we are, and thank you. But do you mind if I call you Mr. Hizashi, I'm not really big on honorfics because I never really got the hang of them" I tell him and offer the man a small, slightly awkward, smile. "Ah! There it is, I was waiting for you to give me a smile of some sorts. You're school back in America sent us a report on your personality and said you're always seen smiling. I was slightly concerned when I saw you frowning so hard and looking nervous like you were. But you can call me Mr. Hizashi as well" Present Mic tells me sounding very excited that I'm smiling instead of looking worried and frowning. "O-oh, I'm sorry for worrying you" I apologize shyly, "no it's not a problem! You're just nervous is all" he quickly tells me. "So do you have any questions?" Mr. Hizashi asks me as we reach one of the exits of the airport.

"Um yes, has the class year started yet?" I ask him curiously. "Actually it hasn't, it starts in two weeks from now on a Saturday at 8:40am" he informs me, I'm kind of grateful it's 2 weeks from now because I'll have some time to get myself adjusted to this place. "Will I be required to take an entrance exam even though I'm already in the school's system?" I ask again once we reach outside the airport. We begin walking towards a cab that seems to have been waiting specifically for us. "Yes you will. You'll have to take the physical exam but it's only so we know where to place you. If you fail the physical exam you'll still be a student of the school but based on your score results you will ether be placed in class 1A or 1B of the hero's course or one of the general course classes" Mr. Hizashi tells me when we reach the cab. "So do you have any more questions I can answer?" Mr. Hizashi says as we enter the cab, "to this address please" he tells the driver and hands the man a slip of paper.

"Yes sir" the driver replies before looking at the address and driving off. "Um, can you tell me a little about UA? I've heard about it a little bit before but not much" I say and relax in the comfortable seat of the taxi cab. I think I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable around Mr. Hizashi, he seems like a really nice and fun person too which is good. I didn't really know what to expect of the people here, I heard that Japanese people can be a little hostile towards foreigners and I'm really hoping that's not true. At least Mr. Hizashi is nice. "I can give you a brief history of UA if you want" Mr. Hizashi suggest and I nod my head silently saying I would like to hear it. "U.A. is one of highest ranked high school for heroics and is considered as the top Hero Academy in Japan, you could call us the number one heroic high school. Students are separated based on their abilities into specific departments and classes. Classes A and B being the highest and the only classes that make up the hero course. Classes  C through G make up the general course while class H is made up of the support classes or business classes. Each class will usually consist of 20 students unless they somehow end up getting expelled" Mr. Hizashi explains to me. 

"Wow, that's a lot of classes in one grade" I say feeling slightly overwhelmed by how many classes there are in each grade. That means there are 11 classes in each grade, 11 classes for three grades resulting in 33 classes overall in UA. Now let's say in all grades no one will get expelled, that means that there will be 660 students total in this school! Woah! "Any more questions?" Mr. Hizashi asks, "can you tell me about......" and just like that the rest of the ride is spent with me asking Mr. Hizashi questions about UA and Japan until we reach out destination. "Thank you sir" Mr. Hizashi says and hands the driver some money. "Alright Davis-chan let me show you to your new apartment, you're on the seventh floor room in apartment 710" Mr. Hizashi tells me as she exits the cab. "Seventh floor, room 710, right" I repeat as I climb out after him with my suit case in hand. 

We both enter the apartment complex and take the stairs up to the seventh floor. "I've been meaning to ask, but can I know what's in that case you're carrying? I'm just curious" Mr. Hizashi asks me as he points to the case Peter gave me before I left the States. "Sure, someone close to me made a hero costume for me before I left, and this is it. I can wear it in UA if I make the hero course right?" I tell him as I hold out the case to him as we reach the next floor. "Of course! If you want I can take it over to the school and register it if you want" Mr. Hizashi tells me with a thumbs up. "Yes please! That would be wonderful!" I tell him excitedly as a large smile creeps on my face. "No problem Davis-chan" Mr. Hizashi tells me with his own smile. "Also, you can call me Maria if you want. It's really weird for me to be called by my last name" I tell him, laughing awkwardly as I rub my back of my head feeling slightly embarrassed. 

"If that's what you want Maria-chan" he tells me and about five minutes later we finally reach the 7th floor. We walk out of the elevator and make our way to the door labeled 710, "this is your key and a spare one. Three copies of your key has been made, two for you incase you lose the original and a staff member of UA will keep the last one in case of emergencies. Usually it'll be your homeroom teacher in possession of the third key" Mr. Hizashi tells me as he pulls out two keys from his pocket. He unlocks the door with one then hands both keys to me. "Thank you" I tell him and offer him a friendly smile after I put the two keys in my pocket. "Alright then, I'll leave you here to get set up, in maybe two hours I'll be back to show you around the area. How does that sound?" Mr. Hizashi says as he gently opens the door. "That sounds good, thank you very much for everything Hizashi-san" I thank the Asian man and bow to him. 

"No need to do that Maria-chan, raise up" Mr. Hizashi tells me light heartedly and gently pushes my shoulders up, signaling me to stand up straight. "Still, you have been very kind to me ever since I got here. Honestly I didn't know what to expect and I was really scared and nervous. But you make me feel relaxed, you are a very good person Mr. Hizashi" I tell the blond male with a bright closed eyed smile. "Hehehe, no problem Maria-chan. It's the least I can do for you" he tells me with a small laugh. "Oh right, I was told to give you my number in case of emergencies and depending on what class you get in you will have your homeroom teacher's number as well. Just think of us as, your temporary guardians and call us if you need anything at all" the Japanese hero tells me. "Of course" I say and pull out my phone from my satchel, we quickly exchange numbers and send a quick text message of greetings to each other. 

"Alright that's about it for now, I'll leave you to rest until I come back. I'll call you once I'm outside" Mr. Hizashi says and I told out my costume case for him take which he does. "Okay, thank you Mr. Hizashi!" I call out as the man departs and he waves back to me before he disappears around the corner. "Well lets get started" I mutter under my breath and step into the apartment. The door opens directly to a large living room that has a table and a set of chairs in the corner along with a small kitchen to the left side. On the right side there is a large amount of free space where at least a handful of people can lay down on the floor with their limbs spread out. That space is currently occupied by all my suitcases and luggage.

The living room is extremely nice and very well decorated. There's another door on the right side of the living room so I decide to go see what's behind there. I open the door to see it leads to a very small and short hallway that's only about 10 feet long, five feet wide and 10 feet high. In the hall way there are two doors each five feet apart and on opposite sides of the hall way. I walk over to the door on my right to see it leads to what must be my bedroom. The bedroom has a large window that looks like it could be a door but sadly it doesn't open like one so it's just a really big window. The room is already fully furnished and has a dresser drawer where I can store all my clothes and future clothes in. There are even little drawers attached to the sides of my bed where I can put clothes as well.

I close the door and walk to the other door and open it to see a large and beautiful bathroom with three sinks, for some reason. But it doesn't matter, the bathroom is extremely lovely.

"Well, better get unpacking" I tell myself and head back to the living room where I begin to go through and sort my things. I'm pretty sure I over packed as well.


NEEDLESS TO SAY, I KEEP IT IN CHECK. SHE WAS A BAD-BAD NEVERTHELESS! CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW, BABY, I'M A WRECK. CRASH AT MY PLACE, BABY, YOU'RE A WRECK! -"Ugh, um hello?" I groan sleepily as I answer my ringing phone. "Maria-chan? Sorry did I wake you?" A somewhat familiar male voice say from the other side of the line. "Um, may I ask who this is?" I ask sounding very tired as I yawn into the phone. "This is Hizashi Yamada, I'm outside your apartment door" the voice tells me and from the sounds of it the man is holding back a laugh. "Hizashi......Yamada?" I ask, completely out of it. It takes my completely pooped brain a few moments to process what the man said. "Mr. Hizashi?!" I ask loudly as I jump up from my bed as I suddenly become fully awake. "That's my name" the voice says jokingly, "you're outside? I'll be right out" I tell him, my voice sounding rushed as I quickly search for my shoes that I kicked off somewhere on the floor. 

After looking around for a little bit I finally spot them by the computer chair. I shove my shoes onto my feet as I hop around my room with my phone pressed to my ear. Once I have them on I quickly grab my satchel bag that was slung on the seat of the computer chair. "I'm on my way out" I tell Mr. Hizashi as I quickly run towards the front door. The moment I reach the front door I throw it open and look up at Mr. Hizashi who's looking down at me with amusement as he tries to fight back a laugh. "Are you ready?" He asks me and I nod my head, I quickly close the door and lock it with the key I left in my bag. As for the spare one, I left it in my new bedroom. If I ever get locked out of my apartment I could always get in through the large window in my room. I learned a life hack for picking windows back in America, it was Uncle Aaron who taught me and Miles in case we ever lock ourselves out of the house.

"I know it's kind of late, past 7pm actually so I thought this would be a nice chance to show you to beauty of the area at night and maybe get some dinner. I know we didn't stock your fridge since we don't know what you like" Mr. Hizashi tells me as we walk towards the stairs down to the first floor. "Yeah, I'll need to go shopping tomorrow for food" I tell him with a small smile, thinking about what kinds of foods I should eat. Ever since Miles and I went to train with Peter he gave us a strict diet to follow for the two year we've trained with him. Back then we mostly ate meats with lots of proteins in them along with glucose which is basically natural liquid sugar. You'd be surprised what you can mind in a country market on the west side of Brooklyn and Queens. I also had to eat lots of vegetables whenever I ate meat in order to have a balanced meal. Along with lots of meat.

"So you got a taste for anything? Tonight's dinner is on me, if I may make a suggestion I know a fabulous buffet place near by" Mr. Hizashi tells me as we walk night the streets of Masutufu. "That sounds wonderful actually" I say, almost drooling at the thought of a Japanese buffet. "Well a buffet it is, follow me this way" Mr. Hizashi tells me and leads me in the direction of the place we're going to eat tonight before touring the area around my apartment. "On our little tour I'll make sue to show you the quickest way to the UA campus as well" Mr. Hizashi says as we cross a street. "Once again thank you, that would be very helpful" I tell him feeling very thankful at his thoughtfulness. "No problem kid, remember you can depend on me while you're here in Japan. I'll make sure you're well off and safe, I know how scary it can be in a foreign country all by yourself, not to mention when you're so young" Mr. Hizashi tells me. 

"peaking of which, how old are you Maria-chan? You don't seem to be that old, maybe 14 at most" the blond future teacher asks me as he observes my appearance. "You're close, I'm actually 15 years old, my birthday passed some weeks ago" I tell him, smiling widely at him. "Happy late birthday in that case Maria-chan, I wish I knew so I could have gotten you a welcoming/late birthday gift" Mr. Hizashi says sounding slightly dejected when he speaks of getting me something. "No it's perfectly fine Mr. Hizashi, your kindness is the best present you could have given me upon arrival" I tell him politely. "If you say so, but I still feel kind of bad. I know! Why not think of tonight's dinner as my welcoming present to you?" Mr. Hizashi says sounding a little excited in a somewhat childish way.

"I think I can do that" I tell him playfully, my smile becoming slightly bigger as a giggle slips past my lips. Hearing my small laugh Mr. Hizashi laughs lightly as well. Soon we're both walking down the street laughing lightly and making light hearted conversation, we even throw in a few jokes here and there causing us to laugh even more.

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