The American Spider: Maria

By Shipping_Empress

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Maria Rosset Davis is the younger parental cousin of Miles Gonzalo Morales. Both children were born on the sa... More

The Letter
Let's Go See Peter!
Uncle Aaron!
Goodbye America
Hello Japan
Battle Bots
First Day at UA, Class 1-A
Quirk Tests
Heroics Class
Spider Girl Vs Ice Boy
Ice Vs Webs
Class Reps
Over to the USJ
Villain Invasion
Saving All Might
Save The Day, Teachers of UA!
Side Part: A Day Out
The Arrival of The Sports Festival
Let The Games Begin!
Obstacle Course Race and A Good Luck Charm
Cavalry Battle
Ease Dropping
Match Ups
A/N: Apologizes
Looks Like It's My Turn
Fire Power!
Stupid Deku!

Entrance Exam

276 11 4
By Shipping_Empress

~Maria's POV~

BEEP BEEP BEEP BE-  "I'm up!" I shout as I slam my fist on my alarm, successfully shutting it up. I sit up and stretch my arms above my head. I glance over at my clock to see it reads 7:30am, never thought I'd get up this early on a weekend honestly. I stand up from bed and unplug my phone that's been charging on the computer desk. I unlock it to see I got a good morning text from Miles, Peter and my parents. I text each one of them good morning even though it's around 6:30pm in Queens and Brooklyn by now. A few seconds after I send Miles his good morning text I get an immediate reply. 


Miles: Hey lil' cous, how you doin' so far?

Me: I'm good so far, I really miss you thou 😔

Miles: I miss you too😔, everybody was wondering where you were for the past three days

Me: They don't know I'm gone? Mind telling them?

Miles: I already did, a few of our classmates said they'll text you some time soon

Miles: You'll never guess what happened yesterday

Me: What? Don't tell me you got into another fight with Flash

Miles: Okay first off he deserved to get punched in his s*it last year! 

Miles: And secondly I did get in a fight with him, but it was because he was barking like the damn b*tch he is!

Me: Miles Gonzalo Morales! Language!😠

Miles: Oh s*it, she callin' full names😨

Me: Pft, dork

Miles: But I'm your dork😜

Me: Not unless I disown you

Miles: You wouldn't dare😨

Me: Podría y lo haría 

Miles: Damn, you scary

Me: I'll talk to you later, I have to go for now

Miles: What could you possibly have to do so early in the morning over there?

Me: Entrance exam so I can get my course assigned. I'm aiming for the hero course

Miles: Alright then, I'll talk to you later. You better get in the hero course too!

Me: Don't worry, I will ;)

Me: Hablaré contigo más tarde

Miles: Hablamos pronto


(Podría y lo haría = I could and I would. Hablaré contigo más tarde = I will talk to you later. Hablamos pronto = Talk to you soon)

I smile down at my phone and shut it. Now it's time for me to take a shower and get ready. I grab my outfit for the day which is a black tank top, a pair of knee length pink shorts with white strips going down the side and black slip on shoes. Simple enough outfit for the day. 

I look at my clock to see I have enough time to take a shower and cook something to eat but then I might have to run over to UA depending on how long my shower takes. "Let's hope everything goes well" I tell myself before heading to the bathroom.


"I made it in time" I call out happily as I skid to a stop in front of the UA entrance gate which is open to all students until the exam starts and there's some teachers standing at the entrance making sure only students enter the premises. 'I should get going, I need to find a good seat' I think as I walk towards the main door of UA. Mr. Hizashi said he was going to do the opening ceremony for today's entrance exam which made me feel more relaxed about it. Having someone I know do the opening ceremony for UA makes me feel more comfortable and confident. Over my two weeks here in Japan I've grown very relaxed and comfortable around Mr. Hizashi, he's really funny and light hearted. Not to mention he always knows how to make people smile, he's just so bright and bubbly I can't help but feel more relaxed and smile a lot around him.

I told Miles and Peter about him and from what they've heard they think Mr. Hizashi is a good person as well. With my cousin and mentor thinking Mr. Hizashi is a nice person makes me feel more relaxed around him. Even though it's only been two weeks and I face time Miles every day and night, in both our time zones, I really miss him a lot. I haven't been able to talk to Peter as much since he's one of the top 20 heroes in America making him very busy, not to mention he's a, some what, member of the Avengers. Peter is ranked number 14th on the Top Hero Chart, 1st place belongs to a really cool heroine named Captain Marvel and she's really powerful! More powerful than the Japanese hero All Might! Even though he's a Japanese hero All Might is really popular in America as well since he was a big hit back when he was studying in the States years ago.

I wonder if All Might will be a teacher at UA, probably not since he's the number one hero over here. But it would still be amazing if he was! I mean just think, the number one Japanese hero teaching future heroes-to-be! That sounds pretty cool to me. Even though All Might is all that and everything he's not my favorite hero, no where near it in fact. A lot of people might call me crazy but when I compare All Might to Spider-Man, Spider-Man always wins in my heart. But I think that's understandable because I am really biased towards Peter in all honesty. Even though I really love Captain Marvel she's not my favorite super hero, it's Spider-Man. Peter will forever and all ways be my favorite superhero in the world even if he somehow lost all his powers. And he knows that, Peter is more than a hero to me.

He's my mentor and like my family, he's like an older brother and second father. The moment Peter took Miles and I under wing to train us our bond as Spider People have become very close and tight. Spider People is a term I made up to describe what Peter, Miles and I are. We are normal, quirkless, people who got bit by a radioactive or genetically mutated spider of some sorts. For Miles and I we got bit by a genetically mutated spider while Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider which is why our powers all vary and are slightly different from each other. That's right, before Peter got bitten he was quirkless like me and Miles. Every Spider Person has some or serval special abilities or skills that only they posses. For Miles he can generate electricity from his hands, for Peter he has enhanced senses which is something I nor Miles has and as for me I basically have a poisonous bite. When I bite someone I can generate poison from my fangs and depending on how much poison I inject my victim will ether pass out or get paralyzed. My poison has the potential to be lethal but I don't know how  lethal.

Since Miles and I were bit by the same kind of spiders we have a few common abilities that Peter doesn't. For one thing we can both create our own webs from our hands, Miles is having a lot of trouble doing that so he just uses Web shooters, along with a few other things but we have more differences than we do similarities. As for Miles he Miles possesses control over the natural electricity his body produces and can use it for offensive purposes, he can also turn "invisible" by camouflaging himself, including his clothing. This works by him blending into his surroundings which allows him to sneak up on his enemies or flee from them. He's completely undetectable when he does this, he's even invisible to heat signature devices! As for me I have spider-like fangs and can generate poison from my body but as of right now I can only generate it on my fangs. I also have an enhanced bite and when I walk, run or move I literally make no sound. The only way to know I'm there if you can't see me is if I call out to you or touch you. I LITERALLY CAN NOT  make any sound when moving which makes me a complete master at stealth.

'Focus Maria! Now isn't time to drone on about heroes or Spider People abilities!' I mentally scold myself, snapping out of my nonsensical dialogue. I shake my head a few times before continuing on my way towards the doors of UA. As I walk I hear a loud, angry and rude voice yelling at someone which draws me attention. "Get the f*ck out of my way now before I set you on fire, Deku" A grumpy, angry male voice growls loudly, catching my attention. 'Who could be so rude and angry so early in the morning? What happened to him?' I think confued as I turn around and stare at the annoyed looking ash blond boy who just spoke as he stomps angrily dow the path that leads to UA. He's about two yards away from me but I can see the anger and annoyance radiating off of him like crazy! "U-um! Hey good morning! Let's both do great in the exam! Okay? Good luck!" The boy who got yelled at stutters out shakily as he waves his arms around weirdly.

The upset ash blond boy only passes by the nervously stuttering boy without giving him a second glance. 'Why is he so nervous? Also that boy was being a bit too rude just then' I think as I narrow my eyes at the ash blond boy who slowly walks closer to me. As if noticing my small glare the ash blond gives me a side look before quietly scoffing at me, narrowing his eyes in return as he passes by me. "Extra, stay out of my damn way" I hear him whisper as he passes by me only making me more unsure of the rude blond. He's left a pretty unfavorable impressive on me but maybe he just had a bad morning so I'll let it go. He's probably stressed out which has made him annoyed and rude. Yeah, that's most likely why. Thinking of his rudeness like that I feel the dissatisfaction welling up within me fade. 'Maybe he's a pretty decent person' I think and smile lightly at the departing boy's back, not like he can see it though.

I look behind me and over at that nervous green haired boy who just got yelled at to see him looking both determined but nervous at the same time. I lightly giggle at the boy's funny expression, he looks like he just found a strong resolve but his face expression is kind of adorable at the same time. I decide to observe the green haired boy for a few more moments and see him about to take a step forward but he somehow trips on air! "Hey, watch out!" I call to the boy and reach out towards him but before I can run over to his falling body a brown haired girl with pink cheeks is already next to him and next thing I know he's floating above the ground! 

"Hehehe, are you okay?" The brown haired girl says as she smiles at the boy she just saved. Instead of responding the green haired boy only looks at her in confusion and wonder for a few moments until he finally realizes that he's floating mid air and starts freaking out slightly. 

"I stopped you with my quirk" she tells him in a friendly tone and sets his body on the ground before touching her fingertips together. "I'm sorry I didn't ask first but I assumed you wouldn't mind me catching you" the pink cheeked girl says but the only response she gets in a very blank but shocked stare from the nervous boy. "Isn't this all like way nerve wrecking?" She asks him, this time the boy verbally responds back but sadly his response is nothing but nervous stutters spewing from his mouth. "Well I'll see you inside, bye" she bids him goodbye with a wave then walks away. The boy stares at his departing savior for a few moments before he burst out into a slightly awkward and weird laugh as a large, dorky smile appears on his face. Many people give him strange looks as they pass by but he doesn't seem to notice.

'I should get going as well, the opening ceremony should be starting soon and I still need to find a seat and get my entrance ID' I think and jog up to the main entrance door of UA where current students of the school are handing out cards.


"Yo, what's up UA candidates? It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Present Mic, your school DJ! Come on and make some noise!" Mr. Hizashi shouts loudly but the only response he gets is silence. I managed to grab seat close to the front which is good since I wanted to sit as close as I could. "Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show, let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go down! Are you ready?!" He shouts with excitement trying again to get some reaction out of the crowd but everyone stays dead silent which makes it feel a little awkward in my opinion. "Like your application said you cool boys and girls will be participating in fake battles located in these jaw dropping urban cities!" Mr. Hizashi announces as the screen behind him lights up and shows us a rectangle that says "you are here" with serval small squares above it, each having the letter of A, B, C, D, E, E, F or G on it.

I look down at the card a current UA student handed me upon entrance to see I'm in Battle Center B. "Okay, okay let's check out these targets" Mr. Hizashi says, calming down his excitement some seeing as he's not going to get the reaction he wants out of this crowd. "There are three types of robot villains in each type of center, you will earn points based on their level of difficulty so you'd better choose wisely!" He tells us and moments later the large screen above the blond pro hero lights up and starts playing some kind of simulation game. The simulation shows a character that looks exactly like Mr. Hizashi casually walking around it's fake urban city until it bumps into a 1-pointer villain. The character jumps up and kicks the robot resulting in it's "death", once the robot is dead Mr. Hizashi's character keeps moving forward.

This continues on with the character "destroying" a 2-pointer and 3-pointer villains. As the simulation plays on Mr. Hizashi explains to rules of the battles and how it works in detail. The time limit we have to get as many points as we can is 10 minutes, no more and no less. "Make sure you're keeping things heroic, no attacking other candidates is a UA no-no. You dig?" Mr. Hizashi tells us as he shakes his finger from side to side.

"Excuse me sir but I have a question!" Someone in an upper seat shouts and I turn in my seat to see a boy with blue hair dressed neatly in a school uniform raising his hand as he jumps up from his seat. A few seconds later a bright spotlight shines down on him. "On the print out you listed four types of villains, not three. With all due respect I must say if this is a mistake on UA's part it is shameful. We are exemplary students and expect the best from Japan's most noticeable school. A mistake such as this won't due!" The boy says and I feel a sweat drop appear on my head. 'He's really passionate' I think as I look up at the blue haired boy feeling amused by his speech. It's kind of funny to me to be honest, why's he so up tight? Well this is the  UA entrance exam so I can see where he's coming from. 

"Additionly! You with the unkempt hair! You have been muttering senselessly this entire time! Stop that, if you can't take this seriously the you need to leave" the blue haired boy suddenly snaps as he points to someone in the crowd above him. I focus my sight on wo he's pointing on to see it's the green haired boy from earlier! "Alright, alright! Examinee No.7111, thanks for calling in with your request!" Mr. Hizashi says trying to divert everyone's attention from the embarrassed green haired boy. Everyone looks back over to our announcer waiting for him to continue on. I'm quick to notice another villain pop up on the screen above Mr. Hizashi's head. I study the new villain' outline for a few seconds and try to match it up with one of the villains on the hand out we got upon entrance of the auditorium. It only takes me a few moments to conclude to the missing villain from Mr. Hizashi's presentation is actually the 4th villain type robot.

"The robot you're talking about is the fourth villain type, it's worth zero points! That thing's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There'll be one in every center, it's better if you just avoid it instead of wasting your time trying to defeat it. It's not that it can't be beaten but there's really no point" Mr. Hizashi explains which makes sense. Every battle we'll face in the future as heroes will have some kind of unexpected twist no matter how big or small it'll be, so we always need to be prepared. "Thank you very much for your explanation! Please continue!" The blue haired boy says and sits back down, a few moments later the spot light on him goes out as well. "That's all I got for you today, I'll sign off with a little present...a sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once said "a true hero is one who overcomes life's great misfortunes". Now y'all ready to go beyond.....PLUS ULTRA!" Mr. Hizashi shouts loudly and I can't help but feel inspired by those two simple words he just spoke. Plus Ultra.

Little did I know, how big of a role those two words would play in my life.

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