His Double Life

By sillywriterxx

147K 1.8K 188

"Arms up." He demands. His voice is harsh, yet soothing. I can't help but find his dominance intriguing. I d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 11

6K 85 6
By sillywriterxx

I wake up and rub my eyes. I glance at the clock and sigh. It's only 8am.

I roll over and see Jackson asleep, on top of the blankets. He is fully clothed and perfectly quiet as he sleeps. I more so told him sex was on the table, but he wanted to talk and get to know me. He didn't want to rush anything, which I respect.

I can't help but think about how Neal acted. How jealous and angry he appeared to be by the look in his eyes. I almost liked it; and the idea of him being a dominant to me was a turn on.

I get out of bed slowly and creep out into the living room.

I sit on the couch and grab my laptop from the table. I start to research what a submissive is, and what i'd do if that were my title to him. After last night, I feel as if my heart aches for him in any way I can have him. Even with the hate I feel towards him sometimes. 

Pictures of women with ropes around their wrists pop up. Men looking at them with this angry, needy look... It sends chills down my spine; reminding me of the exact look Neal gave me last night.

I grab my phone out of my pajama pocket and text Neal.

So... Submissive. Would it be more about pleasure or control?

He texts back within a minute, surprising me.

Both. Are you actually considering this? I figured after last night I should fuck off.

Kind of... I type. But you are married. Isn't that a little fucked up? That is the issue at hand. 

It's very fucked up. But it's worth the fun. Plus, I don't see my marriage being an issue much longer...

I cant help but smile, loving the idea of this man being mine, even if it is temporary. I don't know why it intrigues me, but it does.

Then let's meet up and talk about it. Give me more information, and i'll give you me. I text without thinking.

Tonight. My place. 8pm.

I giggle at his text and set my phone down. It buzzes again moments later - and it's another text from Neal.

Also, don't wear a bra. Or panties.

I text back a winking emoji and get back to my research on what it is that I'm considering becoming to a man who is not only technically my boss - but a now married childhood friend and first love of mine.

"Good morning," I spin around, slamming my laptop shut as Jackson appears from my room. "I didn't mean to spend the night, I apologize."

"Oh no, it's no problem. Last night was definitely..."

"Interesting?" He sits on the couch next to me. "Our boss showing up was my favorite part."

"Don't remind me," We laugh, his eyes wandering to my laptop.

"Are you working on a weekend?"

"Just getting ahead a bit on some plans." I lie.

"I should head home. I have a brunch at 11. I'll text you later though, if that's alright?" Jackson says.

"Yeah sure." We stand up and walk to the door.

"I had fun last night." He says, facing me. "We should definitely get to know each other more."

"For sure. Have a nice rest of your day, Jackson." I say, backing up a bit to imply a kiss wasn't going to be happening. He smiles before walking out; most likely receiving my hint.

I lock the door and return to the comfort of my couch, and the curiosity of my research.


The fact that she is considering being my sub is the only part of this day that I will be happy about.

I want her body to be completely mine for as long as she will let it be. There's so much I want to do to her; so many things I want to try with her. So many toys I want her to get the pleasure of experiencing. And soon, she just might.

I pull my phone out and call Rebecca; hoping for a decent conversation for once.

"Hello?" She says.

"Are you still attending the party at my parents tonight at 5?" I ask.

"Yeah. Your father wants me to be there even if you don't. After the party i'll be heading back home."

"That's probably for the best..." I say.

"Do you even still love me, Neal?" I almost want to blurt out fuck no, but I don't.

"I do, Becca. But I need space from you right now."

"Can we talk soon? As husband and wife? As a team?"

"I'll think about it. Bye Bec," I hang up, not even wanting her around me. Since i've been spending time with Jessica I don't feel the need of want to be around my own wife. Plus- my wife is a complete control freak. She's almost a dominant to me with how bossy and demanding she is, and I will never be anyone's dominant.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth as I wait for the shower to warm up. Tonight will be a shit show with my family and my wife, but I only plan to stay an hour and then get back here to prepare for Jessica's arrival and her lesson on being a submissive.

Once i'm in the warm water I can't stop thinking about how to talk to Jessica tonight. I know an apology for last night must be necessary- but I hate the idea of saying the words i'm sorry.

I wash my body and hair, dying to start the day and praying it goes by quickly.

There's so much to do in time that I feel is going by too quickly for a morning.

I get out of the shower and get ready. Dressing in a nice suit to run errands. Once I get downstairs my assistant, Jeff, is standing there waiting.

"Neal," He says. "I have the paperwork you asked be printed." she sets an envelope on the table. "Also, Mr. Thomas wants to meet with you this afternoon regarding the deal on his paper company."

"Tell him the deal is off. I have a busy day."

"Are you sure, sir? I can reschedule instead."

"Cancel the deal. His company is garbage anyways. Let's get going Jeff. Remind me to buy some rope on the way home."


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