Mistress's Good Boy (BWWM)

By Lovelshadows

1.3M 36.4K 11.9K

*Warning there may be sensitive topics in the book* Where one's status is based on their Dominant or Submissi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Crimson Kisses for Him part 1
Chapter 26 Crimson Kisses For Him part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

37.5K 1K 238
By Lovelshadows

Noma holds her palm out, nails outstretched and glamourous under the yellow tone of the chandeliers. I look at the whip coiled around my wrist and then with a reluctance I scrape it off and place it in her awaiting hand. She smiles, eyes crinkling.

"I think its time to bring Ezra back up and get you out the house, so we can buy you some clothes," My head bobs in understanding. "You'll have to gentle him out of his headspace first, that's the place where subs go when they're high and giggly on hormones, endorphins, and epinephrine. Coming out of subspace is different for every sub, but since I've scene with Ezra multiple times, and I know his ticks, I also know what to expect after his trips. With Ezra he also becomes...a bit touch-starved searching for rubs and pettings, soft kisses. Stuff like that, sometimes he'll cry, sometimes he'll get drowsy and tired. He'll be very demanding of your attention. It's also good to get him up and out of the dungeon to the kitchen where he can have a small snack or some water. Hopefully, he isn't too bad when surfaces. Our section doesn't have a pillow pit, so if worst comes to worst you'll have to take him to your room. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Noma questions standing slow from her spot on the circular chair. I nod.

"Yeah, I believe so," I twine my fingers together picking underneath the nails. "But what if he doesn't want to move?" The woman rubs her chin once before her eyes sparkle. She pounds a fist into her other palm and then points to a small door across the room, hidden behind the bronzed curtains.

"There's a bed back there incase subs are incapable of moving after a scene. It is big enough for two, so that makes it easier to cuddle up with a dropped sub." I make an ok sounding hum in the back of my throat and lean in close to Ezra's ear, still a bit iffy about what I had been told. I brush his hair away from his pinkened ear and press a soft kiss to his hairline.

"Its time to come back now angel," I whisper. Ezra blinks slowly before giving up the action altogether and just closing his eyes. Noma pushes me encouraging me to continue. "Come on, you're doing so good, be a good boy and come up." His eyes snap open and his body lurches, close and then closer to the ground. I grab onto his shoulders pulling him back into my legs before he can slump to the floor.

"M-mistress," His eyes gloss over sparkling wildly, but not a single tear leaves his eyes. He clings to my stockings, pressing his face into my thigh and rubbing his head in slow deliberate circles. I lean in peppering his head in small kisses. "Ama'Rose." He climbs into my arms, winding around my body, trying to shrink even smaller then he already is. Ezra catches my eyes, bottom lip wobbling and brows pushed together tightly. He buries his head in my neck and curls into my body.

"Is...is this normal." Noma has a perfectly arched brow raised, and a subtle pinch in her lips. The woman shakes her head and thumbs over her bottom lip, after a while she shrugs walking over to examine the submissive male. Ezra groans annoyedly turning his head away from Noma not trying to give her access to his face. She just sighs rolling her eyes as she falls back.

"I think he's just being a big baby about what I said earlier," His hands clench at the straps of my top, and his legs wrap around my waist locking behind my back. Damn this boy had a grip. "Which he shouldn't be upset about. Fair is fair, and people deserve to know these things before shitty scenarios happen—"

"Leave me alone." He grumbles, he mumbles about something else as well. Something about tightening my arms and lightly massaging his back. I do both and he melts into a boneless mess of spaghetti limbs.

"Yeah I will after you tell me how you feel, you know the rules. One to ten." I repeat what Noma said in his ear, knowing he probably wasn't listening to a word she said. Ezra giggles soft at the tickle of my voice in his ear, and then he lifts his head from my shoulder, peering around the room in concentration.

"Um, six m-maybe seven?" Noma nods.

"Good," She looks back at me and elaborates. "The number system is to test a sub's general health and state of mind after a scene. Zero being the worst and ten being the best. Usually, subs in the low numbers won't be able to answer due to distress, which is why careful handling and intense aftercare is needed. Ezra is good to go so he doesn't need intense care."

"I'd like it." He says squirming in my lap. I stroke his thigh and the boy smiles all pretty and coy.

"You know those sessions take long and we can't afford to not make it out today, the balls tomorrow and Ama'Rose needs a dress," Noma pries Ezra out of my lap and sets him on the ground. "So, no dilly-dallying." Noma holds her hand out and I grab at it maneuvering around Ezra's body.

"Can't I come?" He begs crawling after us. I lick my lips and narrow my eyes in thought.

"Aren't you busy today?" Noma says tugging me up the stairs. "I thought you had a client?" He hops up fast, stumbling up the stairs in pursuit of us, his chest rising alarmingly fast.

"I said I'd reschedule what's the big deal?" Noma comes to a stop and peeks over her shoulder at Ezra. Her head shakes and her hair spills over her shoulder like shiny silk.

"Did you give him permission to come." I jerk my head no and Ezra's eyes widen as his body grows tense.

"That leaves that, you'll stay and attend to the guest. Rosalita, me, and Christian will hit up some stores." Noma says resuming her strut out of the staircase and down the hall with a frightening pace. I turn around watching as Ezra follows, his face sickly pale and a slight tremor in his body. He calls out with a frantic bass in his voice.

"Christian is going?" He eggs reaching for Noma. "Why is Christian going? Christian doesn't go anywhere." Noma shrugs.

"I think he's taken a liking to Ama'Rose, a serious one too. You know how compatibility works," Ezra is stricken speechless, his pursuit coming to a halt for a brief moment before something dark takes over his features. He clenches his hands by his side and stomps after Noma, a fury lacing through his aura, bitter and citrus-like.

"Well, he can't have her! I have a contract which specifically says no sharing, Ama'Rose Is my mistress for the time being so, to bad so sad." He grimaces folding his arms over his chest and glaring down at the floor.

"That whole 'no sharing' bit is a load of bs, simply put in the papers to appease you. Eventually Ama'Rose is going to end up on the Global plan, and then she'll be domming multiple subs and switches. If Christian wants to form a contract with her, I'm certain Miss Buchanan won't object. In fact, she'll probably encourage it, like how she encouraged Ophelia and Tyrese's relationship." Ezra grips at my free hand trying to tug me away from Noma's hold. He bares his teeth with a furious flush crawling up his neck and soaking into his cheeks.

"She's mine, and Mistress Buchanan won't put her on the Global plan, and there won't be any transferring amongst us. Any of us. So, you can tell that little boy to back the fuck off what isn't his and will never be his." Holy! I blink so much it feels as if I'm about to take flight, and a dizzying feeling washes over me. Ezra's presence in all its glory, possessive and suffocating, making a visible claim to my own aura. Noma gaps shock and so not ready for the kick of such a bitter presence. She re-clasps my hand tugging me free from Ezra and down the remaining walking distance until we reach her room. She ushers me in glancing over her shoulder before slamming the door and locking it uptight.

"What even?" She shakes her head massaging her temples with her fingers. She sighs walking over the emerald boxes of her carpet until she comes to a golden closet.

"Seems I miscalculated how possessive he'd get," She whispers. "This is the worst he's ever been. But from past run-ins with his jealousy, I find it best to just avoid him altogether. His aura is untamable at times like that and unbearable. So, get dressed okay? I think it would be best to let him air out." I glance back at the door gulping softly to myself.


I open Christian's door for him ushering him into the back seat, he smiles timidly while rubbing his hands down his jeans and then covering his ears with his headphones. I open the passenger seat next slipping in and buckling up.

"Okay! Kinda a wild morning for everyone, and a kinda long one for Ama," Noma laughs while backing the car up and out the driveway. I roll my window down letting my face get warmed by the sun and then cooled from the blowing air of outside. Turning my head, I glance back towards the manor's sub wing. I squint my eyes and feel my heart begin to pick up when I see the curtains of Ezra's room rustle. "So, here's how this is going to go down. First, we're gonna hit up Mimi's tailor shop, so you can get fitted for your gown. Her place is split into two sections one is dedicated to fitting and the other part is dedicated to us." Noma presses the gas-pedal closer to the floor and the car goes speeding down the empty road.

"We literally always go to her shop to get our suits and dresses, and oh my stars her clothes are so beautiful. I'm so excited!" She jerks the wheel and the car zips to the left. I clench at my seat glancing back at Christian who looks unfazed. Ok...little worried.

"And she always makes her dresses the best and most extravagant as possible. Especially for first balls. I know you'll definitely be dressed to impress!" Noma swerves again, and I close my eyes refusing to watch the road and her reckless driving.

"How much longer?"

"Maybe about thirty minutes or so." I gulp squeezing my eyes shut even tighter.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride." She laughs. I bite my tongue and keep my commentary to myself.


When Noma parks the car, I stumble out clenching my stomach trying to ease the severe motion sickness scorching through my system. Christian opens his door next setting his headphones on his neck and offering me a half-drunken bottle of water, I grab it graciously sipping. And then Christian takes the bottle and throws it away.

"Come on slowpokes, the anticipation is literally killing me!" I flinch at the eager loudness projecting from the woman, and with hesitant feet, I drag myself towards the door. Noma grabs the door pushing it open to let me through first, thanking her I walk into the wide shop. Smelling fabric and deep fragranced wood. The floors barely creak when I take another step in, and the first thing I see is vivacious fabrics and lovely designs. Wide spindles and a handful of sewing machines scattering around the area.

"Noma?" A small voice calls.

"Yes, and I've brought Christian and the new girl." A short woman with a messy bun steps out from a dark room, hauling boxes and messily placed fabrics. She sets the box down and walks around the counter eyeing me up and down with this attentive look.

"Nice to meet you I'm Mimi." She holds her hand out, I take the rough callous of her palm shaking firm.

"Amanita'Rose." Noma raises a brow.

"Nice to meet you," Mimi nods at Christian and he waves stiffly back. "You can head on back with me Missy, I'll check your size and measurements, and then we can talk dresses." I smile shooting my companions a look before venturing through the doorway and into another room. Mimi follows fast on my heels.

"So, what are you looking for today? Any preferences, designs, material? Color, shape?" I shrug feeling a bit overawed. Mimi grins encouraging and pats my back soothing the feeling away.

"It's okay, trips like these are usually a lot, but that's why I'm here. But, if you don't mind me offering...I do have a specific dress in mind. It is a new one and not finished yet, but It will be done for the ball." I give her an ok and the woman smiles brilliant and everlasting. She opens up a closet, a walk-in and ushers me through the door. It is spacious, so spacious its almost sinful. Shaking my head, I push my greedy thoughts away and harden my resolve.

"Come on, it's back here," She weaves me through the plastic-covered dresses, reds and oranges, dark emerald greens. Sequence and expertly sewn lace. All these dresses are gorgeous, every last one. "Here she is, a masterpiece if I'm allowed to toot my own horn." Mimi unhooks the dress and proceeds to unzip the protective bag it's in.

"Here, I'll fit it on you and then we'll go from there," The lady motions for me to strip, and I do half thinking about my nakedness, half thinking about the dress I'm about to be bestowed. She unbuttons the back and opens the dress for me. I step in feeling the beads and stitching, the glossy under skirt brushing against my calves. "What do you think?" Mimi pulls me in front of a mirror and a choked sound fills the room. I blink away the tears, feeling awed and absolutely amazed beyond anything comprehensible. A watery smile tugs at my lips.

"It's beautiful, so stunning."

"And it suits you perfectly." I smile at the mirror and my reflection smiles back tenfold, brilliant and captivating.

"Yes, it sure does."


I just want to say thank you to everyone. For reading my story and showing such a positive attitude towards it. It makes me absolutely ecstatic especially seeing as how much the story has grown! Its been four months guys since I had the idea take seed in my mind, and in that small time span, I have had so many wonderful experiences with this story. I love you all and appreciate all the love sincerely.

But other than that yall, I'm so hyped for this ball scene, like its literally the only thing on my mind! It might run to parts Idek, but forreal I got some madideas for it. Ama's dress will be more detailed in the description in that chapter,I wanted to keep the appearance more on the surprise side, especially becausethe gown Is supposed to be super grand and extra af. Plus, if anyone iswondering about Ama'Rose's name, her full name is Amanita'Rose, but every one literally gives her so many nick-names, which is why everyone is over hercalling her something different. Thanks again guys, and I'll see yall next update! Or like in the comment section.

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