Life is like a Hurrican~Duckt...

By Berryrebel23

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"Okay...Look, I get that you've never seen me before...But between you and me, I think my dad hates me..."~(Y... More

Chapter One~Just a Dreamer
Chapter Two~Pranked!
Chapter 3~Beware the BUDDY System
Chapter 4~My Mom...?
I'm Sorry!
Chapter 5~The Memories of Linnea Gearloose
Chapter 6~Who is Gizmoduck and Gyzoduck?
Not a chapter!
Chapter 7~Mochas and Arguments
Chapter 9~The Shadow War
A Note/Kinda Important
Chapter 10~The Most Dangerous Game...Night!
Chapter 11~The Depths of Cousin Fethry
Chapter 12~The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!
Chapter 13~The Outlaw of Scrooge Mcduck!
Chapter 14~The Della Duck!?
Chapter 15~The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!
Chapter 16~The Duck Knight Returns!
A Quick Note
Chapter 17~ Timephoon

Chapter 8~The Last Crash of the Sunchaser

970 23 21
By Berryrebel23

(Third P.O.V)

"All set!" (Y/N) ran over, bookbag in hand. She watched as Huey, Dewey and Webby ran out also, seeming excited.

"Next stop, Monacrow!" Webby exclaimed, putting her hands up. (Y/N) walked over to the group, chuckling at Webby's excitement.

"Home to EX. C. E. S. S. , the EXtreme Consumer Electronics and Science Symposium!" Huey said, showing a piece of paper. "Experimental race cars!"

"Lasers!" Webby suggested.

"Airplanes?" Launchpad asked, walking into the conversation.

"You bet old friend." Dewey smiled, fist-bumping Launchpad.

"And Monacrow is said to be the final resting place of the elusive Maltese MacGuffin!" (Y/N) jumped a bit, not expecting Scrooge to appear out of nowhere. "Lost during Netherworld War II, this ephemeral heirloom is so rare that no one has ever laid eyes upon it." Scrooge explained dramatically, walking down the stairs.

"Whoa." Huey sighed out, fascinated. "So what is it exactly?"

"The stuff dreams are made of." Scrooge said, looking at the sky. Huey and (Y/N) glanced at each other.

"No, but, like, is it a statue or -" (Y/N) started for Huey, also confused, but was interrupted by Donald passing by. Huey ran up to Donald, waving his advertisement in the air.

"Come on, Uncle Donald! You can fix the houseboat when we get back." Huey suggested, before ducking when Donald almost hit him. Donald shook his head, smiling.

"I'm almost done. We'll be on the water again in two days!" Legit, right after he says that, a crash was heard from behind the house, making Donald cringe a bit. "Seven days!" Then an explosion, making both Donald and Huey to look, before Donald sighed. "I should get started..." He then walked away.

"No rush!" Dewey waved, making (Y/N) roll her eyes playfully.

"Granny? You're coming too?!" Webby gasped out happily, making (Y/N) turn her head to look at Ms. Beakly.

"I have 987 vacation days saved up, and Monacrow's Blackwater Beaches are legendary." Ms. Beakly explained, putting her bag on top of the van, and then put sunglasses on. "It's high time I "wilded out" with some "maxing" and "relaxing," hmm?" She lowered her sunglasses down a bit, smiling.

"I have the coolest grandma." Webby states, tilting her head at Dewey and (Y/N).
"Sure. Now who's ready for-" Dewey started, and soon, Scrooge, Webby, Huey and (Y/N) joined in.

"Best road trip ever!" Scrooge said out of key.

"You'll get it." (Y/N) says, before running after her friends. Dewey high fived her, very excited.

"Load up everyone!" Scrooge exclaims, rushing over to the car.

"Pst." (Y/N) turned her head to see Louie in the door frame, looking around to see if any of the adults were listening. He then walked down the stairs and up to us, bag in hand.

"Did you get it?" Dewey asks, and Louie nods, showing him the bag.

"Come on kids!" Scrooge exclaimed again, making (Y/N) and her friends rush into the car. Once she was in the car, she noticed how cramp it was, but didn't say anything.

To our greatest adventure yet!" Scrooge yelled out, making everyone in the car 'whoo.' Launchpad then preceded to drive into a plane, making (Y/N) confused, but yet again, said nothing about it.


Dewey looks out from the box, seeing if any of the adults were looking, before rushing into the box nect to him. He knocks, and a tiny door opens, letting him inside, which closes right after he gets in.

"I sweet talked Quackfaster down at Scrooge's secret archives. That lady is nuts! And I got her to give us this." Louie explains, pointing at the pieces of paper that laid on the table. Webby and Huey were reading off them, while (Y/N) just sat there, not knowing what to do.

"Start at the corners, and work inwards." Huey told Webby.

"No, Huey. Each mysterious piece holds a secret. Listen closely, and they'll tell you where they go." Webby explains, picking up a piece and putting in on her face.

"It goes there." Huey states, grabbing the piece and placing it down on to the table.

"Okay, so what do we got?" Dewey asks, looking back at Louie. Louie looks at (Y/N), who just dips her head.

"The documents shredded on the week you guys were born." (Y/N) started, picking up a note and giving it to Louie.

"According to the note we found in Castle McDuck, that date is connected to-"

"The Spear of Selene." Webby finished, looking at a drawing that was pretty much faded. "The mysterious unknown thing your mom took from Scrooge."

"Somewhere in these pieces are the answers Scrooge doesn't want us to find." Huey states, looking back down at the pile o torn pieces of paper. "What is the Spear of Selene? Why didn't Scrooge and Donald talk for years?" Huey asked himself.

"What happened to our mom?" Dewey asked, going up to the faded drawing. He then grabbed it, and placed it on the table below the ripped papers.

"Nothing can stop us-" Dewey started exclaiming, before gasping when he saw that there was still a piece missing. "Oh come on! Where's the last piece! It's got to be here somewhere!" Dewey exclaimed, looking around. (Y/N) looked over, and went wide eyed when she saw the piece.

"There!" (Y/N) states, pointing at the lost piece. Dewey smiled.

"Aha! Nothing can stop us-"

"Stop milking the moment!" Both Huey and (Y/N) exclaimed, staring at Dewey. Dewey then frowned and went to grab the piece, but before he could reach it, the plane tilted, making him gasp in surprise. (Y/N) grabbed on to the box with her other friends, wondering what had happened. Once everything stopped, Dewey looked around in panic.

"Wait! Where did it go!?" Dewey exclaimed, lifting the door up to look more around.

"What happened? Where are the children?" (Y/N) heard, before also panicking.

"Quick! If they find out we're researching his darkest secret, Scrooge'll shut down our investigation for good!" (Y/N) exclaimed, helping to put every piece of paper back into the bag. She then walked out behind Louie, and mentally facepalmed when her friends started whistling innocently.

"Are you children alright?" Ms. Beakly asked, concerned.

"Inconspicuous whistling. Just a casual whistle." Webby says, looking away from her grandma.

"That made it worse..." (Y/N) mumbled to herself. She went wide eyed as her phone went off in her pocket. She quickly got it out and turned her phone off completely, and then shoved it back into her pocket. Ms. Beakly turned her head to look at Scrooge, scowling, before going up to where he was in anger. When Launchpad followed her, (Y/N) followed her friends over to the window to see what was going on. It was silent between her friends for a couple of seconds, before the plane started going in circles, making them all fly backwards, yelping. (Y/N) looked over to see the piece right beside her, and she reached out to grab it, but immediately fell to the ground. She watched as the triplets went over to see what had happened, watching as their uncle/grandma bickered with each other.

"We've seen to hit some-uh..turbulence in the cockpit here." Launchpad explained over the speaker, smiling nervously. "Please enjoy our in-flight entertainment." A TV was released, and it started playing Darkwing Duck.

"Now what?" Huey asked Dewey, who went over to help (Y/N) up. Dewey looked around, but spotted the piece almost immediately.

"Now that!" Dewey exclaimed, pointing at the car, but grew silent as Scrooge walked past them.

"We'll use the jeep's engine to jumpstart the Sun Chaser's propeller, and we'll be on our way. What could be safer?" Scrooge asked, walking over to the car.

"Calling for help? Climbing down on our own? Not starting a car inside of a plane?" Ms. Beakly suggested, following.

"We've got to get that piece without anybody noticing." Webby said, looking over at her friends. "We'll need some type of distraction..." Webby states, before Huey, Dewey, and (Y/N) looked over at Louie, who sighed.

"Fine. Follow my lead."

_ _ _

Louie looked over at Dewey and (Y/N), before giving them a thumbs up. Dewey nodded, before rushing out, (Y/N) in tow.

"Ha! All set up here, Mr. McDee!" Launchpad exclaimed, not noticing the two children getting on top of the car.

"See here, Bentina. I have taken these children on countless adventures, and they have never once had cause to worry about their safety." Scrooge explained, smirking up at Ms. Beakly, who just frowned.

"Uncle Scrooge? We're worried about our safety." Louie acted out, walking up to Scrooge with Huey and Webby.

"Now, Louie, I have always looked out for you. Why worry now at such a potentially embarrassing moment for me?" Scrooge nervously asks, glancing at the grandma beside him.

"I know we've been in tough spots before, but this one seems really tough." Louie explains, rubbing his arm.

"He's right. Given the altitude, the condition of the plane, and the weather patterns, we have a 1 in 17 million chance of surviving." Huey states, crossing his arms. Louie looks at him in shock, while (Y/N) looks at Dewey in fear, which he gives back.

"Wait, really?!" Louie asks, scared, before shaking out of it. "I mean, yeah! Scaaary!" Louie says, making hand motions.

"And usually on our expeditions, there's some kind of curse or villain that you can outwit. But you can't outwit gravity." Webby explained, faking fear.

"Yeah, yeah! That-That's right! We're all gonna die! We're worried about our safety! We gotta go! Now! Now! Now!" Louie exclaims, grabbing onto Scrooge's shirt in fear.

"Now?" Launchpad asks, already putting his foot on the peddle. (Y/N) looks in over in shock, while Dewey keeps trying to grab it.

"No!" Scrooge exclaims, but it's already to late. Webby, Huey, Louie, Scrooge, and Ms. Beakly runs away in fear as the car turns on. Dewey gasps as the piece flies away yet again.

"No!" Dewey exclaims, but yelps when (Y/N) jumps past him to try and grab the piece, but fails and falls, cause the car to also drop. Dewey quickly jumps down, and watches as Launchpad yells in fear. The car soon crashes at the end of the plane, making it tilt once again. (Y/N) looked behind her, only to see boxes coming her way. She was quick to grab Dewey and get them both out of the way.

"Launchpad!" Scrooge exclaims, staring, before turning around. "You need to counterbalance the plane! Everyone to the front!" Scrooge ushers everyone else to go at the front of the plane.

"Go! Go! Go!" Ms. Beakly says, turning around. Huey, Louie, and Webby makes it over to the rope, but before (Y/N) and Dewey can, the box with all their stuff in it starts hurtling towards them. Ms. Beakly was quick to stop the box from crushing them. (Y/N) grabs Dewey's hand and rushes past her. "What is in here?" Ms. Beakly asks.

"Nothing!" All the children yell back at once, climbing up the ropes. (Y/N) glanced behind here as she heard doors opens, and stopped climbing when she saw the doors opening, with Launchpad still inside the car.

"Beakly! Secure the hatch!" Scrooge yells at Beakly, glancing back at Launchpad in worry. Ms. Beakly mumbled, before stopping the box, and climbing up the ladder. (Y/N) quickly followed, glancing behind her to see what was going on. She watched as the boxes tumbled toward Scrooge and Launchpad, and how Scrooge was quick to jump on top of one. She turned to look at her friends, and saw how scared they were for Launchpad and their uncle. She turned her head and saw that Scrooge and had grabbed Launchpad just in time. Ms. Beakly quickly shut the door again, and let out a sigh of relief. Ms. Beakly then helped them both back up to the piolet section, and then was quickly hugged by Webby.

"Thanks, Mr. McDee." Launchpad thanked, smiling at his boss.

"Nothing bad will happen while Scrooge McDuck is around." Scrooge said confidently, putting his glasses back on. He then looked over at Ms. Beakly, who was glaring at him.

"Mr. Mcduck!" She exclaimed, still glaring. Scroohe backed up, before turning to glare at both Dewey and (Y/N).

"Kids!" Scrooge then growled, making (Y/N) flinch back in guilt.

"Ms. Beakly!" Louie exclaimed, making both Scrooge and Ms. Beakly glare at him. "Sorry, I just thought I could keep the blame circle going." Louie apologized, putting his hands into his pocket.

"Must you blindly gallivant around with no clue what you're doing?" Scrooge asked, going back to glaring at (Y/N) and Dewey. Ms. Beakly forced a cough.

"Irony." Scrooge gave her a quick glare, before once again going back to the children in front of him.

"If you cannae listen, I can't keep you safe, except, of course, I can, because I am Scrooge McDuck, and I am very good at what I do." (Y/N) glanced as something flew by, and saw the piece right behind the chair.. She glanced back over, before trying to walk away to grab it, but stopped when Scrooge slammed his cane down. "From here on out, you have to stay put!" (Y/N) glanced behind her, before backing up another step. She yelped as the plane tilted, and immediately went back to where she was.


(Y/N) sat beside Dewey, huffing out in boredom. She kept glancing over at the piece of paper, getting anxious each second.

"There's the missing piece! We just have to get it!" (Y/N) explained, looking back at her friends.

"Nope! No way! Nothing is getting me out of this seat!" Louie says, tangled up in his seat belt.

"What if the plane catches fire and we have to evacuate?" Huey asks, looking over at his brother, who went wide eyed, and soon tried to get out of the tangled mess.

"Come on! That puzzle piece might be the best chance to find out how Della disappeared!" Dewey helped out.

"maybe.." Webby said, looking down.
"Beg your pardon?" Both Dewey and (Y/N) said, looking over.

"It's just, you said that in the archives, and on Ithaquack, and How can we know for sure?" Webby asks, looking up at her friends, and then pointed at Dewey.

"By grabbing the piece!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "Guys, this may be the greatest mystery of your lives!"

"We can't solve it if we're dead!" Louie argued, glaring at (Y/N).

"We'll be fine. Scrooge isn't going to let anything bad happen to us." Dewey explained, before getting up to walk over to grab the piece, but stopped once the plane started to tilt again.

"Stop moving!" Scrooge demands, looking at Dewey, who quickly got back into his seat.


"This couldn't get any worse."

"This is your captain." (Y/N) looks up in confusion as Launchpad's voice comes up. "To take your minds off our potentially grim fate, please enjoy another action-packed Darkwing Duck video!" The tv went down, and soon started playing, but it seemed to be pretty much broken. "The tape player seems to have been damaged in the crash. Enjoy!" Launchpad's voice cuts, and everyone groans.

_ _ _

(Y/N) kept staring at piece as her friends started to sing along to the music. After a while, she got sick and tired of it. She turned and nodded at Dewey, who went wide eyed.

"No! (Y/N)!" Dewey exclaimed, watching as (Y/N) grabbed her walkie talkie and rushed to grab the piece, not caring that the plane was tilting. Huey stared at her in horror, before trying to run after her. He stopped though, thinking, before running the other way. (Y/N) stopped in confusion, but ear her walkie talkie go off.

"Junior Woodchuck Rule 18: every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Huey stated, smirking to himself as he read off his JWR.

"I thought that was Newton." Webby says, kind of confused, but more annoyed.

"Where do you think he got it from?"

"Science?" Webby finishes, before standing up in her seat. "I'll call out the steps. - Got it?" Webby asks, looking over at (Y/N), who nodded with a smirk.

"Got it!" (Y/N) states, ignoring Louie's complaining. "For your mom." (Y/N) then says, looking over at the triplets, smiling warmly.

"Ready? Steady? (Y/N) left, step-step." (Y/N) did as commanded.

"Huey right, step-step." It continued for a little bit, util (Y/N) gave Webby a thumbs up, and crouched down. She then looked at the adults, trying to figure out a plan.

"Please, we all believe you are a very capable adventurer, all right?" Ms. Beakly pleads, helping Scrooge tie the rope around his waist.

"Stand down, 22. I am still your boss." Scrooge shoots back, making Ms. Beakly glare, and tighten it even more. (Y/N) quickly rushed to grab the piece, and smiled right when she finally grabbed it.

"The truth about Della duck...Nothing can stop us-" (Y/N) starts before flinching when she heard Webby's voice.

"Grab the paper already-"

"(Y/N)?" (Y/N) froze when she heard Ms. Beakly call her name, but turned her head to look at the two adults behind her.

"What in the blazes?" Scrooge asked, now seeing the piece in the teen's hand. "What have you got there?"

"Not-secrets!" (Y/N) yelled nervously, before mentally facepalming at the answer.

"Literally the worst answer you could have given." Louie says over the walkie talkie, making (Y/N) huff in annoyance.

"Give it here." Scrooge demands, holding out his hand. (Y/N) looked down at the piece, thinking. She glanced over at her friends, before looking back at Scrooge. Right before she could hand the piece to Scrooge though, it flew straight out of her hand, making both her and Scrooge gasp.

"No!" Dewey exclaims. (Y/N) looked at Dewey, before diving right after it, not wanting to disappoint her friends. She landed in the cockpit with a huff, before rushing after the piece once again.

"get back here! You'll get yourself killed!" Scrooge exclaims, following right after her.

"Both of you! Stop speeding through the plane!" Ms. Beakly demanded, making both Scrooge and (Y/N) stop and turn to look at her. (Y/N) took the chance and slowly stepped towards the piece, ignoring the gasp Scrooge made, and the footsteps right behind her.

"That is not what I meant and you know it." Ms. Beakly states, shaking her head. (Y/N) put a box in Scrooge's way, glaring.

"Leave me alone." She says, before going back to the piece.

"Come back here the instant!" Scrooge exclaims, going after her faster. (Y/N) ignored the sick feeling she got once the plane started tilting once again. She was so close!

"I'm trying to save your life! Now come back here, or I will end it, young lass!" Scrooge demands, watching as the teen reached out to grab the piece.

"So close!" (Y/N) mumbles to herself. She didn't notice Scrooge tugging on the parachute, but did right when he tumbled into her right on the door. Both were quick to move out of the way when the box full of the stuff for their mystery came tumbling toward them. She watched as the box crumbled upon itself, and looked up at her friends with guilt, before looking beside, and saw the piece, yet again, fly away. She looked around for anything, before spotting the parachute, and knew what to do. She quickly opened the parachute, and grabbed onto it, ignoring the fact the Scrooge her feet to stop her. Once she got back into the pilot section, ignoring the fact everyone ran in the opposite direction, and went to grab it once more. It flew right out of her hand and out of the window, making her gasp. Everything seemed still for a second, as she thought about her friends.

She never got to know her mom, and that's what made her feel jealous of her friends. They still had a chance to meet their own mom. And she wouldn't let that chance slip away, even if it meant her own life.

She rushed over to the window and jumped out. ignoring as everyone called out her name in fear, horror, and panic.

"No!" Scrooge exclaimed, rushing over to the window and looked around. He then spotted (Y/N) trying to walk across the plane. "Lass!"

(Y/N) yet again ignored how sick she felt when the plane tilted, not wanting anything to get in the way of finding out her friend's mystery.

"Lass, give me your hand!" Scrooge exclaimed, jumping out the window to stop the teen. She ignored him again, and looked at the engine that held the piece. She quickly went for it, determination in her eyes.

"(Y/N), this is insane! The mystery is not worth it!" Webby said through the walkie talkie, making (Y/N) growl a bit, annoyed.

"I get it! But (Y/N), you can't give up the rest of your family just to find the one thing we lost!" Louie exclaimed, watching with everyone else as Scrooge went after (Y/N).

"(Y/N), the Darkwing Duck video is still running. Do you want me to pause it until you get back?" Launchpad asked, which got Huey annoyed.

"Gimme that!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes, and got up on the propeller. "(Y/N), your whole family is amazing! Think about us! Think about Fenton! Think about your dad!" (Y/N) growled, having enough, and threw her walkie talkie away, not wanting to talk about her dad. She took another step, and it caused the plane to tilt, making Scrooge and (Y/N) to tumble forward. (Y/N) groaned when she banged her head against the plane, but quickly shook it off, ignoring how light-headed she felt. She got up, and reached out to grab the piece.

"Please, I can't keep you safe, all right?! I don't understand what you're going through, but how can I get you to listen to me?!" Scrooge asked, desperate to save his inventor's daughter. (Y/N) finally managed to grab the piece, and look over at Scrooge.

"Tell your nephews about the Spear of Selene!" (Y/N) yelled out, showing Scrooge what was on the piece. Scrooge stared for a bit, before looking down and tearing up. He then looked up at the teen and nodded, trying so hard not to cry. (Y/N)'s gaze softened, before putting a hand to her head, feeling as if she was about to faint. Scrooge grabbed her hand gently, helping her back inside.

_ _ _

(Y/N) stood next to Huey, ready to listen to the story. Scrooge smiled t himself, before taking a deep breath.

"It was just before you hatched...

Your mother, your Uncle Donald, and I had been going on amazing adventures for years, and things were grand. Except we'd been just about everywhere. Ever the aviator, your mother devised a plan to explore the greatest uncharted territory of all: outer space!" The triplets gasped as Scrooge set the pieces together, showing him in front of a Spaceship.

"Della had already been all over the earth. She wanted to give you boys the stars. Donald thought it was too risky, especially with you three on the way. So I did the only logical thing: I built the rocket and didn't tell Donald or anyone. It was meant to be a surprise for Della to celebrate your birth. But your mother was always good at sniffing out surprises. She found the rocket and decided to go for a little test run in orbit. Neither of us could have predicted that cosmic storm. But we both knew a little pangalactic precipitation wouldn't stop her. After all, she was Della Duck! Curse me kilts, was that girl stubborn!

I tried to talk her through it, thought if anyone could make it, it was her. Until that very last bolt. I couldn't keep her safe. The rocket and your mother were lost to the inky abyss of space. Your Uncle Donald and I never spoke again.

Until you three showed up on my doorstep..."

(Y/N) glanced away as she heard Louie start sniffing. She knew how it felt, and she hated that her friends had to also go through with it.

"Cool...So your the reason our mom is gone." Dewey states, glaring up at his uncle. (Y/N) looked at Dewey in shock.

"What? No!" Scrooge tried to reason, but was interupted by Dewey.
"You built her a crazy dangerous super rocket!"

"Which she stole early!" Scrooge argued.

"Then you encouraged her to keep flying through a cosmic storm?! You could have called her down! There were too many variables!" Huey shot back. (Y/N) was about to say something, but Ms. Beakly beat her to it.

"Now boys, you don't know-"

"And your the richest duck in the world! Why didn't you send up more chips to look for her?" Louie exclaimed, joining his brothers.

"I spared no expense!"

"Right, cheap old Scrooge probably bailed when it put a dent in his money bank."

"Take it easy Dewey, he may have a point. Even though gifting an experimental rocket a mother of three was clearly a terrible idea!" Webby states, glaring at Scrooge.

"This is a family matter! And you, are not family!" Scrooge shoots back, making Webby look at him in sadness.

"See here, McDuck. You will not speak to my granddaughter that way." Ms. Beakly stepped in, glaring at her boss.

"You will not speak to me that way! None of you! After everything I do for you, you're all nothing but trouble!"

"Guys, calm down, is was just a mistake!" (Y/N) tried to step in, but flinch when Dewey glared at her.

"Oh please, you have no right to say in this. At least we have a chance to know our mom!" Dewey argues, but goes wide eyed when he sees (Y/N) tearing up.

"This is your captain speaking! We are falling!" Launchpad exclaims, getting everyone's attention.

"Wait-what?!" Everyone but (Y/N) asks, before they all screamed as they headed toward land. They then landed perfectly, surprising everyone.

"Huh. That was weird." Launchpad mumbled to himself, accidentally switching a switch, and soon, the plane finally crashed. "There we go!"


"Is he even going to say goodbye?" (Y/N) stood in the hallway, waiting for a moment to ask Scrooge a question.

"We're taking those vacation days. If that's alright with you, sir?" Ms. Beakly asks.

"Fine.." Was all Scrooge said as he glared at his desk. Ms. Beakly watched as Webby left, before continuing.

"Well, you've successfully pushed your family and everyone who cared about you away. Again. I hope you're happy." Ms. Beakly states, walking away. After (Y/N) knew the coast was clear, she walked into Scrooge's work room.

"Uh, Scrooge, I wanted to know if you're okay, cause I know what you're going-it's really difficult-"

"You said before that you didn't know anything about your mom?" Scrooge asks, not looking at the teen. (Y/N) nods her head in confusion.

"Yes, I've had. I know a little bit now-Wait! Do you know anything?" Scrooge sighed, knowing he was going to regret telling the story.

"Your mother was so in love with space. She wanted to travel the galaxy with the triplet's mother. Della and Linnea were best-est friends, and they couldn't have it any other way." Scrooge started, turning to look at (Y/N).

"She was the head department of our rocket building company. She helped me with the surprise. She was completely devastated when she found out her best friend got lost in space. So, when I said that I had one more chance to send a rocket up there, she said she'd go out there to try and save Della, I gave her family(Not Gyro, her side of the family, like parents and such)a million dollars, and she went to space. I never knew the same thing would happen again. She had to go through a storm just like Della, but didn't make it. A couple of days later, her rocket hit earth, but she never made it out alive..."

Scrooge ended, looking back up, and flinched away when he saw (Y/N)'s tears.

"Go, Fenton's worried sick about you..." Scrooge stated.


"He was crying, begging me to let him know where you were. You best be on your way so he doesn't burn the city down trying to look for you." Scrooge finishes, turning back around. He heard fading footsteps, and soon, stifled sobs. He teared up, before leaving to go to the room beside him.


(Y/N) walked out of the elevator doors, tears still streaming down her face.

"(Y/N)! ¡Oh Dios mío! ¡Gracias a Dios que estás bien! Estábamos preocupados enfermos-"(Oh my goodness! Thank god your alright! We were worried sick-) Fenton exclaimed, rushing over to her and giving her a hug. Gyro just stood there in shock and worry, noticing that she was crying. Fenton's smile turned a frown as he let go of her and looked at her, seeing that she was crying. "What's wrong-"

"I know about mom." (Y/N) states simply, looking over at her dad, and froze in shock. SHe glared at him for a couple more seconds, before walking up to her room. Fenton looked at Gyro, who just stared at her, tearing up.

"Gyro..." Fenton tried to say something, but stopped, before deciding to try and talk to (Y/N). Gyro watched as Fenton went into his daughter's room. He walked out of the lab and over to a window, and looked at the stars, tears flowing down his face.

He remembered how Linnea would always talk with him by the window, talking about how beautiful the stars were. Gyro looked down, trying so hard to muffle his sobs. He remembered how Linnea's parents yelled at him how he should have protected his wife.

"I hope your happy!" Gyro flinched back at the words Linnea's father said, hurting him deeply.

"I am..."


Wow...I took it to another level with this one, didn't I! hehe...I'm going to go cry...

But seriously, hope you've guys enjoyed this chapter! This one, I really cried at, cause this is a really sad moment. You figure out how your mother died, and you're pretty sure everyone but Fenton hates you :(

And like Thomas Sander says,

"Hi guys, I'm sad! Uh-I"

I'm joking!

"See you later Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals! Peace Out!"

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